How To Use Scry In A Sentence
Even under these circumstances imagination, as though rebelling against the conditions of sunshine and summer then maintaining, leaped to picture Mên Scryfa under the black screaming of winter storm or rising darkly upon deep snows; casting a transitory shadow over a waste ghastly blue under flashes of lightning, or throbbing to its deep roots when thunder roared over the moor and the levin brand hissed unseen into quag and fen.
Lying Prophets
Or was the Prince of Astrology already above the starry ceiling of the studiolo with Paul of Middleburg, descrying signs from the heavens regarding the health of the duke and dukedom?
Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
A scryer might have said he was full of remorse for events that had not yet occurred.
I added the bloodstone to the items I was packing, then retrieved the scrying crystal and packed it, too, shoebox and all.
Fatal Circle
Therefore he spurred his willing horse against the hill, and up the many-winding ruggedness of road, hoping, at every turn, to descry in the distance the vehicle carrying that very plaguesome box.
Mary Anerley
Save the whites or the greys, our friends in the 'chay' were not sufficiently near to descry the colours of the horses; but Mr. Sponge could not help thinking that he recognized the outline of the wicked chestnut, Multum-in-Parvo.
Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour
The friendly breeze freshened again next day, and on we went once more before it gallantly: descrying now and then an English ship going homeward under shortened sail, while we, with every inch of canvas crowded on, dashed gaily past, and left her far behind.
American Notes for General Circulation
He had had half a dozen scryers scry out the situation at the city centre, since radars tended to go all awry when it came to the Disruption Fields put up by all starguards and hellguards.
His society uses psychometry, remote viewing, and scrying as part of their research methodology.
[214] They are forced to retreat. had done before, we resolved to imbark silently in the dark of the night, and go off from that Coast where we had been so early descryed, and the enemy was so much prepared against us.
Bucaniers of America:
‘I'll scry for Caleb as soon as I get the chance,’ Will promised.
But, sitting with my pen in my hand looking at those words again, without descrying any hint in them of the words that should follow, it comes into my mind that they have an abrupt appearance.
George Silvermans's Explanation
Scrythax asked, his voice high-pitched and singsongy.
Indeed, I detected certain palms that I was morally certain were coconut palms, while, unless my eyes deceived me, I believed I could also descry foliage that strongly suggested the idea of plantain or banana trees.
The First Mate The Story of a Strange Cruise
I don't know how to explain the sudden need to scry… but Prospero is an animal.
While he clearly indicates productions he considers successful, I would be hard-pressed to descry a pattern among them.
Danlo was perhaps the only one to descry Hanuman's true potential.
She had done this, at her initiation as a scryer, in order to see visions of the future.
‘We have to find them fast,’ Millie said, grabbing a crystal and starting to scry with it.
A scryer named Katharine had died in the cave of the Devaki.
At this point she could have used the falcon as an ordinary body of light to scry on the etheric or lower reaches of the astral.
Dolphindo said bluntly. ‘I'll scry for her as well, but the Laprix is really quite frantic about her.’
He could descry objects enough at such times, but none correctly.
Weatherwatch: The snow's solemn stillness
Ostensibly sympathetic to those on the raft, the painting shows the survivors descrying a ship barely visible on the horizon.
I can understand why people spend entire lifetimes playing the Shakespeare game, that is trying to descry the human being behind the scintillant words: the densest exegesis is a passionate argument, to another Shakespeare lover, with the ghostly form on the other side of the curtain of time.
BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG » A Riff on Rereading
Sora, you can grow wings, but you also have the ability of telepathy and to become a potential scryer.
I nodded and said calmingly, `Such as your scrying in water.
Wear it, and I think me your enemies shall find it a great travail to scry you out.
Then he addressed himself to seeking a place wherein he might safely bestow himself and his horse and where none should descry him, and presently behold, he espied a-middlemost of the city a palace rising high in upper air surrounded by a great wall with lofty crenelles and battlements, guarded by forty black slaves, clad in complete mail and armed with spears and swords, bows and arrows.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
He could scry anything he wished with no spells or chants, and could even scry through time.
