How To Use Scurfy In A Sentence

  • Clueless old men in the government, scratching their scurfy scalps, going, ‘Huh-yup, dat's what dem foreigner's'll like’.
  • The water may be either tepid or cold, according to the feelings or habit of the person; and if the head or hair be very scurfy or dirty, or hard water be used, a few grains of soda (not potash or pearlash) may be advantageously added to the water. The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
  • Take-all attacks the roots of the plant, causing a black scurfy appearance on roots and lower stems.
  • It's a concept with which both Meg and Howard would be well at home and would send a clear message to the scurfy down-market low-income brigade and their fellow-travellers.
  • The black rim seen more or less distinctly in the outer rim of the iris in the eyes of the majority of people has been called the scurf rim, because it was found that this dark rim appears in the iris after the suppression of scurfy and other forms of skin eruptions and after the external or internal use of lotions, ointments and medicines containing mercury, zinc, iodine, arsenic or other poisons which suppress or destroy the life and activity of the skin. Nature Cure
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  • = -- On trunks of old trees thick, shallow-channeled, broad-ridged; on stems of young trees and upon branches smooth, greenish; season's shoots at first rusty-scurfy or puberulent, in late autumn becoming smooth and light russet brown. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • The = pileus = is thin, convex or later expanded, of a watery appearance, nearly smooth or scurfy or slightly squamulose. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Stamens six, hypogenous! anthers introrse! capsule cartilaginous, loculicidally three-valved, scurfy-leaved epiphytic! "Some Say" Neighbours in Cyrus
  • The child stared into the dry dish where his water once overflowed, and his stone flesh turned scurfy and cracked with dried algae like the sear and yellow skin of an old man.

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