How To Use Scowling In A Sentence
Then another one suddenly moved toward me, scowling, and waved at me to stop.
Moroni queried, scowling with disappointment, feeling his excitement recede.
A big stand of grain bins; they are scowling at the wind, each of them.
He lay there while Afanasy, gloomy and scowling, hovered about him, sighing heavily, and smelling like a pothouse.
The Wife
Sulkily, the publicist moves to the back of the bar but Sinclair is still scowling.

She met Jack outside Lizzi's bedroom door and found his face to be angry, he was scowling at her.
Are you the voice from the wilderness?" demanded Hippy scowlingly.
Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders Among the Kentucky Mountaineers
And as Maigret scowlingly pointed to the newspaper sticking out of his pocket, he smiled.
Maigret Afraid
The captain wandered about like a lost soul, nervously chewing his mustache, scowling, unable to make up his mind what to do.
It earned him a scowling hiss of disapproval from Dendria and a punch in the shoulder from Naoise for his comedic troubles.
Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species. But red is not exclusively a male trait.
One of them glanced scowlingly at Floyd, as he passed the lad, evidently associating his wounds with the presence of the prisoner.
The Boy Ranchers Among the Indians or, Trailing the Yaquis
He was hissing now, scowling with a hatred and anger at them both.
Who is he whose hair is of the carroty hue? whose eyes, across a snubby bunch of a nose, are perpetually scowling at each other; who has a hump-back and a hideous mouth, surrounded with bristles, and crammed full of jutting yellow odious teeth.
A Legend of the Rhine
In the front yard the pot-bellied officer was scowling and grunting, exclaiming angrily to the monkish gatekeeper.
Wearing black leather, dark eye makeup, and dyed hair, the punks stand before graffiti-covered brick walls and inside doorways scowling at the camera.
Surely scowling is the big giveaway to your opponent that they are getting the better of exchanges and you are getting rattled.
The Sun
He wasn't scowling or had a dark masked expression on his face anymore, he was quiet.
Scowling, I took back my dishrag and turned on the coffee machine.
Surely scowling is the big giveaway to your opponent that they are getting the better of exchanges and you are getting rattled.
The Sun
A man with flyaway hair was digging through a desk drawer, scowling.
Alonzo was scowling when he opened the door, but grinned when he realized it was us.
Scowling, he threw a clod of frozen dirt into the stream.
Keeping you at home, in the kitchen, with the children, while government policy rains Hell on the kind of hussies that "ask for it" from men, and scowling and sternly tapping it's foot at the men who give it to them, is all in your own best genetic interest.
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The lanky Miller boy shuffled out of the office, scowling at nothing in particular.
If it looks at you it seems to be frowning or scowling.
Times, Sunday Times
In Liverpool blue bunting hangs from the civic buildings, the locals have a swagger in their step and even the scowling scallies who hang around the street corners break into an occasional smile.
A few old scrotes sitting around scowling at their pastis.
I picked up the noisy clock, scowling at it with my half opened eyes, and shook my head.
The marsh hawk perches in a bare cottonwood tree, scowling at a flock of bufflehead ducks bobbing on the marsh.
The tattoo on his cheek wrinkled as he scowlingly recounted his days below deck in a slaveship before Kennit had freed him.
Ship Of Destiny
I clasped her gently by the shoulders and placed a kiss on her scowling brow.
She took note that a lot of the girls were scowling at her as she sat down.
And feeling irritated, I retired to the bathroom where I sat on the floor scowling for a great deal of the evening.
We sat for hours, scowling with concentration, cross-stitching cute little scenes and heartfelt sayings on squares of linen.
A team of Japanese scientists, led by Toshiyuki Hata of the Kagawa University School of Medicine, is using 3-D ultrasound to count fetal blinks and yawns, and to document what they call expressions like smiling, scowling, and sticking out the tongue.
The door burst open and Teresa charged in, scowling under her pancake makeup.
Jacks growled a bit, scowling, but Sam laughed, and smiled at him, so it melted away.
Dalbert sprang back, with his thumb still in his mouth, and his sword drooping, scowling darkly at the new-comer.
The Refugees
Scowling at her image, she pulled on a yellow and green sweatband, forcing her hair to lie at least a little closer to her head.
Even the taxi driver, who as far as I knew could not speak a word of English, seems to be scowling at me in his rear view mirror.
‘I don't see why I have to be here,’ he muttered grouchily, kicking a column and scowling blackly at it.
