How To Use Scribble In A Sentence
She can't write yet, but she loves to scribble with a pencil.
His temper was obviously getting the best of him, so he muttered a few undistinguishable words and scribbled down something.
I drew a smiley face, played tic-tac-toe with myself, drew another smiley face, scribbled all over it and finally, I wiped the ink off the plastic table.
Not only will you be made a laughing-stock of, but some scribbler, some ink-splasher will put you into a comedy.
The Inspector-General
Coach scribbled his name and grumbled, “You could have asked her in the first place.”
Parents Behaving Badly

We know that because of the little messages they have scribbled on the wall.
Times, Sunday Times
I had aced the course in high school, so what were these hieroglyphics that the professor scribbled on the blackboard with such gusto?
The eggs of the bronze-winged jacana have a rich brownish-bronze background, on which black lines are scribbled in inextricable confusion, so that the egg looks as though Arabic texts had been scrawled over it.
A Bird Calendar for Northern India
The world starts making sense, and the meaningless scribbles are left behind.
He reviewed pages of typed medical records and scribbled notes that charted with clinical precision each sailors fatal wounds: Blast injury to brain, Multiple bullet and shrapnel wounds, Exsanguination from complete transection of body.
The Attack on the Liberty
Scribbled in biro, in one corner, was the name of Keith Proctor and his address.
Scribbled in her untidy scrawl were the words I love Nate Litz written across her macadam driveway in a pale rose-colored chalk.
There was a scribbled message on the back of the ticket.
Shane started to scribble on a piece of tissue, when Max grabbed it and tore it into pieces.
I'm beginning to think such iconic lines are in marble precisely so they won't be bent or made to yield to a scribbler's whim.
In some episodes where a threat lurks, the colored scribbles grow dense and fraught, mutely warning against dangers that the character is too naive to see for himself.
Before that I made these dream journals and they were filled with poetry and scribbles.
It is now too dangerous to scribble on walls or to attack the new president directly.
Times, Sunday Times
As a professional scribbler, I had penned a piece about the social, economic and environmental benefits of fair trade agriculture.
She scribbled a note in pencil.
The eloquent orator far prefers to work from a few scribbled notes rather than stick to a pre-prepared speech.
I have sheafs of poetry notes, experiments and scribbles, but nothing finished.
And CAT ULLUS he hups and he scribbles a "carmen" -- wich then meant a song,
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, December 26, 1891
Paul scribbled his address on the back of an envelope.
In a language so expressive as the English, I hate the pedantry of tagging or prefacing what I write with Latin scraps; and ever was a censurer of the motto-mongers among our weekly and daily scribblers.
Clarissa Harlowe
One teacher remembers his early drawings as ‘scribbles’; others recall rudimentary figures obliterated by cross-hatching.
He scribbles the words "bird feed" on a piece of blank notebook paper and tosses it into his inbox.
Dovegreyreader scribbles all kept my brain ticking along while the rest of me plodded back to fitness, and what an exciting year it's been since.
ON BEING ILL by Virginia Woolf
Soon I had scribbled down phone numbers of five different institutions teaching English in Hong Kong.
Whether it was some crackbrain scribbler who tried to prove Poe
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
Across from this there is a recess in a wall and the entire face of it is covered with scribbles, painted and sprayed on.
I continued reading past the scribbles, where the handwriting once again became legible.
Easily affixed to the fridge or kitchen wall, the boards allow you to scribble notes and reminders when they come to you.
At the back of the courtroom, two reporters scribbled notes into steno pads.
They use a natural interface which enables users to highlight, scribble notes, bookmark and annotate.
He was more interested in carefully re-tracing the faded pencil scribbles on his side of the desk.
Most of the school's walls were covered in scribbles and the culprits also used cutters to leave etching marks on a lot of windows.
She scribbled answers hard on the paper, constantly breaking the lead of her mechanical pencil.
Hardcover and paperback, spotless and battered, beautiful books and cheaply printed books, crude paper-bound galleys with pages scribbled in mysterious annotations.
In her other blog, The Merry Scribbler, PrairieMary has some good things to say about the "architectonics" of writing-- and it is NOT pretentious.
Writing-- the Continuing Series
With raised eyebrows and busy pencils, the judges scribbled away diligently.
Times, Sunday Times
The nurse scribbled something on my chart, smiled at me, and told me my doctor would be right in.
