How To Use Screech In A Sentence
My knife slips off the screw and with a grating screech marks the white surface of the machine.
The sound of wooden chair legs screeched against the hardwood floors.
Christianity Today
With a screeching halt, the driver stepped on the brake just in front of the run-down apartment building that Adrian now called home.
I heard Kim's screechy voice saying, ‘Who does she think she is anyway?’
He told how he was stopped behind a tipper truck with his handbrake on when he heard brakes screeching.

Javert wrote these lines in his calmest and most correct chirography, not omitting a single comma, and making the paper screech under his pen.
Les Miserables
A long screech was followed by a thud as a matronly passenger tumbled forward, breaking her arm.
Before anyone else could say anything, the door burst open and the birds all screeched and flew to the top of the roost.
I saw your ad on the information highway, and I came to a screeching halt.
The city in which you're driving is huge, and filled with people who quite sensibly run screaming when you screech around the corner.
The screeches of some of the more outlandish among gloomy modern composers or the illiterate wailings of some vapid rock ‘musician’ are subjected to sham scholarship and pseudo philosophising.
Was language invented extempore, or gradually developed from grunts and screeches?
Just as Kane was about to run, the birds screeched and dove at him.
He shrieked and he wailed and he howled and he screeched, until all the air in his lungs left, and then he still yelled.
Bloom's voice was too hoarse for the scream and the words left his throat in a painful screech.
This is a column about New Labour's complete failure to publicise its many progressive achievements, while screeching out its reactionary policies in a ceaseless wail.
There was a loud thunk, and then the sound of metal crunching and screeching.
Near the middle, Semiha Berksoy, a 90-year-old Turkish opera squawker, campily bedizened and reclining on a sofa, is slowly propelled across the stage as a recording of the Liebestod is encroached on by her decrepit screech.
Still early, before eight, but power marimba was pounding out of the restaurant and the chuffs of diesel machinery and screeching of steel-tracked dozers was coming down from the top of the bluff.
Crickets chirped, owls hooted, and cicadas caterwauled in screechy harmony.
She was seen by some men, probably, as too pushy and too screechy.
As the programme changed, the room filled with the screech of brakes and rapid gunfire of a pseudo Western.
Somewhere in the thick of branches a sparrow screeched angrily.
Swigging something from plastic cups, they grew red-faced and raucous, hiccupping and screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
Personally, I have seen some suspicious tracks, but they were rain blurred, and have heard some screeches (not owls) that I couldn't put a name to, but have no real reason to believe that there are any in my neck of the woods.
How many people out there think or know there are mountain lions in your state? Please remember to list your state.
What drives me up the wall is when the uncouth classes begin their fighting and screeching and petty arguments, or when snide little tattletales run up to me to tell on people.
The film broods over the Oxford monuments, twisting them into a disturbingly fraught pattern of jumbled editing, splitting and screeching noises and swirling, psychedelic visuals.
Though he clearly outsang most of his competition tonight, I have little use for his relentless screeching.
American Idol Episode Recap: The Top 12 Guys Perform
Now I could hear the sputter of machine gun fire; the booms and screeches of torpedoes.
Unable to even screech before the veil of death fell upon her, Solokar perished instantly, rivulets of green ichor spraying from her wounds.
When the errant screeches of violins and the half-hearted toots of one determined flutist died down, he cleared his throat.
"Yes, there's something wrong, " I practically screeched.
From one crawled screechingly an inchoate thing that gimped on incomplete legs while upon its back a fully aware man, or the top half of one, gripped and tore and pummeled the creature to which it was attached with suicidal violence.
The sawing heartbeat of a panther morphs into a subway train sledge-hammering, smashing the ground, until it screeches to a morse code halt.
I didn't even hear the black Carola coming towards me until it hit the breaks with a loud screech.
The screech of crickets for ring tones is only one of the myriad innovations on cell phones.
If one victim appeased his nervous fervor the trial was over but if his wrought-up feelings desired more his screechings continued until a second victim was secured.
Slave Narratives: a Folk History of Slavery in the United States From Interviews with Former Slaves, North Carolina Narratives, Part 1
There was a piercing, petrifying, eldritch screech.
Ben quickly ducked behind a sturdy looking refrigerator - just as the assassin jammed her finger down on the trigger and sent bullets ricocheting all over the kitchen in screeching showers of sparks.