So you don't have to do anything to scry, just look?
Moody has a mirrored room where guests come to scry, hoping for a visit from a dead loved one.
¶ The famous doctour Iohan gerson Chaûceler of Parys/takynge his groûde of holy scrypture. & accordynge with all other doctours sayth thus.
A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men
She tried to describe how a scryer's vision was like ascending the branches of an infinite tree.
Bunsby, descrying no objection, on the coast of Greenland or elsewhere, to this proposal, it was carried into execution; and that great man, bringing his eye into the present for a moment, affixed his sign – manual to the cover, totally abstaining, with characteristic modesty, from the use of capital letters.
Dombey and Son
Hamiltown relict of Thomas Mitchell ther, prisoners in the tolbuith of Borrowstownes, are found guiltie be ane assyse, of the abominable cryme of witchcraft committed be them in manner mentioned in their dittayes, and are decerned and adjudged be us under subscryvers (commissioners of justiciary speciallie appoynted to this effect) to be taken to the west end of Borrowstownes, the ordinar place of execution ther, upon Tuesday the twentie-third day of December current, betwixt two and four o'cloack in the efternoon, and there be wirried at a steack till they be dead, and thereafter to have their bodies burnt to ashes.
The Mysteries of All Nations Rise and Progress of Superstition, Laws Against and Trials of Witches, Ancient and Modern Delusions Together With Strange Customs, Fables, and Tales
Wear it, and I think me your enemies shall find it a great travail to scry you out.
Within about 30 seconds, the guy I was descrying focused on someone in the middle of the audience.
WonderCon 2010 - Very Serious About Content Pirates
To my surprise, I heard no more about it for some two or three weeks, though I was sufficiently interested in the result of his endeavours; descrying a strange gleam of good sense — I say nothing of good feeling, for that he always exhibited — in the conclusion to which he had come.
David Copperfield
Preparations are simple; to scry, apart from the ability itself, one needs any form of water, in some sort of enclosure.
Beynor, Ugusawnn - please transfer your talent to oversight mode so you may scry what I am about to do.
Beynor, Ugusawnn - please transfer your talent to oversight mode so you may scry what I am about to do.
He has not been seen since yesterday… he has not been seen since yesterday… has not been seen since yesterday… since yesterday… and I never stinking learned to scry!
She set it down and returned to the window, but no matter how carefully she focused her mind, she simply could not scry Rhodry out.
The sequence's metaphors frequently round on poetry or writing generally like this: a poem is itself a scrynne for word-relics, one can "buckram" "stanzas with such long lines," and yes, "deception is part of the game" in the Aristotelian sense of metaphor as misnaming.
And then there was mind reading, charms, dominations, and scryings you had to counter.
4e “In The Trenches” « Geek Related
Part of my researches involved calling in a, um, colleague, to help Anya scry into the other timeline.
Danlo was perhaps the only one to descry Hanuman's true potential.
Shakespeare 'descry' also occurs in the sense of 'to reconnoitre.'
Milton's Comus
Barton a super-woman -- or at least they were personalities so designated by the cub book-reviewers, flat-floor men and women, and scholastically emasculated critics, who from across the dreary levels of their living can descry no glorious humans over-topping their horizons.
A pilot, it was said, could interface his ship's computer even if he were as eyeless and blind as a scryer.
I descry a sail on the horizon.
It'd be a simple matter to scry for something as singular as a Keystone.
It is my hope, and my presumption, that such a place of appulse may be found, where we may take our stand, and from whence we may have a full view of the mighty expanse before us; from whence also we may descry the original design, and order, of all those objects, which by length of time, and their own remoteness, have been rendered so confused and uncertain.
A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume I.
I don't need to scry for the girl, I need to scry for the demon.
The Gatherings began to attract some interesting and unusual people including psychics, remote viewers, psychometrists and scryers.
He has no problem descrying "moral responsibility" but he's fuzzy about legal responsibility such as the definition of slander.
Bernard-Henri Lévy says why Barack Obama will be President.
