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How To Use Scrupulously In A Sentence

  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has always been scrupulously fair.
  • No, the pained look that flashed across this scrupulously polite man's face seemed to be the result of a hard law of human nature. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the meantime, Saddam works hard to elude that fate by hiding behind the high walls of his palaces, sleeping as little as possible (and never in the same place for more than one night at a time), and scrupulously concealing from the public such signs of aging and vulnerability as his graying hair, his bad back, and his worsening eyesight. It's Not Easy Being Mean
  • McGowan, a wine buff who is scrupulously careful about what he invests in, has a nose for a bargain.
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  • He is always scrupulously honest in his business activities.
  • The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat.
  • There is plenty of scrupulously rendered period detail, as when L'Aurore approaches its destination and we're told that "they were coming up with Cape Hangklip: it was sometimes confused with the real Cape, out of sight on the other side, and unwary westbound ships thinking to turn up for the final run north would similarly find themselves embayed, hence the name—False Bay. At Journey's End, a Ship of the Line
  • And even among the scrupulously neutral, there were those who spoke against the inequality and repression which inspired the fighting.
  • You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear.
  • A hospital must be kept scrupulously clean.
  • The movie opens with a scrupulously framed shot of the peasant woman Ermo, wrapped in her dull yellow babushka, hawking twisted noodles at the outskirts of an unnamed northern Chinese village.
  • The dormitories, both of the fivepenny class on the ground floor and of the threepenny class upstairs, are kept scrupulously sweet and clean, and attached to them are lavatories and baths. Regeneration
  • There is no doubt that this chronological telling, which is scrupulously accurate in its lengthy citations of Luther's writings, provides abundant grist for anti - Protestant polemics.
  • He cultivated an image of Olympian detachment by scrupulously protecting the respective ranks and dignities of the grandees.
  • Germany would scrupulously comply with any request from the to suspend any execution of a deportation order.
  • But be scrupulously polite to the people you criticize: A polite upstart is more tolerated than a rude one.
  • And there won't be Jews unless we go on scrupulously believing.
  • Both sides were scrupulously polite, as if participating in a chess tournament.
  • Here we have music for the feast of the Ascension, all scrupulously edited with additions carefully formed from an understanding of the practices of the time.
  • she unscrupulously uses her charm to make men do what she wants
  • To my patron I will be scrupulously true.
  • The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat.
  • And, speaking of contempt, there is no restoring the reputation of an administration that has scrupulously sought to sabotage the Bill of Rights, and Geneva, as well as destroy evidence of what can only be called war crimes by U.S. military personnel, acts of torture that were not merely approved, but orchestrated, by the executive brank, as this latest report from the bipartisan Senate Armed Services Committee establishes. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Bush: On the Line
  • But infinitely preferable is to buy a bottle of red wine, decant it into two scrupulously clean half bottles, keep in the cool and dark, and drink one before t'other.
  • This kind of aspersion on a serious and honorable scholar who scrupulously abstained from imposing his personal views on the conference is no better than political name-calling. Multiple Simultaneous Submissions
  • The Press Complaints Commission rules were scrupulously observed; the only minor shown had his face obscured; and the story was of incontestable public interest.
  • She was a fair but demanding client and expected the highest standards of service and that her tight deadlines were scrupulously met. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will give the judge a scrupulously fair trial.
  • Good and honest people are equally vulnerable to being hypocritical and deceptive when self- interests are involved – sometimes even honest people have to pay the price of acting hypocritically or unscrupulously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • All this is scrupulously externalized and narrated in leisurely fashion. Literary Study
  • It's important to be scrupulously fair when marking the final exam paper.
  • Among all these tests, one of the areas of function that is examined most scrupulously is mental ability.
  • She is always scrupulously honest/fair.
  • C4L further argued that the change is being pushed by "[l] arge multinational corporations" that are "unscrupulously restricting smaller companies from participating in the [bid] process. TrashCare: Tea Party Activists In Arizona Protest Changes In Trash Collection, New Recycling Program
  • Good and honest people are equally vulnerable to being hypocritical and deceptive when self- interests are involved – sometimes even honest people have to pay the price of acting hypocritically or unscrupulously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Their own futures depend on sticking scrupulously to what the evidence will bear, whatever the political blandishments from above.
  • `Scrupulously undenominational: a sublimation of the ecumenical spirit of our age. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • She was scrupulously kind to her, and the governess was scrupulously exact in all courtesy and attention; still that impassible, self-contained demeanor, that great reticence – it might be shyness, it might be pride, – sometimes, Ursula privately admitted, "fidgeted" her. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Scrupulously researched and presented in an open, flowing prose, these works have reached a far wider audience than those of the majority of academic social historians.
  • The processes that will be used to allow public scrutiny of the proposals will vary from province to province, but they will be based on principles adopted in Calgary, and they will be scrupulously solicitous of grassroots opinion.
  • Men are the servants of their desires and needs, and many will unscrupulously do anything to achieve their aims. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The big thing about that is that it's owned and controlled by Disney, which means that every step in the process is scrupulously controlled, overseen, filed, catalogued, approved, altered, scrapped, rewritten and generally dicked around with. Archive 2010-03-01
  • One, Unsho, an instructor in Shingon, kept Buddha's precepts scrupulously. He never drank intoxicants, nor did he eat after eleven o'clock in the morning.
