
How To Use Scrim In A Sentence

  • Some groups consistently face discrimination: age is one mode of socially structured disadvantage.
  • Thereafter thought, weighing the truth or falseness of the notion, determines what is true: and this explains the Greek word for thought, dianoia, which is derived from dianoein, meaning to think and discriminate. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Eventually almost all postwar writers whose work departs significantly from convention have come to be labeled "postmodernist," a term that has definable meaning but that also has been used as an aid in this lashing-out, a way to further disparage such writers both by lumping them together indiscriminately and by identifying their work as just another participant in literary fashion. Postmodernism
  • The battle against racial discrimination is not over.
  • The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.
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  • He claimed that the school district stepped over the line with its affirmative action plan and that race was improperly used to discriminate against the white teacher.
  • Indiscriminate concelebration with Patriotic clergy can't be considered as permitted. Archive 2009-07-01
  • They had already experienced discrimination in the army while fighting the "crusade for freedom". The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • I does create the rebuttable presumption of discrimination. Ah, gerrymandering. | RedState
  • Thus, we can use measures of skewness for distributions of expression differences for classified genes to discriminate between models.
  • ‘The composer's operetta appeals to a less discriminating taste for melody, harmony and rhythm,’ he said.
  • As can be seen, the recurring theme of the principle is universality, non-exclusivity, non-discrimination, and indivisibility.
  • Carpenter scrambled out of the pocket, pulled up at the line of scrimmage and shoveled the ball to Thompson, who outleaped two defenders under the goal post.
  • Critics credit it with transforming millions of indiscriminate guzzlers into quasi foodies. Times, Sunday Times
  • I reckon we're in danger of raising a whole generation of undiscriminating couch potatoes afflicted by TV-induced Attention Deficit Disorder.
  • In the case of marriage, calling SSM discriminatory or segregationist represents either a failure to adequately recognise the sexuality of the individual involved or more perniciously to regard that distinction as immaterial or undeserving of respect. Why are only queer rights on the chopping block?
  • In recent decades, Taiwan's aboriginals have endured neglect and discrimination.
  • The results indicate that, on average, listeners are able to discriminate between the two.
  • Do you have any particular views on sexual discrimination?
  • Separately, Russia called on the international community to stop what it called the "indiscriminate" use of force in Libya, saying it was killing civilians. Arab League Criticizes Libya No-Fly Zone Implementation
  • At the end of the draft, the platform spells out the traditional Democratic support for fighting discrimination and protecting civil rights.
  • I NOTICE that apart from the widespread complaint that the German pilotless planes ‘seem so unnatural’ (a bomb dropped by a live airman is quite natural, apparently), some journalists are denouncing them as barbarous, inhumane, and ‘an indiscriminate attack on civilians’. As I Please
  • And how coincidental is it that he just happens to be working with Angus Scrimm, star of my all time favorite horror film ‘Phantasm.’ The Tail Section » 2007 » May
  • Viewing it from all angles the point is, it is discriminative criteria to reject siblings of non Jewish mothers on the logical basis that no female line could possibly hereditarily claim pure Jewish roots going back five thousand years. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • (Bush and Dr Cheney legacy), not just lock it up in cupboards. another inspiration for my writing is this innovative musician and activist fighting racism, Islamo-phobia and injustice head on through his "Rhythm and beats". although his documentaries and DIY cook book music genre are termed irreverence bordering treason against queen and country and glorifying terrorism among the Pakistani and Muslim youth of Britain, But it is merely exposing the truth about the sentiments of equality, discrimination, integration and assimilation. Pak Tea House
  • Boycotts have played integral roles in reversing discrimination all over the world. Zack de la Rocha: Why the Boycott of Arizona Continues
  • That occurs because a reduction in shock intensity is immediately discriminable provided that it exceeds some threshold change, but a decrease in shock duration is discriminable only when the briefer shock is terminated.
  • Learners at the advanced stage use their own creativity and seek delicate discriminations of meaning, stylistic niceties, subtleties of culture and discourse, and greater acquaintance with the language.
