
How To Use Scilla In A Sentence

  • The chief natural phenomena that have driven fragmentation are glacial advances, volcanic activity, geologic faulting, tectonic movement, mass land slumping, serpentinization, major sea level rise and climate oscillation. Habitat fragmentation
  • Additionally, POLARIS reduces total component count by integrating voltage control oscillators and loop filters.
  • The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy. Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
  • This can cause the players' strategies to oscillate back and forth indefinitely.
  • During the course of the laser pulse, the electric field of the light wave oscillates about a dozen times.
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  • a scarlet "whittle" over all this motley finery; with a "outwork quoyf or ciffer" (New England French for coiffure) with "long wings" at the side, and a silk or tiffany hood on her drooping head, -- Priscilla in this attire were pretty indeed. Sabbath in Puritan New England
  • When Priscilla became pregnant, she asked Sarah to be godmother to her child, Lisa.
  • The importance of PIR for network oscillation was perhaps most firmly established in the lobster stomatogastric ganglion.
  • A series of such oscillations, aided perhaps by marine erosion, is probably an important cause of island formation.
  • A double oscillation is also a possibility, for example if the trees are defoliated by predators and then put out a second growth of leaves.
  • The March Bank is at its peak with millions of scilla and glory-of-the-snow in full bloom.
  • He came looking for Priscilla, and is grumly at not finding her," whispered Elizabeth Tilley; but Mary Chilton with a wise nod replied, as one who knows, -- Standish of Standish A story of the Pilgrims
  • In this case of applied displacement, the initial velocity was not equal to zero at the start of free oscillations.
  • It predicts that spindle microtubules in animal cells begin to oscillate at the beginning of prometaphase, and that those oscillations rapidly accelerate until metaphase,. Wells vs tiny flies - The Panda's Thumb
  • I oscillate between shame, self forgiveness and anger with the world at large. (No) Money Changes Everything | Her Bad Mother
  • We could be in for a period like the late 19th century, of festering economic and social problems, failed one-term presidencies, and partisan oscillation in Congress. Robert Kuttner: What Now for the Democrats?
  • In light/dark conditions, the short-term growth rate oscillations after stepwise light changes were also present.
  • The progression of the mechanical oscillation itself is conditioned by the grain compatibility of harmonics.
  • The mass concentration by tapered elemental oscillating microbalance was on average slightly lower than mass concentration measured by filter, but there was good agreement.
  • In marine seismic acquisition, the gas bubble produced by an air gun oscillates and generates subsequent pulses that cause source-generated noise.
  • In a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator, a thermistor generates a correction voltage to keep the oscillator's frequency more constant.
  • Particulate mass was recorded using the tapered-element oscillating microbalance method.
  • The high frequency gain of the regulator is limited to suppress the high frequency oscillation of the control signal while assigning the closed-loop poles.
  • His head nodded up and down in time with my oscillating hand. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • The odor of the fumes is so strong that I start a couple of oscillating fans to clear the fumes out of the house, that doesn't seem to affect the effectiveness of it. Now it's Dengue/Breakbone Fever
  • They "rustled" and "cached" and "packed" things without even stopping to think, and _r's_ were unmistakably creeping into Priscilla's strictly Bostonian speech. Virginia of Elk Creek Valley
  • The wavelength, or the number of oscillations per second, in the light thus diffused is here the same as in the original ray of light. Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 - Presentation Speech
  • With your left hand, carefully lower the spangler and clamp the sping-grip around the grommel handle while turning the spangler speed valve to "rapid" with your right, and pressing the oscillator button with your other hand. 'Twas the Day After Christmas
  • Oscillating universe ideas were popularized by atheists like the late Carl Sagan and Isaac Asimov solely to avoid the notion of a beginning, with its implications of a Creator.
  • And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came unto them.
  • The amplitude gain is determined by the detected photocurrent, which is used to modulate the amplitude of the local oscillator.
  • The researcher says, ‘El Nino and Arctic Oscillation share dynamic features and may also account for regional warming and drought in Canada - teleconnections linking regions over the globe.’
