- scraps of meat (usually pork) boiled with cornmeal and shaped into loaves for slicing and frying
How To Use scrapple In A Sentence
- Another dish is scrapple, a sort of savoury ‘loaf’ made with pork, cornmeal, and other ingredients, to be chilled and sliced, the slices then to be fried and served very hot.
- Nicole sat in her chair and helped herself to scrapple and eggs.
- Puddings and scrapple are also breakfast favorites.
- The head of pork does not contain a great deal of meat, but, as the quality of this meat is very good, it is valuable for a number of special dishes, such as headcheese and scrapple. Woman's Institute Library of Cookery Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish
- His approach to food embodies a culinary ecology whereby nothing edible is wasted, which in part explains his fondness for the sausage-like scrapple.
- One by one the boys came into the kitchen fully dressed and Rebecca served each one a plate full of eggs and scrapple.