How To Use Screenplay In A Sentence

  • The elements are present for a really good sci-fi cinematic romp but unfortunately the movie's screenplay holds the film back from achieving great things.
  • There ' s also the original 1931 film version of " Berlin Alexanderplatz, " with a screenplay co-written by novelist Alfred D ö blin. A Roundup of Repertory Film
  • Perhaps their relationship cohered in an earlier version of the screenplay, but in the film it's hard to guess how.
  • That's just one apocryphal Bergman factoid (Webster's dates "dramaturg" back to 1870) that theater producer Andrew Higgie has collected over the half dozen years it has taken him to get the filmmaker's "Through a Glass Darkly" screenplay up and running as a stage play at London's
  • Most writers of blockbuster screenplays follow set patterns of delivery. Times, Sunday Times
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  • He talks mostly about his role in transforming the screenplay from drama to farce.
  • Finally, there are some DVD-ROM extras in the form of a screenplay viewer and weblinks.
  • Learn how to write the perfect screenplay from the experts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herr's book started life as a dramatic screenplay.
  • He has the largest body of work of any American writer with over 30 volumes of novels, screenplays, teleplays, theatre-works and essays.
  • The screenplay was written in nine whole days, bragged the credits.
  • He became much more than the sum total of his own films and screenplays.
  • Garfield's visceral acting and Shaw and Rossen's forceful screenplay compel us, perhaps against our will, to accept Jacob Goff as an amoral, compassionless chiseler.
  • Knockout performances and a terrific screenplay make this one of the best indie films in years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Angelina Jolie is replacing Tom Cruise in Phillip Noyce's CIA thriller Edwin A. Salt and the title will change and the screenplay will be rewritten for a female character. Angelina Jolie Replaces Tom Cruise in Edwin A. Salt «
  • is both daffier and more amiable than a Woody Allen film, but the sibling filmmakers Jesse Peretz directed and his sister Evgenia Peretz co-wrote the screenplay have concocted sort of a Ned and His Sisters. Top Stories
  • Animated discussions with Abhijat Joshi, our friend, philosopher, guide and co-member of our theatre group - these days he is better known as the screenplay writer of '3 Idiots' - and his younger brother Saumya, a talented writer-actor, would often end inconclusive. The Times of India
  • True enough: except it was reported that David Benioff, author of both book and screenplay, omitted the scene from the script's first draft only for Lee to demand its reinstatement.
  • I also forgot to say that if I was filibustering, I might very well try to get my hands on the screenplay of the All-American Frank Capra political classic: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
  • Link to article in Swedish about the possabilites of extradition acb acb, that sounds like a very compelling screenplay you've got there. Boing Boing
  • The screenplay can change if the actor is a big star and wants changes. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Dale Launer, Part 3
  • One is the quasi-Democratic tilt of the screenplay, with bad guys bellyaching about taxes on the rich and encroaching Socialism (gee, that sounds familiar). 2009 September :
  • It could be argued that the most difficult screenplays to write are adaptations of novels.
  • Owen also helped behind the scenes to bring the arts to New Harmony and Evansville, with generous support for things such as New Harmony Theatre, the New Harmony Project (to develop scripts and screenplays), the New Harmony Gallery for Contemporary Art, the Evansville Museum, the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra, the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana and countless other programs. Evansville Courier & Press Stories
  • Knockout performances and a terrific screenplay make this one of the best indie films in years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was through Emma's unfaltering belief in his writing talent that he decided to change tack and concentrate more on his own screenplays.
  • Some movies you watch for world-class acting, powerful drama, and a terrific screenplay.
  • With Brad Copeland penning the screenplay, plans are for a contempo on the well-known premise and characters. That Sound You’re Hearing Is A Gilligan’s Island Remake | Manolith
  • After I'd done my comedy act during the late seventies, I started writing a screenplay for a movie.
  • Later, when the screenplay makes a feeble attempt to give them individual traits, it's too late.
  • She also revised the original screenplay to make the film completable within the short allotted time. Archive 2006-11-26
  • Her first breakthrough came through renowned director Jean-Luc Godard, who wrote into the screenplay of his Je vous salue, Marie (1985; Hail Mary) a part expressly for her. Five People Born on March 9 | myFiveBest
  • Ryan did the screenplay himself, a rarity in today's film work.