  • Metal carbonyls have high oscillator strength, large absorption coefficients, and strong electronic resonance in the visible and ultraviolet regimes, making them excellent spectroscopic probes.
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Therefore, basic costs the timing circuit mainly by the decoding monitor, "time", "the minute", "the second", "the amount" the counter and the oscillator compose.
  • He oscillates between being a grade grubber and not really caring much at all.
  • There he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, following a decree of the Emperor Claudius which ordered all Jews to leave Rome.
  • It has bristles that oscillate at 7000 oscillations per minute.
  • The only place to spot them is in a vacuum, where they should sometimes "oscillate" into normal photons. New Scientist - Online News
  • The idea of ‘property’ in land oscillates between the behavioural, the conceptual and the obligational between competing models of property as a fact, property as a right and property as a responsibility.
  • On the south side of the manor house, he planted a large alpine meadow with masses of scillas, daffodils, anemomes and fritillarias.
  • In math, this idea is represented as a limit of a function oscillating and eventually approaching an asymptote; in physics this is known as damped oscillations (for all the math and science geeks). Auren Hoffman: When and Why We Pendulum
  • ‘The signal we see in the snow pack and snowmelt is like what is projected from climate models just due to global warming, without any ocean oscillation,’ he said.
  • In later years the oscillator was replaced by a duplicate diaphone to be used in the event of breakdown.
  • The price of grain slightly oscillated last year.
  • If you are reading something, language areas oscillate in theta frequency allowing high-gamma-related neural activity in individual neurons to transmit information, said Knight. Slow Brain Waves are Key to Complex Activities | Impact Lab
  • Some parameters affecting the frequency and magnitude of power supply, such as supply voltage, duty of control sigal. the R and C of oscillation circuit are discussed.
  • The oscillator hunts about the correct frequency
  • Even though a La Nina will influence the weather for months at a time, it's still a short-term climatological factor compared to something that climatologists call the Pacific Decadal Oscillation PDO, which is a long-term warming or cooling of the overall sea-surface temperature of the Pacific. Paul Yeager: Predictions of 10-Year Texas Drought Have Validity
  • To naturalize bulbs in your lawn, choose bulbs that blossom and fade before grass grows vigorously and requires mowing: crocus, winter aconite, snowdrops, and scilla.
  • The paper analyzes the influence of incidence and oscillation frequency of ultrasonic sensor on measuring accuracy and the choose principle of ultrasonic sensor is presented.
  • The oscillations began to dampen out after about three seconds, and once again I was in control of the aircraft.
  • First the dynamical model of DHFPE's piston component assemble is built. The motion of DHFPE is self-sustained oscillation with variable rigidity and variable damp.
  • It's a language that offers a safety valve against a discourse that oscillates uneasily between a strangulated avoidance of reality and an ugly violence.
  • Specific gravity was measured by a harmonic oscillation method on the automated workstation.
  • I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.
  • The oscillations in the measured dayglow intensities in the mesopause region and the winds at ~ 87 km are resulting from the modulation caused by this wave in this region after a delay of 4-5 days.
  • The hoop petticoat narcissus, snowdrops, scillas, and crocus are perhaps the most delightful subjects for the purpose.
  • If the oscillations are not damped out, they could break the fragile lines of other suspended weights and become amplified.
  • Watch how the needle on the dial oscillates.
  • He'll oscillate back and forth between a discussion of eastern philosophies and a discussion of particle physics.
  • With this kind of discharger I have been able to maintain an oscillating motion without any spark being visible with the naked eye between the knobs, and they would not show a very appreciable rise in temperature. Experiments with Alternate Currents of High Potential and High Frequency
  • In the flower bed we have lots of blue scilla, plus crocus and Snowdrops. A little roundup again.
  • When an AC voltage applied to one of the electrodes matches the resonance frequency of the arm - specifically between 350 and 400MHz in this example - the arm will oscillate between the electrodes.
