How To Use Screeching In A Sentence
With a screeching halt, the driver stepped on the brake just in front of the run-down apartment building that Adrian now called home.
He told how he was stopped behind a tipper truck with his handbrake on when he heard brakes screeching.
I saw your ad on the information highway, and I came to a screeching halt.
This is a column about New Labour's complete failure to publicise its many progressive achievements, while screeching out its reactionary policies in a ceaseless wail.
There was a loud thunk, and then the sound of metal crunching and screeching.

Still early, before eight, but power marimba was pounding out of the restaurant and the chuffs of diesel machinery and screeching of steel-tracked dozers was coming down from the top of the bluff.
Swigging something from plastic cups, they grew red-faced and raucous, hiccupping and screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
What drives me up the wall is when the uncouth classes begin their fighting and screeching and petty arguments, or when snide little tattletales run up to me to tell on people.
The film broods over the Oxford monuments, twisting them into a disturbingly fraught pattern of jumbled editing, splitting and screeching noises and swirling, psychedelic visuals.
Though he clearly outsang most of his competition tonight, I have little use for his relentless screeching.
American Idol Episode Recap: The Top 12 Guys Perform
From one crawled screechingly an inchoate thing that gimped on incomplete legs while upon its back a fully aware man, or the top half of one, gripped and tore and pummeled the creature to which it was attached with suicidal violence.
If one victim appeased his nervous fervor the trial was over but if his wrought-up feelings desired more his screechings continued until a second victim was secured.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, Part 1
Ben quickly ducked behind a sturdy looking refrigerator - just as the assassin jammed her finger down on the trigger and sent bullets ricocheting all over the kitchen in screeching showers of sparks.
There was screeching, discordant, monstrous music.
Times, Sunday Times
The oil price crash could bring this streak to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
The monthly event, stewarded by the cruisers themselves, aims at driving away the minority of troublemakers who race each other and perform dangerous, screeching wheelspins.
Two of them are screeching with horror, one is weeping uncontrollably.
Times, Sunday Times
The hair on my neck stood on end as she let out a melodic, screeching cackle of a laugh, like that of a misbehaving little girl.
THE REMNANTS OF THE skybridge swayed in the breeze, screeching where the metal rubbed against the side of the Moana tower of the Grand Hawaiian.
Rogue Wave
He jumps two feet in the air, screeching at the top of his lungs, arms flailing.
The traffic came to a screeching halt and the faceless multitudes shuffling along the pavements actually paused to turn and look at the cause of it all.
The birds went on screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
They are not popular birds, because of their loud screeching in the treetops, and also for some people because they feel alien to our countryside.
Times, Sunday Times
For a split second, ugly scenes try to squeeze into my brain: planes nosediving, twirling, horrific screeching, explosions on impact.
Certainly, I was struck by the combination of her screeching voice and deranged facial expression, her general state of undress being more disturbing than arousing.
Either Runcible knew of their efforts and quietly endorsed them—in which case he was a screeching hypocrite—or else they acted without his knowledge, in which case his craftiness was a sham and he lived in quiet ignorance.
Sir Apropos of Nothing
It agilely banked around several crisscrossing robots, and came to a screeching stop a few feet away.
365 tomorrows » Patricia Stewart : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
You see some vrooming and screeching around the town.
Nary a superdelegate can go on Fox News without being berated by an anchorperson screeching (this is pretty close to an exact quote): "But your duty as a superdelegate is to select the most electable and that's Hillary Clinton!
Al Giordano: Operation Anti-Chaos: The Narrative on "White Voters" Is Fiction
No. Over his head the caliver-balls went screeching.
Westward Ho!
April winked and I hurried after, opening my mouth and screeching out my lines.
On the way home I saw a car skidding down the road, tyres screeching against the concrete, hideously loud.
I don't realise I am driving fast, but am woken up by screeching brakes, a confused horizon, loud shouts and a sinking feeling.
Reacting slowly, the car let out a honk that sounded like a truck horn, and started screeching to a stop.
It's a very angry affair, with buzzsaw guitars and yelping and screeching down the mic.
The cars came screeching to a stop in the driveway; my mother hurried into the house.
I stopped the car right then and there on the busy street, the tires screeching to a halt.
I managed to slam on the brakes in the nick of time to avoid getting into an accident, tyres screeching and all.
The runners slipped and skidded across the ice, screeching vociferously.
It came screeching out of the darkness, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.
Hearing you awaken from the dead, your cat runs screeching.