Christianity Today
Hughes, with sandy hair half way down his back, grabs a marker and scribbles the agenda on a whiteboard.
And The Well, because of the way it organized information, boy, that conversation was really to the point, and when it wasn't, you had a human operator called a sysop, who would just kick you off or shut you down or scribble your words.
Q&A; with Larry Brilliant, Co-founder of The Well
Scribbled in biro, in one corner, was the name of Keith Proctor and his address.
Then of course is the corps who are always late, scribble on the back of envelopes, and expect others to read illegible handwriting.
I keep my purse very small so it won't fill up so there's not much else besides wallet, phone, cardcase, pen sometimes, a rather dented Julian card and a lot of assorted other people's cards and scraps of paper with scribbles.
Cat in the bag?
I scratched my head and looked down at the scribbles in my notebook.
An IBMer who should remain nameless, but who worked at the AIX division, once admitted to this scribbler - back then just a computer geek - "I will never promote OS/2.
As she was speaking another young woman way back in the mêlée scribbled a note and passed it forward.
Times, Sunday Times
He scribbled a callous note insulting the family he robbed.
The Sun
Anti-war protesters who scribbled graffiti on Queen Victoria's statue and Lancaster Town Hall during the demos faced criminal charges yesterday.
I can almost feel the self-loathing wafting out of some of the hastily scribbled missives that arrive at this time of year.
Times, Sunday Times
I use the computer first and only scribble little ideas down in the margins of my schoolbook.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Open Writing Forum
`Here's another billet-doux -- she scribbled it after you left.
He is reputed to have used the back of an envelope on which to scribble his aims before meeting the media outside Number 10.
He scribbled a quick note to Noah adding a thank you to Dinah and taped it to the door.
Readers writing in books usually takes the form of notes in the side margins of a book, though there are those who will scribble on the flyleaf or fill up the endpapers.
Because of the short notice, I can't receive any artwork for ads, but am willing to use a marker pen to scribble your company slogan on my t-shirt for money.
The new logos feature a lowercase "aol" on top of various colorful images that range from an orange goldfish to a green scribble.
It was filthy and sticky and as he carefully picked it up to place it in the trash, he noticed some scribble on the back.
But is not the taking seriously of this kind of comment the equivalent of the exhibition curator placing an artist's kitchen table scribble alongside one of his major drawings?
When we got back he'd managed to scribble a few lines in his notebook with his dud hand.
It was tied up with string and read in scribbled, almost illegible, penmanship.
You have no doubt seen people whose signatures are nothing more than scribbles, yet even those unreadable scratch marks are valid.
RUSSIA. Birobidzhan, Jewish Autonomous Region. 1999. The Star of David is scribbled on a broken apartment block window.
I opened it and found a hastily scribbled note smudged in places by water droplets.
He looks down at his notes, freshly scribbled in his longhand, and lets himself digest the contents for a minute or so.
You have just 20 minutes in semi-darkness to memorise or scribble down the objects on view.
Periodically Ian kept a diary, each entry scribbled in pencil.
Cue another scribbled diagram: she evidently does her research.
Times, Sunday Times
Finally, he made a calculation, the nature of which eluded Dougal, and scribbled a number on the pad.
It is therefore important for speech writers to recognise the fact that, whatever they scribble, should tally with the audience or expectations of the listeners.
Members include a variety or writers and would vary from scribblers to novelists, poets, and writers of short stories and writers for children.
With raised eyebrows and busy pencils, the judges scribbled away diligently.
Times, Sunday Times
I handed him a fresh sheet of lined paper and watched him scribble away.
Freebie junketeers sometimes scribble down words of praise and pass them to publicists right there at the junket.
Some are plain, some are colorful, some speckled or scribbled.
Officials had to place his hand on documents for him to scribble his signature.
And apparently when I was a kid; I use to scribble in books with a pen before I could even write so I was always trying to do something.
Throughout the interview the journalists scribbled away furiously.
She scribbled the address on a scratch pad and gave it to me.
Setting the photograph down Mahler scribbled a few notes on a nearby steno pad.
Looking For Olivia
Scribbled notes are left on whiteboards, postcards remain pinned to noticeboards and discarded paperwork adorns desks.
In those cases, I feel duty-bound to scribble a few paragraphs.
I snapped, irritated, and bent over this journal again, watching my hand shake as I scribbled a long squiggly line across the lined pages.
