How To Use Scramble In A Sentence

  • Keeping specific goals and metrics for testing in mind not only helps track status and results, but also avoids the last-second scramble to pull together necessary reports.
  • She learned to scramble around and even run sideways, but not forward.
  • The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
  • Those buyers not up to speed might find they are left behind in the scramble to get onto the property ladder. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, in a mad final scramble, the Vipers were able to hold on to win their fourth straight Stampede Challenge title.
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  • Carpenter scrambled out of the pocket, pulled up at the line of scrimmage and shoveled the ball to Thompson, who outleaped two defenders under the goal post.
  • For a moment I feared I was going to drown as I lay pole-axed on the shingle, but scrambled free in time. Country diary: Western Cumbria
  • The group scattered and Justin scrambled to the school.
  • On Seventh Avenue, slack-jawed visitors scrambled for digital cameras, and taxicabs actually slowed down for something other than a fare.
  • With more than 50 million Larsson books sold world-wide, publishers scrambled to anoint his literary heir—preferably a political and prolix Scandinavian. Tattooed by Politics
  • The riders, known as scramblers, are illegally riding their motorbikes, quad bikes and scooters across Crane Park and are tearing up the ground in the process.
  • Taking the penalty was a bad choice, but I also don't know if Big Easy was ever going to unscramble it, Keoghan says. Amazing Race: Phil Keoghan Explains Why These 11 Teams Have Unfinished Business
  • The Russian air force scrambled a fighter jet to intercept a Manchester-bound airliner that had strayed into its air space
  • The first uses what AirTight now alternately refers to as a "vulnerability" or a "limitation" in the 802.11 specification: a shared encryption key called the group temporal key (GTK), shared by all clients connected to the same access point, can't detect an address spoofing attempt (the pairwise keys, which are used to scramble data between a given client and the access point, can). AirTight defends Wi-Fi WPA2 'vulnerability' claim
  • Its inner horseshoe of tables remains the premier spot for early-morning dealmaking over smoked salmon and scrambled eggs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, if demand for rented accommodation slackens further, investors might high-tail it out of the market, pushing prices down in the scramble.
  • I'll have tomato juice, waffles, scrambled eggs and tea.
  • Pascoe heard her scream and scrambled across junk and debris in the darkness.
  • Jaworski says McNabb diminishes the impact of his inaccuracy by being an elite scrambler and rarely making stupid throws, and that was true even during his struggles.
  • Unleashed, she is a maenad: not crabby but sardonic and perpetually restless, she scrambles over the stage, squaring up to several men at a time; she drinks from a hip flask; she wees; she smokes – and she fumes. The Taming of the Shrew; The Trial of Ubu; Our New Girl – review
  • He unfurled the blanket insulation over the concertina wire and scrambled over the fence as a Doberman streaked toward him, snarling. THE KILL CLAUSE
  • She coughed, expelling the last of the water, and scrambled to her feet.
  • Yet when it happens there is a mad scramble to see what is possible in terms of rescue and then what needs to be put in place to avert marine ecological disaster, prior to rescuing or salvaging the vessel.
  • Get out your DC decoder rings to descramble this message. Timothy Karr: Change or Cha-ching?
  • a scrambled plan of action
  • I carried her with me and placed her on the ladder and she scrambled up, her little, ragged dress catching momentarily on the nails of the rafters.
  • Meanwhile, world leaders scrambled for new ways to prop up the euro. Times, Sunday Times
  • We sat and watched the screen as it fizzed black and white shapes that during the course of the last three hours had scrambled my tiny mind.
  • `No need to lock your door and switch on your scrambler, I'm not after His Lordship. CASCADES - THE DAY OF THE DEAD
  • The machine had some other features to increase the complexity: There was a plugboard to further scramble the letters, and the machine came equipped with half a dozen or so rotors, of which 3 (later 4) were inserted at any one time. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • It was a real scramble to the top of the hillside.
  • Some scramble for the freshly scrubbed MBAs; others want analysts who come from the industry they will cover.
  • He uses terms like commensalism and epiphyte, and primary and secondary forest, and crepuscular; and our brains scramble to keep up. Valerie Tarico: Madagascar: West Knows Best
  • The North West Air Ambulance was then scrambled to the area which is inaccessible to vehicles.
  • He broke his leg in his scramble down the wall.
  • The girl scrambled over the wall.
  • He scrambled to his little feet, his eyes were wild with something old, stronger and feral, panting and gasping for air.