Shambhala SunSpace » 2009 » January
In no time, he was screeching out of the parking lot.
After all, it included anyone who wanted to sing, from the tone-deaf bass who grumbled his monotone to the screeching soprano whose high C shattered glass.
The sound was drowned out by the painful screeching of the man.
Producers are also worried that the area is a haven for screeching birds like seagulls.
The Sun
She whipped around the last corner and came to a screeching halt in front of his front door.
There was a bounce in his step and he whistled a high-pitched tune — full of sharp corners and feverish, screeching arpeggios.
Blog Fiction | Sci-Fi | Tanjoubi | Station151
In parts of the rainforest as yet untouched by the incessant search for oil, the song of rare birds and the screeching of monkeys fill the air.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the monkeys starts screeching, voids his bowels and flings his excrement at another monkey.
Darren and I were screeching with laughter throughout.
The beetles make a screeching noise by rubbing their legs together to warn off predators and have large, powerful jaws capable of biting through wood.
Times, Sunday Times
There was all the people in the windows and piazzas to the back of the house, in their night-clothes, some screeching as if they had fits; and there was the nigger-wench in her white shimmey, dancing a rigadoon on the grass, and pulling out her wool, and thumping herself like a possessed body in the New Testament.
Tales of Glauber-Spa
David landed on his back, an explosion of pain screeching through his side.
Animals added their noises to the din, poultry screeching and draft animals lowing as they were displayed and examined.
In a second he was out of bed, running towards the burglar and ‘screeching’ at him to get out.
The only sound was the screeching of alarms triggered by the power cut.
Times, Sunday Times
It was fun watching him screeching at the useless players and goading fans.
The Sun
The oil price crash could bring this streak to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
He said: 'I heard this screeching noise.
The Sun
The birds went on screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
At low tide there were acres of mud with screeching gulls scavenging; and at high tide steamerfuls of tourists charging past - with or without thumping music - for a quick trip up through the half-tide lock at Richmond into deeper waters above.
Second Wind
An engine rumbled behind him then the sound of old tyres screeching against the tarmac.
By the 1960s, using the New York subway meant navigating what a John Lindsay-era task force called "the most squalid public environment of the United States: dank, dingily lit, fetid, raucous with screeching clatter, one of the world's meanest transit facilities.
When in Helvetica
Their swords clashed together, emitting sparks, and making a horrible screeching sound.
One elderly woman glared at me as she walked past, her walker screeching on the linoleum of the shop.
There was a pause between them, the sirens screeching ever louder.
Her vision was blurring, her head still pounding from the screeching of the alarm which could be heard faintly in the distance.
The only sound was the screeching of alarms triggered by the power cut.
Times, Sunday Times
But handwringer, you and hid habitually ignore the documentary content of my posts - beyond screeching your default mantra: ‘hate-filled – anti-semitic – lies’; you have never responded sensibly.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Jake's car came screeching around the corner and stopped in front of the Peter's house.
He winced, still recalling her scratchy laughter and screeching voice.
I recalled seeing him in a private screening of ‘Pep Follies of 1930,’ strumming his vulgar ukulele and screeching ‘Good Night Sweetheart.’
Cars rushed by, honking and screeching, and the drivers were all screaming and cursing at one another.
As I sit here writing I've just heard the merry sound of screeching car tyres followed by the kiss of two cars entwining themselves.
Part of the enduring appeal of Formula One is the sound of screeching engines as the cars flash by.
Times, Sunday Times
The car swerved and bounced, brakes screeching as we rounded another curve.
I could almost hear the police sirens screeching in the distance.
The train powered on under the bridge, its wheels screeching and roaring, and for one brief moment its lights cleansed the bridge of its clinging shadow.
They ignored the noisy, screeching fight taking place between an insulted margay and a panda certain he had been cheated.
The Lives of Felix Gunderson
And to wake us up we had the loudest and brightest alarm clock in paradise: a flock of screeching scarlet macaws passing overhead.
Listening to monkeys howling and birds chirping is much more pleasant than car horns honking and tires screeching.
Wolfram Blog : Work in the Land of Lakes and Volcanoes (Trabajo en la Tierra de Lagos y Volcanes)
Screeching from the NY Times and hysteria of tidal wave proportions from the formerly known Reality Based Community to inundate America.
VA AG Cuccinelli to invoke Virginia Fraud Against Taxpayers Act over Climategate? | RedState
That would certainly bring any emerging decade of prosperity to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes for no apparent reason she'd run out onto the highway, waving her hands and screeching at the traffic.