Doc turned off his pager again and stuck it into his pocket, scowling as the police jeep pulled to a standstill in front of them.
Although I had pretty well forgotten my New York disappointment, two months 'contemplation of the happiness enjoyed by Richards in the society of his young and charming wife, had done little towards reconciling me to my bachelorship; and it was with small pleasure that I looked forward to a return to my solitary plantation, where I could reckon on no better welcome than the cold, and perhaps scowling, glance of slaves and hirelings.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 56, Number 348
Most unsettling of all is a portrait by a colleague in which Muybridge hunches, scowling with paranoia, at the base of a patriarchal sequoia, apparently ready to wriggle into a cavity between its roots.
Eadweard Muybridge: pioneer photographer
The little Venuso-Terrestrian bowed himself out, smiling relievedly, leaving the captain to sit scowling perplexedly in a haze of cigar smoke.
"Neutral Vessel" by Harl Vincent, part 1
There are long shots of a round-shouldered, perpetually scowling artist trudging along a street.
Perhaps some offensive remark I bad made that evening had. penetrated the alcoholic fog, for he sat scowling at the head of the table while Mme. Desprez, the wife of a public-relations officer, and Captain Duparc of the Press Liaison Service nodded and becked.
The Quiet American
So be it, then, if he will have it so," replied the soldier, with a light laugh, when this was reported to him; but his wife turned pale and trembled as she recalled the undying hate expressed by Mahng's scowling face.
At War with Pontiac The Totem of the Bear
Your facial expressions can help to emphasize parts of your speech too: try smiling, scowling, or raising your eyebrows.
I argued that the obliterate dialog box should include a photograph of a 75-year old catholic nun scowling and holding a yardstick.
With the blood welling from a shothole in his broad, burly chest and the seal of death already settling on his ashen brow, he was scowling up into the half-compassionate, half-contemptuous faces about him.
Ray's Daughter A Story of Manila
Chavasse had one final glimpse of his dark, saturnine face scowling at them over the rail and then the marsh moved in to enfold them.
This all makes for incredibly depressing viewing, not helped by her petulant, sulky, scowling presence.
Those who delighted in the first snows exchanged smiles, though many were scowling at the cold.
In Ezra Pound's translation of Li Po's "The River-Merchant's Wife," we are moved by the thousand-year-old voice of a young bride in China: "At fifteen, I stopped scowling, / I desired my dust to be mingled with yours / Forever and forever, and forever.
How Memorization Makes Words Live
No, up close it was a furiously scowling Polynesian woman, a silkscreened portrait of Momi, the second Mrs. Buddy Hamstra.
This particularly pissed Rory off, because he didn't do cocaine but was nonetheless widely assumed to and scowlingly disapproved of accordingly.
Be My Enemy
Quark opened his eyes just long enough to recognize the scowling officer, Datar, a glinn, who waited for him with a coil of ODN cable.
So tomorrow I will bring it to work, put it in a common area, mutter LAWYERS and stamp off scowling.
The people glared at us scowlingly, and even when the grand procession passed on the way to escort Margaret from the palace they remained mute.
For The Admiral
As they turned towards the house, John rose, sullenly, and wrapping a handkerchief round his wounded arm, which was bleeding profusely, he glanced scowlingly at his brother.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 39, January, 1861
Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species.
They're the most chain-smoking, self-deprecating bunch of scowling gits you could imagine.
Just think of the red stripes on the scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species. But red is not exclusively a male trait.
He had the breakfast room to himself and was scowling into a newspaper.
Most seemed to be in caustic middle age, faces blank or scowling.
In Ezra Pound's translation of Li Po's "The River-Merchant's Wife," we are moved by the thousand-year-old voice of a young bride in China: "At fifteen, I stopped scowling, / I desired my dust to be mingled with yours / Forever and forever, and forever.
How Memorization Makes Words Live
She called to the priest in another tongue; and one came scowlingly, bringing with him a small box of ebony.
A Rip Van Winkle Of The Kalahari Seven Tales of South-West Africa
Darryl was scowling out the window, and Chad was too worried to tell him to stop being such a spoilsport.
I crossed my arms on my chest and leaned back, scowling at the.
He glanced at me for a second, before scowling and turning away.
If it looks at you it seems to be frowning or scowling.
Times, Sunday Times
In the front yard the pot-bellied officer was scowling and grunting, exclaiming angrily to the monkish gatekeeper.
