How To Use Scudding In A Sentence
Her opponent would send the ball scudding across the net.
We had been very proud of our fleet "clippers" that were scudding about to different ports.
A Little Girl of Long Ago
As we battled against the wind, the scudding clouds suddenly parted to reveal a dazzling sunlit glimpse of the cone, unbelievably close, in staggering golden 3D.
Seeing the boy scudding away at such a rapid pace, he very naturally concluded him to be the depredator.
High puffy clouds were scudding fast across the deep blue sky.

Holly tried offering him the tiger again, but this time he knocked it out of her hand and sent it scudding across the tile.
A Light at Winter’s End
It was a windy day, and small white clouds were scudding across the blue sky.
Sanctuary's tall spires reached elegantly for the scudding clouds, shadowing the Gateway and offering him one last moment of anonymity.
Late yesterday afternoon I noticed that a few of the scudding-by clouds were off-colour, a bit brown.
Beneath the skylarks and the scudding clouds, no more than a conversation between people and chalk grass, this was a war memorial I could understand.
She looked upward, and witnessed several small clouds scudding across the sky, as if bent on a happy errand as she was herself.
In traditional monopolies, prices are pushed up, and quality/innovation comes scudding down.
Review Shanghai building city the change of and scudding clouds, cause most investor to lose way.
The moon was almost full, with wisps of cloud scudding across its face, so there was enough light for me to see where I was going.
Ragstained huddles clutching skinny dogs under blankets were there, even that day, their handwritten begging cards scudding under cars.
Sunlight broke through the clouds, islands of light scudding across the countryside.
A low, scudding cloudbank was coming off the western horizon, purple with unshed rain.
The audience is surrounded by multiscreen film projections of clouds scudding across a cornflower blue sky.
Times, Sunday Times
What remains as a memory, though the colour has bled away, is the fast scudding of clouds, and the rush of sound over my head, the wind in the trees: as if the waters of life have begun to flow.
Presently she went and knelt in the windowseat, drawing patterns on the glass and looking up the side-street at the Castle Rock, which now glowed with a dark pyritic lustre under the queer autumn day of bright south sunshine and scudding bruise-coloured clouds, seeing the familiar scene strangely, through a lens of tears.
The Judge
When he looked up he could see the clouds rolling and scudding before the nearly-full moon.
Hydraulic hammers and breakers, attached to big excavators or scudding skid-steers, announce demolition.
What remains as a memory, though the colour has bled away, is the fast scudding of clouds, and the rush of sound over my head, the wind in the trees: as if the waters of life have begun to flow.
Cold alpine gusts sweep the skyscape, sending the scudding clouds adrift.
With the full moon scudding between the clouds, it felt like the inside of a music box.
On the back of her chestnut pony she ranged alone over the hills around Nomentum, with hares scudding away from her through the rough grass, and hawks sailing high over her head.
As often as I can, I visit the Hatteras Island beaches and face east to whitecaps and scudding clouds.
Sadly, the goldeye were apparently exhibiting the kind of lockjaw that often comes with scudding clouds and falling barometers.
Edmonton Sun
LynnFlewelling 9:08 pm: Little fishing boats were coming in for the night, scudding across the choppy harbor, their lateen sails black moth wings against the vermillion sunset.
Transcript: Well-Rounded Worlds with Lynn Flewelling « Coyote Con
Since we had begun scudding she had ceased to take the seas over her bow, but amidships they broke fast and furious.
Story of a Typhoon off the Coast of Japan
The clouds were scudding low, the breaks here and there cast in golden light from the slanting sun.
Fire The Sky
But it had never occurred to me that fish and chips was as much a part of the environment as the winds off the North Sea and the bruised, scudding clouds.
I believe I can fry
Only that a number of faceless pursuers were now on the beach—and had spotted the small boat scudding through the mirrorlike water toward the mouth of the cave.
Lately he had become an indolent sea-bather idly scudding in the tepid shallows.
He has the burst of pace of a scalded cat and the occasions in a summer when he sends the ball scudding low to the opposition net late in the game are a reliable index of his wellbeing.
Thursday brightened into an overcast, showery day with belts of dark and paler grey cloud scudding across the sky.
Just the sort of food to help us enjoy the scudding clouds, bracing winds and refreshing rain.
The waxing gibbous moon was still behind the scudding clouds, but it was far from pitch dark.
Wolffer threw a bash in their Italianate manor house, the moon and scudding clouds appearing on cue over the vineyard.
Erica Abeel: Cinema, Buzz and Champagne in the Hamptons
The clouds were scudding along the tops of the peaks, and the sky was bruised a deep purple.
A low, scudding cloudbank was coming off the western horizon, purple with unshed rain.
Cold alpine gusts sweep the skyscape, sending the scudding clouds adrift.
Pedal boats and tents can be hired at spots along the road and even on this somewhat grey and overcast day, the bright sails of windsurfers and sailing boats could be seen scudding across the lake.
And the steel giants keep scudding along their way to find their death in the continuing conflict with each other.
Thursday brightened into an overcast, showery day with belts of dark and paler grey cloud scudding across the sky.
We think that the bird got hit by a mortar round as it was coming in and, in the confusion and scudding cloud cover, the pilot picked the wrong hill or he did it because he had no choice.
The Truth About Being a Hero
The enormous, cold blue sky is filled with scudding clouds.
A truck door clicks open but Boland pulls himself onward, the rubbery soles of his Chuck Taylors scudding at the asphalt.
The Last of Boland
The moon must have been up for there was a dim glimmer among the clouds scudding to the east.
Seeing the boy scudding away at such a rapid pace, he very naturally concluded him to be the depredator; and shouting ‘Stop thief!’ with all his might, made off after him, book in hand.
Oliver Twist
It was a windy day, and small white clouds were scudding across the blue sky.
Clouds scudding across a starry sky are reflected in a weed-choked river.