  • It was a long scramble to the top of the hill.
  • Hence their scramble to divert domestic rubbish anywhere but landfill. Times, Sunday Times
  • “It could take a week to descramble the codes, but manual control should still be available.” Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • In a sudden panic he began to scramble down.
  • That is why the scramble to calm anger by launching an official inquiry has become such a tangled affair. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scramble’ is the right word for this donnybrook.
  • He scrambled to the floor and was about to dive under the bed when the door swung inwards and the light from the corridor blinded him for a moment.
  • I'd like to zhuzh up my scrambled eggs - any recommendations on things to add to make them a bit more tasty?
  • Carn Mor Dearg lies on the eastern arm of the horseshoe ridge that includes Ben Nevis and is a favourite with scramblers who climb ‘The Ben’.
  • When my mom and dad came in a while later, I had the eggs scrambled and cooked to a nice golden brown.
  • We descended and scrambled and zigged and zagged and trudged ever on.
  • So when he started towards me, I scrambled off the oxsain, fled into the weaver 's. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The ground was rocky and Damian quickly scrambled over to Thera.
  • She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames.
  • Pedestrians took their lives in their hands running the tree-lined gauntlet, forced to scramble up steep bankings if two vehicles met on the narrow stretch.
  • The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
  • One of Robert's granddaughters slipped into the water as the family scrambled from one housetop to another.
  • Bad scrambled eggs are beyond the pale: insipid, pale lemon yellow fading to a bilious grey - granular, curdling or lying in a puddle of whey-like liquid.
  • In course of the Turkish empire declining rapidly, the great powers of Europe started to scramble for the empire's heritage. Among the powers, Russia was a chief director in the partitions of Turkey.
  • Following a path without caring where it led as he pondered, he was brought up short when a doe and her young fawn scrambled quickly to their feet and bounded off.
  • Scritch, scratch, scramble, through the thorny bushes!
  • Craving the arancini at Galleria Umberto, she drove in the other day, hoping to win the scramble for parking before the pizzeria sold out.
  • The ball shot through my legs and we managed to scramble two byes.
  • That was the only goal of the first half but Jimmy Spencer poked home in a goalmouth scramble just before the hour.
  • Is it all this broken-up breccia or is there, maybe, a big old finger of basalt sticking up that we could scramble right on down? THE FALLEN MAN
  • Stand off Andy Hirst caused panic in the home defence with a high bomb which was scrambled out of play.
  • Scientists' careers depend on publishing studies, and they often have to scramble to get the money to do them.
  • She scrambled to her feet and ran coltishly past him and over the bridge, hiding her face and calling gaily, "Come on! The Judge
  • They dumped their BMX bikes and scrambled over a fence to launch the merciless attack. The Sun
  • Getting dressed on the side of a logging road with no real place to park, we scramble to get our clothes on, gear stashed and snowshoes lashed to our boots before the first crazed logger sweeps around the corner in his big rig.
  • Sorters had to unscramble a moving target, while tests had to resist a moving arrow.
  • Two years ago he went there for the Seniors Open with his emotions scrambled.
  • An army bomb squad was scrambled to dispose of an unexploded mortar shell found poking out of a rabbit hole on Easter Sunday.
  • He uses terms like commensalism and epiphyte, and primary and secondary forest, and crepuscular; and our brains scramble to keep up. Valerie Tarico: Madagascar: West Knows Best
  • In Story mode, unscramble moving puzzles to reveal a hidden story.
  • Greek air force jets were scrambled when the plane lost contact with air traffic control Sunday morning.
  • There was a plate of untouched scrambled eggs and a glass of orange juice on the table, which led her to guess that he'd fixed himself breakfast but had been unable to eat.
  • Meanwhile, world leaders scrambled for new ways to prop up the euro. Times, Sunday Times
  • To dispel my disappointment and any Irish duppies - ghosts - that might be hovering about we attacked the three hours scramble to the summit of Blue Mountain Peak.
  • It was on scramble code, which automatically heterodyned the audio output so that Desai's wife could not hear what came to him a couple of meters away. The Day Of Their Return
  • Her hands grasped the tiniest cracks and protuberances and without thought to where they would take her, her feet scrambled for the slightest toehold!
  • When I finally managed to scramble down, my legs were all aquiver, and my palms were studded with splinters. The Dark Side of Innocence
  • LICHTMAN: I think I asked them about this, because I said, you know, if you see a parent and a kid on a jungle gym, you know, most of the times the kids are going to be able to scramble up quicker.
