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How To Use Scrutinise In A Sentence

  • Anyone proposing such a project, which in effect aims to politicize young people, is inevitably warily received and closely scrutinized.
  • The Executive undertakes to produce a coherent programme of government which the parliament is duty bound to scrutinise, debate and give assent to.
  • I don't scrutinize my stats page to see from where and with what link people are reading my blog.
  • You can see how, unscrutinised, it can be misused. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a 30-second spot during tonight's Academy Awards ceremony valued at up to $2.1 million, advertisers will closely scrutinise the television coverage generated by the event.
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  • Where life is at stake the evidence must be scrutinised with especial care.
  • AK-87 gabs, you'r right, this new adaptation is going to be so closely scrutinised. David Fincher Directing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Next | /Film
  • This 25-minute piece closely examines, almost scrutinizes, a key scene from the film - the scene I mentioned earlier where Jake outlines the plan to his gang.
  • The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication.
  • More NYSE Takeover Faces Touchy Issues Justice Department officials will scrutinize the proposed deal for antitrust implications, though the formal launch of an investigation won't happen until the two companies file their premerger notification. Regulators Line Up to Vet Potential Deal
  • The first earthbound applications of this electronic wizardry will be airport scanners that scrutinize passengers' bags.
  • In this context it would mean that the legitimate concerns of the complainant that the alleged misconduct should be properly scrutinised by the professional body, would be ignored.
  • Even more important, the legal conclusions derived from the facts as presented by the plaintiff's lawyer will have to be rigorously scrutinized, even when the facts are uncontroverted.
  • What about the revising chamber: would laws not be scrutinised any more? Times, Sunday Times
  • Every piece is closely scrutinised, and if there is the slightest blemish on it, it is rejected.
  • I guess the main principle we want to promote is a simple principle of “say on pay,” that shareholders have a chance to actually scrutinize what CEOs are getting paid. Matthew Yglesias » What Is The Problem That Obama’s Bad Advisors Are Responsible For?
  • Since ‘abjection is coextensive with the Symbolic Order,’ any representation of that order can be scrutinized for its hidden presence.
  • The police command needs to scrutinise its ranks to see if there are some bad eggs that are not prepared to follow procedures of dealing with suspects.
  • In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
  • Shirley scrutinized the interior of the machine, but there seemed nothing to distinguish it from the thousands of other piratical craft which pillage the public with the aid of the taximeter clock on the port beam! The Voice on the Wire
  • In these paintings, Shemesh scrutinizes sex and self so boldly that she rivets our attention.
  • This treatise is based on the analysis of the philosophical fundamental of Iconology which has been scrutinized in purpose on an open critical platform of Visual Culture.
  • In this tight economy, the public scrutinizes art purchases more closely than ever.
  • Congress - the very entity which authorized fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve ability effectiveyl control our economy - is now going to "scrutinize" it?!? Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • Enormous sums of public money have been allocated, largely unscrutinized, by Congress over the last several decades to essentially subsidize companies and destructive land use practices in the West that may deliver jobs and votes over short periods of time but the activities haven't proved to be sustainable, King says. Todd Wilkinson: The Return of Citizen King
  • Thus, the harbinger would conclude that in general terms, if the tie were to be fairly implemented and other elements of the relationship were equally scrutinised to the benefit of long term symbiotic operational harmony, neither party would complain in the most part. Rss news feed for Morning Advertiser
  • The pulled out the drawings for the palace and scrutinized every pencil stroke.
  • Failing to scrutinize a vendor's specialties is an obvious, yet common, mistake. Why CIOs are Resetting Information Security Priorities
  • The area plan was scrutinized by the citizen task force and the mayor, and minor revisions were made in boundaries.
  • What about the revising chamber: would laws not be scrutinised any more? Times, Sunday Times
  • It cannot be overemphasized that those promises must be sufficiently scrutinized and discussed because they are directly related to the interests of the people.
  • The traditional picaresque frame, with its fictitious first person voice, offers its authors the opportunity to scrutinize society ostensibly from another's perspective-the picaro's.
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.
  • Other courts cannot follow that principle, for they consist of several opinions and have higher courts to scrutinize them.
  • Blanche scrutinised his round, bland face for any sign of insubordination but all she saw was a mask of ill-shaven skin.
