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How To Use Scripture In A Sentence

  • And this is the cause that disputes with such persons are generally fruitless, especially as immixed with that intemporancy of reviling other men wherein they exceed; for if that be a way either of learning or teaching of the truth, it is what the Scripture hath not instructed us in. Pneumatologia
  • A monk will be hired to chant some Buddhist scriptures and perform a simple ceremony at the morgue instead of at a funeral parlor.
  • Men have been unwearied in their efforts to obscure the plain, simple meaning of the Scriptures, and to make them contradict their own testimony; but like the ark upon the billowy deep, the word of God outrides the storms that threaten it with destruction. The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan
  • The interpretation of scripture was polarized between the selective literalism of Calvinism and the more liberal application found within the teachings of Arminius.
  • It's clearly prophesied in the Holy Scriptures.
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  • I have found criticism to be a deeply enriching, but not always comfortable exploration of the text of Scripture.
  • In some communions the clergy are the sole enunciators of Scripture.
  • Now seeing in the last section, those we call mathematics are absolved of the crime of breeding controversy; and they that pretend not to learning cannot be accused; the fault lieth altogether in the dogmatics, that is to say, those that are imperfectly learned, and with passion press to have their opinions pass everywhere for truth, without any evident demonstration either from experience, or from places of Scripture of uncontroverted interpretation. The Elements of Law Natural and Politic
  • Psalm-singing, catechism and Scripture were taught daily in school.
  • We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
  • Nowhere in Scripture is the Old Testament law divided into moral/civil and ceremonial.
  • And he shows that all those comminations and threats which we read in the Scriptures of the New Testament in no way belong to the nature of the Gospel properly so called, but are the confirmation of the law.
  • They differ in their formal cause, as doth clearly appear by their way or manner of acting: magistratical power takes cognizance of crimes, and passes sentence thereupon according to statutes and laws made by man: ecclesiastical power takes cognizance of, and passes judgment upon crimes according to the word of God, the Holy Scriptures. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures MIGHT HAVE HOPE. The Art of T.C. Chiu
  • This idea of the tithe comes from scripture; the Bible lays down that farmers in the land of Israel should set aside tithes of cattle, sheep, and produce, for priests and Levites (who were a public charge) and for the poor.
  • `Fool," he whispered, still quoting from the Scriptures, ` dost thou not know that this A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • The Puritan paradox, to name it such, was that a rigorous defense of the absoluteness of Scripture as an objective, prescriptive code, could not be made without a critical analysis of the contents of Scripture itself.
  • No more scriptures, reverend, and no more discussions about my supposed duties.
  • In fact, the term sacra pagina or "the sacred page" has long been used in Christian tradition to emphasize the theological dimension of Scripture. The Sacred Page
  • The books of the Bible officially accepted as Holy Scripture.
  • Robert Price said it very eloquently: "Not only do the Gospels contain basic and irreconcilable differences in their accounts of Jesus, they have been put together according to a traditional Jewish practice known as "midrash", which involved reworking and enlarging on scripture. What Jesus Said and Did: 2) Divorce
  • Outside his work his tastes lay in the direction of botany and bibliomancy, which latter, according to the dictionary, is "Divination performed by selecting passages of Scripture at hazard. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, April 18, 1917
  • Unity in the Scripture is so pressed, so commanded, and commended, that not to breathe after it argues a heart acted by another spirit than that which moved the holy penmen thereof. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Without once explicitly citing Israel's scriptures, it contains more allusions thereto than any other New Testament writing.
  • For one thing, he says, the canons of the two groups are different, and therefore, the ways Christians and Jews read their scripture will be divergent.
  • The word expiation does not once occur in the Scripture. The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation.
  • It can be reconciled with everything in Scripture, at least if the statements of Jesus on hell are taken as minatory rather than predictive.
  • But the man didn't quote Scripture, just drifted away.
  • Early Christian churches had no pulpits other than the ambos where scriptures could be read.
  • The problem is not that he has abridged the Bible - the very creation of Scripture required the editorial judgment of its redactors - but that he has attenuated it.
