How To Use Scrabble In A Sentence
Scrabble to its list of more commonplace activity holidays, such as painting and gardening.
Times, Sunday Times
In this context the survivors in the UK electricity market will continue to scrabble for scale.
February 24, 2006 4: 56 PM bibliobibuli said ... visitor - you sure naughty one chatting up the girls again. what your ah mooi going to say this time? anna - sorry you were scrabbled, but at least you can take your piccy from here
Meet Up and Scribble Night
Everyone in our office is playing email Scrabble.
His playing is more austere than on Big Deep, rattling off scrapes and stunted scrabbles with occasional distended, detuned bass action.

She turned to Ian enquiringly, as the boy scrabbled frantically on the floor looking for coins.
I play the most satisfying words in Scrabble, not the highest-scoring or the most strategically advantageous and will take myself out with the lead piping if I am ever forced to play Cluedo again.
TV review: The Great British Bake-Off, The Making of King Arthur and Ideal
Like ‘solution’ or the blank tiles in Scrabble, you can use it anywhere, though it adds no other value.
It might also have to do with having been the underdog for so long so that women kind of scrabble in these different jobs.
The End Of The Macho Man?
Anyway, the point is (to get back to Scrabble) that the Scrabble-player plays anagrams with the letters in front of him or her - order out of chaos again, you see.
A game of scrabble is underway, and there is much laughter and good feeling here in the relative quiet and isolation of the Jakes salt-water pool area.
Calabash–Second Day and Night : Kwame Dawes : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
I quickly scrabbled off the floor and ran to the bathroom; stripping off my clothes in a hurry.
Like "axion" and "cayuse." ... dont like my word, challenge it using the official scrabble dictionary and see what happens.
Dailycomic Diary Entry
He's been through hard times: his hardscrabble childhood on the veld would make David Copperfield's seem cosseted by comparison.
Approval of words is obviously not obtained by referring to the official Scrabble dictionary, but is solely subject to the opinion of the vile rabble with whom you are playing.
He scrabbled for the light switch.
The Lunch Group is to try out a local hostelry at the end of the month and our usual groups for Scrabble, knit-and-natter and the play reading will take place this month.
When the brambles became impassable, we would scrabble up the canyon sidewalls and work our way along slopy, discontinuous ledges.
Should he scrabble backwards towards the house?
It sends adrenaline zooming through my veins, fills me with vim, zest, zip and other monosyllables containing letters that score high in Scrabble.
Rather than leaning on his appealingly gruff Neil Diamond pipes to articulate personal stories of drunkenness and hardscrabble redemption, Bachmann takes a more imaginative approach here.
And for Axelson, that means a lot more scrabble, cribbage, cards in the van, more soccer and football at gas stops, and, thankfully, not much Dora the Explorer or diaper changing.
She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.
Scrabble and puzzles are put away as dinner is served.
Times, Sunday Times
The rough bark scraped her palms raw, but she ignored the pain and scrabbled up onto the branch.
The Norwegian, the person for whom English is a second language, thrashed us at Scrabble.
the sharecropper's hardscrabble life
Feeling threatened she scrabbled backward when the man squatted down in front of her.
I hate playing scrabble when I can't use the words I know that aren't in "the dictionary" 'cosset' being a favorite and I get accused of making things up.
A pitiful excuse for a post - A Dress A Day
Mental stimulation can come in many guises - crosswords, sudoku, scrabble and bridge, to name but a few.
Like "axion" and "cayuse." ... dont like my word, challenge it using the official scrabble dictionary and see what happens.
Dailycomic Diary Entry
Dictionaries also can arbitrate disputes that arise during a game of Scrabble or late - night conversations.
She said: ‘I have been playing Scrabble for 14 years and I love the variety and challenge of it.’
The conc eption of PRI is introduced to harmonize the conflict among function models, w hi ch scrabble for the right to send data by network.
All was silent except the panting of the Ellingham's and the occasional scrabble at the door.
We had a game of Scrabble that seemed to go on forever.
Hung out with my parents, went to the beach and won scrabble with 'vied'. bonus: learned word skimble-scamble from websters raygun01: sites: androidguys, phandroid (my fav), androidandme, droid-life, androidcentral, androidspin ... forum: xda-developers. net.
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Inventor Butts 's favourite variation is double bag Scrabble, with the vowels and consonants in separate bags.
Scrabble is still the best word game.
Times, Sunday Times
There are several false alarms, but eventually his dogs scrabble madly at the base of a tree.
That's why the best words in scrabble are ones like quartzy, musquashes or zyxomma.