  • Other courts cannot follow that principle, for they consist of several opinions and have higher courts to scrutinize them.
  • Since the February election, the administration has been criticized for handing out unscrutinized contracts to cronies, giving hefty unapproved pay raises and spending government funds for personal uses. Stroger-Run Jobs Program Loses Millions Through Mismanagement
  • Every quarter the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB) scrutinise Greece before releasing the next chunk of money.
  • What about the revising chamber: would laws not be scrutinised any more? Times, Sunday Times
  • ROME—The operator of the Costa Concordia formally suspended the shipwrecked vessel's captain Thursday, as investigators scrutinized his final maneuvers with his stricken ship and reports emerged that he enjoyed a pre-wreck meal and wine with a 25-year-old woman. Scrutiny on Captain's Final Actions
  • She scrutinizes the menu professorially and chooses a chicken salad.
  • Producers may also need to account for all animals, including dead ones, and feed mills will be scrutinized for cross-contamination of feeds and dual-purpose feedmills may be eliminated.
  • Mirror shots abound as the characters' narcissism is exposed and the brittleness of appearances scrutinised.
  • He said in cases of defence of amnesia or automatism, the court had to carefully scrutinise all evidence.
  • His readers, on the other hand, certainly read books, but his scraps of praise ‘were so niggardly to the writers he scrutinised that he was held by some to be an equally ineffective medium’.
  • Our experience is that the Immigration Service at the Canadian Embassy in Mexico City scrutinizes very carefully all applications and will tend to reject those from people who, in their opinion, may overstay their visa or not return at all to Mexico. US/MEX Citizens traveling to canada
  • Consequently, we need to scrutinize next the role of prosody, as well as the role of the word, syllable, and phonotactic nature of children's speech.
  • Graham was himself a formidable "scrutinizer"; and, famously, a "strong resenter," with intermittent compulsion to test the indulgence of his friends. Our Man on Capri
  • On his days off, he scrutinises the children in the playground opposite his apartment and shadows a little girl through the local park.
  • The insurance company might allow an independent monitor to scrutinise the demutualisation process on behalf of policyholders.
  • The Church had to scrutinize every claim of a miraculous intervention, and rightly so. GRACE
  • What about the revising chamber: would laws not be scrutinised any more? Times, Sunday Times
  • Every day, they scrutinize the top dailies, the three broadcast networks as well as CNN, and the newsweeklies for evidence of ‘liberal bias.’
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinized for signs of wear or damage.
  • Whether in tights or bare-legged, a dancer expects his body to be scrutinized.
  • So far the star whose style is being most closely scrutinised by Americans is British actress Carey Mulligan who "curates" a boutique on the site alongside other names including Anna Paquin, Ashley Olsen, Nicole Richie and Sarah Michelle Gellar. Google's next big idea ? an online fashion revolution
  • The scan was scrutinized by a specialist in adult cardiology, who discovered a small hole in the infant's heart.
  • He believes that, in general, plans of this nature in built-up areas should be doubly scrutinised.
  • He rose to scrutinize her closely, and must have been satisfied, for the price he offered was a good one, and he offered it with contemptuous assurance that he would not be outbidden. The Sea-Hawk
  • While being scrutinised by a gargantuan grouper and innumerable smaller fish, I became aware of a more thrilling presence.
  • In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
  • The Church had to scrutinize every claim of a miraculous intervention, and rightly so. GRACE
  • It was a glass which Peter had used to scrutinise his carefully accoutred frame, before meeting the world. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.
  • The team then scrutinized naviculars of A. afarensis, H. habilis, chimpanzees and gorillas.
  • It means police investigations, and searches of people's homes, could go unreported and unscrutinised. The Sun
  • Philip Pullman, Greg Dyke and others have called for a "public jury" to scrutinise the practices of what they described as a monied "feral elite" who have corrupted the public realm. From top to bottom we need a new ethic of responsibility | Observer editorial
  • Rifles were cocked, and every eye carefully scrutinised the dry drabby-yellow grass through which the lion would be stealing its way, and so much like the withered stems in colour that, unless moving, it was quite possible to miss seeing such a creature as they rode along. Off to the Wilds Being the Adventures of Two Brothers
  • His penchant for detail and symbolism are catnip to obsessive fans who read between every line, scrutinize every frame and pick apart the show's cryptic teasers.