  • Moreover, she has to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • I walk into the scrupulously spotless store, and the first thing I see is an adorable girl with retro chocolate-box prettiness and 40s red lipstick smiling at me from behind the counter. Neil Zevnik: Small Town Hearts in the Big City: A Slow Food Tale
  • The writing on the back of the card was cramped but scrupulously neat.
  • They now seem to resemble an unscrupulously privatised enterprise that was formerly a monopolist on the domestic market.
  • A hospital must be kept scrupulously clean.
  • Pietersen, who has fallen three times trying to quicken the rate, each time to the inexperienced leg-break bowler Jeevan Mendis, could easily be depicted as a victim of overcaution elsewhere, but he remains scrupulously loyal as he tries to adjust to England's three-captain system. Kevin Pietersen on the defensive over England's misfiring batsmen
  • In the good old times they were as scrupulously exact in these matters, as they are now most blamably lax. The Mirror of Taste, and Dramatic Censor Volume I, Number 3
  • Second, Gates struck a scrupulously non-confrontational soft line towards China.
  • At the back of the library, hung with pungent wisteria in summer, it gets slushier and soggier, but still passable; the next bend brings you to New College back gate and a totally clear patch -- either scrupulously gritted or protected from the snow not terribly likely that latter. Fickle, inconstant, and patterned snow
  • In our image, after our likeness I do not scrupulously insist upon the particles B+, (beth,) and K+, (caph [90]) I know not whether there is anything solid in the opinion of some who hold that this is said, because the image of God was only shadowed forth in man till he should arrive at his perfection. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Being schooled in scientific practice, they believe that in dealing with prayer as a phenomenon they should scrupulously follow the formulas outlined in the Bible which they described as the textbook of spiritual science. The Power of Positive Thinking
  • Moreover, she is being asked to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals, tariffs and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • I hope thou hast also undergone that true baphometic fire-baptism, whereof the worthy Diogenes Teufelsdröckh hath discoursed so appetizingly, causing us to long after it, none the less that he hath scrupulously refrained from expounding whatever it is. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 32, June, 1860
  • If we must choose between a society that is in fact liberal and an illiberal society that scrupulously avoids formal racial criteria, we can hardly appeal to the ideals of liberal pluralism to prefer the latter.
  • Meanwhile, the country – the Paris magazine describes it scrupulously as Grande Bretagne, though Amis is happier with Angleterre – is infused with "moral decrepitude". Cursing one's homeland before fleeing overseas, Martin Amis, is a cliche
  • Year in, year out, the display remained unchanged, though it was scrupulously vacuumed and dusted.
  • The floors were scrupulously polished pine; there were gas lights on the walls and lacy curtains.
  • If to "get 'borked' was 'to be unscrupulously torpedoed by an opponent ... to get' miered '[i] s to be' unscrupulously torpedoed by an ally. ' Revolution
  • I used to be scrupulously honest then I got wise to the system.
  • The 73rd and 74th Amendments of the Constitution should be scrupulously enforced, paving the way for effective democratic decentralization.
  • I have a 100% positive feedback record and have always been scrupulously honest in dealings with buyers. What’s It Going to Take to Fix eBay?
  • The police must be trained in sound techniques of gathering and sharing intelligence, assembling evidence and scrupulously following procedure.
  • You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear.
  • In his previous lodgings, Auden had kept scrupulously to his schedule of writing sessions interrupted only by meals and a tea-time snifter, then bed at 10 pm.
  • People who have been dependant to hard drugs should be strongly suggested to find benefit by their GP as great as await from the scrupulously competent obsession advisor (where available), while people who have been dependant to ethanol have been suggested to find benefit from their GP as great as just as importantly find await by the in effect self benefit organisation Alcoholics Anonymous (non-specialist counsellors as great as psychotherapi! sts do n ot usually work privately with drug obsession though many will work with alcoholics). Archive 2009-11-01
  • Moreover, she has to do this while remaining scrupulously impartial and keeping the viewer entertained with talk of trade deals and employment figures. Times, Sunday Times
  • But here, "scabrous" as the subject might be, the treatment is scrupulously A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • Good and honest people are equally vulnerable to being hypocritical and deceptive when self- interests are involved – sometimes even honest people have to pay the price of acting hypocritically or unscrupulously. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • The profound responsibility of parenthood, the devout sacrifices of wedlock, the simple trusts of childhood, demand that the inviolable sanctities of marriage shall be kept scrupulously pure.
  • It's important to be scrupulously fair when marking the final exam paper.
  • Nupen scrupulously avoids any mention of the controversies in his newly filmed introductions, which he speaks simply and eloquently to camera.
  • In penetrative insight practice, the settled mind itself is scrupulously and silently examined to realize its true nature.
  • You have to scrupulously check and cross-check everything you hear.
  • The production by Nicolas Kent and Sacha Wares scrupulously maintains this balance between the local and the general.
  • I used to be scrupulously honest then I got wise to the system.
  • She was a fair but demanding client and expected the highest standards of service and that her tight deadlines were scrupulously met. Times, Sunday Times
  • `Scrupulously undenominational: a sublimation of the ecumenical spirit of our age. PASSION IN THE PEAK
  • She pursues her task ambitiously, tirelessly, and scrupulously through the major texts of three canonical writers of early modern English literature.

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