From the veranda he had seen him fling sticks of exploding dynamite into a screeching mass of blacks who had come raiding from the Beyond in the long war canoes, beaked and black, carved and inlaid with mother-of-pearl, which they had left hauled up on the beach at the door of Meringe.
Suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, a pickup truck came screeching around the corner of the parking lot.
Sliding down the hallway on a carpet runner, Scott came to a screeching halt beside his little sister and reached down to take her hand.
A horrible, somewhat muted screeching noise wakes me from a dreamless sleep.
Producers are also worried that the area is a haven for screeching birds like seagulls.
The Sun
These bizarre screeching sounds turn into horn samples, which, though they never quite resolve themselves, manage to work up an atmosphere of a nauseated euphony.
A cacophony of pounding engines, honking of horns, screeching of brakes and Spanish profanity encompasses me, surround-sound style.
Lightning four times on the right, and an owl inside the augural place screeching as if being murdered.
The First Man in Rome
Seconds later screeching savages arrived from inside the jail, some chasing officers, some seeking to escape.
In fact, it took me quite a while to bring myself to eat one and I recall screeching in disgust and saying ‘No, mum, it looks like slimy eyeballs!’
Ikeda was too stunned to move, and could hear Rimiya screeching distantly down the hallway.
I have heard many a screeching of car breaks as the driver has been bombing along and come around the corner to meet a huge tractor.
Crimson rosellas flutter among the gum trees, while sulphur-crested cockatoos waddle across the lawn, screeching loudly.
Her mother was screaming at her, roaring over the noise, screeching with fright, savagely begging her to come out.
David landed on his back, an explosion of pain screeching through his side.
In fact they probably enjoy making the screeching sound of the brakes and the big kaboom sound of the impact.
It was fun watching him screeching at the useless players and goading fans.
The Sun
I thought I would be in the gentle surroundings of my room at home but a strange, dark room greeted me; odd noises of pigeons cooing and taxis screeching and car horns blazing wildly in my ears.
They were barreling along much like monkeys, swinging their legs forward then their arms, hissing and screeching the entire time.
One of the most frightening moments in a car that doesn’t involve the actual screeching of brakes or the twisting of metal or the approach of sirens is suddenly noticing you are miles and miles farther along the road than you were the last time you noticed where you were and you have no memory of having covered the distance or of anything you saw between back there and here.
While typing this post I am closing six business deals, translating a poem by Neruda, preparing a complicated sauce for our dinner tonight, and changing the oil on my car
They had their mutthering ivies and their murdhering idies and their mouldhering iries in that muskat grove but there’ll be bright plinnyflowers in Calo-mella’s cool bowers when the magpyre’s babble towers scorching and screeching from the ravenindove.
Finnegans Wake
The sirens were in full alert, screeching wails filling their ears.
Drunk off the champagne, Ronan leaned in to give Rue a kiss, and surely would have if Hector had not pulled the needle off of the record, making an intolerable screeching sound.
He made you feel like nails screeching on a chalkboard, to be around him.
From sharp treble frenzy arpeggios, to screeching lead runs and rotund chords his playing produces more notes and resonance than three regular players could do on a particularly productive day.
With darkness silence and stillness return, but then some idiot corella falls off the rotten twig on which it has perched and the whole white flock wheels screeching into the air again.
The Greatest Survival Stories Ever Told
The impression emerging in the press is of the Scottish Executive as a screeching cathouse filled with fractious and uncontrollable ministers, plotting factions, and burned-out civil servants led by a First Minister who cannot say no.
We arrived in Clapham, a cheerful start, with screeching children playing on the beck banks as a teacher splashed them while pretending to show how to tickle a trout.
It was fun watching him screeching at the useless players and goading fans.
The Sun
Suddenly they were moving, revving up, screeching out into the approaching rush-hour traffic of central London.
Her screeching noises reduced to solemn and grave whines, and eventually to nothing.
It was different that night, not the way they yelled at me when I walked into the house with mud on my shoes; more the sound of screeching brakes when my dog was run over - going on and on forever.
My Life as a Part-Time Rapist, Full- Time Comedian
Ultimately they brought out enough nuts to put the market in an oversupply position and the price advance came to a screeching halt and slowly but surely the market started to inch its way down.
Without so much as flinching, Bri had the car in drive and was screeching out of the parking lot with the pedal to the metal.
With more screeching of tires, the limo cornered around the old warehouse.
She was screeching at him at the top of her voice.
