a person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible
kill the rat
only a rotter would do that
the British call a contemptible person a `git'
you cowardly little pukes!
throw the bum out
How To Use scum bag In A Sentence
- Bet the media ain't bringing that up to show this confederate flag defender is nothing but a scum bag .... CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady
- You can see the DNC always has to drum up business for their main constituent the scum bag lawyers. Court: Palin was allowed to use private e-mail
- i mean a shoplift is still a shoplift even if there is no scum bags collar felt for it. No So Violent Crime « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
- Bet the media ain't bringing that up to show this confederate flag defender is nothing but a scum bag .... CNN Poll of Polls: Obama approval holding steady