How To Use Screw pine In A Sentence
An even smaller tropical island than Sipadan, Lankayan is covered with lush vegetation, including casuarina trees and the ubiquitous pandan screw pines.
Here, a mother's allergy to snakes deprives the daughter of her favourite screw pine flower (thaazhambu in Tamil), forcing her to adopt dilatory tactics in domestic behaviour.
Handicrafts made of screw pine, banana fibre, palm leaf fibre, coconut husk, bamboo and white wood are among other things on display.
It is only the tropical trees, specially the lauhala or “screw pine,” the whimsical shapes of outlying ridges, which now and then lie like the leaves in a book, and the strange forms of extinct craters, which distinguish it from some of our most beautiful park scenery, such as Windsor Great Park or Belvoir.
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