  • The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication.
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.
  • Using independent external reviewers to scrutinize and audit data helps ensure dependability.
  • He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.
  • A panel of councillors can scrutinise appointments but has no power of veto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lawyers questioned whether the investigation was necessary, given that other agencies had already scrutinised the suspicious payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
  • If such legislation requires repeal it appears to me that should be done by means of the usual parliamentary process, and subject to scrutiny, and not by the fiat of a minister or an unscrutinized statutory instrument. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Consequently, we need to scrutinize next the role of prosody, as well as the role of the word, syllable, and phonotactic nature of children's speech.
  • ‘The more we scrutinised traditional studio values, the more they resonated,’ says Thompson.
  • In sufficient numbers this message would get out through the party scrutinizers, they can't keep a secret.
  • TV rights for the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, and the 2016 Summer Games in Rio de Janeiro to follow Vancouver, NBC's performance will be scrutinized to see how much the Games are worth and what works with viewers. NBC peacock eager to spread influence
  • The Parliament of this country, elected by free men and women on the basis of free discussions which cannot be abrogated, is not just a club of good fellows who ought to do the nation's business in the shortest possible time and with the least possible contention; rather it is a body which should examine every proposal that is made to make sure that it is in the country's best interest; it is a body in which attention should be drawn to proposals that ought to be made but which are often overlooked, unless an election is just around the corner; it is a body which should scrutinize expenditures and inquire into the administration of public affairs to make sure that fairness, justice and equity are maintained. The Role of the Opposition in Parliament
  • They stare out at us as though it is they who are the audience and we who are being scrutinised - and found wanting.
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
  • Together, they scrutinise the bank's early warning system for any client displaying signs of distress. Times, Sunday Times
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.
  • Although Congress has scrutinized the subsidy almost annually and until 1993 required annual renewals, its character as a tax appropriation has made the subsidy less publicly visible.
  • These unscrutinized, last-minute changes mean that when it comes to being put to death in Texas, it's better to be a lizard than a human being. Anna Arceneaux: New Protocol in Texas Executions Risks Needless Pain and Suffering
  • Every student dollar spent will be closely scrutinised to ensure that students are getting the best value for money and no money is wasted on frivolous exec pet projects.
  • The answer seems to depend on who is being scrutinised - the prostitute or the john.
  • When census tracts are scrutinised in this neighbourhood a sharp division in experience becomes apparent.
  • We may dig, study, and scrutinize every part of Stonehenge, but we will never know all of the secrets of the ancient megalith known as Stonehenge.
  • Hawley said these costs were scrutinised exhaustively by independent accountants.
  • The scrutinizers were subjected to an insignificant role, since scrutinized vehicles were ‘rescrutineered’ at the start line, thus wasting time and creating precedence.
  • Thankfully, for the most part, our choices don't lead to catastrophic events and so our parenting goes unscrutinised. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they will also be scrutinised on how they handle unruly pupils. The Sun
  • Associated Press Tony Kushner The more carefully I scrutinized the press release announcing that Mr. Kushner was to be the first recipient of "the Mimi," to use the nickname arbitrarily bestowed upon the Steinberg Distinguished Playwright Award by its creators, the more puzzled I became. Payday for Tony Kushner
  • Scrutinise your ‘small costs’ or overheads, benchmark them and implement recommendations.
  • They are the unelected, the unscrutinized and the unaccountable. Globe and Mail
  • Fourteen members represent London constituencies, the other 11 are London-wide and their job is to scrutinise and monitor the mayor's performance.
  • Was Radio 3 scrutinised during the charter renewal process? Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result of being scrutinised closely by public authorities at every stage, its final form was the outcome of a number of compromises.
  • He reached up to sweep some of his long, ink-black hair from his face and scrutinized her expression closely in the light from the dying fire. LADY of SKYE
  • We scrutinised the range of gateaux, tarts and cakes.
  • Tradition too is an important element, more so when one scrutinises the fundamentals of the game.
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinised for signs of wear or damage.
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinised for signs of wear or damage.
  • The great computerized search engine that was to have scrutinized our every blip has been put on hold by Congress.
