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[ US /ˈskɑt/ ]
  1. a native or inhabitant of Scotland

How To Use Scot In A Sentence

  • There are only a couple of days left in Graeme's Fantasy Book Review's Giveaway for one of three copies of Orson Scott Card's new release, Hidden Empire. Book Contest Links ... more than a few
  • A great deal of whiskey is made in Scotland.
  • It brings prestige to Scotland on a shoestring, and a great deal is done by people for whom it's a crusade, not a job.
  • A Scottish moor long bore the reputation for being haunted by a phantom flock of sheep, which were always heard "baaing" plaintively before a big storm. Animal Ghosts Or, Animal Hauntings and the Hereafter
  • After a bit of a stickybeak at the Queen's Scottish residence of Holyroodhouse, we made the most of the remaining daylight walking the length of the Royal Mile through the Old Town back to the castle, stopping by the Heart of Midlothian. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • In Scotland there are groups of people who are fighting hard to keep Gaelic alive.
  • The baronetage of Nova Scotia was devised in 1624 as a means of promoting the "plantation" of that province, and James announced his intention of creating a hundred baronets, each of whom was to support six colonists for two years (or pay 2000 marks in lieu thereof) and also to pay 1000 marks to Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • He has written a natural history of Scotland.
  • Burke's execution was witnessed by the novelist Sir Walter Scott, who sympathized with the general opinion that both men's wives had served as accomplices, and that the anatomists had been accessories to the murders.
  • We've seen how things turned out for Scotland's national football manager; matters are organised no differently in the more modest context that is Scottish shinty.
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