  • And last weekend saw the "Tribute to Elvis Aaron Presley" concert in Memphis, not only sanctioned by the Presley estate but hostessed by his ex, Priscilla. Forever Elvis
  • Given in his oscillations of mood to a lugubrious woebegoneness ” "He could be just the saddest-looking thing," remembers Roger Wilkins, one of his administration deputies ” Johnson while president brooded ponderously over how he was discounted by the intellectual left as a blustering boor. The Big Guy
  • The article, "Quantum oscillatory exciton migration in photosynthetic reaction centers" by Smart Economy
  • They oscillate be - tween intramundane and supramundane conceptions of the future, but throughout there persists the belief that the final consummation is “beyond history” and that on this earth there can be no assurance of con - tinuing betterment. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • A little while ago he sent me a proposed solution by email, a method of moving the cup while you walk that should serve to damp the oscillations.
  • Another model prediction is that there is it parameter range in which the glycolytic subsystem is bistable: for the same set of parameter values the system may oscillate or be stationary.
  • The researchers discovered that when a sound was restored perceptually (ie when the participant "heard" it), slow brain waves called theta oscillations, which occur when the brain is encoding boundaries of sound, were suppressed during the interruption of that sound. Health News from Medical News Today
  • The flower bed is blue from scilla now, with spots of white snowball primula and a few tulips and a single daffodil. Garden work
  • The circuit incorporates a nanopore mechanism with a molecular trap that forces the DNA molecule to oscillate back and forth between electrodes, measuring the electrical signal associated with each specific base.
  • Quantum whistling is analogous to a phenomenon in another macroscopic quantum system, a superconductor, which develops an oscillating current when a voltage is applied across a non-conducting gap.
  • Indeed, engineers nowadays design and construct bridges so that oscillations remain strictly limited.
  • If after every decision the will reverted to a state of indecision and oscillation equipoised between good and evil, the basis for confidence in our fellow men would be gone. The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
  • The final technique for producing a velocity profile involves a voltage.controlled oscillator with the controlling voltage generated by an analogue circuit.
  • Due to the comparison between theoretical analysis of pulse forming circuit's damped oscillation and experiment results, the working principle of MS was mastered.
  • Her expression bubbles and solidifies like metamorphic rock, a harshness pinching the edges of her lips and eyes, making her neck wrinkles oscillate. The Madonnas of Echo Park
  • Cooperation with other more northerly atmospheric weather patterns or oscillations and a little serendipity is needed to get an exceptionally snowy winter. Why was last year so snowy? Part I
  • The fact is, the wild oscillations in our business life will continue to get wilder and wilder, probably forever.
  • Low-power voltage controlled oscillators in 90 nm CMOS using high-quality thin-film post-processed inductors
  • To characterize the frequency domain of these oscillations, power spectral analyses were performed.
  • Of these laws the summation theorems have a counterpart in the control analysis of oscillatory systems.
  • One big use of capacitors is to team them up with inductors to create oscillators.
  • The Ministry of Electricity is implementing measures to stabilize the oscillation of electric current in its power lines.
  • synchronous oscillations
  • In these, wingbeat rhythm is not matched to the rate of neural stimulation, which supports oscillatory work at a myogenic rather than neurogenic rhythm.
  • 2There he met a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had ordered all the Jews to leave Rome.
  • Researchers at J-PARC will be attempting to measure the oscillation from muon neutrino to electron neutrino - the final "mixing angle" yet to be measured, known as theta-13. all content
  • As is proposed to be the case for the plant photoreceptors, this oscillation may modulate light resetting of the clock and affect the shape of the phase response curve.
  • The temperature pattern also reverses when the pattern of atmospheric pressure of the southern oscillation reverses.
  • The previously staid faces of the man-height computer consoles were a frenzy of flickering lights and wildly oscillating needles. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Really, why bother having any policies then if you keep oscillating between denial of serious policy, and then saying you are going to make changes.
  • The needle on the dial began to oscillate.
  • Oscillating electric fields applied by grids above and below the plasma can resonantly excite its electrons.
  • This force increases the efficiency with which chromosomes make bipolar spindle attachments and regulates kinetochore activities necessary for chromosome oscillation, but is not essential for chromosome congression. Sub-cellular ID Spin - The Panda's Thumb
  • They oscillate back and forth between the Church and party officials, depending on which side is more convincing at a time.