Our workers are specially trained to endure awful screeching, and we have soundproofing and contamination systems capable of handling anything up to and including Minnie Ripperton .
Archive 2009-02-01
Animals added their noises to the din, poultry screeching and draft animals lowing as they were displayed and examined.
he ducked at the screechings of shells
At least 20 armed militants raced to the hospital in four vehicles, witnesses said, screeching to a halt at the entrance.
Screeching to a halt the two of them tromped into the graveyard.
Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, there was a loud crash, followed by the screeching of the train's breaks.
He listened carefully, but only heard their footsteps, the light lapping of the water on the shore, and the screeching hoots and calls of any number of animals that lived in the Riverlands and the island.
Animals added their noises to the din, poultry screeching and draft animals lowing as they were displayed and examined.
People dressed as thugs, graffiti and a screeching song.
The Sun
The political calculus is that Palin is hilariously unelectable, especially given the outstanding contrast between the president's seriousness and legislative accomplishments and Palin's awkwardly-cadenced screeching, her dissonant incomprehensible populist word salads and unserious, airheaded public flailings.
Bob Cesca: The Perfect Storm That Could Elect Sarah Palin
The girl was screeching and wailing at the same time as clawing and pinching Leanne.
I could hear cars and lorries screeching to a halt.
Finally bringing her ageing vehicle to a screeching halt, officers were astonished to find a seven-month-old baby boy in the front seat.
A screeching sound and the blast of a car horn told her that she had narrowly missed a collision with a fellow driver.
When the riser halted and the portal reopened, she was greeted by a vista of tangled alien rain forest, wondrous aromas, and ferine screeching.
Diuturnity's Dawn
She heard yelling and a car door slamming and screeching off.
But much of the screeching sounded like laughter in the dark.
Times, Sunday Times
Women fluttered among buzzing auto-rickshaws and brake-screeching scooters.
He said he saw the car, a red four-door, coming and the "spreader," which he called a "monstrous vehicle," locked up its brakes and "was deafening, just screeching.
Driver charged after 5 Amish farmers killed in crash
The track builds into a ringing guitar drone backed by the screeching sounds of Arne Ericsson sawing away at his electric-cello.
Crucial traits all, when your reel is screeching and a 20-pound snook is towing your skiff into deep water.
Drivers in the queue reported hearing a ‘fierce noise of screeching tyres’ and a frightening crunch as a white lorry ploughed into the bus and rolled it over.
She yelled, her voice rising in pitch until she was screeching.
I have chattering and squealing, screeching and cooing, crabbing and carping.
A crow cawed overhead, casting a small shadow on the ground before screeching to a stop in a tree near them.
Georgia’s Kitchen
Tom was probably going to say something else, but at that moment there was a loud bang and the bus went screeching to the right.
The square was full of saints - cavorting, leaping, running, dancing, singing, screeching, chortling.
As it hovered menacingly, it spoke the now familiar words in its screeching voice.
The spot then segues to a woman screeching at her unseen family, because she can't find her keys.
That would certainly bring any emerging decade of prosperity to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
There were billions of voices inside him, screeching and crying and laughing, spread through the tissues of his heart and brain.
The Broken God
A Nissan Micra came screeching off the eastbound carriageway, narrowly missed their patrol car, and rolled up the bank into a field.
I cried out, my voice screeching in pain.
The screeching metal sounded like innocent angels shrieking and crying from being excommunicated from the riches and comforts of their heaven.
It is a jungle resort where the hill villas are surrounded by lush greenery containing the sounds of screeching monkeys and chattering cicadas.
The lake created its own kind of mildewed background to the wrought iron of the balconies and the screeching of the ravens that landed like wet face-flannels on the grass.
An Autobiography
If "Fast Five" had been rated by the EPA instead of the MPAA—the Motion Picture Association of America gave it a PG, notwithstanding rampant road rage—the average MPG would have been abysmal, what with vroom-vrooming muscle cars, screeching exotics and an armor-plated monster that makes the Hummer look demure.
'Five': A Series Wakes Up at the Wheel
Raucous women of all ages, many of them wearing glittery cowboy hats, are screeching at each other loudly.
Bronka is somewhat infamous for his screeching electric guitar work.
A dog howled at the door and then started scratching furiously at the door, as a screeching grew louder.
After dinner, there followed a restless night in the four-berth sleeper listening to the train wheels squealing and screeching.
There is a lot of noise in this city of ours, what with sirens screaming, buses screeching and LOUD music blaring out of headphones on already rackety subway cars.