Not so easy are the torn-out spiral notebook offerings graved in pen and then scribbled throughout with circles and arrows to indicate where the rest of the work presumably is.
Matthew Yglesias » Charter School Metaphors
He smears the hues and tears the forms and scribbles across the surface in a kind of eloquent frenzy.
The man pulled out a notebook and scribbled across and down the page taking notes.
He began to drink heavily, left London in 1914, and spent the rest of his life roaming around Ireland, living off meagre earnings from hastily scribbled articles and stories.
Usually this ends up being a cramped, scribbled list, and hard to understand.
He seems to be a regular guest on some BBC radio programmes on environmental matters, so he is not an ivory tower scribbler.
I look at it curiously, my name hurriedly scribbled on the front.
I scribbled his phone number in my address book.
In his lap was a Manila folder, Italian writing scribbled all over on various notes and documents.
I seldom see a body at the pool lacking some kind of permanent scribble.
Times, Sunday Times
One source told how she found doors missing or hanging off and walls scribbled on.
The Sun
Each page on the pads is filled with all sorts of bizarre shorthand scribbled in a totally random fashion around the edges.
When I was in grad school, almost certainly before that cart was created, we had to check our footnotes by grinding through illegible microfilm copies of 100-year-old monographs; by taking the intercampus bus to Berkeley to check on the only copy of a critical edition of certain little-known Medieval MSS west of the Mississippi; by writing a friend in Germany to check with his university research librarian about their copy of that 17th century treatise with marginalia scribbled by Werckmeister; by flying to Washington to buttonhole an old friend working as an assistant at the Library of Congress to see if he could help get me some face time with an important MS that just didn't seem to be available in microfilm; by.....
It's the All New Mobile Footnote Check Station!
Inspired by notes and scribbles already on the pages, Byron commenced a program of drawing, painting and collage.
As she was speaking another young woman way back in the mêlée scribbled a note and passed it forward.
Times, Sunday Times
A classicist by training, Mr. Toohey argues, to the contrary, that boredom has always been with us, which seems plausible enough if this ancient graffito from a much-scribbled-on wall in Pompeii is anything to go by: Wall!
Accidie? Ennui? Sigh . . .
Any muggins can write about Old Times on the Miss of 500 different kinds, but I am the only man alive that can scribble about the piloting of that day—& no man has ever tried to scribble about it yet.
Mark Twain
Scribbled notes are left on whiteboards, postcards remain pinned to noticeboards and discarded paperwork adorns desks.
What kind of a message does this send out to the cretins who ruin the town with their pathetic unartistic scribbles?
She scribbled down the directions on her pad.
Then grab a pen and scribble down a few resolutions, so you can forget all about it and get back to sleep.
Times, Sunday Times
She scribbled a note to tell Mum she'dgone out.
Once finished, I scribbled a short note to him underneath, in the unpractised hand of a man who rarely writes, and folded it over.
He scribbled on the back of this bill, gave it to Edred, and then they all went out on the roof and shovelled snow in on to Mr. Parados, and when he came out on the roof very soon and angry, they slipped round the chimney-stacks and through the trapdoor, and left him up on the roof in the snow, and shut the trapdoor and hasped it.
Harding's Luck
As is characteristic of Johns's graphic work of this time, the drawings feature freehand scribbles, carefully limned curves, erasures and tonal blurring.
Prices, where stated at all, were scribbled in decorative script upon tiny cards, an afterthought.
The waitress nodded and scribbled on her order pad, handing them menus.
There was a scribbled message on the back of the ticket.
Often I write out my Vicar's Report for the benefit of the secretary, so he can append it to the minutes; but last night I was speaking more ad lib from scribbled notes.
He scribbled something and thanked us for our time.
Times, Sunday Times
Periodically Ian kept a diary, each entry scribbled in pencil.
Then grab a pen and scribble down a few resolutions, so you can forget all about it and get back to sleep.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything Chris said, in whatever you've called trumps, plus never trust a trial lawyer who wears a double-breasted suit to work. scribbler50,
The Tattooed Attorney
‘It's quite an honour to be asked to come back for a third time,’ says the choreographer as he scribbles notes mid-rehearsal.
But here's a pet peeve from the media coverage, where Corporal Megeney is referred to repeatedly as a "reservist". maybe more than once your humble e-scribbler has let that word slip from his own lips or typed them onto a page somewhere.