You hear a loud screech and look up, but they fly so fast that they have already vanished.
Times, Sunday Times
The elevator slammed into the ground with a dull thud, and the doors screeched open.
There was screeching, discordant, monstrous music.
Times, Sunday Times
But to lose control, to have his soul upset by the pangs of the flesh, to screech and gibber like an ape, to become the veriest beast -- ah, that was what was so terrible.
Lost Face
I remember runnin ' round the apartment, buggin ', tryin' to figure out where these screechy scary voices were comin' from.
When a bow is drawn across a string, the result might be a musical note at the desired pitch, but on the other hand it might be an undesirable whistle, screech or graunch.
Trucks, buses and motorbikes rumbled and screeched under our window all night long.
The oil price crash could bring this streak to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
The monthly event, stewarded by the cruisers themselves, aims at driving away the minority of troublemakers who race each other and perform dangerous, screeching wheelspins.
The all-pervading drone and muffled screech of the ceaseless traffic can be heard even when the roads and their traffic cannot be seen.
Th 'car things screeched an' rulled an 'the folks -- the wimmen wi' awfu 'stern wheeler hats, an' the men -- hurryin '-- hurryin'!
The Freebooters of the Wilderness
Their main note is a loud, harsh screech, which can be heard from far away.
Times, Sunday Times
Two of them are screeching with horror, one is weeping uncontrollably.
Times, Sunday Times
I stepped out of the truck and his tires screeched as he quickly sped off.
The Danish astrologer I referred to is one such individual, joining in the cacophony of screeches and strident appeals to action, all based on lies and inventions.
All I heard was a loud screech of tires and a loud crash of thunder that echoed gloomily through my thoughtless mind.
Slamming her high-heeled foot onto the break, the car screeched to a halt.
When Hell-Cat Maggie screeched her battle cry and rushed biting and clawing into the midst of a mass of opposing gangsters, even the most stout-hearted blanched and fled.
Zoe screeched and pinwheeled her arms as if trying to drive away a horde of mosquitoes, knocking his own arm down.
The hair on my neck stood on end as she let out a melodic, screeching cackle of a laugh, like that of a misbehaving little girl.
Hans catches the word screech and takes it as his cue.
Dawn O'Hara, the Girl Who Laughed
My mother would screech at my father for being so easily fooled, but he just shooed me along and I was on my way.
THE REMNANTS OF THE skybridge swayed in the breeze, screeching where the metal rubbed against the side of the Moana tower of the Grand Hawaiian.
Rogue Wave
He jumps two feet in the air, screeching at the top of his lungs, arms flailing.
Though the centre is not immune from horn blare and tyre screech, a tranquillity hangs in the air, nurtured by luxuriant greenery and birdsong.
The traffic came to a screeching halt and the faceless multitudes shuffling along the pavements actually paused to turn and look at the cause of it all.
A van screeched onto the road in front of me.
He had squirmed and wriggled and screeched when his father had washed his face.
Chimpanzee families really have something to screech about now that they, along with a pair of orangutans, have moved into new premises at the Johannesburg Zoo.
The birds went on screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
Minutes later the brakes let out a screech as the wheels of the bus came to a halt.
I can make extremely high-pitched sounds and screeches!
They are not popular birds, because of their loud screeching in the treetops, and also for some people because they feel alien to our countryside.
Times, Sunday Times
Brakes screeched and horn blared but Harry just sauntered over to me so nonchalantly.
For a split second, ugly scenes try to squeeze into my brain: planes nosediving, twirling, horrific screeching, explosions on impact.
That translates as saying that PMQs is not meant to be the bunfight – "scrutiny by screech" – it has been for a generation – "the noise of which makes the vuvuzela trumpets of the South African World Cup appear but distant whispers by comparison," says Bercow.
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Certainly, I was struck by the combination of her screeching voice and deranged facial expression, her general state of undress being more disturbing than arousing.
Either Runcible knew of their efforts and quietly endorsed them—in which case he was a screeching hypocrite—or else they acted without his knowledge, in which case his craftiness was a sham and he lived in quiet ignorance.
Sir Apropos of Nothing
A white van with flashing lights mounted on its roof screeched around a corner ahead of them, barely stopping before armed and armored Watch officers tumbled out of the side doors.
Her cat meowed as he got up and screeched at her feet and then walked over toward her.
