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  1. small fast-running Australian bird resembling a wren and frequenting brush or scrub

How To Use scrub-bird In A Sentence

  • I did not expect to see a noisy scrub-bird, a western bristlebird or a western whipbird.
  • Of particular importance are Albert's lyrebird Menura alberti, the superb lyrebird M. novaehollandiae and rufous scrub-bird Atrichornis rufescens, both of which represent families with only two species, and are endemic to Australia. Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves, Australia
  • Other conservation projects in Southwest Australia include community-based recovery programs for the threatened Carnaby's black-cockatoo, western ground parrot (Pezoporus wallicus flaviventris), noisy scrub-bird, malleefowl (Leipoa ocellata) and the marsupial 'mouse' known as the dibbler (Parentechinus apicalis). Biological diversity in Southwest Australia
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