He said: ‘Laurie is amazing for her age, she does crosswords, puzzles, teasers and she plays Scrabble.’
I scrabble frantically for concealer and eyeliner, lip gloss and eyeshadow.
I made my way up very gingerly and after a slippery scrabble up the last bit, arrived back on the surface, with Alan not far behind.
The hardscrabble, bare-knuckle fight for power is the primitive pulse that runs through his latest novel, The Eagle's Throne.
She scrabbled around in her bag for her glasses.
Pregnancy has the further effect of burnishing Demi's biography: It makes her hardscrabble childhood seem more poignant.
McCarty asked her why she wanted to work in a hardscrabble neighborhood when she could earn far more in a comfortable suburb.
On a cold blustery March day in 1839, when she was nineteen, Susan moved with her family two miles down the Battenkill to the little settlement of Hardscrabble, later called Center Falls, where her father owned a satinet factory and grist mill, built in more prosperous times.
Susan B. Anthony Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian
Then seeing the man lunge at her, she screeched and tried to scrabble away towards the garden maze.
A screen is not just a screen, though. The one-way interaction between TV and the couch potato is far different than an absorbing Scrabble play-off with a friend on a mobile phone.
She latched onto it and made a scrabble for safety.
Grasso's hardscrabble early life has, if anything, burnished his reputation on the trading floor - a blue-collar stronghold where college degrees are strictly optional.
The residents' hardscrabble backgrounds vary greatly, but Beckvold said the women seldom pass judgment.
The climber scrabble about widely for a handhold.
Except for one large canvas dependent on scrabbled zones of shockingly clear violet, most of the paintings are a little murky.
Many people in the audience were skeptical, because their experience has been that it's a hardscrabble existence.
At this Enela scrabbled to her feet, rushing for the door and her leave.
His father moved to London in 1924 from the hardscrabble western county of Roscommon in search of work.
Irish Remedy for Hard Times: Leaving
Not being a Scrabble player at anything other than the most amateur dinner-table level, I wonder: is ariary unusable until a new Scrabble dictionary is printed, even though as the official name of a national currency it will presumably automatically be included? OUGUIYA AND ARIARY.
Here came the subsistence farmers, whose hardscrabble plots had borne little during this dry year.
Edwards, a wealthy trial lawyer first elected to the Senate in 1998, has built his candidacy around the belief that his hardscrabble upbringing uniquely equips him to understand the struggles of Democratic voters.
Okay … ‘I kicked your butt in Facebook Scrabble by playing the word abfarad. '
S play hooky
Beloved by Scrabble fans, em (/εm/) can mean the letter M or a unit of measurement in typography – hence em dash (one of which appeared just there, before hence).
May « 2009 « Sentence first
His favourite recreations are golf and playing Scrabble.
But have you ever been able to share your love for a fellow word nerd in scrabble talk?
Blog – syllable studio
Most of them struggle just to lead a hardscrabble life.
Reading itself, which "loomed for a Shillington child as an immense, remote, menacing, and glamorous metropolis," is a remarkably recognizable Brewer, with its depiction over the Rabbit series offering a nearly perfect rendering of the actual city's respectable past, attempts at renewal and hardscrabble present.
Keystone to Updike's Imagination
It may be an idea to have no bare earth for the cats to scrabble in.
Scrabble and puzzles are put away as dinner is served.
Times, Sunday Times
In client choosing tactic foreign capital banks will scrabble for Chinese high quality clients.
The kids scrabbled up the slope.
Clues could be rejected or swapped, a bit like scrabble tiles.
We ended up playing scrabble in the park, drinking vodka and ginger.
Gleb scrabbled about in the hay, pulled out a book and opened it.
Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.
‘Remove your hands,’ said Sean in a harsh voice while Sakura quickly scrabbled away and leaned on the wall.
The pigeons on the ledge outside scrabbled from side to side, as Catherine tapped at the glass with a fingernail.
The wheels rarely scrabble for grip even on the most treacherous surfaces.
We talked, listened to songs, played games like anti-tictactoe (where your objective is to force the other person to get three in a row), hangman and scrabble.
Today the Jacksons are so deeply associated with the showbiz slickness of Southern California, it's easy to forget their hardscrabble Rust Belt roots.
As a golden boy, first in his class at West Point, and a Rhodes Scholar, he stood apart from the hardscrabble world of the combat arms.
He uses their millions to advertise his hardscrabble origins and oneness with the masses.
His fingers scrabbled over the plastic plating on the door next to him until they curled over the cold metal handle.
Alberg scrabbled around for pen and paper.