It agilely banked around several crisscrossing robots, and came to a screeching stop a few feet away.
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She screeched angrily and slapped me, her perfectly manicured nails cutting across my cheek.
You see some vrooming and screeching around the town.
Abruptly, the creature's wild silvery eyes snapped open, and a guttural screech echoed from its throat, as it spread is massive feathered wings and stood.
Nary a superdelegate can go on Fox News without being berated by an anchorperson screeching (this is pretty close to an exact quote): "But your duty as a superdelegate is to select the most electable and that's Hillary Clinton!
Al Giordano: Operation Anti-Chaos: The Narrative on "White Voters" Is Fiction
Thus, near the middle, Semiha Berksoy, a 90-year-old Turkish opera squawker, campily bedizened and reclining on a sofa, is slowly propelled across the stage as a recording of the Liebestod is encroached on by her decrepit screech.
Had he sprung at her, or snarled, or shown any anger or resentment such as did the other dogs when so treated by her, she would have screamed and screeched and raised a hubbub of expostulation, crying for help and calling all men to witness how she was being unwarrantably attacked.
Dewey himself campaigned with the portly dignity of an incumbent, while Truman screeched and kicked like an outsider.
Ian turned as he heard the dull thud and screech of brakes.
"Yuck, " she groaned, and her siblings screeched with laughter.
The screechmonkeys who do your thinking for you LAUGH at you for being stupid enough to carry their bilgewater
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A screech like a barn owl and a heavy thunk came from Cecilia and Charlie's bedroom.
No. Over his head the caliver-balls went screeching.
Westward Ho!
April winked and I hurried after, opening my mouth and screeching out my lines.
On the way home I saw a car skidding down the road, tyres screeching against the concrete, hideously loud.
The plane screeched to a halt on the tarmac, bouncing them slightly in the red webbing of the cargo seats.
I don't realise I am driving fast, but am woken up by screeching brakes, a confused horizon, loud shouts and a sinking feeling.
Her screechy voice really irritated me, but it's not in my nature to blow people off.
Reacting slowly, the car let out a honk that sounded like a truck horn, and started screeching to a stop.
A hair-raising screech from the sound of metal scraping metal sent shivers through me.
It's a very angry affair, with buzzsaw guitars and yelping and screeching down the mic.
The cars came screeching to a stop in the driveway; my mother hurried into the house.
I stopped the car right then and there on the busy street, the tires screeching to a halt.
The tires screeched nosily on the road as it careered across going into the path of other cars.
The screech is inhuman, drawn from another part of the being which doesn't often see light.
I managed to slam on the brakes in the nick of time to avoid getting into an accident, tyres screeching and all.
A cacophony of honks and screeches filled the city as we drove there.
She heard the panicked squawks, and fierce screeches.
At least a dozen times over the past two years I've heard the sickening thud and tortured tire screech that signals a fresh wreck in the intersection.
With their erect posture and heavily lidded eyes, the Eastern screech owls we are examining at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel look like imperious matrons.
Duck, duck, owl: Patuxent research center is for the birds
I should be listening to something more calm, but I'm so sleep-deprived that I'm afraid anything less screechy and nervous would cause me to go catatonic.
The runners slipped and skidded across the ice, screeching vociferously.
A piercing fax-like screech literally hurt my ears, then the requisite disconnect.
First comes the hippy California dad – long hair, screechy kids, lots of sunny white light; then the awkward writer, all tweedy fustiness with a sepia tint; and finally the designer, dressed in requisite black geek glasses and cool blue tones.
The Hard Sell: American Airlines
You are either a stupid troll in thrall to the screechmonkeys that do your thinking for you and knowing you are too stupid to even TRY to discuss the topic or you are a mental patient who needs to increase your meds.
Think Progress » Glenn Beck welcomes Scott Brown to Washington: ‘This one could end with a dead intern.’
It came screeching out of the darkness, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.
First comes the hippy California dad – long hair, screechy kids, lots of sunny white light; then the awkward writer, all tweedy fustiness with a sepia tint; and finally the designer, dressed in requisite black geek glasses and cool blue tones.
The Hard Sell: American Airlines
A hint of tyre screech indicated we were approaching the limit of adhesion and our heart rates quickened.
Hearing you awaken from the dead, your cat runs screeching.