A soldier, once and always
He gave a quiet smile and scribbled an autograph as the fan chattered.
He'll pull out the Parker pen his late grandfather gifted him for his 15th birthday and scribble a reply on the back of the chit.
Think, also, what license the dyslexic rent-a-crowd poster-scribblers will have with Barack Obama's moniker.
Terry Krepel: John L. Perry's Greatest Obama-Hating Hits
It derives its name from Scribbling Herse, a frame on which the cloth when first made was stretched in order that it might be scribbled.
The opening allegro was written in a white heat of inspiration, during a holiday in the mountains near Graz; he seems to have run out of manuscript paper, for the last 50 bars are scribbled out on dinner napkins.
He didn't have any choice anyway, so Kelvin scribbled his signature on the end.
In the unlikely event of anybody phoning, could you just scribble a message down?
_parchment_? that parchment, being _scribbled o'er_, should undo a man?
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
Lynch scribbles on a digital notepad attached to a laptop wedged between them.
Mysterious psychedelic scribbles fill other windows, some with a figure caught within the web of marks.
The scribbled note on the back said it was sainfoin.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
It looked as though Sam did a lot of studying because there were pens scattered to every corner of the table and notepads filled with pages and pages of scribbled notes and ideas.
You type in your postcode and the site will create a form letter addressed to your MP, on to which you scribble your thoughts.
This is Scribble With Unique Thougts and Incisive Words.
The eyes of the Scribbled Anthias have a mysterious metallic green lens.
Gilboa, and a Parisian convulsionary, who scribbles ecclesiastical notices in his garret, in 1758, is wonderfully striking.
A Philosophical Dictionary
Some are marked with stamps, some with a hole punch, others a scribbled initial.
A disembodying experience, the next morning my scribbled notes appeared to read Bjork against the machine.
Modiba: Global Fest 7.0: Sounds from every corner
With raised eyebrows and busy pencils, the judges scribbled away diligently.
Times, Sunday Times
I hurriedly scribbled his phone number on a pad of paper with trembling hands and hung up.
The students nodded and made various scribbles in their notebooks.
This vital message is a matter of concern for citizens of every age and walk of life, but the punkish scribbles and all-over-the-place attempts at paste-up make it look like a poorly considered and intemperate rant.
He went into the kitchen in hopes to find her only to find a note scribbled in her writing.
She hastily scribbled something down, and then stuffed the pad into a drawer in the kitchen.
One teacher remembers his early drawings as ‘scribbles’; others recall rudimentary figures obliterated by cross-hatching.
Others are hole-punched in glitter paper, and others are swirled with polymark or scribbles paint and glitter glue.
Hey, Cupcake!
Someone had scribbled a note in the margin .
She smiled, a bit embarrassed, a bit proud, pretending to scribble something in her notebook.
I scribbled his phone number in my address book.
She slid her nail along the top to open it and pulled out a single sheet of paper with a drawing and a sentence hastily scribbled along the bottom.
These include drawings and scribbles, created with the widest possible range of writing and painting utensils – felt – tip , pencil , biro , Indian ink , charcoal etc.
The only thing I can think of is the old standby, pencil scribbled on the back.
The bursar hated Conan, ever since the time when the Cimmerian caught him taking extra servings of victuals from the mess hall - sustenance intended for warriors, not scribblers.
Archive 2010-02-01
His mother scribbled messages in a notebook and scattered the pages onto the passing fields of Bohemia.
Times, Sunday Times
I never even thought about differences in culture when it comes to such things (that's bad for a would-be scribbler isn't it?).
Scribblenauts caught in 'sambo' racism controversy
You give these words, meaningless scribbles, you give them life and shape.
They began to whisper, and one man scribbled on a spiral notepad.
She scribbles frantically on sheets of paper, then hunts through desk drawers for more writing material.
She scribbled something on her memo pad and slid the paper across the desk to him.
It could be a piece on building your collection, buying your books from pavements, Wheeler stalls, traffic signals or ordering them on the net; fanatic non-lenders who don't lend their books no matter what; lenders who are always passing on their books; rage at book vandals who scribble in ballpoint pen in the margins and underline lines they are particularly moved by; diarists; fetishes like only buying hard back; memories associated with inscriptions on the first page; the heady smell of old paper pockmarked with pinholes; serendipitious discoveries; the quirks of your local lending library, lifelong quests to source and own a whole series, say Granta or the Time Life series; first-edition fanatics; inheriting grandpa's collections and so on.