  • Countless other cases of alleged police brutality and racial discrimination continue to be highlighted daily on social media. Times, Sunday Times
  • The OHRC does not indicate that current or past position is a discriminable ground. Criminal Defence Lawyers Need Not Apply : Law is Cool
  • OTOH I’ve always been fascinated by the massive blind spot in multiculti and PC discourse which refuses to acknowledge the oppressive and discriminatory elements in many non western cultures. Cheeseburger Gothic » Drop your bombs between the minarets, down Geneva way-ay-ay-aaayyy…
  • According to numerous opinion polls, they solidly oppose the kinds of discrimination that Cardinal Ratzinger condoned.
  • Wanting to allow someone to discriminate is not racist any more than wanting to allow someone to speak racist things is racist. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • I know that one of the philosophical underpinnings of Creative Commons and other Open Content Licensing models is to not discriminate, which is why they are available to anyone. Lessig's use of Flickr photos: is Creative Commons really a community?
  • David Bernstein: But let me add that by your reasoning, the fact that almost everyone thinks that shoplifting should be a crime, whereas almost everyone thinks that discrimination should be punished as a less serious civil matter, means that almost everyone thinks that shoplifting is more serious than discrimination, which by your lights means that everyone is a racist. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • As for Mr Gilbert, an industrial tribunal dismissed his claim of unfair discrimination.
  • Is discriminating on the grounds of sex more acceptable than discriminating on the basis of skin colour?
  • When did creativity take on this relatively indiscriminating meaning - referring to anything good?
  • Libya, it was claimed, had ordered the embassy to orchestrate a night of carnage in the nightclub and ‘cause maximum and indiscriminate damages’.
  • The book's showbiz scenarios mock theatrical and film prototypes and stereotypes - the revolving cast and their scrimshank plaster-of-Paris mise-en-scene go round and round on the book's gigantic turntable, a shambolic revue, a whirlwind farce ... Comments for RealityStudio
  • Provided the discrimination was not indirect and unintentional, damages can be awarded to take account of injury to feelings.
  • Our results suggest that low CYP 2C isozyme activity is a common property of drugs, whereas other isozymes, such as CYP 2D6, show little discrimination between drugs and unoptimized compounds found in screening libraries. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • If I could propose a line, it would be that hostile workplace sexual harassment exists where the environment is so severe as to be functionally equivalent to discrimination in hiring or promotion. The Volokh Conspiracy » Just What Speech Does “Hostile Environment Harassment” Law Restrict?
  • And as long as we use the term ambiguously and fail to discriminate between conscience proper and the term as used in the looser, larger sense, we will have nothing but confusion. To Infidelity and Back
  • These figures suggest that the sift did not discriminate against people on the basis of which university they had attended.
  • When, for example, Karl and I made the simulation more realistic and allowed for mutations, or mistakes in an evolving population of players, then we saw cooperation and defection wax and wane over time, as those with a good reputation are actually undermined by indiscriminate altruists who help anyone, no matter how well or badly the latter have behaved in the past. SuperCooperators
  • Nationality discrimination is prohibited in that context. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than that, I did not discriminate against my men on the basis of race or colour of skin or texture of hair.
  • The second group were trained on a 'numerosity discrimination' task, related to mathematical ability. Times, Sunday Times
  • This discriminator simply works on the principal that with no modulation applied to the carrier there is no output at the detector.
  • Discrimination and parental choice have come to be linked over a number of issues of current importance.
  • Sex discrimination excludes discrimination on the grounds of marital status.
  • I think there's a compelling case to be made that, by and large, an appropriator from a dominant culture carrying out such an act is likely to be doing so for negative motives and to negative results, that historically such cross-cultural sacrilege is motivated by misrepresentation and discrimination and aimed towards furthering misrepresentation and discrimination. Archive 2006-09-01
  • Congress has made national findings that there has been societal discrimination in a host of fields.