  • No other scripture of any other religion of the world contains any kind of writings of holy men belonging to another faith, caste or creed, or of those who were regarded as outcastes or untouchables.
  • And even though nowhere in Buddhist scripture is there any mention of any kind of ghosts or animism, a strong belief in magic still remains.
  • Westerners have also taken concepts from India's ancient scriptures, and used them to go beyond behavioural and humanistic psychology to what is termed 'transpersonal' psychology and 'transpersonal' psychotherapy. Immense potential of Indian traditions
  • In pursuing the dictums of their scriptures venerating diversity, Hindu civilization is the only civilization which has never attacked any other civilization out of an impulse to convert.
  • The acacia, which, in Scripture, is always called 'shittah' and in the plural 'shittim,' was esteemed a sacred wood among the Hebrews. The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • There are three words in scripture to express it by, metame'leia, meta'noia, and epistrophe `; though this last rather signifies conversion. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. VI.
  • I remember that at another festivity given by the city to the Emperor a few years later, since all inscription had been exhausted, there were placed above the throne on which he was to sit, these words from Scripture, in gold letters: _Ego sum qui sum_, -- and no one was shocked. The Court of the Empress Josephine
  • Although the OED is not a narrative, not scripture, not poetry , it is, nonetheless, transportive.
  • And as for those Greek words anastenai and egei'rein, they endeavour to shew, by other like places of scripture, that they signify no more than the bare suscitation, raising, or giving being to a thing, without its having fallen or perished before. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. III.
  • What you hear elsewhere regarding mantras, tantras, sadhana, spiritual advice and scriptures, report to him and accept only what is approved by your guru, and reject what is not.
  • Having established the color of the first man by a draft on Scripture narrative, etymology and mental philosophy, I shall, in another chapter, establish the color of the first woman by the same means, perhaps using the argument of two or three affinitive sciences in addition thereto. Afro-American Encyclopaedia; or, The Thoughts, Doings, and Sayings of the Race, Embracing Addresses, Lectures, Biographical Sketches, Sermons, Poems, Names of Universities, Colleges, Seminaries, Newspapers, Books, and a History of the Denominations, Givin
  • It is saying that the Holy Spirit will speak clearly to you through the Scriptures, beginning when you are effectually called.
  • American neo-orthodoxy in the 1940s and 1950s typically meant a compound of Brunner's dogmatics, Niebuhr's theological ethics, and the scripture scholarship of the biblical theology movement.
  • He was an almsgiver with a firm determination to study Buddhist scriptures.
  • Both Calvin and the Puritans held to a view of Scripture that created its own difficulties.
  • Or, as another scholar has said, the creed is an epitome and summary that guides and directs a proper reading of Scripture.
  • To endorse one-dimensional submission is to reject the whole counsel of Scripture.
  • Nor does the completion of the canon of Scripture rule out the use of credal statements as tests of orthodoxy and summaries of Scriptural teaching.
  • The issue hinges not on the authority of Scripture but on differing interpretations of sacred texts.
  • There the famous chants are sung, interspersed with Scripture readings and periods of silence.
  • This is no sense at all of the faithfulness of God, neither is the word ever used in Scripture to signify any such thing in God or man, nor can it with any tolerable sense be applied to any such thing; neither would there be any analogy between that which in God we call faithfulness and that virtue in man which is so termed. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • In its confrontation with heresiarchs, the Church learned to read the Scriptures in a way that should still inform us today.
  • In the declaration of the state of corrupted nature after the fall, and before the reparation of it by the grace of Jesus Christ, -- that is, the effectual operation of the Holy Spirit, -- the Scripture principally insists on three things: [90] -- 1. Pneumatologia
  • In the past, people understood it was unwise to confuse mythos with logos, but today we read the mythoi of scripture with an unparalleled literalism, and in "creation science" we have bad science and inept religion. Archive 2009-07-12
  • If the moral resourcefulness of Scripture was obvious to medieval exegetes, it was even more so to Protestants.