  • Its glory days came when Spitfire and Hurricane pilots scrambled to defeat Hitler's Luftwaffe despite overwhelming odds.
  • There is also a scramble to fill the vacancies at the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • They had been talking about going home and making scrambled eggs - which would be quite a comedown from last night's glorious dinner.
  • He scrambled against the outcropping, his feet slipping, his arms burning with stress as he fumbled to keep himself from falling. Earl of Durkness
  • The five children scrambled to their feet and hurried out of the tent leaving the men to talk.
  • It's a quick scramble down from the summit to my skis.
  • Unfortunately, by the time they arrived, my tastebuds had changed their mind and started eyeing my Timothy's scrambled eggs in an acquisitive manner.
  • Fighter jets scrambled into the clear blue skies above the American capital.
  • This recipe is based on mu shu pork, the popular Chinese restaurant dish that combines deep-fried or stir-fried strips of pork with a colorful array of Chinese vegetables and some scrambled eggs, all of which are rolled up in a thin, cigarlike pancake and dipped in hoisin or plum sauce. SARA MOULTON’S EVERYDAY FAMILY DINNERS
  • The scramble is on to get projects onto lists for a coming logrolling of epic proportions.
  • My eyes and throat begin to burn as I scramble beneath my cot, feeling for my gas mask with shaking hands.
  • However, the giant pre-empted him by the simple expedient of hauling the prostrate felon off the ground by his hair and then dropping him when Grundle had scrambled clear.
  • She wriggled off the windowsill and scrambled onto the stone wall, ignoring the twinges of pain in her damaged wrist.
  • Maria scrambled to her feet as the soft sand shifted beneath her.
  • If he does pull off an upset, there will be an almighty scramble to find some people who do know him. The Sun
  • When we negotiate, our clients certainly want a program, which scrambles a signal so you can't copy it.
  • He was carefully conveyed to the boat; the _Osprey_ was safely beached, high and dry, and loaded with stones to prevent her being buffeted by the winds again, until such time as she could be removed; and the boys, with lightened hearts, scrambled into the haaf-boat, carrying with them all their campaigning effects. Viking Boys
  • The second half was again scrappy and Farncombe's winner came after a goalmouth scramble.
  • The crew scrambled into rescue boats. Times, Sunday Times
  • They scrambled out the door like bloodhounds on the scent.
  • The cragsmen scrambled onto the rocks from their boat at the one landing site that gave them access to the summit.
  • My Dad was a Southerner so his favorite Sunday breakfast always included some fried fish (whiting, porgy, Virginia spot or croaker), with grits, scrambled eggs and cheese and corn bread. Dining With Mis Lil: Father’s Day Potato Salad «
  • She scrambled up the ladder and shots cracked from guns and ricocheted off metal and pocked brick wall.
  • I admit, that spinach/mushroom scrambled egg thing sounds delicious, but again - I either have to dethaw frozen spinach or risk mushrooms going bad. Nutrition Facts
  • The driver started honking and had already started pulling out again as I pulled my keks up and scrambled back onto the bus. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • She managed to scramble over the wall.
  • Patrick scrambled aft and snapped his safety harness around the binnacle support. CORMORANT
  • Tied together by a length of rope, Whymper and the guide scrambled up the steep slopes until they reached a tall slab of rock known as the Chimney.
  • He also said a weak signal could be scrambled and be undetected by another broadcaster.
  • And whatever happens, after May 3 they're predicting a mad scramble for one-way only tickets.
  • Then you can start to do science by working on the values of isolated elements instead of the hoge poge we get now with everything scrambled. Climate Insensitivity and AR(1) Models « Climate Audit
  • The enraged men caught him just outside the door, slammed in his face by Macklin, and I had one glimpse of him as I scrambled in along the footrope. The Grain Ship
  • Jake scrambled downstairs at a run and launched himself at Jonathan with a cry of joy.
  • He rubbed his eyes and scrambled to his feet, brushing down his clothes to cover up his embarrassment. POSITIVELY FEARLESS: Breaking free of the fears that hold you back
  • Hedera blanched and scrambled to her feet, far more alert than her parents, who were rubbing whatever parts of their anatomies had been injured in the tip of the boat.
  • The aircraft are designed to scramble and intercept incoming enemy jets before they can pose a threat to the carriers.