Chavasse had one final glimpse of his dark, saturnine face scowling at them over the rail and then the marsh moved in to enfold them.
`Colin, you're being vile,' said the General, scowling at him.
Habr Awal presently approached and scowlingly inquired why we had not apprised them of our intention to enter the city.
First footsteps in East Africa
Not only was he smirking and scowling, he was bobbing his head and waving his arms.
Hold there, shaveling!" quoth Sir Pertinax, scowling.
The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
The music is effective, with brassy themes of shining goodness and bass-heavy themes of scowling evil.
If your teenager scowling, you may want to consider his or her weight.
She then glanced to the third occupant, a good-looking dark-haired man who was scowling darkly at the menu.
An old lady with a scowling face, muttering to herself.
Christianity Today
They tend to do that, moai — the local word for the island's famous, and perpetually scowling, stone heads.
Times, Sunday Times
Surely scowling is the big giveaway to your opponent that they are getting the better of exchanges and you are getting rattled.
The Sun
I drag myself over the grey cobbles to the door, my heart in my ears, my feet stumbling, the grey weather scowling at me.
Here we're introduced to some of the civic and military leaders of the ape pack, led by Thade, an ornery, scowling, bad-tempered ape if there ever was one.
Laya tugged at the strings of her bodice tightly, scowling.
Newcomb, and the redoubtable Sheriff Slack, paunched and scowling, yet genial enough in ordinary social intercourse, together with three assistants — first, second and third deputies Kraut, Sissel and
An American Tragedy
The mountaineer regarded his questioner sullenly, scowlingly, and without much change of expression.
Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders Among the Kentucky Mountaineers
Just think of the red stripes scowling face of the male Mandrill, Africa's largest monkey species.
I was brought up in West Bromwich, and spent my formative years dyeing my hair peroxide blonde and scowling a lot.
Scowling, hands on hips, she surveyed the bibliophilic excess.
Earl of Durkness
Men who usually bought tobies bought the best cigars, and when Mr. Jennings came up, scowling, and I handed him the brand he'd smoked for years, she took one, clipped the end of it as neat as a finger nail and gave it to him, holding up the lighter.
Where there's a Will
A typical boy, my little Maddy is now scowling at me every time I mention his resounding defeat.
Frizzy-haired beauties in starched blouses and boaters, fat pasty babies in frocks, scowling matrons in black tents, young men with moustaches striking jokey poses.
An old lady with a scowling face, muttering to herself.
Christianity Today
They all said the responses, except for Panos, who stood with his back to them, his arms folded, scowling.
Here is the hard face of Big Business scowling at its desk; and here the glittering Heroine of the hour in her dress of shimmering sequins, making such tepid creatures as Madeline and Kate look like the small change out of a twenty-five cent shinplaster.
The Hohenzollerns in America
I see a thin, bearded guy wearing a thick turtleneck sweater, spooning coffee into a mug in his small flat, scowling at the newspaper.
Until recently, foul-mouthed ladettes and scowling bad boys were in.
In the front yard the pot-bellied officer was scowling and grunting, exclaiming angrily to the monkish gatekeeper.
Troops here told me of shepherd boys scowling their way around Bagram's outskirts, slingshotting off the occasional rock in hopes of braining an American.
U.S. Expands Its Footprint At Bagram Air Force Base
There's an angry man sitting behind her, scowling, moaning, clutching his can of special brew and dispensing his own brand of cod philosophy.
If you ran into me on a street corner I'd be scowling and glassy-eyed with dark circles.
Kane, who stood a few yards from me scowling at his goblet, turned to scowl at the King instead.
He peeked through the door and saw Miranda standing side-on to the full-length mirror, scowling at her reflection.
So… who wants to ride with a scowling spitfire?
Silent Poll returned with a scowling face when the old woman, whom she had 'dosed' with brandy, went asleep, and resumed her yarn balling Roland lay upon the ground and read.
Four Canadian Highwaymen
For yesterday came a man most fell in wanton violence, most grim in form; and his eyes flashed beneath his scowling brow; a ruthless wretch; and he was clad in the skin of a monstrous lion of raw hide, untanned; and he bare a sturdy bow of olive, and a bow, wherewith he shot and killed this monster here.
The Argonautica
Chavasse had one final glimpse of his dark, saturnine face scowling at them over the rail and then the marsh moved in to enfold them.