  • The truths he affirms are encoded in his own poetry, rather than mysteriously embodied in Scripture, and he addresses a cultured but non-Latinate audience unschooled in philosophy.
  • The scripture is faithful in relating the faults even of those whom it most applauds, which is an instance of the sincerity of the penmen, and an evidence that it was not written to serve any party: and even such stories as these "were written for our learning," that "he that thinks he stands may take heed lest he fall," and that others 'harms may be our warnings. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • Our responsibility is to ensure that the direction we're going in conforms to Scripture. Christianity Today
  • Eric's blind faith in polls reminds me of Fundamentalist reading of Holy Scripture. TPM Track Composite: Obama's Lead Slips, But Still Strong
  • No where in the Scriptures is it recorded that the Christ used the term ‘Christians’ for His disciples.
  • Each service includes short scripture readings, petitions regarding mourning, suggestions for reflection, and room for journaling.
  • And moving to a Copernican system was a great threat to this kind of sacred geography, uh, which was tacitly accepted but wasn't really honestly part of scripture.
  • And the dozens of Atlantis exercise machines each sport a small magnetic plaque with a verse of scripture.
  • In most cases the parables of later Jewish teachers were used to illustrate or expound Scripture.
  • These range from evangelistic sermons to in-depth expositions of various parts of Scripture.
  • The inscribed tablets give astronomical information dear to George Burt's heart, and quotations from scripture and the poets.
  • They do at least agree that the tradition of cantillating the scriptures is a very old one, and was probably firmly established in tradition before the Massoretes began their work.
  • I noticed that none of their services had a complete complement of Scripture readings. Christianity Today
  • He quotes abundantly from Scripture, medieval mystics and gifted contemporary writers.
  • Prudentials, according to general rules of Scripture, may be of use in circumstantials, but will bare prudentials in substantials also satisfy either our God, our covenant, our consciences, or our end in this great work of reformation? The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • April 1st, 2008 at 7: 11 am house insurance broker says: house insurance broker mummies. oversimplify scripture doubtable! single Think Progress » Much bigger than the Dukestir.
  • However, in the textual criticism of the books of Scripture this is problematic in several ways.
  • Wright was, in a sense, adding apocryphal books to his own hermetic scripture with each poem.
  • The Spirit speaks in the canon of Scripture (the word canon is derived from Hebrew, "kaneh," "a reed," the word here used; and John it was who completed the canon). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • As we open ourselves to God through prayer, Scripture, and the sacramental life of the church, God's life is able to penetrate our beings more fully.
  • Scripture scholars contend that the original language of the Beatitudes should not be rendered as “Blessed are the single-hearted” or “Blessed are the peacemakers” or “Blessed are those who struggle for justice.” Tattoos on the Heart
  • The generosity of Hooker's reading of Scripture made it accessible to those who could never belong to Puritan society.
  • And as for those who were not themselves divinely inspired, or wherein those that were so did not act by immediate inspiration, they proved the truth of what they delivered by its consonancy unto the Scriptures already written, referring the minds and consciences of men unto them for their ultimate satisfaction, Acts xviii. 28, xxviii. Pneumatologia
  • But while I don't believe we should do violence to archology, history, or anything else … neither should we do violence to the integrity of scripture as we find it. Finitum non capax infiniti
  • In favour, however, of the former view is the ordinary meaning of the word pleroma, the meaning of the phrase fulness of God, in other passages, the analogy of Scripture as exhibited in the parallel passages above quoted, and the simplicity of the interpretation, no paraphrase being necessary to bring out the sense. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
  • I think about all of the words in Scripture, believed by people both ancient and modern, and that as the people live what they believe, the Word becomes flesh, puts on flesh. The Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, Ph.D.: The Gift Of Love
  • The conclusion meanwhile is that, since Brahman does not fall within the sphere of the other means of knowledge, and is the topic of Scripture only, the text 'from whence these creatures,' &c., _does_ give authoritative information as to a Brahman possessing the characteristic qualities so often enumerated. The Vedanta-Sutras with the Commentary by Ramanuja — Sacred Books of the East, Volume 48
  • Scripture lessons, read by the master of the house, occurred twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • But all I experience are the symptoms of withdrawal from the self I have labored a lifetime to create -- what the medieval Cistercians called "the land of unlikeness" hiding the true self that Scripture says is created in God's image. Retreat Into Silence
  • Their pew was well to the front and we were late, so that going down the aisle unushered, with them in the lead -- husband and spouse, husband and spouse, four couples -- we made a procession which became embarrassingly amusing as the preacher simultaneously closed the Scripture lesson with, "And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons 'wives with him into the ark. Strong Hearts
  • This year's service was without a sermon, but the prayers and scripture readings provided all the spiritual inspiration required.
