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How To Use Scrawl In A Sentence

  • Klimt's tentative chalk and pencil strokes do little more than outline and emphasize the foreshortened legs, buttocks and genitalia of his subjects, their scrawled lifelessness compromising the images' erotic impact. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • The letters were carved in a cramped scrawl, moonlight etching the crevices and staining the shadows silver.
  • Gang tags and general graffiti had been scrawled everywhere a vandal with a spray can could reach.
  • Madison’s Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations. Beauty and the Beach
  • After all, a graffitist can scrawl an offensive message in seconds.
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  • However, he is best known for his irregularly scrawled phrases on road signs.
  • For example, with this dream, I scrawled, "Bill Shunn waste time plastic toy platen. Dreaming of Bill Shunn and the Plastic Typewriter
  • I scrawled a quick note to Judith and put it under her door.
  • I came across a sign the other day, inelegantly scrawled on cardboard and stuck to a telephone pole.
  • The eggs of the bronze-winged jacana have a rich brownish-bronze background, on which black lines are scribbled in inextricable confusion, so that the egg looks as though Arabic texts had been scrawled over it. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • He does not make to-do lists or scrawl reminders to himself on Post-its.
  • She noticed some words scrawled in Dinah's handwriting at the top of her notes.
  • Cherry leaned over to peak at the calculations he had scrawled on a computer notepad, which made absolutely no sense to her at all.
  • More symbols were scrawled into the stone of the arch, crimson slashes carved in the rock as though they were weeping wounds in the gateway.
  • Scribbled in her untidy scrawl were the words I love Nate Litz written across her macadam driveway in a pale rose-colored chalk.
  • And I kinda liked your red crayon-scrawly powerpoints - what font is that?
  • You wouldn't use the Big Chief tablet and a pencil to scrawl paper letters to your customers: take the same care with your e-mail.
  • On one wall is an ‘operations board’ - a whiteboard with a map of the village scrawled on it showing the extent of the flooding.
  • After filling several notebook pages with black scrawl, I stopped the recorder.
  • Without looking up, the Commish dutifully scrawled his signature on my paper as Andra snapped a photo of us.
  • Notebooks filled margin to margin with my tiny scrawl spill out-of the desk drawers.
  • He muttered as he reached for his bag and pulled out a yellow legal pad covered in scrawled writing.
  • A fees officer scrawled "not allowable" next to it.
  • It's not often you see a holiday sentiment scrawled on a scrap of gunny sack.
  • With thine own name scrawl'd through it, defacing a soul? Lucile
  • Big Butch Brewster, to whom the billet-doux was addressed in T. Haviland Hicks, Jr.'s, familiar scrawl, tore open the envelope, and while the squad listened, he read aloud the message left by that sunny-souled youth; "DEAR BUTCH: "Coach Corridan will have to use the alarm clock from now on! I'm called away on business. See that my stuff gets to Bannister O.K. Stow it in the room next to yours. I'll be back at college some time in the next century. Give my adieux to Coach Corridan and the squad. T. Haviland Hicks Senior
  • I could retrain myself over a period of months and beat my scrawl towards something resembling readable penmanship but I think I'm just going to throw out all my writing utensils.
  • It had no label, only a sticker scrawled with illegible handwriting.
  • She looked at the familiar scrawl on the front of the envelope -- just the word "Shauna" -- and felt her stomach clench. Tell No One
  • In high school, I scrawled lyrics in my physics workbook, murmuring the lines.
  • Back to scrawled notes and secret whispers? Times, Sunday Times
  • And I listened to the old tape with the scrawled track listing and the spools that squeaked when you turned them, and became a fan forever.
  • Making use of the whiteboards that were ubiquitous in the hallways and conference rooms in the Googleplex, he scrawled the phrase over and over in his distinct calligraphic style, a sans-serif, Tolkien-esque script. In the Plex
  • In Wuthering Heights Catherine Earnshaw's old books and scrawled, diaristic notations discovered by Heathcliff's hapless tenant afford a spiritual channeling scene in which Catherine's ghost is summoned from the beyond.