  • After an initial search by police, the crime scene was left unguarded and open to the elements for two days before it was scrutinised properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unsurprisingly, doing this involves sober reasoning, which scrutinizes your life carefully and rejects activities which will result overall in impingements on your tranquillity.
  • Financial transactions and accounts are being tracked and scrutinised very closely, making it difficult to park funds abroad.
  • Not only did they give it an “A,” but it was reviewed by a name I knew: Adam-Troy Castro, a guy with more than a few pop-culture books under his belt, which means it got scrutinized by someone who knows his stuff; that it came out unscathed is an honor unto itself, IMHO. Homemade Hollywood Gets A High Five From SciFi | Fan Cinema Today
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
  • he scrutinized his likeness in the mirror
  • As an artist you will surely agree that it is the job of art continually to scrutinise and interrogate society and our place in it.
  • He scrutinized the document closely.
  • In the meantime I had been quizzed, scrutinised and repeatedly asked to testify to my fair-mindedness and incorruptibility, with an insistence that began to make me feel unworthy: I was not putting in for canonisation, after all.
  • That transaction must be approved by federal regulators, who are expected to scrutinize it closely.
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.
  • Mitch scrutinized her for a while, his brown eyes glinting with curiosity.
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinised for signs of wear or damage.
  • Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man.
  • While it is normative for women to take time off from work to care for family needs, men's leave-taking may be more scrutinized by employers as a violation of gendered expectations in the workplace, and they suffer larger wage penalties as a result.
  • Old Asian people bent over bins of live crab and scrutinized all the fish & ichthyoids held in tanks.
  • And whoever wishes to become famous and popular has no other way to achieve it but to offer him/herself to the media's spotlight to be stripped naked, scrutinized, and x-rayed from head to toes, inside - out, from birth to present and be exposed of all vices and virtues, ignorance and talents. Poll: Majority of Republicans don't think Palin's qualified for prez
  • Tooth-brushes are scrutinised for fear that the bristles came from the loathsome pig.
  • If the Japanese feel they have threats in the neighborhood, as they do with North Korea and China, they tend to scrutinize our alliance. The Good Fight
  • Her purpose was to scrutinize his features to see if he was an honest man.
  • Another board of officers then scrutinises them and the divisional commander sends it up.
  • As President Obama hosts a summit Monday on “fiscal responsibility,” Democratic leaders in Congress this week are preparing to ram through the House a massive spending bill that includes thousands of unscrutinized pork-barrel earmarks and the largest increase in discretionary spending since Jimmy Carter - a bill written in secret, which to date, no one in America other than the Democratic congressional leadership has read. Democrats to Railroad Through Another Super Secret Massive Spending Bill - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • If you scrutinize both, you can probably figure it out based on button size and the slight difference in the bevels, but if you have to use the word "scrutinize," then the UI design has already failed. MacUser
  • The Church had to scrutinize every claim of a miraculous intervention, and rightly so. GRACE
  • Farms nearer to streams are expected to be more closely scrutinized by regulators and, thus, under greater pressure to adopt BMPs.
  • Perhaps I'm just a blinkered "purist," but I've always thought books were published to be read, not to be scrutinized for their marketing devices. Writing and Publishing
  • No-one wants to get into a situation where every show is pre-recorded and every comment - no matter how frivolous - is being scrutinised by a team of lawyers.
  • No good, my smalls were destined to be scrutinised.
  • The Opera group said it hoped the physics community would scrutinise the result and help uncover any flaws in the measurement, or verify it with their own experiments.
  • I scrutinized the telltale pockmarks decorating his body.
  • Later, astronomers further scrutinized this star with the Hubble Space Telescope.
  • But why rely on those generalizations when a convict is already being scrutinized at the individual level? Cruel and Unusual
  • In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.
  • But, when scrutinized closely, the later Roman relationship to Trojan civilization exists in name only.
  • Behind her, I noticed, the estate agents had left their desks and come to the window the better to scrutinize proceedings. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.
  • The trouble with being in the spotlight is that it's very exposing, leaving no murky corner or vague uttering unscrutinised. The Sun
  • One Systern now being scrutinized is absolutely essential for the proper wiring up of neurons in the brain of the developing fetus.
  • It reached down his back to his tail bone and he now scrutinized each of his friend's assailants with his bright red eyes.