Shhhh. Oh, Never Mind.
Oslo is unostentatious, a cosmopolitan city that does not have skyscrapers, spaghetti flyovers, screeching cars, multi level metros of monolithic malls.
The ambulance wailing, the children screeching, and the stray dogs barking on Underwood Avenue on a rainy day.
I've seen sparrows, dirty pigeons, doves, screeching seagulls, nasty crows and the occasional hawk.
They are not popular birds, because of their loud screeching in the treetops, and also for some people because they feel alien to our countryside.
Times, Sunday Times
Both ends of the worm twisted and flailed around on the ground, with one end still screeching its head off.
Asha had almost reached the mansion when she heard the screeching sound, sounding like a death shrill to her ears.
Music carries from the various bars along the street and every once in a while a car zooms past, screeching as it swerves around the corner.
The only real noise was the sheets screeching through the blocks and the deafening creak when one running backstay was let off and the other was ground on hard.
I am subjected to hours of the none-too-pleasant screeching, grating, and disturbing howls of an amorous clowder all through spring.
Whenever mom got really, really mad she started screeching like a parrot.
In parts of the rainforest as yet untouched by the incessant search for oil, the song of rare birds and the screeching of monkeys fill the air.
Times, Sunday Times
There's a palpable sense of excitement as the song suddenly explodes into a frenetic blast of crashing cymbals, screeching guitars, and thumping bass.
I wasted six months of our lives chasing him around with a bright green potty, screeching ‘Do you want a wee?’
Two end pods, wheels stuttering and screeching, tipped to the side, and the shock traversed the interlink and pushed the cab over on its side, grinding against the median.
365 tomorrows » 2010 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
Every once and a while a car would be heard honking or screeching its tires.
The beetles make a screeching noise by rubbing their legs together to warn off predators and have large, powerful jaws capable of biting through wood.
Times, Sunday Times
Suddenly the black car came screeching around the corner and stopped right next to Amy.
The noise they make is a screeching mess of distorted guitars, a bass so loud the walls are almost shaking, and vocals best described as screaming like a demented metalhead trying to get a week off work by self-inflicted laryngitis.
There were billions of voices inside him, screeching and crying and laughing, spread through the tissues of his heart and brain.
The Broken God
The screeching call catalyzed the buzzing and chirping groups; the milling crowd became a formation of sentries wearing freshly tanned leather armor and carrying shortbows and pikes.
Genellan- Planetfall
If I'd have known she was part of the screeching octet, I would have cleaned up a bit better.
A group of beautiful red-haired mermaids were all screeching at the top of their lungs.
Footage of barely pubescent girls screeching and swooning at any glimpse of the musicians is both astonishing and frightening in terms of the power four lads from Liverpool were able to wield - apparently effortlessly.
And on top of it all Buck kept screeching desperately at the top of his lungs " Ray!
It might be too hard a task to find such a creature, and Ozzy may well have to play his younger self himself, screeching "bloody hell!" at the top of his voice and asking mater "Do you think I meant country matters?" and quaint use of "pillock" …
British Blogs
The car drove off at speed, the tyres screeching, and disappeared into the endless bricks of suburbia.
The audience was full of kids watching someone with a huge conk bent over and screeching like a crow.
She took great pleasure in screeching down my lughole at any given moment.
The easy ride could soon come to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
Running back to the door, Stephanie drags the heavy chest she was sitting by which makes a screeching sound as it moves across the linoleum floor.
We were screeching through space, and I saw billions of blazing stars.
Rounding the corner behind it raced Emily, flapping her arms and screeching at the top of her lungs.
Calling him a "Foreigner or AyyRab Lover," they are screeching out domino and post ad hoc conclusions hoping that he will put on a thobe, tagiyah, ghutra, and agal (Arab male garb) to prove their point.
Yvonne R. Davis: So What If Obama Bowed? HALAS!
Too often, these series are overblown and melodramatic, populated by gigantic, tentacled demons and screeching, white-haired ghosts, telling the same formulaic stories over and over again.
Their sound combined walls of noise with unsettling calm, screeching vocals and to-die-for bass lines.
The parrots chatter shrilly in their aviaries, screeching invective and snatches of poetry.
The Lady Matador’s Hotel
He said: 'I heard this screeching noise.
The Sun
I'm waiting for the first retarded wanker to drop by, screeching, Hey, you didn't spell 'prorogue' correctly, that's why you couldn't find it!
I'm just sayin'.