  • Holding on to an error when it is conclusively pointed out from scripture would be considered willful blindness. and remember the Trinitarian controversy at First Nicene Council was not about the divinity of Christ it was about whether the Son was co eternal with Father. Blind Faith?
  • Dong Ba Scriptures are actually a kind of religious charactery written down manually by the Dong Ba wizard.
  • This was a false assumption; Jone was well-versed in the holy scriptures, and it was whispered that he had the ability to conjure up eidolons and spirits.
  • Lastly, we demonstrated in Chap.VIII. that the difficulty of understanding Scripture lies in the language only, and not in the abstruseness of the argument. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • Roy used the philosophical ideas found in the earliest Hindu scriptures to criticize the polytheism and some of the practices of popular Hinduism, such as sati.
  • Therefore wonder at these two when ye read the scriptures, God’s condescendency to us, and our atheism and unbelief of him: they are both mysteries, and exceeding broad. The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • One who transgresses the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures whimsically acting under the impulse of desire, never attains perfection, neither happiness nor the supreme goal.
  • Divine law is God's direct revelation to humankind through the Scriptures.
  • This study uses historical fact and Scripture to refute those claims. Christianity Today
  • The Scriptures teach righteousness and holiness of conduct.
  • As President William Howard Taft declared on the KJV's tercentenary in 1911: The publication of this version of the Holy Scriptures in 1611 associates it with the early colonies of the English people upon this continent. Review of Gordon Campbell's 'Bible,' about the King James Version
  • The ancient rabbinic text, the Mishnah, states: "A single man was created in the world, to teach that if any man has caused a single soul to perish, scripture imputes it to him as if he had caused a whole world to perish, and if any man saves alive a single soul, scripture imputes it to him as if he had saved alive a whole world... Rabbi Jack Bemporad: An Open Letter To Congress From Leaders of the Faith Community: Don't Cut Foreign Aid!
  • This misquote was included to raise the issue of interpretation within an infallible system - there is a very big difference between infallibility of scripture and infallibility of interpretation.
  • While they were in close pursuit of charity, and made this Christian disposition their chief scope, they might be zealous of spiritual gifts, be ambitious of them in some measure, but especially of prophesying, that is, of interpreting scripture. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • This study uses historical fact and Scripture to refute those claims. Christianity Today
  • The Bible stands at the center of our faith in that we read the biblical texts as Scripture.
  • Having no key in Christ to the unity of Scripture, he becomes a critic of what he is pleased to call its fragments, that is, the dissector of a cadaver. A Tour of the Missions Observations and Conclusions
  • It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures, and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment. Galileo Galilei 
  • By surrendering your personal will to the whim of the die you are practicing precisely that self-abnegation prescribed in the scriptures. THE DICE MAN
  • We may conjecture that this place was the Resen, or Dase, of Holy Scripture, which is said to have been a large city, interposed between Nineveh and Calah. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • The sect, like the Śrî Vaishṇavas, is divided into two parties, the Vyasakutas who are conservative and use Sanskrit scriptures, [603] and the Dasakutas who have more popular tendencies and use sacred books written in Kanarese. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 2
  • And nowhere upon the inspired pages of the fourth Evangelist, nor in that great Epistle to the Colossians, which is the very citadel and central fort of that doctrine in Scripture, is there more emphatically stated this truth than here, in these incidental allusions. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Supported by its distinctly "paratactic" nature, Hölderlin's poetry here is presented as a type of scripture that expressly foregoes the desire for closure, as evidenced by the carefully open-ended reception of "the strangers 'tongue" (die Sprache der Fremdlinge) that was "heard ... comprehended ... interpreted" (vernommen/verstanden/gedeutet). [ Pfau, Coda & Works Cited'
  • Permit me quote in Swedish one "footed" in scriptures: Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • Such vigilance is to witness to the power of Scripture and of Christ, as led by the Spirit.