  • The prosecutor in this case, the district attorney from here in New York, says that the crime went down between September 9th and 30th of this year, and that in fact Halderman had tried to blackmail David Letterman by submitting what he called a screenplay treatment, saying that he needed a large chunk of money and referring to Letterman's "loving son" as well. CNN Transcript Oct 2, 2009
  • You work without a screenplay and the whole film rests on a long process of preparation.
  • As a screenwriter who once adapted a book (okay, it was “The Little Engine that Could,” but my screenplay is a WHOLE lot different than the book and for good reasons), I am repeatedly frustrated when people compare a film to the source book and talk about how it “messed up” the novel. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Books into Films
  • The screenplay moved the zoo to California and created the role of a heroine for Johansson, who plays zookeeper Kelly. Dartmoor Zoo gets Hollywood's animal magic
  • For the casual browser, there are plenty of short films to watch, plus you can download numerous screenplays submitted by aspiring writers.
  • From the initial call, entries were slashed down to twenty hopefuls who then developed their screenplays under the beady eyes of hardened professionals.
  • Salil's tight-knit screenplay gives the film a racy pace and saves it from being reduced to the usual Swapan Saha potboiler which is almost impossible to sit through till the end. Screen News
  • But the unorthodox screenplay and prosaic dialogues struggle to convey something more than what other such films generally attempt to.
  • Mark amusingly creates the first contemporary screenplay, a gallimaufry about the 13th century and the Great Ninja War. Erica Abeel: TIFF's Guilty Pleasures
  • Despite having garnered numerous accolades on the festival circuit, including five films in competition for the Palme d'Or, a best-screenplay award and two Grand Prix du Jury at Cannes—as well as the Golden Bear at Berlin and two Special Jury prizes at Venice—Mr. Skolimowski has failed to win the widespread recognition enjoyed by other Eastern European filmmakers such as Miloš Forman, Roman Polanski or Andrej Wajda. Two Paths, Little Glory For This Polish Director
  • Frankie and Johnny was deep-sixed by an unlikable heroine and a rather boring screenplay.
  • Their input in the literary creation of the screenplay is a must. Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro Chat Hobbit With Fans «
  • Michael Cimino and Bo Goldman's screenplay is so thin and transparent it could have been printed on onionskin.
  • That '74 film scored an Oscar nomination for best adapted screenplay, and was seen as a landmark.
  • Aaron Sorkin based his supersmart and superbly funny screenplay on a contentious book, Ben Mezrich's "The Accidental Billionaires," so everything that's seen isn't necessarily to be believed. 'Social Network': Password Is Perfection
  • Mamet has written the screenplays for many commercial films on a for-hire basis.
  • A lot of people in Hollywood considered The Jacket an unfilmable screenplay.
  • I've got an option on a terrific screenplay.
  • And screenwriter Diablo Cody, a former exotic dancer, won the Oscar for best original screenplay for Juno, the hit comedy about a pregnant teenager.
  • But as any screenplay handbook will tell you, writing for motion pictures is not about penning lines of dialogue; it is about fashioning a narrative and constructing an event.
  • It's a combination one might expect from the man responsible for the screenplays to the films Shadowlands and Gladiator.
  • In a send-up of best picture Oscar nominee "The King's Speech, " a Razzie presenter wearing a crown feigned a stammer as he read names of the worst screenplays.
  • Two, I just wrote a screenplay which I'm hoping Dave will one day direct, so it behoves me to keep him sweet.
  • He's known for writing densely complex, virtually un-filmable screenplays.
  • There was also an Oscar nomination for best original screenplay. Times, Sunday Times
  • To say that The Fellowship of the Ring boasts astonishing art direction, smart editing, and any number of fantastic ‘cinematic’ vestitures should not take away from the economy and proficiency of its screenplay.
  • Most of the middle section, where O'Bannon hunts down agoofy beachball-like alien, was added to pad it out to feature length – and later rehashed by O'Bannon for his bug-hunt classic screenplay: Alien. Dark Star: No 19
  • The Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn,” from a screenplay by Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish, is produced by Spielberg, Peter Jackson and Kathleen Kennedy, is the first in the series of 3D motion capture films based on the iconic character created by Georges Remi, better known to the world by his pen name “Herge” and is due for release in 2011. Release Dates: Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin and Zemeckis’ Mars Needs Moms! | /Film
  • By deliberately adopting the stylistics of sentimentality in his screenplay, Cameron recalls yet another, less cynical time in Titanic.