  • He scrambled through 14 tonnes of waste to find the tiny jewellery case - no bigger than a large matchbox.
  • When the manager retired, there was a scramble for his job.
  • The Russian air force scrambled a fighter jet to intercept a Manchester-bound airliner that had strayed into its air space
  • After that psychological barrier was passed, the remaining scrambles and squeezes were negotiated with relative ease, and any mutinous murmurs were thankfully subdued.
  • Gasping for air, I scramble towards the raft and, with my four bobbing companions, swim to the safety of the shore pushing the raft in front of us.
  • The scrambled data can only be unlocked with passwords that you determine.
  • Add the eggs and stir gently until softly scrambled.
  • They unlocked the door and I skedaddled out past the yellow tape perimeter and then scrambled home.
  • A fire engine and two support vehicles were scrambled and trains to the airport were temporarily suspended. The Sun
  • The company has benefited as three major industry segments suppliers of memory chips, microprocessors and other logic chips, and build-to-order companies called foundries scramble to add production capacity to keep up with rising demand. Applied Materials Boosts Revenue Forecast
  • This year the scramble in Claremorris will be on the first Saturday in July and John has already made preliminary arrangements for the event.
  • Preston took the lead against the run of play when Nicola Rawlinson forced the ball home after a goal mouth scramble.
  • She scrambled into bed and turned off the light.
  • A perilous leap to the edge was followed by a difficult scramble over slimy rock faces.
  • The book includes a recipe detailing how to make scrambled eggs properly, and macaroni cheese. Times, Sunday Times
  • Redditer Niqalye posted this gem from a child on Reddit that gives a pretty disturbing answer to a word scramble about a goat. Child's Word Scramble Answer Disturbing On Multiple Levels (PICTURE)
  • It is left now to the white collar worker to scramble for a position.
  • Owen managed to scramble the ball into the net.
  • * In a bowl, scramble eggs (I used 4 for my pie, take more or less depending on the size of your pan and grade of hungriness) with salt, pepper, and whatever other spices you like. Weekend cooking: Tapas! « Were rabbits
  • We quickly scrambled for our cars, mumbling unmeant thanks for a good time.
  • I scrambled into my dressing gown and half-dashed half-limped down the stairs.
  • The inshore lifeboat manoeuvred close inshore to pick up three of the youngsters while the fourth, who had scrambled further up the cliff, was rescued by the Coastguard team by cliff line.
  • Though a non-swimmer, he managed to scramble back onto the wreck.
  • I like a light lunch, perhaps scrambled eggs and salmon.
  • David Wetherall headed the cross for Watford's first corner which was scrambled away.
  • They got out, scrambled up the ridge for a better look, and saw rapids but no falls that looked too large to navigate.
  • We scramble between fishing rods, cameras and delicious crab claws, reluctant to sacrifice any of the three.
  • Cook for a minute or two until it begins to set, then stir gently to lightly scramble. 4.
  • Yang Chen crowed into the goalmouth and created a dangerous scramble in the penalty area.
  • An amusing game for verbalists, in which one or more persons try to unscramble words scrambled by the computer.
  • Plosh!" went Mr Jones right in backwards; and "spatter" went the foul mud all over his face and shirt-front, and then the poor little man tried to scramble out, but slipped in again, making himself worse than ever; but his next effort was more successful; and when Sam saw him standing amongst the potatoes looking all piebald, his heart was joyful within him, as he hurried home to tell the boys the success of their plot. Hollowdell Grange Holiday Hours in a Country Home
  • Kurt, Hans, and others who thought quickly enough scrambled up a ladder to front-row seats atop the aftmost gunmount. The Heirs of Babylon
  • Not to say that he was immune to her, no, he sensed the strangest feeling coming on as he looked upon her luminous visage now, as if all his internal organs had been scrambled together and congealed into a wobbly mass of jelly.
  • The village was a 20-minute scramble away.
  • She scrambled into her clothing and ran out to the couch.
  • I scrambled down the icy slope.
  • Telephone scramblers, then in their infancy, were available to staff at senior headquarters.
  • A long, lingering snow patch gave a superb standing glissade back down to the col before the last scramble up to An Caisteal, the castle.
  • He scrambled up the hill with the vegetation catching and pulling at his clothes.
  • Later that day the new duty crew were scrambled to attempt to put a team of salvage experts on board the Kodima, which by now was being driven inshore towards Whitsand Bay, which was liberally scattered with planks of wood from the cargo.