  • Second, he adds, he believes that the government does not have a sufficiently compelling interest in banning discrimination against various groups to overcome that presumption. The Volokh Conspiracy » So a Libertarian and a Liberal Walk into a Bar
  • Battle system of N. E.O Online also includes territorial wars, guild battles, match-ups and indiscriminative attack mode. WarCry Network : Latest News
  • Team members might engage in discriminatory practices or hire only friends or relatives.
  • Kansas City's offensive line, nearing a record for most consecutive starts as a group, destroyed Minnesota's front seven during two days of scrimmages in August.
  • May responded that this exclusion did not constitute discrimination, nor did it degrade the status of women in the Church.
  • Primary care clinicians need to be able to discriminate which patients within a relatively unselected population have a higher likelihood of malignant disease.
  • One apparently almost universal discriminatory practice was to pay women less than men.
  • Are audiences so undiscriminating that they will plunk down $9 to see something this creatively bankrupt?
  • ” Of all forms of indiscriminate almsgiving, that is the most offensive and most worthless, and they knew it, or they would not have sent me a wheedling invitation to come and inspect their “relief work, ” offering to have a carriage take me around. Roosevelt comes—Mulberry Street’s Golden Age
  • Worse yet, their presence frequently meant indiscriminate artillery bombardments against innocent villages suspected of harboring the Vietcong.
  • Newspapers should not publish material that is likely to encourage discrimination on the grounds of race or colour.
  • The Hoosiers have played their Division 1A opponents even on the scoreboard at 30.8 points scored and 31.0 allowed, but the Hoosiers have faced three bad teams in Western Kentucky, Akron, and Arkansas State and they've been badly outplayed from the line of scrimmage 5.9 yards per play to 7.2 yppl. Jeff Ma: Bringing Down the Bookie: Week 7
  • Either way you look at it, someone who advocates legalizing racial discrimination in employment or in the provision of public accommodations is fairly described as a racist. The Volokh Conspiracy » The “Racist” Charge
  • This, as we said, is especially true for women who live in a chauvinist, discriminatory environment.
  • Yet the abolition of discriminatory migration proceeded apace. Times, Sunday Times
  • Law firms would not dream of excluding these de facto discriminators from their hiring schedules, though.
  • The promotion of women ran into fierce resistance, which led to persistent and quite unacceptable forms of discrimination.
  • The Commission for Racial Equality teaches organisations not to discriminate.
  • We must not minimize the problem of racial discrimination.
  • The report that documents their findings includes an appendix with 108 anecdotes by Princeton students of racial or religious harassment or discrimination.
  • To be reliable, a cognitive mechanism must enable a person to discriminate or differentiate between incompatible states of affairs.
  • Injunctions against discrimination require that efficacious treatment for a human ill must be made equally accessible to everyone.
  • Other readers discriminated by making anthologies later - something each generation can do again. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Describing the women's attackers as "insensate" ( 'Lacking sense or the power to reason;' 'Foolish; witless'), the traditional leaders said the actions of Ngcukana's attackers were not only "barbaric", but unconstitutional in that they violated gender discrimination provisions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The organisation's role is to outlaw discrimination against minority groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are SO many laws already in place to correct discriminatory lending, that strenghtening of the CRA was NOT needed … but it was … to the point that Banks lended against solid and normal business practices. gimmee a break. Think Progress » DOJ official reportedly clears torture architects John Yoo and Jay Bybee.
  • Meanwhile, aspirations towards partnership with users and anti-discriminatory practice require active consideration of the context of users' lives.
  • It is nature as seen through a scrim of culture, the ocean as we might dream or imagine it.
  • European law also provides protection from discrimination on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religion or belief and disability.
  • There were some cases, nevertheless, of clear discrimination: age discrimination in the police department, for example.
  • Thus the data were recoded using more stringent criteria to permit finer discriminations (feminist, antifeminist, neutral).
  • The apprehensions of the Health Department are valid if we go for indiscriminate digging in places where there are chances for water stagnation.