  • The fact that Steve Kloves was back writing the screenplay is baffling considering his past success in honoring the source material for the first 4 installments. “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” is worst of the series » Scene-Stealers
  • But in spite of some of the absurdism of this screenplay, it's really an intimate, fairly direct examination of self-awareness.
  • Readers of this blog are, by definition, sophisticated and worldly-wise individuals who know full well that major film studios do not read unsolicited screenplays.
  • Certainly, he's a bibulous, gregarious fellow of many appetites, who not only acts and directs, but writes biographies and screenplays, and moonlights as a literary critic for a national newspaper.
  • A great cast did total justice to the wonderful screenplay, captivating cinematography and strong direction.
  • The subtitle kind of pisses me off: "In a 'freaky windfall,' four women earn their first nominations for solo screenplay work. January 24, 2008
  • Hamm's screenplay goes some way towards bringing the story into the 21st century by having the protagonist explain his theory of an epidemiological root cause to a room full of Old White Men--generals, politicians, and other people interested in doing something, even if they don't comprehend the severity of the situation--whereas in the original story the epidemiological theory is dismissed and the UN's solution to the problem of 'femicide' is half-hearted at best. "The Screwfly Solution" by James Tiptree Jr.
  • Now, the man with the high-pitched laugh and bowtie is finally back – and dishing exclusive details on his recently-completed screenplay for “Pee-Wee’s Playhouse: The Movie.” EXCLUSIVE: ‘Pee-Wee’s Playhouse: The Movie’ Is Incoming, And We’ve Got Story Details » MTV Movies Blog
  • Maybe you and I use the word "axiomatic" differently, but Field got his 3-act structure from reading 2,000 screenplays and seeing what separated the ones that got made from the ones that didn't. WoW-nnui
  • Meanwhile, his twin brother Donald is writing his own screenplay, a shameless potboiler that has no pretensions of art, but every intention of wealth.
  • His screenplay is naturalistic, contemporary and penetrable, thus overcoming a presumed difficulty with the original language used in the text.
  • In comparison, judging from the screenplay, Have You Heard? augurs to be starrier, more bustling and playful, and yet equally serious in its mortal examination. Tru Grit
  • Drank five margaritas and waxed poetic about my screenplay to some adorable creature.
  • Thanks for the feature, I'm glad my little bit of apophysis screenplay wasn't a complete waste. Apophysis render tutorial.
  • The non-linear screenplay by Ring Lardner, Jr. (adapted from a novel by Richard Hooker) is filled with a lot of jokes and one liners that were highly amusing.
  • The smart screenplay lends itself to the character quirks that make them seem more human.
  • It's a fast paced film with a solid screenplay, a masala potboiler.
  • When you came in, he was working on a screenplay for what he hopes will be a successful webcast.
  • He crossed out "Screenplay" and put "Written by" instead.
  • They saw the screenplay as a continuous process. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm with Rob - writing a screenplay is a piece of cake compared to writing a novel. War of the Words: Scripts vs. Novels
  • Still, at least we can rely on Richard Curtis to sparkle fairy dust on the mucky world of politics - he's writing a screenplay about the G8 summit.
  • Readers of this blog are, by definition, sophisticated and worldly-wise individuals who know full well that major film studios do not read unsolicited screenplays.
  • The screenplay is as sharp as a bee-sting but the animation style is a little flat. Times, Sunday Times
  • His work on the screenplay earned him the first of two Oscar nominations as well as a reputation for being a difficult man to work with. Times, Sunday Times
  • The talky screenplay and questionable acting take away from the power of the events being depicted.
  • Bovell penned the screenplay here as well, and though some of the dialogue veers on hokiness, for the most part he deserves praise for such an intricate web of characters.
  • I am grateful for this because a screenplay is easier to write and actually finish. An interview with Dayna Dunbar
  • LONDON—Clifford Odets 1906-63 was a Russian-Jewish American writer best known as a left-wing playwright, but most familiar to posterity for the screenplay of "Sweet Smell of Success. A Slow 'Rocket' That Struggles to Take Off
  • An astute mixture of laughter and tears, the screenplay constantly pulls back from the edge of outright sentimentality with a sarcastic one-liner or a cheeky remark.