  • In part this intense study of Scripture was connected with a conviction that his lifework lay in the service of the gospel.
  • Hindu scripture is overwhelmingly written in Sanskrit.
  • Buddhism of which so much has been made by Western humanists is a creature of their highly selective readings of Buddhist scripture. Letters to the Editor
  • Lastly, for the errors brought in from false or uncertain history, what is all the legend of fictitious miracles in the lives of the saints; and all the histories of apparitions and ghosts alleged by the doctors of the Roman Church, to make good their doctrines of hell and purgatory, the power of exorcism, and other doctrines which have no warrant, neither in reason nor Scripture; as also all those traditions which they call the unwritten word of God; but old wives 'fables? Leviathan, or, The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill
  • That it is evident by the Scriptures that Jesus Christ hath on earth many particular visible churches: (whether churches congregational, presbyterial, provincial, or national, needs not here be determined.) "Unto the churches of Galatia," Gal. i. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • There was seven weeks of Scripture readings and the children showed a genuine interest and appreciation towards the course.
  • Early Christian churches had no pulpits other than the ambos where scriptures could be read.
  • His youthful studies, which I have said before were pursued with unconquerable energy, embraced grammar, poetry, rhetoric, history, and the exposition of the Holy Scriptures; the Bible, indeed, he read unceasingly, and drew from it much of the vital truth with which it is inspired; but he perhaps too much tainted it with traditional interpretation and patristical logic. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • It must be rooted in the most difficult strictures of the scriptures of the major religions and the deepest springs of the human heart.
  • The Avestan language is called Avestan because the sacred scriptures of Zoroastrianism, Avesta, were written in this old form. » Afghan
  • The two are so closely allied that the Greek for "covetousness" (pleonexia) is used sometimes in Scripture, and often in the Greek Fathers, for sins of impurity. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • “To name the Nazi genocide ‘the Holo­caust,’ ” the phi­los­opher Gillian Rose warned, “is already to over-unify it and to sacralize it, to see it as provi­dential pur­pose—for in the Hebrew scriptures, a holocaust refers to a burnt sacrifice which is offered in its entirety to God without any part of it being consumed.” Holocaust and Israel
  • The antidote to such a situation is to seek to discover what the total Scriptural teaching on any particular subject is, and also to view it in relation to the other doctrines of Scripture.
  • Given the vast array of choices we face-and the wide variety of consequences that flow from our choices-is it possible that the Scriptures can teach us how to make good decisions?
  • In their quotations they kept rather to the sense than the words of scripture, as appears from what is recited from the prophet in this place. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • We believe in the authority, sufficiency, inspiration, perspicuity, inerrancy and providential preservation of the Scriptures.
  • Scripture was vetted and canonized, and a creed adopted and reaffirmed against those who would challenge, alter, or undermine it.
  • Does anyone come to Scripture without some kind of hermeneutical center? Dangerous idea
  • Because it is filled with stories tied to Scripture, preachers will find it a rich resource.
  • The early presidents, it seems, were all devotees of Scripture who deemed the Bible a desideratum for both governor and governed.
  • Is there a single verse of the Scriptures that teaches us Christ came to bring us to Heaven where we no longer can sin?
