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How To Use Scimitar In A Sentence

  • He collected numerous heads from his hunting days, including one of each: blackbuck, scimitar horned oryx, elk, fallow, pronghorn, boar, etc. Our Father enjoyed hunting big-game for several years, and read various hunting magazines. Sadly, he passed away in Nov 2008.
  • The blades of scimitars could be seen beneath their robes.
  • Light cavalry carried a small sword and two or three javelins while the heavy force was equipped with scimitar, mace and a 4 meter lance.
  • The claws on the monstrosity jutted out and curved like a dozen scimitars.
  • Each rider carried one of many weapons - a wicked scimitar, a powerful lance, or a flail.
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  • The protruding scimitar handle was bound with some kind of dark twine with a dark stone mounted on the pommel, set in silver.
  • ‘Dressed in Moorish djellabas and wielding damascene scimitars, they made a terrifying sight,’ writes popular historian Giles Milton.
  • He clenched his fists around the hilts of his scimitars at the idea.
  • He turned his blade to the side and caught her scimitar in his cross guard, then launched his body forward.
  • They also enjoyed the scimitar-horned oryx, axis deer, fallow deer, sika deer, blackbuck antelope, eland, Corsican rams and their various cousins, aoudad, impala, bison and many more species calling the Rio Bonito home.
  • Pistols, automatics, hunting rifles, arrows, a crossbow, a scimitar, a broadsword and a Japanese katana were some of the items.
  • It hissed at him entrancingly, standing and drawing two wickedly curved scimitars from between its scales.
  • Michael had his scimitar, Monica her rapier, Eric a mace, and Erin a pick.
  • He had a long spear, a womera, and two instruments like the boomerang, but more the shape of a scimitar, with a very sharp edge, having a thick place at the end, roughly carved, for the hand. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • Rhea pressed her scimitar's blade against the spear, but she simply couldn't cut through.
  • Scimitar was still screaming his shrill mouthless scream when he tripped off the edge of the pit and sailed down into it, landing in the milk-colored brine where he flopped and thrashed for a minute before the water pouring directly into his lungs was too much and his body floated on the surface, limp, unmoving, dead. THE 5 GREATEST WARRIORS
  • The killer puts the hands into a sack he's carrying and starts to take the scimitar out of a scabbard he wears.
  • Each rider carried one of many weapons - a wicked scimitar, a powerful lance, or a flail.
  • The handsome sable antelope of eastern and southern Africa belongs to a group called sabre-horned antelopes, because of their long, scimitar-shaped horns.
  • Rather than a twin - pod craft , the Scimitar has a single elongated body.
  • His every word cleft my mother's soul like a scimitar.
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Suffice it to say here that this triple enigma is as comforting as wine and open as an English fireside; that this thing that bewilders the intellect utterly quiets the heart: but out of the desert, from the dry places and, the dreadful suns, come the cruel children of the lonely God; the real Unitarians who with scimitar in hand have laid waste the world. Matthew Yglesias » The Gaza Tunnels
  • Similarly, Fire Support Company had to set up their display of mortars, anti-tank missiles and Scimitar tracked recce vehicles.
  • Suffice it to say here that this triple enigma is as comforting as wine and open as an English fireside; that this thing that bewilders the intellect utterly quiets the heart: but out of the desert, from the dry places and, the dreadful suns, come the cruel children of the lonely God; the real Unitarians who with scimitar in hand have laid waste the world. Matthew Yglesias » The Gaza Tunnels
  • In the world of global wildlife conservation, Marwell is an important place, having played key roles in captive breeding and/or reintroduction schemes for Takhi Equus przewalskii (the equid formerly known as Przewalski's horse), Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica (the felid formerly known as the Siberian tiger) and Scimitar-horned oryx Oryx dammah. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Daggers, blades and scimitars like his looked to be the weapon of preference.
  • The ancient emblem for the nation was a lion holding a scimitar against a rising sun.
  • It contained a number of wooden replicas, including his scimitars, spear, and axe.
  • Battle Dog then proceeded to mop up, neutralizing the Scimitar's remaining weapon emplacements, rendering it a toothless predator.
  • Kruger took up a sword-sharp scimitar and held it aloft for blessing.
  • While a good percentage of them had guns or rifles, some also carried scimitars and daggers.
  • Similarly, Fire Support Company had to set up their display of mortars, anti-tank missiles and Scimitar tracked recce vehicles.
  • In a glittering whirl of steel the Turanian's scimitar grated around Gleg's blade, and the keen edge cut through the camail and the thick muscles of the Zaporoskan's neck. Conan the Freebooter
  • He wanted to run Marcs through with a blade, be it a scimitar, a sword, a dirk, a dagger, a knife, an axe or an arrow.