  • During his time as a script reader he had the opportunity to read over 2000 screenplays in the space of two years.
  • With Nobody's Fool he weaves a magic spell with the help of a funny, affecting screenplay and a top notch supporting cast.
  • But just when events are ripe for that crucial twist in the tale that can empower the hero, the screenplay opts for a filmi solution.
  • I watched a trailer for the screenplay of his memoirs.
  • We'll pay you thirty-five thousand for the original and the screenplay. The Other Side of Me
  • And yes, screenplays have their own completely different requirements, right down to the kind of brads used to bind ! the manuscript. Author! Author! » Blog Archive » Hey! Do I spy some faint signs of life?
  • Basing his screenplay on a tribal tale, Curtis sought to document the pre-Columbian culture of the Kwakiutl people of the Pacific Northwest.
  • The screenplay is by Stephen King from the story “The Crate.” Horror Magazine | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • What makes a Tim Burton movie something more than just a visual delight is its screenplay. Movie Review: Alice in Wonderland » Scene-Stealers
  • What would the screenplay of a film look like if the eye of the camera really moved like the eye of a human being? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's too long and too expensive, but that's true of every first draft teleplay and screenplay that I ever wrote. May Day
  • The non-linear screenplay by Ring Lardner, Jr. (adapted from a novel by Richard Hooker) is filled with a lot of jokes and one liners that were highly amusing.
  • Titanic, which both won those same two Oscars for James Cameron, wasn't even nominated for its screenplay or its actors, and won neither actress award.
  • Brecht's verdict was that his screenplay had been mutilated.
  • When I was first becoming a screenwriter I was a journalist and I wrote my screenplays at night and on weekends.
  • Ryan on Jul 7, 2008 akk i hope not the good shepherd lacked many things: a good screenplay for one. and that made all the rest of it dull and uninteresting. go ahead and make two more. i won't watch em, but they dont care most likely Robert De Niro Hoping To Turn The Good Shepherd Into a Trilogy «
  • Like most Neil Simon screenplays, this is a film that is made or broken on the strength of the actors' performances.
  • Early drafts of the screenplay are available on the internet and the film can be viewed in letterbox DVDs and videos that reproduce the dimensions of the original Panavision framing.
  • I wrote an original screenplay for a film which has the working title Personal Honour.
  • Two, I just wrote a screenplay which I'm hoping Dave will one day direct, so it behoves me to keep him sweet.
  • The screenplay has her explain her every thought in concise sentences, all of which serve onlyto clarify the drama unfolding. Review: Crazy Heart « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • Doyle's screenplays for the film adaptions of his Barrytown Trilogy novels (The Commitments, The Snapper, and The Van) were brilliant.
  • Hugh Sixsmith was himself a screenplay writer of considerable though uncertain reputation.
  • She spends hours writing screenplays and acting out scenes with her army of cuddly animals toys.
  • During his time as a script reader he had the opportunity to read over 2000 screenplays in the space of two years.
  • Brody was named best actor, while the film also took the best screenplay award.
  • Sofia Coppola earned an award for the screenplay for her film Lost in Translation.
  • Consequently, the screenplay has him paying frequent visits to a confessional.
  • The first movie had the worst screenplay ever. this movie featuring an icecream truck called the Twins is already a huge retardation flag. New Transformers 2 Robots Revealed: The Twins, Arcee, Jetfire, and More! «
  • The screenplay is by Simon Beaufoy, whose previous collaboration with director Danny Boyle was the 2008 Oscar-winner Slumdog Millionaire. '127 Hours' Tells True Story of Man's Determination to Survive After Hiking Accident
  • Charles Bennett's screenplay abounds in the risqué humour that Hitchcock so relished.
  • Over the years, he has written novels and screenplays and even produced and directed the critically acclaimed film The Missionary.
  • A chilling tale in the tradition of Fahrenheit 451 and Logan's Run - the sort of dystopian narrative where a protagonist policeman who previously hasn't questioned his society wakes up to the knowledge that he is doing very bad things - the novelet is screaming for a Hollywood option and subsequent screenplay adaptation. Archive 2006-11-01
  • His screenplay was written specifically as a feature, not as a series of short television dramas.