Archive 2006-06-01
The only snag is that, unlike sheets of paper covered with scribble, you tend to lose the process history of a poem when you work at a computer, all the scratchings out, insertions and additions.
He scribbled a note to his sister before leaving.
In former epistolary scribblements, I gave you the concatenation of concomitant circumstances initiatory to my transmigration to this remote section of the occidental portions of our columbian republican coadunation," Seneker wrote, graciously supplying alternate, more familiar words, in an opposite column to help the reader along.
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Weiskopf's mental notes will be more meaningful than anything he scribbles on the scorecard.
I think every guy who can scribble slightly better than he dribbles has felt compelled to share the same old tale.
She would lean over shoulders in supermarkets, bend over wrinkled, hunched backs and peer underneath registers to look at traces of sentences being scribbled in cursive.
Over each print are differently colored washes and scribbles.
When you wrote on the pad with a special pen, your scribbles appeared on the computer display.
Although the government probably thinks it can afford to lose a few scribblers and daubers this kind of self-imposed exile strikes at a nation's soul.
· HTML Help: If a topic has its context string set to "prn", "con" or "aux", HelpScribble will no longer fail to compile into HTML Help format with an error that the file could not be created.
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She was told that at one point she stopped a nurse and furiously scribbled down a note and gave it to her.
Times, Sunday Times
Horowitz's Watson cleverly excuses himself right at the start from any complaints about style or content by reminding us of Holmes's oft-stated judgement of the stories: "He accused me more than once of vulgar romanticism, and thought me no better than any Grub Street scribbler.
The House of Silk by Anthony Horowitz – review
Outlet, scribbled Goldberg in the margin, folly of belief in permanence.
He would scribble in the margins of the examination papers to tell the candidate what he had done and why.
Finally, he made a calculation, the nature of which eluded Dougal, and scribbled a number on the pad.
You can make your choice of virtual lavatory wall on which to scribble a message.
Readers writing in books usually takes the form of notes in the side margins of a book, though there are those who will scribble on the flyleaf or fill up the endpapers.
Easily affixed to the fridge or kitchen wall, the boards allow you to scribble notes and reminders when they come to you.
He quickly scribbled down what he was to tell her, feeling like an idiot.
To my astonishment, the first half of my seven-minute set, cribbed from the aide-memoire scribbles on the back of my hand, plays well.
Scribbled in biro, in one corner, was the name of Keith Proctor and his address.
It was partly an act of conservation (he scribbled in pencil a lot) and partly a process of picking my way through the battlefield.
Times, Sunday Times
First we see the scribble in marker to indicate the cuts and changes to be made.
More work on the Cory Doctorow painting
Longtime Variety editor named vice prexy as scribblers ask, Was he ankled as replacement tapped for topline gig?
Peter Bart Up, Down, and Out at 'Variety'
The characters are crooked, almost scribbled, and they make the hand of the artist feel all the more present in the work, as if these were notes from the voyeur to the watched, a hand reaching out to people lost in moments of care and lonesomeness.
Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » From the Galleries: 2010’s First Openings
Cue another scribbled diagram: she evidently does her research.
Times, Sunday Times
Certainly he would have increased the likelihood of gaining insight had he focused on Nietzsches books rather than on scribbled notes and sentences wrenched from context.
I scribbled notes and hoped for some insight into the tangled mass of problems I had made my life's work.
I finally got over to the archives at the Lowell Cultural Center and spent a few hours sitting in dim light trying to read 100 year old scribbles.
Archive 2009-02-01
Sure enough, it was a love heart, with my name scribbled cursively at the top, underlined a few times.
In the unlikely event of anybody phoning, could you just scribble a message down?
On his ceiling he has scribbled several sentences, which define hope and hopefulness.
You're left with a notebook page of highbrows, scribbled in a crabbed hand.
the words were scribbled in pencil
I wonder if in private she scribbles naughtier caricatures.
Times, Sunday Times
I scribbled his phone number on the back of an envelope.
But the ancient recipe became lost in the mists of time - until James's great-great-grandson John found it scribbled on a scrap of paper in an old shoebox.
It is a voluptuousness only the novel knows, and the elusive grail we poor scribblers helplessly chase.
An Interview With Cynthia Ozick