  • Business is booming for an Avis franchisee in the Carolinas despite well-publicized allegations of racial discrimination against customers.
  • Racial preferences are a way to make up for years of discrimination against minorities.
  • The club agreed last year to stop discriminating and mend their ways, but gee, when nobody was looking they backslid got sued again in March. Martha Burk: One More Black Eye for Arizona
  • Secretary Small and Deputy Secretary Burke have exhibited a head-in-the-sand attitude toward wrongdoing at their agency; they have engaged in stonewalling and spin rather than dealing forthrightly with the discrimination that has occurred. Another Government Report Supports Sternberg
  • The report that documents their findings includes an appendix with 108 anecdotes by Princeton students of racial or religious harassment or discrimination.
  • There is widespread discrimination against doctors of Asian origin.
  • Discrimination was highest for male, junior clerical jobs, management trainees and accountants, and lowest for female clerical jobs.
  • Past performance loses its value as a meaningful discriminator among contractors.
  • EU members were unusually outspoken in appearances before the U.N. Human Rights Council, saying they were worried about preparations for a global racism conference to be held next month because attention was being diverted from the real problems of racial discrimination. EU countries oppose Muslim views on racism meeting
  • The Constitution should be about enshrining rights, not discrimination.
  • It also found that he was the subject of racial discrimination by the police force during its investigation of him.
  • Inattention is both opposed to a discriminate subject/object relationship, and is, at the same time, the realization of a fantasy of indiscrimination.
  • Why the discrimination between large retailers and smaller ones? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most racial discrimination is based on ignorance.
  • Sexual discrimination is seen to be an important factor in discouraging women from careers in engineering.
  • It does not discriminate on the ground of race, religion, colour or ethnicity.
  • Rigorous shift patterns allegedly discriminated against women with children.
  • Lawyers can specialize in "elder law", which covers everything from trusts and estates to nursing-home abuse and age discrimination.
  • In his incommunicable world of silence, made the more sordid by isolation and discrimination, he find himself the butt of everybody's abuse and insult.
  • Thus, this factor alone is not a major discriminator between both groups.
  • The Left has also prioritized Marcuse's antinomic concept of "discriminatory tolerance" or Latest Articles
  • A few cities, including San Francisco, explicitly outlaw weight discrimination.
  • This iniquity is to remain, and the regulations may even increase the discrimination permitted.
  • This is discriminatory: to discriminate against members of a group of people just is to treat them disadvantageously compared to members of other groups, when there's no adequate justification for doing so.
  • We form alliances with journalists to increase their understanding and offer training courses that look at discrimination. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would also strengthen the powers of police to protect women from coercion and intimidation and underline that of courts to set aside discriminatory rulings. Times, Sunday Times
  • More discriminating visitors now tend to shun the area.
  • Ornamentation of the periclinal walls could be used to discriminate four morphological types.
  • Fertility experts have suggested that the law is unfair and discriminatory. Times, Sunday Times
  • Paul Mormando and Anthony Miccio were convicted on misdemeanor assault and discrimination charges.
  • He also was in command at the line of scrimmage, calling timely audibles.
  • Despite the Disability Discrimination Act, little has been done to help make society more accessible for autistics.
  • The black slaves freed by the Civil War soon found themselves caught up in an extensive pattern of legally enforced racial discrimination in the South known as Jim Crow.
  • More often the discrimination is less bald. Times, Sunday Times
  • Justice O'Connor made clear in her concurrence, however, that the actual law's discrimination against homosexuals also provided a separate reason to strike it down.
  • We all need to reflect on the huge amount of wasted potential as disabled people struggle against continual discrimination and barriers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another and oftentimes fatal mistake made by the nonprofessional is the indiscriminate and reckless use of aconite. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • Discrimination on grounds of race will not be tolerated.
  • Their reasoning is that some local societies follow practices that violate human rights, such as female genital mutilation and other violations of the right against gender discrimination.
  • We studied and compared the static and dynamic games of two oligarchic enterprises on second-degree price discrimination under the condition of linear demand functions.