  • Kelley was once the captain of Princeton's hockey team, and his love of the sport and his own personal knowledge come through in the screenplay.
  • The true-life trial was one of medicine versus religion, but a lot of embellishment has occurred to make the screenplay appealing to a mainstream audience.
  • Shakespeare in Love had at least 6 fantastic performances, a brilliant screenplay that mixed highbrow and lowbrow humor, and actually had some interesting things to say about love and the creative process.
  • Have a Zany Person: No matter what genre you choose to violate, every screenplay benefits from having a kooky character.
  • Josh Donen of Buckaroo Entertainment will co-produce from a screenplay by Siavash Farahani. Archive 2010-02-01
  • So although he admits he hasn't yet begun to write the screenplay and he's bound by secrecy contracts, he can't resist dangling a few teasers.
  • He wrote the screenplays for the Canadian filmmaker Guy Maddin's early films, quite remarkable films.
  • It helps that the two kids involved in the romance are of college age, so as to avoid the truly stupid pratfalls apparently inherent in screenplays involving high-school-age types.
  • 109 However, once Paxton decided to write the screenplay around the conventions of the police procedural, Finlay usurps Keeley as the film's main antifascist agent and he, rather than Keeley, becomes responsible for bringing Monty to justice. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Melville is best known for his eight noir features, all of them stylish and artificial in a way that seems utterly foreign to the more physical and neorealistic surfaces of Cisco Pike is a movie in which the optimism of the 1960s slips into the disappointing loneliness that Los Angeles can cultivate like no other city, "writes Robert Towne, who's just completed his latest screenplay," about a real-life American adventurer in the Philippines during the Second World War, "tells the Chuck Palahniuk explains why he loves" a certain breed of horror movie. GreenCine Daily
  • And that Joe and Ratso rise above the material, taking on a reality of their own while the screenplay detours into the fashionable New York demimonde. Favorite Film Friday: Midnight Cowboy « A Progressive on the Prairie
  • Whoever wrote the screenplay is a ticking time bomb and should be locked up New SAW V Video Clip | /Film
  • He approached John Wexley with a commission to write the screenplay of the film.
  • One of them wants to be a writer and thinks he's got a good screenplay in him.
  • It was adapted for theatre by Marcy Kahan, from Nora Ephron's original screenplay.
  • The ridiculous screenplay offers two cathartic scenes, both of which feature characters giving lengthy soliloquies (one in front of a tombstone, another in front of a video camera).
  • He wrote librettos, screenplays, book reviews, everything possible in the English language, and on top of all that he played the French horn.
  • The playscript is the play, the screenplay is not the movie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Screenwriters wade into turbulent water when they adapt screenplays from best-selling books.
  • Television is no better for those of us hungry for imaginative fare, and the dearth of original screenplays makes this writer's blood run cold.
  • Unfortunately, the screenplay offers no fingerholds - characters are cardboard cut-outs, the plot detours wildly from logic.
  • Rather it's the incoherent screenplay, direction which jerks from one improbable setting to another and lets itself wander off into teen romance.
  • Almost as bad as the direction is the embarrassment of a screenplay that tells us everything and shows us nothing.
  • He didn't just direct this adaptation, he wrote the screenplay, yet this movie isn't filled with actorly moments.
  • adopt a book for a screenplay
  • This is a Shakespeare adaptation, not an original film with an adapted screenplay.
  • The first draft screenplays of The Empire Strikes Back make mention of Lando Kadar, a refugee from the Clone Wars who now lives the life of an honest smuggler on Hoth.
  • The movie won Oscars for best costumes and best screenplay in this year's awards.
  • He also wrote the screenplay for its film adaptation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people's first screenplays don't get made. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you were a television screenplay writer, you couldn't have scripted it better.
  • Learn top camcorder techniques and everything about screenplays and storyboards, writing your script, the shoot, editing tips and sound and music for your production.
  • My experience writing and developing screenplays was so unrewarding that I never considered telling the story as a film.
  • I sent her my script and she answered by return, very frostily, assuming that I was asking her to novelize the screenplay: she told me she was perfectly capable of writing her own stories, thank you.