I was told where to go by the scryers in the scrying room.
The Athenian day-watch descrying him, signalled to the generals, and they, with twenty sail, put out to sea to attack him.
Realizing that something was indeed watching her through the use of magic, Gwen shuddered, unable to think of anything that had the power to scry with out using water.
There would he lay till they would him descry, spancelled down upon a blossomy bed, at one foule stretch, amongst the daffydowndillies, the flowers of narcosis fourfettering his footlights, a halohedge of wild spuds hovering over him, epicures waltzing with gardenfillers, puritan shoots advancing to Aran chiefs.
Finnegans Wake
She would have wretched and thrown up at that very moment but luckily, she hadn't eaten anything today so she would be fit to scry.
At this point she could have used the falcon as an ordinary body of light to scry on the etheric or lower reaches of the astral.
‘So,’ she began turning to the nearest scryers, ‘What dreamscape are we going into next?’
Besides tarot reading there are also runes, pendulums, Numerology, palm reading, tealeaf reading, scrying, and dowsing.
By the glimmer of light lent me, I can but guess greatness and descry vagueness.
The Kempton-Wace Letters
He picked up a necklace belonging to Dylan that had been concecrated and, concentrating on Dylan, used it to scry with.
But, descrying traces of unmuddled harmony in a part-song one day, he gave his two under cellarmen faint hopes of getting on towards something in course of time.
No Thoroughfare
I descry a sail on the horizon.
Picking up the scrying crystal, she headed to the map and began to scry for a sorcerer.
Item, if the fleet should happen to be scattered by weather, or other mishap, then so soon as one shall descry another, to hoise both topsails twice, if the weather will serve, and to strike them twice again; but if the weather serve not, then to hoise the maintopsail twice, and forthwith to strike it twice again.
Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
‘He can't scry either then,’ she said, thinking that might not be a bad thing.
There are so many tools to choose from here I could possibly list them all but as we all know some of the best known are the tarot, runes, numerology, palmistry, tea leaves I ching and scrying.
If China, for example, tried a defendant after doing all this and then found them guilty and executed them, would we not descry this as another example of tyranny?
Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » My Problem with the KSM Trial
From my window I could descry, at no great distance, a very ordinary mortal of a man, working industriously among his cabbages.
The Dignity of Dollars
The Head Librarian has the express permission of the university to read the minds of, scry, or otherwise divinate the intentions and personality of any patron applying to enter the section (s).
And godlike Telemachus was far the first to descry her, for he was sitting with a heavy heart among the wooers dreaming on his good father, if haply he might come somewhence, and make a scattering of the wooers there throughout the palace, and himself get honour and bear rule among his own possessions.
Book I
I'll see what I can scry, but later; I'm not trying that without a few protection spells.
The following year police raided an exhibition of Lawrence's paintings and seized every canvas on which they could descry any wisp of pubic hair.
For, be it known in advance, Lee Barton was a super-man and Ida Barton a super-woman -- or at least the were personalities so designated by the cub book reviewers, flat-floor men and women, and scholastically emasculated critics, who, from across the dreary levels of their living, can descry no glorious humans overtopping their horizons.
“It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
You can scry through time you know, only not to the future.
She set it down and returned to the window, but no matter how carefully she focused her mind, she simply could not scry Rhodry out.
He can descry a way of overcoming the difficulty.
And cetics, programmers, holists and scryers - you can't yet imagine the varieties of wisdom which exist.
Then we head for high ground, and we all descry the steep walls to map a route upward.
Richard Bangs: Following Brad and Angelina to Namibia, Part I
Morpheus motioned for two idle scryers to grab Pen by the arms and lead her to the door, where the scryer in front had stepped away.
While he performed the spell he allowed his thoughts to drift back to his scry, and of Verna's petrified green eyes boring into his pleased red ones.
How could she possibly descry the ship's position from a standpoint of utter blindness.
Was the distribution of shot times entirely random, or were there any local or global patterns to descry: longies with longies, middies alternating with shorties, etc.?
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