  • With competition proliferating across all sectors and offerings becoming standardised, the only apparent discriminators remaining are price and service.
  • I think we may be observing the general social norm that frowns on age discrimination and accommodates disability.
  • I'll nail them for indiscrimination against my religion. Terrarose Diary Entry
  • But we abhor any insulting or discriminatory behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was founded in order to fight the unwritten law on the job market that discriminates against older employees.
  • This ensures that even if tax rates differ across countries, the tax does not discriminate between foreign and domestic producers.
  • He also welcomed the new equal status legislation which outlaws discrimination in provision of goods and services.
  • The law has done little to prevent racial discrimination and inequality.
  • In this paper, discriminated frequency property of phase discriminator has been studied.
  • Information provided to one interested supplier shall be provided in a non-discriminatory manner to the other interested suppliers.
  • Seniority rights are something all Americans should also share, after all, what other protection is there from discrimination? Julie Cavanagh: Do Teacher Unions Have the Cooties?
  • However, inactive agents are a poor placebo for an easily discriminable drug such as nicotine.
  • But color blindness is itself a controversial concept: Some hold it as the highest ideal of true racial equality in a post-racial society, while others cynically dismiss it as a strategy for ignoring evidence of persistent racial discrimination. Wray Herbert: Colorblind? Or Just Blind to Justice?
  • I recently posted an advertisement for a vacancy and want to avoid discriminating against minority groups.
  • We'll just be scrimmaging, and a few different drills, so I can see who you are and where I want to put you.
  • Capitalism is colour-blind and gender-blind, and does not discriminate based on religious belief or sexual orientation.
  • AIDS victims often experience social ostracism and discrimination.
  • These features were utilized as taxonomic discriminators because usually their structures are well preserved in fossilized coralla and they are relatively easy to study in thin section.
  • A discontented student body frequently boycotted classes over various grievances, such as discriminatory practices in medicine.
  • Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome.
  • The fact is that both the benefits of affirmative action and the white-male fears of reverse discrimination have been exaggerated.
  • Quae promissio omnibus populis et hominibus, ad quos Deus pro suo beneplacito mittit Evangelium, promiscue et indiscriminatim annunciari et proponi debet cum resipiscentiae et fidei mandato. The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination.
  • For example, the taste for discrimination may be endogenous to a particular society and consequently relatively impervious to competition.
  • The golf club was recommended to adopt non-discriminatory selection procedures and ordered to draw up an equal opportunities policy.
  • Sexual experience and learning process influence the ability of discrimination of yearling sheep.
  • After that, he scrimmages before finishing with ten minutes of stretching.
  • Yes, in my classes on the sociology of gender we spend time talking about pink-collar jobs, discrimination against working mothers and the media's sexualization of young girls. Christine Whelan: Stirring Up The Feminine Mystique For A New Generation
  • I think they are often wrong-headed and foolish, but nobody deserves to be indiscriminately beaten because of their political beliefs.
  • It's, to their eyes, the last rampart against the discrimination from which they suffer in their country.
  • On a play from scrimmage, if an offensive player fumbles anywhere on the field during fourth down, only the fumbling player is permitted to recover and/or advance the ball.
  • Another proposal was that an independent commission would be set up to examine the question of racial discrimination.
  • It said that workers could face the sack for any racist, sexist or any other discriminatory behaviour.
  • Yet, policing borders inevitably involves coercion, discrimination, and sharp distinctions between citizens and non-citizens.
  • This is a mark that discriminates the original from the copy.
  • Judged alongside their abstemious Anglo-Saxon counterparts, they were seen as unruly, belligerent and not to be relied on, a slur that was extended to generations through media distortion and police discrimination.
  • It may also take the form of indirect discrimination. The Prisons We Deserve
  • During the recruitment process, employers must know where discrimination can occur, even in unintentional ways.
  • Man-made destruction seems easier to understand and explain than indiscriminate natural havoc.
  • He said the move increased parental choice and responded to complaints that the Government was discriminating against church schools.
