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How To Use Sea bottom In A Sentence

  • The ship had sunk to the bottom of the sea/the sea bottom.
  • Attempts to sound depth acoustically instead focused on determining the exact distance of a sound source by measuring the time taken for a sound generated aboard a ship to travel to the sea bottom and back.
  • It has navigation, communications, and recording systems and can obtain exact position fixes from beacons set in the sea bottom.
  • The researchers systematically investigated various overhanging and chamfered parapets at a vertical wall over a horizontal sea bottom with a small berm and three different water levels.
  • Fish populations plummeted and eventually, when the canal was 30 kilometers long and the sea continued to move away, the boats were abandoned to lie like great leviathans on sands that were once sea bottom.
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  • There must be something monstrous, methinks, in a vision of the sea bottom from over some bank a thousand miles from the shore, more awful than its imagined bottomlessness; a drowned continent, all livid and frothing at the nostrils, like the body of a drowned man, which is better sunk deep than near the surface. Cape Cod
  • When one of these waves interacts with the sea bottom, it produces a small tremor, or microseism , that travels thousands of miles through the solid Earth at about 2.5 miles per second. Things That Make the Earth Go Hm
  • The early morning sun casts shadow oars ripple across the sandy sea bottom beneath their keels.
  • Only in low-energy environments is the sea bottom stable enough to allow the benthic, temperate carbonate producers to develop their calcareous skeletons.
  • The corals and the madrepores that formed 180 million years ago the limestone of the ancient sea bottom, today are the base of the thin layers that keep alive this wide wooded mantle.
  • The sea bottom is stony, so we strongly recommend you always sail with something on your feet.
  • It is laid in the sea bottom and will rise to surface with its rocket propulsion.
  • Species somewhat resembling that shown are numerous in the Tertiary marine formations, and similar species live today in sandy sea bottoms.
  • A tiny red shrimp plies the sandy sea bottom near the pristine coral reefs of Cuba.
  • Fluctuations of the Barents Sea bottom fauna under the effect of the hydrobiological regime variation (at the Kola Meridian transect). Past variability in Arctic marine systems
  • In the age of dinosaurs, North America was divided in two by the Western Interior Sea, and the Great Plains was a skeleton-covered sea bottom, the water above it home to sharks, squid, manta rays, giant clams, giant reptile mosasaurs and plesiosaurs, and plankton, a microscopic animal still thriving today. -- Front
  • Cruising underwater, you see pale outlines of the irregular sea bottom.

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