  • Was Radio 3 scrutinised during the charter renewal process? Times, Sunday Times
  • The team have until the 7 August this year to scrutinise the palimpsest, before the synchrotron is switched off for maintenance. Understanding the Holy Ground that Archimedes Walked On | Impact Lab
  • Consequently, he's going to scrutinise our _triptyque_, passports, passes and certificates, to see if he can accuse us of anything. Jonah and Co.
  • Our research suggests that agricultural policy must be scrutinized carefully for potential local impacts on agribusinesses.
  • Opponents redouble their efforts against them, expectations soar, they are scrutinised down to the smallest detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • I descend to greet my public at 11 pm and am able to scrutinize at least 6 different chins and sets of grinning teeth at close quarters.
  • Mr. Buhari's party, the Congress for Progressive change, said Monday before the final results were announced that it rejected counts from 10 states, alleging widespread voter intimidation and ballot-box stuffing, and demanding the country's electorial commission scrutinize voting results before announcing an official winner. Violence Erupts as Nigeria Elects Its President
  • The upbeat mood swung wildly from the Tories to the Lib Dems as supporters scrutinised the ballot papers for clues.
  • He spent much of 1899, when he was 32, steeping himself in the literature of aeronautics; he scrutinised the flight patterns of hawks, buzzards and pigeons; he assembled and flew kites.
  • It won't so long as our Noise Media continues to slobber all over him, eat out of his hand, and not question or scrutinize him. Obama urges Iran to stop violence against its own people
  • Was Radio 3 scrutinised during the charter renewal process? Times, Sunday Times
  • Analysts in Europe scrutinize the NZ example as they draft proposed reforms to the EU's Common Agricultural Policy.
  • Throughout the nation, ballot box scrutinizers have received specialized training in advance and are directly involved with the government.
  • Each will be scrutinized by the coaching staff after Grant Noel and Jason Davis failed to produce many wows during the spring.
  • As Tim and I drifted slowly downstream, we scrutinized every bird we saw.
  • Korea was every bit as misunderstood, as were the risks of marching toward China: potentially helpful sources of guidance were ignored, alternatives went unscrutinized, yet wondrous results just had to occur. Magic and Mayhem
  • I scrutinized the reflection of my stilled body, trying to halt the rise and fall of my belly in order to appear corpselike.
  • These are terribly straitened times, and budgets across government need to be scrutinised. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do pay the Congress to "scrutinize" things like this, but unfortunately, their corporate benefactors pay them much more to let the corporations do the "scrutinizing" for them. Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • For the vetting procedure, we have now established a procedure to scrutinize and meticulously vet our intelligence agencies' recruits.
  • Every time he halted, the better to trim some detail of the load, or puffingly to mop the greasy flow of perspiration, he furtively surveyed all the corners of the horizon and scrutinized the edges of the wood. Under Fire: the story of a squad
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinized for signs of wear or damage.
  • The method would return to the beginning of the selection loop and scrutinize any job that was unfilled.
  • Fake IDs or bogus plastics were scrutinized for fuzzy logos, missing microprint, and signature panels that couldn't take ballpoint. One Hacker's Audacious Plan to Rule the Black Market in Stolen Credit Cards
  • Using independent external reviewers to scrutinize and audit data helps ensure dependability.
  • She cautiously plucked a blade of grass from the lawn, and scrutinised it.
  • In a similar way, Botha's use of materials coupled with a technical and formal capability allow him to probe and scrutinize issues inaccessible to those with less ability.
  • It insists no one will be inappropriately housed by 2006 and a new inspectorate will scrutinise institutions.
  • Yet the austerity focuses an atmosphere of laboratory intentness on stage as two great dancers scrutinise the possibilities of their shared classical vocabulary. Sylvie Guillem - review
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
  • Liberal trade critic Scott Brison stressed that the bill to legislate the Colombian trade pact is still to be scrutinized by the Commons trade committee." where the LibroCons hold a majority Archive 2009-09-01
  • The decision was scrutinised by the Welsh Assembly Government because it departs from the local plan.
  • Very little in the new grant of power or authority to the Fed takes account of the idea that, for example, a Fed that is supposed to supervise, scrutinize, divinize, and so on, in all these new ways will not the same Fed, the stable ideal of which we relied upon in giving it all these new functions. The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Financial Regulation Overhaul Stumbling? And Can the Fed Remain ‘the Fed’ After the Overhaul?