  • A little girl who was sitting in the row in front of me had lent me her copy of the play a moment before, and now, absorbed in Dr. Furness's argument, I forgot the book wasn't mine and began scrawling controversial notes in it with my very thick and blotty fountain pen. The Story of My Life
  • Do you remember how to do real handwriting or are you so rusty your scrawl resembles a doctor's prescription?
  • Roger had opened the document to its final pages where Adam's characteristic scrawl Adam Berendt had been signed above testator. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll Scrawled over on some boyish holiday With idle songs for pipe and virelay, Which do but mar the secret of the whole.
  • It's simple to get close to animals like scrawled filefish and spiny puffers which prove too timid to approach in the daytime.
  • Wendy noted the crabbed scrawl of her uncle's signature immediately above the notarization seal, then read the introduction.
  • 'You've been busy," she said mildly, looking over his shoulder at his notebook open to a page of ballpoint scrawl. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • The lettering on that had strongly resembled a monkey scrawl, while the spelling and grammar were equally atrocious.
  • Various graffito was scrawled across the walls.
  • Do you remember how to do real handwriting or are you so rusty your scrawl resembles a doctor's prescription?
  • I scrawled a quick note to Judith and put it under her door.
  • Now if we feel compelled to write in longhand we are embarrassed by the unpractised scrawl that we see appearing on the page in front of us.
  • Her professors used to tease her about her careful penmanship, told her all real doctors had illegible scrawl, but she would just smile and tell them patients appreciate knowing what their prescription slips actually said.
  • Any teacher, at whatever level, might have experienced a jolt of recognition on looking at Gordon Brown's cacographic scrawl, drawing the astonished question: "Is the most powerful man in Britain dyslexic - and if so, how on earth did he keep it secret so long? Ephems of BLB
  • The pages were scrawled with unreadable shorthand, quotes he would later unsuccessfully attempt to decipher, let alone match to any of the news stories he was supposed to be working on.
  • He knew it straight off: a buff folder with a scrawl of previous recipients on the front and a few loose-leaf typed reports inside. The Priest
  • Racial epithets were scrawled on the walls.
  • When a person signs a document, his acceptance of an illegible scrawl as his signature is sufficient to make it his signature.
  • Scrawled filefish seem enormous and, of course, the ubiquitous titan and the inappropriately named yellowmargin triggerfish are active everywhere.
  • Imber's voice sank in whisperful awe as he crackled the sheets 'twixt thumb and finger and stared at the charactery scrawled thereon. THE LEAGUE OF THE OLD MEN
  • Kenta squinted, trying to read it, but could not decipher the scrawl.
  • The pink transparent band and the bold red title echo the scrawled writing of the original document shown in the photo and the thin, attenuated rubber band holding it all together.
  • Someone had scrawled all over my notes.
  • Someone had scrawled all over my notes.
  • Shinoda never gave up the elements of Japanese writing - ink, brush and paper - but she no longer scrawls tightly controlled kanji on skinny scrolls destined to hang in tokonoma displays.
  • It was a country of bankruptcy notices and public-auction announcements and common-place reports of casual killings and misplaced children and abandoned homes and vandals who misspelled even the four-letter words they scrawled.
  • He scrawled a hasty note to his wife.
  • It's really just eight pages of spidery scrawl - both sides of course - which I will be sending out to everyone I have ever come into contact with.
  • For anyone who has been unlucky enough to befall the horrors of my handwriting, firstly I say I’m sorry – but secondly – if I did that, I would have no idea what I have just written – much less the scrawl from a day ago. thank goodness for spellchecker as my typing is just as bad – but at least the letters are uniformly shaped. Don’t panic « Write Anything
  • Police make no distinction between full-scale graffiti murals, or ‘masterpieces,’ and the juvenile scrawls of territory-marking taggers.
  • A brown-suited instructor with ramrod posture and an air of self-important officialdom points at a blackboard covered with indecipherable scrawls.
  • This report, scrawled on thin rice paper, told of a cavalry encounter at Ping Yang after a detachment of Cossacks on reconnaissance had crossed the Yalu and struck 200 miles deep into Korea. JACK LONDON'S WAR
  • And no doubt it is part of our middle western definition of community, writ in the dictionary of our hearts, not scrawled on some public wall.