  • I really want to "unscramble" the contents of this file.
  • A desperate scramble to find sponsors proved unfruitful so the organiser has reluctantly pulled the plug.
  • I lost my sister in the scramble for a seat.
  • True, fighters can scramble to a hot spot earlier than a cruiser, but what's the point in doing so when they get shot down by enemy cruisers in two seconds?
  • The mad scramble for tickets is continuing in both counties with just over 26,000 allocated in Cork and Kilkenny.
  • I yelled as the freezing water soaked me, and I hastily scrambled out, toweling myself dry.
  • The former were blindfolded, and turned around on the spot to scramble their sense of direction.
  • This amount of LSD is enough to scramble anyone's brains.
  • Their manic scramble was a source of considerable mirth to those of us cheering them on.
  • David muttered something incoherent and rude and scrambled to his feet, fumbling for the sword.
  • When the manager retired, there was a scramble for his job.
  • I scrambled to the top of the steep earth bank.
  • They tried to scramble up the cliff.
  • The signal is scrambled into code before it is sent.
  • Pay consultants will have a field day as banks scramble to find loopholes or new definitions of bonuses. Times, Sunday Times
  • An easy scramble led to the base of a 20 ft wall that was split by a wide crack.
  • The term imperialism often describes cases in which a foreign government administers a territory without significant settlement; typical examples include the scramble for Africa in the late nineteenth century and the American domination of the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Colonialism
  • The game gives you clues, and you have to unscramble different words.
  • He can scramble to avoid pressure and pick up yardage on the run, but he doesn't have a pro arm and is accurate in streaks.
  • Amazingly, he managed to kick it in the eye - then scrambled on to a rock so frantically he ripped out finger and toenails. The Sun
  • And I came home last night, and there were morels in the lawn for the first time in a decade, so we picked them, and I made morels and scrambled eggs for Holly and me.
  • Hoyne broke through, was bottled up before he scrambled a pass to Shefflin and he first-timed a low shot from close range.
  • A growing variety of software programs are available to scramble your data so that only you can view it.
  • And those with a bit of daring can scramble up a climbing wall, ride a bucking bronco, fight it out on the pole or even joust.
  • After they scrambled out of the grotto, the apostles conducted Ivan round the corner of the cliff, where the vertical granite wall turned into a less steep slope covered with thick brushwood.
  • Nick bellowed in pain, as she scrambled for her purse, crawling away.
  • Panicking, I tried to scramble up and move away, but was too late.
  • He made shift to scramble up its sides.
  • In the gloaming I watch the audience scramble in, middle-aged women with puffy legs wearing tiny dresses, and see-through black silk shirts over cretonne bosoms propped up on bony rolling lacy corsets.
  • A thin line of smoke started to spiral up from the ruptured engine as Ian scrambled round the back of the car, catching his trouser leg on the crumpled rear bumper.
  • They will turn into a dustball for motorcyclists to scramble in and this will cause a nuisance.
  • He replied that he had numerous reports and that the Air Force had scrambled jet fighters to attempt to catch them, but had failed to get close to them.
  • The child scrambled clumsily to her feet and began to run in the other direction.
  • Hailey hurriedly scrambled off the bed, and lunged at James with her arms outstretched.
  • There was a scramble in the goalmouth and I scored with a low shot from close range. The Sun
  • Contestants will then scramble to Google to find an image or link that puts that person, character or concept in pornographic light. Boing Boing
  • In the 1970s the Texas Guard, part of the North American Air Defense Command, also regularly scrambled fighters to intercept unknown bogies headed toward the US over the Gulf of Mexico.
  • RAF helicopters were scrambled and the plane was greeted by armed police backed up by teams of firefighters and paramedics.
  • More tired and thirsty than they had ever been, Kada and Sead finally reached the front of the line, ready to scramble aboard a bus.
  • Pushing the demon from her lap, she scrambled to her feet and brushed down the leathers before turning on him. TREASON KEEP
  • He also said a weak signal could be scrambled and be undetected by another broadcaster.
  • Detectives can be hard-boiled, soft-centred, scrambled - brained or gamekeepers turned poachers.
  • As a rescue chopper was scrambled, the medical team assembled. The Sun
  • The interview has already been pushed back several times as the Canadian punkers scramble to finish soundcheck at the Troubadour club in L.A. before that night's gig.

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