  • It's the sort of house where you feel unscrutinised. Times, Sunday Times
  • All four impressed a panel of judges who scrutinised a 20-page questionnaire about the door policy, first aid training, procedures to deal with drugs and safety issues.
  • That is how the legislature scrutinises the laws the executive intends to pass.
  • Security at the church was tight, with scores of young people mobilized to scrutinize arrivals and check their bags and identities.
  • It's brief statement Tuesday was closely scrutinized by analysts, who said they were surprised by its mild tone.
  • He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was lying.
  • We paused to scrutinise tree tops for the green, blue and yellow birds, and were rewarded by several pairs of the tubby ungainly fowl.
  • They scrutinised every move with nervous excitement as Pete and diving partner Leon Taylor twisted and somersaulted in the air for each of the five dives during the 45 minute contest on Saturday night.
  • He continued straight into the North the next day and several times Philip scrutinized his map, which told him in that direction there lay nothing but peopleless barrens as far as the Great Slave. Philip Steele of the Royal Northwest mounted Police
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinized for signs of wear or damage.
  • And they will also be scrutinised on how they handle unruly pupils. The Sun
  • But the other half, the old-timers who scrutinize every letter of every policy resolution for any hint of dilution or compromise, would not be so easily persuaded.
  • There have been all sorts of idiotic stories like the "cackle" (which actually could have been legitimate -- is she avoiding the question?) and her "coldness" or "calculated tears" but on the other hand, no-one has seriously scrutinised Clinton's claimed "35 years of experience" either. Hillary Spokesperson Blasts Reporters For Using Drudge As Their "Assignment Editor"
  • Other courts cannot follow that principle, for they consist of several opinions and have higher courts to scrutinize them.
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinise legislation effectively.
  • Bankers viewed their role as conscientious scrutinizers of corporate loans, not as seekers of what amounted to kickbacks.
  • The browser rankings are scrutinised for indications of consumer trends.
  • This time he scrutinizes the sacrifices of warrior grunts rather than political wonks and politicians.
  • Perhaps he had hoped to rejoin the final leg discreetly, in the middle of the field, his records unscrutinised. Times, Sunday Times
  • This treatise is based on the analysis of the philosophical fundamental of Iconology which has been scrutinized in purpose on an open critical platform of Visual Culture.
  • When it's all over, scientists will scrutinize every twisted shard of metal for some kind of telltale resemblance to the catastrophe that brought down TWA Flight 800. What Really Happened?
  • She looked up suddenly, startling him, and she scrutinized the dome of the sky above her.
  • This allows you to scrutinize as much of the glass lens elements as possible.
  • We women look on, we appraise, we scrutinize, we admire, we try to remain calm.
  • It's not that I'm not proud of my junk, it's just that I'm already sick of being scrutinized, frisked, questioned, herded around, bullyragged and browbeaten at each leg of a flight.
  • All submitted data were carefully scrutinized and checked for completeness.
  • Like everyone else on the team, she now could pass—unless scrutinized very closely—for one of the green, gilled, moist-skinned, sentient amphibians who built and maintained the city. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinized for signs of wear or damage.
  • Kellerman gets chained to a desk while his past in the Arson department gets scrutinized.
  • Lawyers questioned whether the investigation was necessary, given that other agencies had already scrutinised the suspicious payments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Subsequent analysis might prove the idea unsound – in recent years that has frequently happened, with every master move scrutinised by strong computer programmes. The art of a successful attack
  • Therefore, the Legislative branch checks and scrutinises the work done by the Executive branch.
  • Now a new study suggests that women might do well to scrutinise the habits of their fathers-in-law for advance warning of their lovers' fidelity. The boy can't help it: Fathers provide clues to which men are unfaithful in relationships
  • It was a pleasure to flog her, to defend her, to scrutinize, criticize and idolize her.
  • I dipped my head under and saw that we were being scrutinised by a large shark - a bronze whaler.
  • The report could reignite debate over the influence of Wall Street; it says regulators "lacked the political will" to scrutinize and hold accountable the institutions they were supposed to oversee.
  • It is possible that when the fight statistics are scrutinised that Arias, the Brazilian heavyweight champion, will have a tally of punches landed in single figures.