  • It flies from every third building, it is emblazoned on shop displays, plastered on the bumpers of cars, and scrawled on anti-war banners.
  • We don't get the stereotypical skinheads we got in the late 70s and early 80s but we do seem to get loads of yobs who think it highly amusing to vandalise, scrawl graffiti in the children's play area and walls around the rec and take drugs.
  • It looks extraordinarily brooding: the rock-and-steel architecture, scrawled with foul-mouthed inmate graffiti, is both threatening and lovely.
  • Round the corner is a place that sells old furniture and reconditioned fridges and ovens, all plastered with neon cardboard stars, scrawled with marker pen prices.
  • Every city is an urban palimpsest, a used parchment covered with the fragmentary scrawls of its own past.
  • She filled out a consent form and held the clipboard under his hand so Gene could scrawl his initials, which he was able to do unsteadily. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • Madison's Main Street is treasured for its art cinema and an independent bookshop that plays host to top authors and bejewels its heavy wooden cases with staff-scrawled book recommendations. Beauty and the Beach
  • He scrawled his name at the bottom of the page.
  • Romanov scrawled his signature between the two X's with the proffered gold pen.
  • His two female companions, Zombie and Eeyore, swig from a bottle of pricey Tejava tea and pass a smoke while lying on a blanket surrounded by a fortress of backpacks, bedrolls and scrawled signs asking for money. San Franciscans Try to Take Back Their Streets
  • Stu's writing was virtually indecipherable, pencil scrawls as if done hastily in the dark from an uncomfortable position. A RODENT OF DOUBT
  • Carefully consulting the book, he scrawled various glyphs and runes at certain points in the design.
  • If the editor took the time to scrawl"Nzce jb grape jelly assassin, send mor pls," it means they thought enough of your work to risk the potential hazardous attraction of the stalky, mad, one-percent club I'm just guessing that 1% of slush submitters do the really crazy stuff - it could be more. February 2010
  • Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five. The House of Mirth
  • The note was written in his usual illegible scrawl.
  • No space was officially provided for additional views, so residents wanting to comment further were left with little choice but to scrawl notes around the three tick boxes.
  • His pen came to a stop and he stared down at the scrawled words with a shake of his head.
  • I had left her a hastily scrawled note about Ginger being sick.
  • Forthwith, my satchel was opened and in a few moments the following arrestive words were scrawled in a mammoth hand: GREAT W.C. T.U. MEETING TO-MORROW A slaveholder's daughter,
  • I scrawled in my notes: give us some good news. Times, Sunday Times
  • La Brea — a wide boulevard lined with furniture stores, antique shops, and the occasional shopfront with "Psychic" scrawled across the glass — was imbued with the same impermanency like many of the blocks south of Hollywood, where brick veneer mixed with a frontier-town sensibility. Soul
  • Kayla scrawled her signature on the prescription pad and tore it off.
  • I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.
  • When he stuck his head in the CWA, he saw the board was filled, a Magic Marker tribute to bad doctor scrawl. DO NO HARM
  • For a moment Aidan only looked at it from across the room, not wanting to go near it, to see the words scrawled across it in his mother's spidery handwriting.
  • You'll find more wit scrawled on lavatory walls or etched on desks with a compass point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lou Reed, whose monumental cragginess makes Smith look like the face of Esteé Lauder, scrawls a Velvet Underground-style guitar solo over Some Kind of Nature. Gorillaz at Glastonbury 2010
  • It is from one of the Catalan's final faxes, when his handwriting was little more than a scrawl.
  • Little Domesday is a less magnificent affair, scrawled over about 900 pages of parchment by a variety of scribes, and peppered with corrections, deletions and insertions.
  • Since no two lines actually rendezvous, a shifting pattern emerges from their misalignment that evokes the nervous scrawl of a polygraph test.
  • Then he drew a second pear, exactly like the former, except that one or two lines were scrawled in the midst of it, which bore somehow a ludicrous resemblance to the eyes, nose, and mouth of a celebrated personage; and, lastly, he drew the exact portrait of Louis Philippe; the well-known toupet, the ample whiskers and jowl were there, neither extenuated nor set down in malice. The Paris Sketch Book
  • Who's scrawled all over the wall?