  • Niedenthal and Chutaro guide their nonprofessional cast through a screenplay that is fairly complex with issues relating to spiritualism, guilt, miscreancy, angst and emotional isolation. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Being a screenplay writer, del Toro found the process of collaboration easy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Popular films, both Western and Indian, will be used to demonstrate and inculcate the skills involved in writing a successful screenplay.
  • Best of all, there is a solid cast of actors who rise to the occasion of the screenplay, never overplaying comic moments but clearly getting the absurdity of every turn.
  • While few details of the screenplay, written by Gibson himself, have been released, the story concerns an ancient civilization 3000 years in the past.
  • A taut screenplay, tight editing and, overall, a theme which takes off from real life, are what our films lack today.
  • Right now, I can write five lousy screenplays and be OK for the next two years.
  • He also keeps on that clipboard a scratch pad where he jots down ideas for a screenplay he's developing (he wouldn't share the details) and verses for his hobby as a spoken-word poet.
  • Not a novelization, which is a sort of a shadow of a novel, a ghost of a screenplay pretending to be -- Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • Originally, Ed comes from a radio background and he is used to working on-the-fly We would literally act the story out and over the course of several months we came up with the screenplay.
  • It is an unadapted screenplay, though the original - straight and musical - was brilliant.
  • The movie won Oscars for best costumes and best screenplay in this year's awards.
  • As well as her acting, she's always writing original screenplays and adapting books. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fairbanks' silent action flick, cinematizing McCulley's story with clever verve and humor, set the style and plot for most of the screenplays to follow.
  • The Producers is a worthy comedic effort that hints at Brooks' genius to follow, but the screenplay is ultimately the best thing about this film.
  • Since going online two weeks ago in the US, 800 screenplays and 450 short films have been posted.
  • As the Neanderthal, sex-driven doc, he blazes brilliantly across every frame of the screen, evidently relishing every loaded syllable of Marber's screenplay.
  • Movies made from his books -- including "" The Last Picture Show '' and "" Terms of Endearment '' -- have made his name bankable in Los Angeles, despite a few duds like "" Texasville, '' and his screenplays are always in demand. The Poet Lariat
  • In some cases the screenplay identified a character as black, in others it gave no hint of his race.
  • Much like the characters in her Oscar-winning screenplay Juno that she won ... well, less than a year ago, Tara is choke-full of parody's of human beings asking the audience to take their problems seriously when they cannot even live up to the task. Jake Arky: Flee To Canadian TV
  • Expectedly, he began to learn the ropes of movies and worked on screenplays.
  • Truffaut (1932-1984) died too young, of a brain tumor, at 52, but he left behind 21 films, not counting shorts and screenplays.
  • Meanwhile, behind me, one writer pitches his screenplay idea to another writer.
  • Any element of fright that may have been in the screenplay is long gone in the final cut of the film.
  • According to the article, he was a co-writer of the screenplay.
  • After the failure of his novels, he wrote screenplays in Hollywood for a few years.
  • The weakest thing about the film is the screenplay. Times, Sunday Times
  • The screenplay is a muddle that is ironed out in the final reel with a big, unwieldy chunk of exposition. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any element of fright that may have been in the screenplay is long gone in the final cut of the film.
  • If nothing else, this is an honest reflection of the screenplay's patchwork texture, where unfortunately all the stitches show.
  • One of them wants to be a writer and thinks he's got a good screenplay in him.
  • Knockout turns and a terrific screenplay make this one of the best indie films for years. Times, Sunday Times
  • If screenplays are not literature they still use language, and are about visions.
  • It was through Laurent that I started writing screenplays for short films.
  • Then I have "technically" read, say, Paper Towns, in the sense that I can reasonably be sued for copyright violation when I write a screenplay about a guy whose objet d'amour goes missing and how he tracks her down. Giving Up
  • Simply put, the screenplay represents a brilliant blend of simplicity and intricacy, in a moving portrait of life, love, family and tragedy, as it touches us all. Twilight Lexicon » Lexicon Review: Remember Me, the Non-New Yorker’s View
  • The technical awards are for the best cinematography, editing, choreography, stunts, art, costumes, screenplay, story and dialogue writing.
  • Their budding relationship and accumulating discoveries, crudely telescoped in this screenplay, unfold in laborious parallel with the flashback 19 th-century affair.
  • He directed it, starred in it, co-wrote the screenplay, and wrote the original music.
  • This is her response when asked what she thought of the screenplay upon first read.

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