  • Last February the tribunal agreed he had been the victim of racial discrimination.
  • Meanwhile, aspirations towards partnership with users and anti-discriminatory practice require active consideration of the context of users' lives.
  • His mother believed unswervingly and indiscriminately in his genius.
  • With the current job situation, age discrimination in employment is becoming more common.
  • His former chauffeur is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of racial discrimination.
  • Mortars in particular seemed indiscriminate in inflicting casualties.
  • There is also evidence that the economic effects of age discrimination are harsher in Britain than other comparable countries.
  • At this point the debate over the civil rights bill merged into a wider national debate concerning the legitimacy of reverse discrimination.
  • So while borders are being opened to indiscriminate trade, small producers are being regulated out of existence.
  • Cosatu demanded the government give paid time off for education programmes about AIDS, and "decriminalise" the disease by not discriminating against workers carrying HIV, the virus that causes ANC Daily News Briefing
  • For the purposes of this Act, a person (in this subsection referred to as the discriminator) discriminates against another person (in this subsection referred to as the aggrieved person) on the ground of the marital status of the aggrieved person if, by reason of: Archive 2006-03-01
  • Its purpose was to enable the states to better effectuate their police powers by eliminating the discrimination in favor of out-of-state sellers.
  • Every dollar I scrimped or saved barely had time to cool in my hands before it was in the cash register at the local store and I was on the way home with another addition to my racing stable.
  • The ability to discriminate is admittedly a basic ingredient of survival.
  • Campaigners yesterday accused the Government of widespread and indiscriminate cuts to vital services.
  • There should be no discrimination against languages people speak, skin color, or religion. Malala Yousafzai 
  • For the moment then, the TV executive who discriminated against me because of my plebeian roots is probably safe to continue discriminating against other cheeky upstarts.
  • Yet others argue that demand is the key, as select implicit or explicit discrimination by party activists.
  • Who has time to read, never mind cope with, the mountain of red tape that spews out of Brussels: employment legislation, working time directives, discrimination laws, VAT rules, etc?
  • He has won prizes from his peers and plaudits from discriminating academics.
  • Another point against which the medium should guard himself, is that of allowing others, indiscriminately, to "magnetize" him to "aid his development" or to "increase his power. Genuine Mediumship or The Invisible Powers
  • ‘You know I believe this attitude towards heavy people is the last bastion of open discrimination in our society,’ Andante quoted her as saying.
  • This borders on discrimination!
  • In this sense it is nearly synonymous with large j and they are often used indiscriminately, but with some difference of meaning .j for as target a term chiefly employedto detiote The Bee, or, Literary weekly intelligencer [microform] : consisting of original pieces and selections from performances of merit, foreign and domestic : a work calculated to disseminate useful knowledge among all ranks of people at a small expense
  • They called for companies to face fines for such discrimination and for employment tribunals to make awards against employers who flout the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • Victor has a preference for Hunsden, full as strong as I deem desirable, being considerably more potent decided, and indiscriminating, than any I ever entertained for that personage myself. The Professor, by Charlotte Bronte
  • As a result of increased public interest, more than a dozen states have passed laws that prohibit insurers from genetic discrimination.
  • Abject flattery and indiscriminate assentation degrade as much as indiscriminate contradiction and noisy debate disgust. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • MeCCSA 2009, Bradford, UK large, noisy but indiscriminative  What to include in a corpus? Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The assault commenced with the firing of Rocket Propelled Grenades followed by indiscriminate firing.
  • Government complaints alleging racial discrimination in rental policies have al ready been filed in Miami and Minneapolis.
  • • In the end antiblack, antifemale, and all forms of discrimination are equivalent to the same thing - antihumanism. UUpdates - All updates
  • The phrenologists do well to locate, not only form, color, and weight, in the region of the eye, but also a faculty which they call individuality -- that which separates, discriminates, and sees in every object its essential character. Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers
  • Practically, the encoding guarantees that different input words are discriminably represented and that the reverse operation can be easily performed.

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