He glanced back to where his wife was having to use her hands sometimes to scrabble up the steep climb, eyes intent on the rock face.
Tim's slowed up his release schedule the past few years, and others have gone out and done the hardscrabble archival work that he, and he alone, once undertook.
There was a tug, a clatter as the leash handle hit the floor, and the rapid scrabble of claws on tile.
Hardscrabble Pimas still live in scattered, remote shacks, but in town there are brand-new pickups and ATVs, and mansions going up with three-car garages and crenelated castle motifs.
You get a six-month contract, and then you have to scrabble around for the next job.
A scrabble sounded behind them and it seemed as though someone had put a blindfold over their eyes.
Scrabble for the iPad features all the joy and wonder of the classic word scrabble game, with the ability to play alone or with friends via Facebook or the new Party Play mode.
Participants are requested to bring their own scrabble boards and tiles.
To anybody who has ever endured a caravan holiday in Ireland, mobile homes will always conjure up images of laminate interiors, chintzy furnishings and Travel Scrabble.
This sunny, summer evening, we are watching small dogs scrabble around on a drab linoleum floor.
Appearing in April, "American Letters: 1927-1947" Polity, 252 pages, $25 , a collection of the Pollock family correspondence, bears witness to the hardscrabble reality of the artist's upbringing amid boxcars and barren homesteads—the incubator of his creative vision.
A Painter in Her Own Right
I, on the other hand, will be feeding my face and cleaning the kitchen before heading back up here to play Scrabble.
Frequent commenter Tatyana just sent me the word ouguiya, which is in the dictionary and legal for Scrabble use. OUGUIYA AND ARIARY.
I made it up there and scrabbled through into the bathroom.
Sit around a lot playing computer games such as scrabble or casino games while thinking about what constructive things you should be doing.
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To qualify, they had to work in a phrase the way a blank tile works in Scrabble: you can use it anywhere, but it has no value.
I scrabbled around in my bag, my panic levels soaring.
In history, in order to scrabble for the launch sea mouth, occupancy and control Black Sea channel, Russia and west developed countries involved in a drastic contend.
They want to rediscover traditional pleasures such as fish and chips, Scrabble and bracing walks in the fresh - and chilly - air.
She could hear the faint scrabble of feet as mice scurried through the walls.
His free hand scrabbled desperately around, and he began clawing at his attacker.
No matter how hard I try, I will never beat you at Scrabble, or gin rummy or any game, ever.
I do believe my husband owes ME a press conference « Bored Mommy
He was leaning on the railings, munching a meat pie and watching as the birds scrabbled for the crumbs.
It was he who broke free first, delivering a hard kick to her stomach as he scrabbled away, his fingers reaching frantically for the hilt of his own knife.
But there have always been kids from hardscrabble backgrounds who show academic promise - by nature, by chance, or thanks to the special efforts of parents or other adults.
At one point there was a mad scrabble for the ball and the umpire blew for a bounce.
They scrabbled desperately at the rubble with their bear hands for signs of life.
He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change.
To anybody who has ever endured a caravan holiday in Ireland, mobile homes will always conjure up images of laminate interiors, chintzy furnishings and Travel Scrabble.
So, we were playing obscene Scrabble with double points for swear words and cocktail names.
The pony scrabbled up and waited for the rider, who remounted and carried on.
He scrabbled to gain a grip on the wall and hold himself up as he breathed in the sweet air like an addict.
She had heard the distinct scrabble of rats and was positive she would never be able to rid her clothing of the stench.
A madman would be more likely to hammer than to "scrabble" on the great double-leaved gate.
The Life of David As Reflected in His Psalms
Scrabble is still the best seller and there's no sign of the Trivial Pursuit bubble bursting either.
A few jokes were made about them playing Scrabble on the tour bus.
Moreover, it won't work: as I noted last month, Glenn Mulcaire, whose work for the News Of The World has formed the basis for most of the recent slew of revelations, was only one of around a dozen investigators working for those who scrabble around on the dunghill that is Grubstreet.
Tim Fenton: Phone Hacking - A Lack Of Leadership
There is now an iPhone app called ZA that helps you learn all the valid 2 letter scrabble words.
Ten Words to Clinch Scrabble Victory | Lifehacker Australia
I called and _called_, but I couldn't get you to let me out," and, bouncing up, she scrabbled the plates back into their box, then caught up the camera to see if all was as it should be with that.
Caps and Capers A Story of Boarding-School Life
Hang awn a minnit….*rustle rustle scrabble rustle*..
Okay. When they start - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
Furniture Inspired by Scrabble Game – läckra soffor där spelet Alfapet legat till grund för utseendet.