  • No doubt the reason why the old translators translated the word Sheol grave, is that they did not understand that Sheol was a place of two compartments, which the Scriptures plainly teach was before Christ, which we will notice as we go further in this subject. Life of Lucius B. Compton, the mountain evangelist, or, From the depths of sin to the heights of holiness,
  • Received Washington wisdom has it that the only Democrat who will ever be able to win a national election must be a cross between Gomer Pyle and Billy Sunday - a Scripture-quoting Sun Belt exurbanite whose loyalty to Nascar does not extend to Dale Earnhardt Jr., who was fined last month for saying a four-letter word on television. November 2004
  • They gathered together to read the scriptures and to pray.
  • Testament Scriptures -- one which was at once erroneous and singular among the Fathers of the Church -- applied the title Apocrypha to the excess of the Catholic canon of the Old Testament over that of the The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • In case I die it would be a karmic accident sent here on earth for my forefathers sins to repent maundy thursday stations of the cross the holy month of lent desolate dissolute man he came he saw his death he need not invent an accident god sent hopes as large as mansions trying to fit in a tattered and torn tent silent scriptures bleeding sorrow An Accident « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • In addition to the seven devotions, the CD has Scripture readings, prayers, hymns and church information.
  • His voluminous writings became scripture defining the party line and the correct view of history.
  • All you have are the non-canonical scriptures, the apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, both of which are universally rejected by the non-Catholic Evangelical church as fakes and poor imitations of real scripture. Chris Hitchens meets the Christians | RELIGION Blog |
  • But we somehow feel obligated to spend time explaining away Scripture texts that propound notions that have long-since become moot (e.g., dietary laws that protected desert tribes lacking refrigeration) or are truly repugnant (e.g., Paul's views of women and slaves) at the expense of preaching vivid depictions of God's will in action today. Eliot Daley: Killing the Church by Denigrating the Immediacy of God
  • It's precisely when Paul is dealing with the problem of what is the relationship between non-Jews to Jewish law that Paul actually quotes Jewish scripture the most, and that's in Galatians and Romans.
  • These theorists reject divine timelessness and immutability, along with infallible foreknowledge, arguing that not only should foreknowledge be rejected because of its fatalist consequences, the view of a God who takes risks is more faithful to Scripture than the classical notion of an essentially omniscient and foreknowing deity. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • God fully revealed; that the Divine Spirit, incarnate in Him, comes upon men still and brings them into the bottomless, unsoundable deeps of Life with God, and makes it possible for them to attain a perfect life; that the Scriptures as outward and legal must be transcended, and that they must be spiritually discerned and experienced. Spiritual Reformers in the 16th & 17th Centuries
  • When this hermeneutic was applied consistently, the whole of Scripture became a vast panorama of interrelated events that pointed towards the final consummation of all things.
  • Fundies pine for a time when people simply believed because Scripture told them to do so.
  • That, I think, is needed for them (1) to better educate their own children (whom they’ve presumably raised to have at least some respect for Christian leaders), (2) to diminish the chance that their fellow parishioners will be seduced from the righteous path by this Christian leader’s cachet, and (3) to make clearer to the non-Christian world that the Christian mainstream does not endorse this interpretation of Christian scriptures. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jimmy Swaggart, unclear on the Ten Commandments:
  • But yet in all theis we do also acknowledge this/ãd we se it taughte in the whole scripture as for an vndoubted truithe/that the lord Godd is better thẽ all theise/that the couenant and bonde of religiõ doth excede all other bondes in the world. A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful A Treatise of the Cohabitation Of the Faithful with the Unfaithful by Peter Martyr; Wherunto is Added A Sermon made of the Confessing of Christ and His Gospel and of the Denying of the sam
  • In the place yourself chose to mention as the foundation you laid of the inferences you are now making, our Saviour says it is a being “born of the Spirit;” doth the Scripture make this appropriable only unto men of discretion? The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • This was a false assumption; he was well-versed in the holy scriptures, and it was whispered that he had the ability to conjure up eidolons and spirits.
  • But Scriptures say a kingdom divided against itself shall be made desolate. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • You won't find this moral precept in the scriptures.
  • The Cainan difference is not an error in the original autographs of Scripture, but one of the extremely few copyist's errors in the manuscripts available today.
  • Holy Scripture must be treated as what it essentially is—the witness of the Father to the Incarnate Son.