  • Can you imagine being a manager and not having to think for everybody all the time, spoon-feed them and having to scrutinize every single document before it leaves your department, simply because you cannot depend on your subordinates?
  • He scrutinized the document closely.
  • Every movement of the visiting Pitar would be scrutinized, every word deconstructed, every shift in expression analyzed. Dirge
  • The wording of any ETA statement will be scrutinized for commitments to disarm since the group has used the term "permanent" ceasefire in the past, then returned to violence. Reuters: Press Release
  • The upbeat mood swung wildly from the Tories to the Lib Dems as supporters scrutinised the ballot papers for clues.
  • His four-minute execution by lethal injection in Indianain the United States was perhaps the most minutely scrutinised death in history.
  • The reason it is so important to put this on the table now and scrutinize it openly is that the amount agreed to over the next 30 days -- for 2010 -- will represent what budgeteers call a "topline" -- a critical benchmark. Lorelei Kelly: Can the Pentagon do Hope and Change?
  • Gottschall's notion that fiction presents the reader (the critic being a more skilled reader) with the opportunity to scrutinize characters as if they were real people whose "craniums" can be opened to discover "what makes them tick" is no doubt widely shared. Experimental Fiction
  • The reality -- for his candidacy and for Republicans considering a vote for him -- is that no presidential candidate stays unscrutinized or untainted forever. The Cain Scrutiny
  • The high after the inauguration to the recent string of either blatant dishonesty, or over scrutinized confirmations, disheartens us at a deep inner level that affects our confidence, our willingness to stay involved, and quite frankly leaves our collective hope on fragile ground. Kari Henley: Citizen Confidence -- are Americans Having "Honeymoon Blues?"
  • The new law was announced at the end of last July and provincial officials have closely scrutinized the full meaning of the legalities involved.
  • Clergy introducing innovative programs have been heavily scrutinized by the patriarchate, especially in Moscow.
  • These are terribly straitened times, and budgets across government need to be scrutinised. Times, Sunday Times
  • The very conceptual systems which inform our perceptions need to be scrutinised.
  • It is always helpful for obstetricians and gynaecologists to have their practices carefully scrutinised, since so much is not underpinned by rigorous evidence.
  • Any evidence recovered is then scrutinised in minute detail back at the laboratory.
  • Scrutinize those buildings, touch those surfaces and you'll discover a disconcerting number of restored façades, reassembled colonnades and a positive glorying in what the Italians call "feigned" materials: simulated marble, cleverly disguised concrete and a cunning assortment of ashlar, or thin stone slabs applied to resemble weighty blocks. The Heirloom City
  • The means by which the wealth was accumulated unscrutinised, the terrible disproportion between ability, or graft, and immense reward. Times, Sunday Times
  • His every move and utterance will be scrutinised and analysed.
  • She has little paper trail; she was never a judge and has no judicial opinions to scrutinize and has written relatively few law review articles. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • In the case of the miniature mosaic icons, these details allow the reader to scrutinize the production technique of this exacting art form.
  • But one thing is certain, they will be the most scrutinized players in franchise history.
  • Bullet cases also get nicked and dinged by a gun, so examiners often scrutinize them, too.
  • The bill looks set to pass into law, and is being steamrollered through Parliament in less than two weeks, by curtailing the time available to debate and scrutinise the proposed legislation.
  • Scrutinize ourselves with a sense of shame, but view the world with a sense of gratitude.
  • A manual count is a laborious process whereby each ballot is scrutinised individually by local electoral officials.
  • The fact that whaling is now the most closely scrutinised marine fishery in the world is a further guarantee to sceptics that the mistakes of industrial whaling will never be repeated.
  • What I am hoping for here, your Lordship, is that, if one bill is scrutinised, why not another?
  • Every piece is closely scrutinised, and if there is the slightest blemish on it, it is rejected.
  • The creation of such a paper trail that can be independently scrutinized is clearly a key anticorruption development.
  • It deserves to be lauded and praised as much as it deserves to be scrutinized and picked apart.
  • In a liberal democracy this needs to be scrutinized constantly, and herein lies the first problem for the researcher.