Furniture Inspired by Video Game Character Packman
Plucky researchers had scrabbled to find a Traveller wedding to juxtapose with Kate and William's.
My Big Fat Royal Gypsy Wedding and William and Kate: In Their Own Words
Eating chocolate cake, drinking tea and playing scrabble was how we whiled away the afternoon (not really the Lonely Planet travelling life!), and after arguments about the words 'cyan', 'fiche', 'yeti' and 'rancor', we then had to invest in a little English dictionary. Recent Updates
William attributes his Scrabble acumen to his very thorough education in university, which opened his eyes, he says, to premium words such as "aureolae," "qanat," and "euripi" my spell-check flagged two of these words as being unknown; that's how good William is.
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Light glittering from metal, a scrabble of feet launched it forward, a long blade raised and gleaming like copper.
To make their case, Messrs. Gerzema and D 'Antonio draw on social-science data and their own reporting, relating anecdotes from burned-out Detroit, hardscrabble Texas, rural New England and hip Los Angeles.
He almost scrabbled to open it - contemplated using a butter knife as a letter opener, but then the envelope yielded.
William attributes his Scrabble acumen to his very thorough education in university, which opened his eyes, he says, to premium words such as "aureolae," "qanat," and "euripi" my spell-check flagged two of these words as being unknown; that's how good William is.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Villaraigosa had a hardscrabble youth before turning into an activist for the teachers union and the ACLU.
And at age 29, after seven hardscrabble years as a professional triathlete, Radkewich fully understands his PR responsibilities.
He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change.
Traveling through this rocky, hardscrabble land, one wonders how the inhabitants have sustained themselves for thousands of years and marvels at the fact that this part of Mexico is the place where corn was first cultivated from a wild grain that grew in the valleys between steep, cactus-strewn mountainsides.
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His hand scrabbled on the countertop, searching for a stick, a pair of scales, any weapon to fend off this unseen attacker.
And while today's Yorba Linda is a small town set amid the sprawl of Orange County, the humble home itself still speaks of the Nixon family's rural, hardscrabble life.
During this particular viewing, I got a 50-point Scrabble bonus for making the word "botanies" for a total of (I think) 83 points.
Archive 2005-06-01
Claire quickly scrabbled up the branch, Jarret right behind her.
He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change.
She had the scrabble tiles in a Seagram's blue flannel bag with a gold cord.
Several more rounds of speed Scrabble followed with a growing band of enthusiasts.
Stuart moved towards my hunched body, but I scrabbled backwards away from him.
His fingers scrabbled at the stone and found holds, but not before he dropped a foot.
During the day, he paces up and down and puts his head on her lap; during nocturnal episodes, he barks and scrabbles against the bedroom door.
The erasable calendar posted on the east wall was too far away, so she scrabbled through the piles of loose papers cluttering her desktop until she found her appointment book.
The boat was tilted almost vertically into the turn, and my fingers scrabbled for purchase in the slippery wood of the deck that I was careening down.
McCarty asked her why she wanted to work in a hardscrabble neighborhood when she could earn far more in a comfortable suburb.
Late one evening I heard a scrabble on the roof.
In his prosperous days Daniel Anthony had built a satinet factory and a grist-mill at Hardscrabble and, although these were mortgaged heavily, he hoped to weather the financial storm and through them to build up again his fallen fortunes.
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They did the impossible again, when they assembled a rag-tag scrabble of an army under an inexperienced commanding general and proceeded to defeat the world’s greatest military power of the time in a long and arduous struggle against guns, weather, poverty and demoralization, for the prize of freedom and the opportunity to start anew.
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In a sense, Nuñez lives his life on a border, one foot planted in hardscrabble reality, the other in the aspirations of the upper middle class.
There was a scrabble of paws and claws on stone, punctuated by a few grunts.
When Japheth Boyce was a tyke in South Dakota, he liked to scrabble around in the barren, rocky ground of the Badlands, hunting for fossils of saber-toothed tigers, rhinoceroses and three-toed horses the size of golden retrievers.
The evening was awash in hardscrabble spectacle, bathed in the light of a milk-dipped Oreo cookie, with costumes that remind us that all cats don't look the same and movement, songs, and dance that dissect the particulars of the kit-cat psyche and aesthetic.
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Life is short-you can feel it slipping away while you scrabble at the fax machine's innards, ink cartridge in hand.
No wait it's scrabble rules i've won the states with the most states that have more value in scrabble rules 'Idiots.