  • The prismatic oil-stick scrawls are applied in intricate gathers, loose skeins and impenetrable tangles.
  • As well as calling Miss Bruce his 'firebird', unmarried Oakey had also scrawled messages inside such as, 'I love you Fiona'. Home | Mail Online
  • ‘God yes,’ she replied, eyes not leaving the sheets of writing paper she was scrawling all over.
  • It was built unsymmetrically because he wrote on the plans; they were redesigned around his scrawl because nobody had the courage to rub it out.
  • A drawing of the original Worden Hall, used to decorate the shelter, is covered in scrawl and may have to be painted over.
  • I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.
  • Then two soldiers on the ground led a hooded figure, his hands tied in flex cuffs and a number scrawled on his back, to the helicopter. Imperial Grunts
  • Being short, as I was, the six lines of wobbly nonsense which I'd managed to scrawl were about two and a half feet off the floor, but what they lacked in visibility, they made up for in determination.
  • I have no idea who sent it, as there's nothing to identify the couple except an indecipherable scrawl.
  • Unable to grab a piece of paper, some stretched their palms for the cricketer to scrawl his signature across it.
  • COULD graffiti scrawled in a rented house in the 1970s be as important as prehistoric cave paintings? The Sun
  • They watched 2935 float over to the white square of plastic mounted in the far corner of the tank, watched it extract a waterproof pen from its holder, watched it scrawl three clumsy question marks on the square while brown and yellow patches rose and sank on its skin, then watched it shudder, spasm, and sink as the ampoule of anesthetic diffused through the tank. 365 tomorrows » submission : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Hedda picked out one covered with mysterious scrawls and studied it carefully, until she finally looked up.
  • Clawing through those initial pages with their illegible scrawl and phonetically terrestrial sounds required the tenacity of a saint.
  • Do you now have fourteen pads of Post-Its waiting to be filled with scrawls and doodles?
  • I glanced at where Davis was pointing at in illegible signature scrawled in the bottom right-hand corner.
  • I had a cheesy smile scrawled on my face and I felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
  • You sit alone in a bright, comfortable room; the clock ticks companionably; there is no other sound in the world except the constant scratching of your pen, and the occasional far-off puffing of a freight-train coming into Lichfield; there is snow outside, but before your eyes someone, that is not you exactly, arranges and redrills the scrawls which will bring back the sweet and languid summer and remarshal all its pleasant trivialities for anyone that chooses to read through the printed page, although he read two centuries hence, in Nova Zembla .... The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
  • He hastily scrawls a message on his class schedule and sends his letter.
  • But, now, she was scrawling badly jumbled words in an old spiral notebook that she rarely ever used.
  • He scrawled a "disapproved" on the sheet and initialed it. Final Weapon
  • Mauch, who talked to Tennessee Conservative's Mick Wright for an hour outside of the Hilton, was in possession of a flyer announcing the "afterparty" protest at Brennan's, which he gave to Wright while scrawling both the address of the Iron Rail Book Collective and the name of the YouTube account which once hosted the protestors 'video files. Latest Articles
  • We passed through bustling Hispanic neighborhoods filled with colorful bodegas and the smells of hot frying food, and through quieter areas where the signs were in Asian scrawl. Hacker - Death at the Member-Guest
  • What was written on the sheets similarly ran the gamut: from perfect copperplate to a chaotic scrawl. GALILEE
  • One ducky is all it takes before ALL the toddlers are snatching duckies and taking our credit cards and and drinking our beer and calling for revolution and turning North America into a Mini-Maoist wasteland, littered with beer-sticky sippy cups and crayon-scrawled placards and cheap-assed Made In Alberta duckies and ruled by a bicky-sucking, blankie-toting military prole dictatorship. A Clockwork Sippy Cup | Her Bad Mother
  • I started reading what was scrawled across the page in handwriting that reminded me of his voice.
  • Sexually suggestive graffiti was also scrawled on the school walls.
  • ‘Hollywood comes to Dechmont,’ one village shopkeeper excitedly scrawled on a sign he put over a window display consisting of a home made clapperboard, cans of film and a projector.