  • The simple paraphrases of Scripture, the fact-filled descriptions of life in first-century Palestine, and the gentle words of Jesus stirred my heart.
  • The Gap Theory, which seeks to explain the fossil record by inserting geological ages between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, has no basis in Holy Scripture. Three Amigos or Three Stooges? - The Panda's Thumb
  • They usually lie in the open, though often found in graves and in holes in the rocks, from which I have thought that they might be the "coney" mentioned in Scripture. Life and sport in China Second Edition
  • And moving to a Copernican system was a great threat to this kind of sacred geography, uh, which was tacitly accepted but wasn't really honestly part of scripture.
  • The Puritan charges to which Hooker felt obliged to respond were at times quite specific, either contrary to Scripture or unscriptural.
  • Early Christian churches had no pulpits other than the ambos where scriptures could be read.
  • Reading the Scriptures is meant to be thrilling and exciting. Christianity Today
  • But if the adversaries will contend that the fomes [or evil inclination] is an adiaphoron, not only many passages of Scripture but simply the entire Church [and all the Fathers] will contradict them. Apology of the Augsburg Confession
  • First, the gospel exists essentially as an interpretation of Israel's Scriptures, and therefore is strictly inseparable from them.
  • Now that the body of our Lord was not transelemented or transnatured by the 'pleroma' indwelling, we are positively assured by Scripture. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • To begin with, one of the most common elements in early Christian preaching is the great effort to show that the crucified Jesus was Israel's messiah as testified to by her scriptures.
  • My latest posting on ‘A scripture blog’ looks at the Ascension.
  • We are transformed by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition which have consistently guided us for 2,000 years.
  • There were a dozen witnesses prepared to swear that McGuire had remained until the small hours, drinking coffee and quoting scripture. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • The principles of satya [truthfulness] and ahimsa [nonviolence] from our scriptures are needed more today for the survival of the human race than at any time in history.
  • Befo 'I pernounces de benediction, I wants ter' spress de thanks o 'dis chu'ch ter de' oner'ble visitor wha 'set' isse'f so modes 'in de las' pew dis evenin ', _an' den sen 'up de bigges' conterbutiom_, fulfillin 'de words o' de Scripture, which say _de las 'shill be fus' an 'de fus' shill be las_ '. Moriah's Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches
  • The word canon, in classical Greek, is properly a straight rod, "a rule" in the widest sense, and especially in the phrases "the rule of the Church," "the rule of faith," "the rule of truth," The first direct application of the term canon to the Scriptures seems to be in the verses of Amphilochius Smith's Bible Dictionary
  • The Scriptures are to be read in light of Torah because Torah, judged canon-historically, forms the ‘center,’ while the Prophets and the Writings are interpretations of this center.
  • I found them at family prayer, asking the Lord to send them some food; my heart was touched as I listened to the simplicity of the petition, and I could not but feel the Lord had directed my steps to the house in answer to their prayer, and was reminded of that passage of Scripture, '_while they are yet speaking, I will answer_.' Gathering Jewels The Secret of a Beautiful Life: In Memoriam of Mr. & Mrs. James Knowles. Selected from Their Diaries.
  • If the sincere reception of the sacraments actually secures pardon or justification _per se, immediately_, without the intervening instrumentality of a living faith, then faith is not the only condition of justification as the scriptures teach, but we are justified either by faith, or by the sacraments, and then there will be _three conditions of justification_, faith, baptism, and the Lord's Supper! American Lutheranism Vindicated; or, Examination of the Lutheran Symbols, on Certain Disputed Topics Including a Reply to the Plea of Rev. W. J. Mann
  • The drawback to this approach is that it leaves large amounts of scripture and tradition at the heart of Christian faith unappropriated.
  • And the word profane is usually taken in the Scripture for the same with common; and consequently their contraries, holy and proper, in the kingdom of God must be the same also. Leviathan
  • Both are in need of a thoughtful reform to nip in the bud the anti-national trend of creating religious disharmony by publicly vilifying sacred scriptures that has begun raising its ugly head.