Clinton: Democratic nomination process needs to change
Now Mr. Dubus chronicles the desperation of his own hardscrabble upbringing in the post-industrial mill towns of Massachusetts, where he brawled away his youth before he realized that a well-turned sentence offered more satisfaction than a cleanly landed right cross.
Bareknuckle Beginnings
Bacon is sizzling in the pan, scrabbled eggs are on and the champagne is ready to be uncorked.
He handed her the pen, and she scrabbled at the closure on her breeks.
Aching for Always
That's just scrabble tiles but they're not spelling out any real word.
He grabbed his jacket and scrabbled in his desk drawer for some loose change.
There was a scrabble on concrete and she felt hands on her face.
July 12th, 2009 LONDON - Aussie cocktail princess Kylie Minogue is a hold up Scrabble player, according to her friend.
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They primarily conceive of the Church in just the way their betrayers do: as a nexus of power to be scrabbled over and fought for in order to achieve domination.
In fact, the scrabble is the sound of parents who trusted the system's '' we give your child all the education it needs '', then realised too late half the kids in the class had been on seven hours 'coaching a week since kindy.
The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
In one fluid, unstudied gesture she scrabbled about on the banquette for her discarded clothing.
Francisco de Orellana was born around 1511 to a prominent family in the hardscrabble region of Spain known as Extremadura, home to a flotilla of other explorers, including Hernán Cortés, Vasco Núñez de Balboa and Francisco Pizarro, the conqueror of the Incas.
Escaping The Rainforest
He scrabbled for the light switch.
If you enjoy a good espionage novel, possess a keen sense of irony, love Monopoly, Scrabble, backgammon, cribbage, and chess, send message to my PO box.
To be a good Scrabble player you need good word knowledge and to be a good speller.
He was leaning on the railings, munching a meat pie and watching as the birds scrabbled for the crumbs.
Scrabble (14 pts x double = 28pts + 7 letter bonus = 78 pts) This will ruin the game and it will never be the same.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Scrambling Scrabble
I began to scrabble and fumble around on the floor in search of some kind of weapon.
We scramble and scrabble up the stony path toward the pot of gold we have taken to mean security.
Scrabble is still the best seller and there's no sign of the Trivial Pursuit bubble bursting either.
I bit my trembling lip and twisted a stray lock of coppery hair around my finger as my mind frantically scrabbled for some way out of the problem at hand.
In Scrabble people use different dictionaries.
Times, Sunday Times
Those are the authentic prescribed vignettes, but, like Scrabble's alphabetic squares, there is an infinity of ways in which to range and rearrange them, and the message that they convey.
So, cat was ‘aaa’ (not to be confused with that bird beloved of Scrabble players and cruciverbalists, the a'a).
He said: ‘Laurie is amazing for her age, she does crosswords, puzzles, teasers and she plays Scrabble.’
I think googolplex is good in Scrabble.
Settling The Word Score: No Proper Nouns In Scrabble
He remembered his own hardscrabble youth in Texas and vowed that the poor armadillos he grew up with would have a fighting chance at the American Dream if he could have any say in the matter.
The cat quickly gives up all pretence of dignity and scrabbles up the fence as fast as it can go, leaving one very disappointed toddler in its wake.
Forget about snagging Mayfair in Monopoly or finally getting to play dzo in Scrabble.
Scrabble is still the best seller and there's no sign of the Trivial Pursuit bubble bursting either.
Children had access to scrabble, Chess, snakes and ladders, ludo and mastermind.
You could find a magic trick in which the person has to first spell their name using scrabble tiles.
During the job interview, Patricia McCarty asked her why she wanted to work in a hardscrabble neighborhood when she could earn far more in a comfortable suburb.
Birds and other unseen creatures scrabble about in the windswept bushes of central park, but I would rather not deliberate too much about that.
Paul scrabbled up the cliff, dislodging several small stones.
LL : Oh yeah ? What about Scrabble? I own you at Scrabble any day!
His disdain is like that of a hardscrabble kid from the projects who works for years to get into Yale - only to watch someone else sail in because his daddy is a rich donor.
Dominoes, Mah Jong, Scrabble tiles, and other game pieces have surfaced as an extremely popular art use.
listener, so presenter Tim Harford asked software designer Mike Thelan, who runs Zyzzyva, a word adjudication programme which is used at various Scrabble tournaments, to crunch the numbers.
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Glue magnets to the back of Scrabble game tiles to turn the box's lid into a message board.
His fingers scrabbled at the stone and found holds, but not before he dropped a foot; he hung on to the tower with weary fingers and an iron grip.
She scrabbled in vain for purchase on the stone floor, which was smooth from the years of pedestrian traffic pounding the irregularities into powder.