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  1. hard plate or element of the exoskeleton of some arthropods

How To Use sclerite In A Sentence

  • Metinfraepisternum: in Odonata; the sclerite just above base of 3d coxa; below metepisternum and before metepimeron. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Instead, the most parsimonious interpretation is that the sellate sclerites were probably imbricated in anterior-posterior rows.
  • Like the palmate sclerites, the plane of the base is oriented perpendicular to that of the blade, but it may be offset from the blade by a broad constriction.
  • In well-preserved specimens, this layer forms an undulating coat that covers the entire sclerite.
  • Epistoma - is: the lower face between the mouth and eyes: that sclerite immediately behind or above the labrum, whether it be clypeus or an intermediate piece: in Diptera, that part of the face between the front and the labrum; the oral margin and an indefinite space immediately contiguous thereto and so = peristoma: in Odonata; = clypeus: = hypostoma. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Thus, poriferan spicules and chancelloriid sclerites do not appear homologous.
  • Ante-coxal piece: Coleoptera; that portion of the metasternum lying in front of the posterior coxae, often passing between them and meeting the abdomen of mandible, is the lateral sclerite of the clypeus; - one on each side. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • The sutures between individual rays of the segmented sclerites show that the iron minerals were formed within the inner cavities but did not fill them completely, since the sclerites are still hollow.
  • They also bear prominent ribs and are tightly adpressed to the body, but are larger than the palmate sclerites.
  • The cervix and paired episternal sclerites are visible below the galeae.
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