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In no time, he was screeching out of the parking lot.
t 'man a-sittin' on a bit on a rock up above -- a dunnot know, a only know as a heared a great fearful screech i 't' air.
Sylvia's Lovers — Complete
If women are targets or "pie" or "gullet" -- this writer is a wad of wankery, tacky ejaculate, unwittingly revealing what makes him screech and wee wee.
Carol Muske-Dukes: The Rules According to a Fraternity "Cocksman"
Ten minutes into the conversation and a screech that sounds like that of the victim of a murder attempt rings through the apartment.
Times, Sunday Times
After all, it included anyone who wanted to sing, from the tone-deaf bass who grumbled his monotone to the screeching soprano whose high C shattered glass.
Johnny Ramone's guitar never screeched, but it sure did growl.
The sound was drowned out by the painful screeching of the man.
The door moved slowly inwards, resisting her push, with a long-drawn-out screech of stone on stone.
Producers are also worried that the area is a haven for screeching birds like seagulls.
The Sun
She whipped around the last corner and came to a screeching halt in front of his front door.
There was a bounce in his step and he whistled a high-pitched tune — full of sharp corners and feverish, screeching arpeggios.
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A rushing noise arose outside, growing louder and louder, punctuated by squawks and screeches.
He idled his motors and screeched out an imitation of a macaw 's shriek.
In parts of the rainforest as yet untouched by the incessant search for oil, the song of rare birds and the screeching of monkeys fill the air.
Times, Sunday Times
She wouldn't jump up and screech every time the door slams if she'd been as used to noises as Ma is, and this talk about her nerves bein 'all unstrung is just plain silly – and as for her not sleepin' at nights, she sleeps as sound as any of us.
The Second Chance
Amplified harmonica, foot thumping guitar and screechy blues hollers and shouts are immediately distinctive, taking you back to an era before blues turned slick.
One of the monkeys starts screeching, voids his bowels and flings his excrement at another monkey.
Then seeing the man lunge at her, she screeched and tried to scrabble away towards the garden maze.
The next sound was the screech of metal as an ‘unstoppable’ juggernaut ground to a halt.
Suddenly, more screeches reached his ears and he heard howls of pain.
This was a career-aborting farce from a no-talent screecher.
Adam Lambert on his AMA vocals ('kind of a mess'), Elisabeth Hasselbeck ('we're very different'), and CBS' subtle message ('homosexuality is dangerous') |
She screeched to a halt so abruptly that he nearly crashed into her, settling for merely sidestepping out of the way instead.
The aircraft made several turns and finally it touched the runway of the airport with a few screech from the ground.
Darren and I were screeching with laughter throughout.
The beetles make a screeching noise by rubbing their legs together to warn off predators and have large, powerful jaws capable of biting through wood.
Times, Sunday Times
There was all the people in the windows and piazzas to the back of the house, in their night-clothes, some screeching as if they had fits; and there was the nigger-wench in her white shimmey, dancing a rigadoon on the grass, and pulling out her wool, and thumping herself like a possessed body in the New Testament.
Tales of Glauber-Spa
At that moment, from the other side of a wood, they heard the screech of brakes and an ear-shattering bang.
Miss Defy screeched around a blind bend into the path of an oncoming sedan.
The first track opens abruptly with high volume screechy staccato guitars and some guy screaming his guts out.
David landed on his back, an explosion of pain screeching through his side.
Shocked, Dubble slipped on a sheaf of papers, screeched and struck his head against one of the cabinets, and when he recovered to his feet he regarded his Commander with a cold, inimical glower.
He raised a dripping fist and shook it at the departing boat with a wordless screech, only to splutter again as he went under once more.
Animals added their noises to the din, poultry screeching and draft animals lowing as they were displayed and examined.
Ahead of him, a car parked by the kerb suddenly screeched off.
Brakes squealed as the few cars that happened to travel down that road screeched to a stop and promptly did an about-face, quickly driving in the opposite direction.
Although tawny owls are reputed to have a hoot, this one whistled, which is probably why it is often referred to in the books as a screech owl.
In a second he was out of bed, running towards the burglar and ‘screeching’ at him to get out.
I thought the actor playing Evita was very good, but she got a bit screechy when she wanted to be loud or put a lot of emphasis on the lines.
The only sound was the screeching of alarms triggered by the power cut.
Times, Sunday Times
It was fun watching him screeching at the useless players and goading fans.