  • In one window, a distressed officer sits at a sturdy acacia desk, scrawling a final correspondence of some illiterate contadino killed weeks before on an accursed massif.
  • In the game it is found scrawled on one of the cavern walls, and typing it in teleported you between that cave and the home base location.
  • We've scrawled some things into a copy book that describe how we feel when we're lonely or an image we remember from an intense period of loneliness.
  • I've got some scrawled notes I took while watching the show, which I will turn into something resembling a recap tomorrow.
  • BEIT FAJAR, WEST BANK - Arsonists set fire to a mosque in this Palestinian town early Monday, charring Korans, burning holes into the carpet and scrawling "revenge" in Hebrew near the doorway. Arsonists set fire to mosque in West Bank town
  • Scrawly tunes, cloudy observations, open-ended sentiments ultimately leading to an unsatisfactory half-digested aftertaste.
  • The card will probably begin with these words, scrawled in a variety of spidery, loopy styles, in crayon or felt-tip or ballpoint: ‘Dear Dad’.
  • When he saw something of note, he scrawled it on a folded up piece of yellow legal paper he kept in his coat pocket.
  • Some people had scrawled words of consolation and encouragement on the remaining chunks of driftwood.
  • Turkish veils, preceded by a Nubian outrider in semi-military livery; or, perhaps, a train of camels, ill-tempered and supercilious, craning their scrannel necks above the crowd, and laden with canvas bales scrawled over with Arabic addresses. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Worse still, when the team returned they found that the baggage handlers at Auckland airport had scrawled ‘losers’ in white chalk across all their bags.
  • Denis Thatcher scrawled back: 'J.C. [Jesus Christ] What I do for the Party!', adding: 'The same evening I was going to attend probably the best Rugby Football Dinner this year, namely the centenary of the Middlesex RFU. Home | Mail Online
  • There is a joke scrawled on the wall of a lavatory cubicle in a bar in Hull. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walk up to any computer, plug in your mouse, reboot from the flash drive and you've got a system all set up the way you like it. sinisterscrawl The OpenOffice Mouse - Boing Boing
  • He paused, and looked at the page filled with scrawled words with a glow of satisfaction on his face; nay, a positive radiance of barely suppressed excitement and glee.
  • Nifty handwriting recognition algorithms can translate the user's scrawls into print - and can shrink them to fit if necessary.
  • She knew if that were done that, as she scrawled in her own peculiar French, "le Roy mon fils nave jeames lantyere aubeysance," [1] and she was determined "que personne ne pent nous brouller en lamitie en la quele je desire que set deus Royaumes demeurent pendant mauye. The Age of the Reformation
  • M. Lacaze brought back several Alpine plants, a small Helix which he had found near the summit, and copious scrawls for future croquis — his studies of the “Pins” and the The Land of Midian
  • I get excited when publishers attach a short scrawled note, but this was a really in depth letter, and very constructive.
  • Produced while he watches a half-dozen tapes of each team he's assigned to cover, Mr. Raftery's one-page, double-sided reports are written in capital letters and a tiny, crowded scrawl. A Sportscaster's Secret Playbook
  • An unreadable scrawl that took hours to decipher.
  • In my hand was a sheaf of poor-quality writing paper, covered with a barely legible scrawl. THE EXECUTION
  • The spoiled form has a scrawl of a mouth slewed in pulpy damage.
  • A large whiteboard, scrawled with tasks, dominates another wall.
  • I took mine, which had my name scrawled on the top in a thin, scraggly, yet elegant script.
  • There is graffiti scrawled on 17th-century walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • In my hand was a sheaf of poor-quality writing paper, covered with a barely legible scrawl. THE EXECUTION
  • I do not know whether any members have picked up off the table his amendment in hastily scrawled handwriting.
  • And a scrawled half-line in Jorge Sanchez's familiar handwriting: 650 at $100k per. Bad Luck and Trouble
  • It was a printed piece of computer paper, covered in the smudgy black scrawl of a scanned newspaper article.
  • Unlike the promise of dolorous sentence scrawling offered by so many of the other far more pretentious and far more dead authors in whose image I have constructed my bardic fantasies, Carrie represents a modern view of a successful writer who seems to love what she does for a living. What Sex and the City Taught Me About Writing
  • I tried to read his directions, scrawled on a piece of paper.