  • The sparkling, bedizened, colourful Khan army had started marching nonetheless, spears and scimitars held high, saluting the sun.
  • Rather than a twin - pod craft , the Scimitar has a single elongated body.
  • At the wrist, the blade became smoother, becoming a short scimitar that extended nearly a foot forward.
  • He collected numerous heads from his hunting days, including one of each: blackbuck, scimitar horned oryx, elk, fallow, pronghorn, boar, etc. Our Father enjoyed hunting big-game for several years, and read various hunting magazines. Sadly, he passed away in Nov 2008.
  • Shields, longswords, shortswords, broadswords, greatswords, and any other kind of sword you could name; daggers, dirks, scimitars, pikes, bows, and weapons even whose names escaped her.
  • As a result, Texas now has more than a quarter million exotic animals, mostly from Africa and Asia, of which three—the scimitar-horned oryx, the addax, and the Dama gazelle—have been brought back from the brink of extinction. In Praise of 'Enviropreneurs'
  • They were both wielding large, curved scimitars; they swung them about menacingly, circling them.
  • The Pomatorhinini include two groups of Asian babblers, scimitar babblers and wren babblers.
  • The riders bore broad kite shields for added defence, and struck out with curved scimitars and tridents.
  • A trio of rogue English thugs is in pursuit of the same artifact, as are scads of very large Egyptian and African chappies with huge scimitars and daggers.
  • His hair beard like thick and disorderly, fat face, scimitar.
  • Faces half covered, long curving scimitars sheathed at their sides, they walked along the narrow, trodden path, from which all onlookers hastily cleared.
  • Whether you're in residence here or not, don't miss taking tea or Turkish coffee on its riverside balcony, there to view the eponymous cataracts and the scimitar sails of the feluccas.
  • The scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah), now presumed to be extinct in the wild, dama gazelle (Gazella dama, EN), dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas, VU) and red-fronted gazelle (Gazella rufifrons, VU) were all formerly abundant and widespread, as was the now extinct sub-species of the common hartebeest, the bubal hartebeest (Alcelaphus busephalus buselaphus). Sahelian Acacia savanna
  • The moon rose, an opalescent goddess tipping light from her harsh maternal scimitar. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • She shot an ice-charged projectile down at the scimitars, but the whirling cutters diced it to ribbons in the blink of an eye.
  • The once-widespread scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah, EW) and bubal hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus buselaphus) have been exterminated entirely from the region. South Saharan steppe and woodlands
  • Reflected firelight flashed as they fought and an occasional spark jumped as the scimitars clashed.
  • The warriors of Klamath were no easy prey either, for they fought with unparalleled skill, bearing elegant scimitars, falchions and glaives.
  • He would have been happy to shoot a bontebok or an eland, but what he found grazing in the heath was a solitary bluebuck with scimitar-shaped horns.
  • He carried no javelins or shield, and was equipped with his scimitars and twin daggers.
  • Streams and standing winter water are pretty, grouse butts are everywhere, and with three sweeps of its scimitar wings a raptor slid into the next valley.
  • They tried blades of all shape and size, scimitars, falchions, and even Kaelon's own weapon.
  • His fingers knew their path - knew the twin scimitars from point to hilt.
  • Other items include Russian swords, scimitars and a shield from Turkey.
  • How many Americans can claim herds of scimitar-horned oryx as their very own? Mark Morford: Psst, Wanna Kill a Scimitar-Horned Oryx?
  • With a quick pull, Baxorth released his scimitar from the ground's clutches and took a couple steps to his left, toward his agile adversary.
  • Above the clifftop soared the seabirds, pearly, dreamlike, their wings carving scimitar arcs into the vaulting sky. INSTANCES OF THE NUMBER 3
  • While a good percentage of them had guns or rifles, some also carried scimitars and daggers.
  • The ancient emblem for the nation was a lion holding a scimitar against a rising sun.
  • He winced when he realized that he was holding onto the hilt of his scimitar, and let go of his weapon with a snort.
  • The addax (Addax nasomaculatus, CR), and scimitar-horned oryx (Oryx dammah, EN) were also once found in this ecoregion but are now thought to be extinct in the wild. West Saharan montane xeric woodlands
  • Oh, yes, we all know about the growth of the Islamic Empire, whose berobed foot-soldiers held a scimitar in one hand and the Quran in the other. Clay Farris Naff: Bible Vs. Quran: The Evolution Of Violence In Religion
  • I like my tanto and scimitar much more than these military weapons.

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