The Sun
The machine began to spin faster and faster, with the grating screech of metal on metal.
The oil price crash could bring this streak to a screeching halt.
Times, Sunday Times
When they fly, they often screech, and when they feed, they chatter.
He said: 'I heard this screeching noise.
The Sun
The birds went on screeching.
Times, Sunday Times
At low tide there were acres of mud with screeching gulls scavenging; and at high tide steamerfuls of tourists charging past - with or without thumping music - for a quick trip up through the half-tide lock at Richmond into deeper waters above.
Second Wind
An engine rumbled behind him then the sound of old tyres screeching against the tarmac.
The trammies screeched that everyone would have to walk to work.
By the 1960s, using the New York subway meant navigating what a John Lindsay-era task force called "the most squalid public environment of the United States: dank, dingily lit, fetid, raucous with screeching clatter, one of the world's meanest transit facilities.
When in Helvetica
Their swords clashed together, emitting sparks, and making a horrible screeching sound.
The beast bolted down a main street chased by ten panicking handlers as cars screeched to a halt in their wake.
The Sun
One elderly woman glared at me as she walked past, her walker screeching on the linoleum of the shop.
A loud screech and a subtle jar rocked the airplane as the rear wheels met the pavement.
I was probably no more than 100m away from my black motorbike when I heard a loud screech of tires.
There was a pause between them, the sirens screeching ever louder.
The door slammed and the car screeched off at high speed.
House wrens and chickadees compete for cankerworms and caterpillars; wood ducks, gray squirrels, flickers, and screech owls fight for the same nesting sites.
The screeches of some of the more outlandish among gloomy modern composers or the illiterate wailings of some vapid rock ‘musician’ are subjected to sham scholarship and pseudo philosophising.
Her mouth opened wide and she let out a piercing screech.
And if you'd seen the way he got into the song, even in his tone-deaf, screechy manner, you'd fall in love with this song, too.
Her vision was blurring, her head still pounding from the screeching of the alarm which could be heard faintly in the distance.
The beast bolted down a main street chased by ten panicking handlers as cars screeched to a halt in their wake.
The Sun
In the intervals of pandemonium, each chattered, cut up, hooted, screeched, and danced, himself sufficient unto himself, filled with his own ideas and volitions to the exclusion of all others, a veritable centre of the universe, divorced for the time being from any unanimity with the other universe-centres leaping and yelling around him.
‘You dirty tramp,’ she screeched, her eyes bugging out.
Your contributors are entitled to their opinions, but the political comments have recently taken on a screechy tone that leave me cold.
The only sound was the screeching of alarms triggered by the power cut.
Times, Sunday Times
But handwringer, you and hid habitually ignore the documentary content of my posts - beyond screeching your default mantra: ‘hate-filled – anti-semitic – lies’; you have never responded sensibly.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Jake's car came screeching around the corner and stopped in front of the Peter's house.
He winced, still recalling her scratchy laughter and screeching voice.
Celil was suddenly thrust back into reality from her daydream by the bellow of a war-horn, screeches and roars, and the twang of bowstrings.
You love broadbrush stereotyping for the same reason you let rightwing screechmonkeys do your thinking for you.
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Birds screeched from the bamboo forest, echoing the anguished cries of the injured.
A night bird screeched in the distance and the fire crackled and spat, and shoes crushed tiny rocks on the ground.
Thank you," I said, trying not to sound too enfeebled, and I heard Dido screech: `Seven-thirty for dinner at eight!
I recalled seeing him in a private screening of ‘Pep Follies of 1930,’ strumming his vulgar ukulele and screeching ‘Good Night Sweetheart.’
A night bird screeched in the distance and the fire crackled and spat, and shoes crushed tiny rocks on the ground.
Cars rushed by, honking and screeching, and the drivers were all screaming and cursing at one another.
The fanboy squeal is high and screechy, like rusty nailtips raked across a blackboard, but it always says the same thing.
The Rainbow Coalition: Active
As I sit here writing I've just heard the merry sound of screeching car tyres followed by the kiss of two cars entwining themselves.
She let out a loud screech, and he laughed again and pulled her back up.
The vast majority of users, however, still endure the screeches of a dial-up modem due to the country's weak broadband infrastructure.
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A part of her noticed, right before she screeched at him like the hoyden Granmama often said she was, that it was the farthest seat in the room from where she was sitting.