  • The letter was handwritten, in a hasty, barely decipherable scrawl.
  • Lisa, the teacher, exclaims over each answer, scrawling it on a chalkboard at the front of the room.
  • I once, rather puckishly, asked a drug company to support a conference on ECT and received a scrawled handwritten reply from the head of psychopharmacology saying basically, ‘Are you kidding?’
  • Don't scrawl all over the wall.
  • The Tablet PC allows students to scrawl notes and draw diagrams onto the screen with the touch of a pen-like stylus.
  • It was handwritten, and I recognized the scrawl as my father's.
  • He, too, has worked very large and with heroic, mythic narratives, but once again, seems to take an ironical stance toward monumentality by his use of magnified sgraffito and scrawled imagery.
  • The pen and software made a game attempt at translating our scrawls to editable text. Times, Sunday Times
  • They included previous shop owners and a man whose father had scrawled his name on the arcade's wall.
  • Doubtless he had been detained, or had misread her hurriedly scrawled note, taking the four for a five. The House of Mirth
  • There was a red circle around the fifth, and the letters JC were scrawled beside it. LOST SUMMER
  • I quickly scrawled my name and number on the note card and handed it to him.
  • To make sure he was spacing the holes exactly right, he scrawled a triangle and some trigonometric calculations on a notepad. Help Wanted on Factory Floor
  • Some sort of writing had been scrawled over one side, and it looked like some ancient language.
  • You know, let them - give them some more latitude than you'd give these people who are scrawling on the ballots or dimpling it or whatever.
  • Jim scrawled his signature across the bottom of the page.
  • Judging by my scrawl, which is worse than usual, I should say the anxiety had left its mark, but I am none the worse otherwise. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • There is a joke scrawled on the wall of a lavatory cubicle in a bar in Hull. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other is a scrawled letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • On Saturday Mr. Al Essawy stepped into the cage, which was painted like an Egyptian flag, sporting a ponytail, a tank top scrawled with a pro-Palestinian slogan and the traditional Palestinian headdress, a kafiya, wrapped around his neck. By Battling a Big, Bored Cat, Strongman Roars to Egypt's Aid
  • There is graffiti scrawled on 17th-century walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • I scrawled a quick note to Judith and put it under her door.
  • In fact he wore a complete set of finely made golden samurai armor, and in his gauntleted hands he carried a pair of long wooden swords, each one with ancient runes scrawled up their sides.
  • Her signature was an illegible scrawl.
  • It's a page torn from a school notebook, slanting scrawled handwriting on it.
  • Also underneath the table, there was a piece of parchment, lying face up; a messy scrawl was inked out.
  • Crazed wizards worshiping ancient things that existed millennia ago; hideous secrets scrawled in forbidden tomes of flesh; contacting evil servitors who will do the sorcerer's bidding ... An Interview with Venger Satanis : The Lovecraft News Network
  • an semiliterate scrawl
  • Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.
  • It was covered in scrawl and writing in all directions for all his different subjects.
  • A racial slur was scrawled on a whiteboard on one student's door.
  • When he saw something of note, he scrawled it on a folded up piece of yellow legal paper he kept in his coat pocket.
  • A scrawled note dismisses some information as not being credible. The Sun
  • Still saves a human having to struggle to read the scrawl that passes for handwriting today.
  • A scrawled note dismisses some information as not being credible. The Sun
  • Thomas Hobbes wrote on his bedsheets, and when those were full he "scrawled on his thighs"; Voltaire is said to have used his naked mistress's back for a desk. Literary Life
  • There is a joke scrawled on the wall of a lavatory cubicle in a bar in Hull. Times, Sunday Times
  • I recall the scrawl that ran just below the "McDonald's": "10,000 hamburgers served. The clock anvil and the lie that business creates jobs
  • When I sat down, I was surprised to find the words flying around my head, begging to be the next one scrawled on the page in my less-than-perfect penmanship.
  • He scrawled'these notes were made by me on the moon' then signed his name. Times, Sunday Times
  • I beg your pardon, my dear "Clarinda," for the fragment scrawl I sent you yesterday. The Letters of Robert Burns

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