  • Churches with thousands of members that de-emphasize studies of scripture while pushing communal solidarity run a serious risk of creating large populations of uninformed and fanatical chauvinists.
  • As it happens, I am a Southern Baptist, and we Baptists can extol the Scriptures with the best of them.
  • Bible should to them, and to every Christian, be the _only_ standard of what is right and wrong; and so, in the same manner, when they said that it was _wrong_, he required them also to prove it from Scripture. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • Wherever we have this problem, we should improve it, through sant, satsang and shastra saints, religious gathering and scripture.
  • Scripture exhorts us to praise God and we should keep this in mind when we approach this God in prayer.
  • If Scripture is this Word, then it must convey his ultimate authority and therefore be inerrant in all matters.
  • Scripture, -- (genealogical details and the narrative of what we think ordinary occurrences,) -- be supposed to disentitle those parts to the praise of being as fully inspired as any thing in the whole compass of the Bible? Inspiration and Interpretation: Seven Sermons Preached Before the University of Oxford: With Preliminary Remarks: Being an Answer to a Volume Entitled "Essays and Reviews."
  • His discussions of the doctrine of Scripture and angelology in Theology of the Community of God were also ground-breaking as far as Evangelical thinking was concerned.
  • A number of times in Scripture when addressing the Jews, God chastened them for not obeying His Word.
  • This was not always the popular stance, but with scripture and the majority of swamis backing him up, one heard fewer and fewer Hindus advocating violent solutions.
  • Their example makes plain that saying I am merely interpreting Scripture actually proves nothing at all if the interpretation is ill-founded and unfaithful.
  • It is as if the word described the inner 'resource' of God, that which grounds and informs God's substantial, objective presence, a presence which is fleetingly uncovered in theophanies in the Hebrew Scriptures but whose full manifestation in the world awaits the last days. Addresses given to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Archbishop Michael Ramsey: I. Theology in the Face of Christ
  • Very well," said Des Hermies, "but all that Scripture does not explain the alexipharmacal virtues which Dr. Johannès attributes to the sacrifice. Là-bas
  • Scripture terms not men peculiarly captivated unto brutish affections, anthropous psuchikous, "natural men," but rather alogs zoa phusika, 2 Pneumatologia
  • During a lecture in Toronto in 2007, Archbishop Williams had lamented what he called the lack of "rootedness" in the Anglican approach to Scripture and said "we've lost quite a bit of what was once a rather good Anglican practice of reading the Bible in the tradition of interpretation. Of course, I could be wrong...
  • Pray for the Spirit to move among the 11,350 lost Tai Kao in Yunnan, who have some Scripture portions in their language but persist in idol worship.
  • * Our sport during lessons was to sidetrack him away from scripture and towards stirring tales of Fighter Command and the Few. The God Delusion
  • The clergyman, a tall, high-coloured, handsome young man, read the service in a lively, agreeable voice, giving almost a dramatic point to the chapters of Scripture which he read. The Virginians
  • Of course, in Scripture, the term usually does not refer to the literal blood pump. They Smell Like Sheep Volume 2
  • Reading the Scriptures is meant to be thrilling and exciting. Christianity Today
  • But, by asserting the Scripture to be the canon of oar faith, I have unavoidably created to myself two sorts of enemies: the Papists indeed, more directly, because they have kept the Scriptures from us what they could; and have reserved to themselves a right of interpreting what they have delivered under the pretence of infallibility: and the Fanatics more collaterally, because they have assumed what amounts to an infallibility, in the private spirit; and have detorted those texts of The Poetical Works of John Dryden, Volume 1 With Life, Critical Dissertation, and Explanatory Notes
  • These services, long and with ample "hymnography" that is but a poetic commentary on the Scriptures and doctrines that surround any particular feast, are probably the richest surviving engagement with the Word of God to be found in a Glory to God for All Things
  • If you come out thinking that Jesus really has wool and hooves because he is called the Lamb of God, you might want to rethink your interpretation of those scriptures. Contend Earnestly

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