  • A panel of councillors can scrutinise appointments but has no power of veto. Times, Sunday Times
  • • ATF gunrunning probe strategy scrutinized after death of Border Patrol agent: Two AK-47 assault rifles purchased by a man later arrested in a federal gunrunning investigation turned up at the scene of a fatal shooting of a Border Patrol agent in December, according to sources familiar with the investigation. Know a fed eligible for insurance or an award?
  • Opponents redouble their efforts against them, expectations soar, they are scrutinised down to the smallest detail. Times, Sunday Times
  • All I'm saying is that I'm wary of the assumption that any government gets to have the unscrutinized last word on "who counts. White man speaks
  • Her copper studies include unique investigations in which she has scrutinized the effects of very low and very high intakes to find out what's safe for us - and what likely isn't.
  • We scrutinize the crime scene, collect the evidence recreate what happened without ever having been there.
  • Between rallies of intense project chatter, they paused to scrutinize me, murmuring and smirking like schoolboys at a junior high dance.
  • He often scrutinizes the fleshly nature of animals, mining for metaphors.
  • So, applying the same rigour and logic with which you scrutinise IPCC reports, why would you not be at least as sceptical of an organisation (NIPCC) that neglects to name contributory authors, especially given that the IPCC does? Deltoid
  • HD imaging enabled us to scrutinize the pattern of the polyp, which is very informative, and determine that it was not cancerous. Apple: We're in your office, we're in your living room, and now we're up your ass
  • In his charge to jurors, Trafford instructed them to "scrutinize" her testimony with "the greatest of care. . . - Home Page
  • What about the revising chamber: would laws not be scrutinised any more? Times, Sunday Times
  • Teaching material is scrutinised for equal representation of gender in illustrations and text.
  • What would we do without humorless, misanthropic, pseudo-intellectuals to scrutinize websites that exist solely for entertainment value and tell us whether or not our amusement is academically and historically justified? Doomed to repeat it?
  • After an initial search by police, the crime scene was left unguarded and open to the elements for two days before it was scrutinised properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Was Radio 3 scrutinised during the charter renewal process? Times, Sunday Times
  • Subsequent analysis might prove the idea unsound - in recent years that has frequently happened, with every master move scrutinised by strong computer programmes. Sport news, comment and results |
  • Erik faced his friend and scrutinized him for hidden meanings behind his words.
  • If Obama didnt have anything questionable in his past, didnt have suspicious relationships with people of who are at best, unethical (and thats being kind by most standards) then there wouldnt be a need, would there, for any media to "scrutinize" him? The Imperfect Blog
  • Behind her, I noticed, the estate agents had left their desks and come to the window the better to scrutinize proceedings. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • One Systern now being scrutinized is absolutely essential for the proper wiring up of neurons in the brain of the developing fetus.
  • We must scrutinize and evaluate.
  • That interest must, however, be scrutinized so that the invocation of the harm principle comports with the underlying rationale for abridging commercial speech.
  • A judge who knows that few people will scrutinize his legal reasoning is more likely to take a bribe than one mindful of observers armed with casebooks and citations.
  • That's in the dry season: In the wet roads are flooded from door to door, so pavement, verge, drain and bitumen merge into a seamless black scum where floating objects best remain unscrutinised.
  • ‘Good day, Lord Cecil,’ she murmured at last, curtsying prettily and continuing to blush as he continued to scrutinize her.
  • He rolled the cigar in his fingers for a moment, then scrutinized his aide, his expression quizzical.
  • All parts of the aircraft are closely scrutinised for signs of wear or damage.
  • Back at the forum, happiness was being scrutinised from an altogether different angle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once inside that building we had to be approved by another armed squad, pass through metal detectors, and have our belongings X-rayed while being scrutinized by even bigger, burlier, and more heavily beweaponed guards on the other side. Gwyneth Cravens: The Truth About Nuclear Energy
  • The committee system, which was designed to be inquisitorial and to scrutinise ministers, was neutered.
  • Kyd's drama thoroughly scrutinizes the pros and cons of revenge, both public and private, as it was denounced and in some cases excused by Christianity.
  • Behind her, I noticed, the estate agents had left their desks and come to the window the better to scrutinize proceedings. THE CALLIGRAPHER
  • MPs may lack the necessary expertise to scrutinize legislation effectively.
  • Most typically, Sherman has been compared to a child who enacts different roles, but she introduces the sharp critical adult gaze that scrutinises the changing face of the human condition.

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