  • Now that our technologies so adeptly bridge the old divide between industriousness and relaxation, work and play, either through oscillation or else a kind of merging, everything being merely digits put to different uses, we ought to ask if we aren't selling off the site of our greatest possible happiness. Notable & Quotable
  • Their weapons looked menacing even holstered and their spiked helmets with the single eye-sensor oscillating back and forth made him somewhat uncomfortable.
  • There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature.
  • There have always been slight oscillations in world temperature.
  • Later on a mass of blue scilla surrounds the foot of the tree and the headstone and it looks as if the unknown Huckins was buried underwater. Incubus
  • Assuming a constant wing shape and oscillating stroke, the average lift is proportional to the square of wingbeat frequency.
  • The frequency chip is oscillated by static electricity produced by the body [of the user] inhaling and exhaling gases into and out of the lung cavity.
  • Coupling diurnal cytosolic Ca2+ oscillations to the CAS-IP3 pathway in Arabidopsis. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Sometimes you have to go through several oscillations before you can damp out the yaw.
  • Scilla sinensis as ideal material in the research of the evolution of plant polyploidization.
  • The phase-locked loop by the discriminator, the ring circuit filter and the pressure controls the oscillator to be composed.
  • The conditions for the occurrence of oscillatory behaviour were explored and the responses described in detail.
  • A profile pan located on the back edge of the grout box is equipped with a tamper bar that oscillates vertically to push aggregate below the profile pan as the concrete is screeded.
  • That kind of plooping sound the water makes pouring into the bowl is due in part to a process called cavitation (the making of a cavity), where air bubbles created by changes in pressure in the water oscillate and explode, creating teeny shock waves. Cocktail Party Physics
  • Exquisitely bewhiskered; stark, white antenna, straight as power lines, centred on his nose, dynamically oscillating. BEHINDLINGS
  • The tunability and the possibility to produce relatively undamped outgoing oscillations greatly increased the transmission range, and in 1901 Marconi succeeded in establishing radio connection across the Atlantic. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • By metaphase the oscillations may be of such high frequency that they would be difficult to detect, but the lower frequency oscillations early in prometaphase should be detectable by immunofluorescence microscopy and high-speed camera technology. ID-friendly journal paper makes testable predictions
  • The perversity of his relationship with Busch, whom he patronises and desires, and her feelings for him - oscillating between hatred and tenderness - come into focus here too - powerfully but too late.
  • PLL frequency synthesizer with DDS reference will adapt to local oscillator of modern radio.
  • On this account, whatever might have been the cause of the earthquake, whether volcanic or electrical, the movement assumed every possible direction -- vertical, horizontal, oscillatory, vorticose, and pulsatory; producing every variety of destruction. The Book of Enterprise and Adventure Being an Excitement to Reading. for Young People. a New and Condensed Edition.
  • In my theory there is no byproduct - nature oscillates between the desired diatomic state and molecular disassociation when the new high mobility molecule finds its covalent bond opposed by the individual atoms still trying to transition to different fractional states (relativistic). Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
  • Other recent infamous victims of superlarge lip engorgement -- Nicole Kidman, Christina Aguilera, Meg Ryan, Melanie Griffith, Priscilla Presley and Lisa Rinna, who have given up their naturally attractive kissers, in exchange for lips that are seen in nature only on underwater species. Bonnie Fuller: Oh No! Now Hollywood Lips Explode in Size
  • The monitoring points in different position of the turbine stage have been calculated and analyzed, the Mach number, subcooling rate and the wetness fraction oscillate periodically.
  • We used an electromechanical oscillator to apply a known vertical oscillation to the rover antenna.
  • Four conspicuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations.
  • DPMs consist of the gene products of what is known as the "developmental-genetic toolkit," but considered in subsets, as dynamical networks embodying physical processes characteristic of chemically and mechanically excitable meso - to macroscopic systems like cell aggregates: cohesion, viscoelasticity, diffusion, and spatio-temporal heterogeneity based on lateral inhibition, and multistable and oscillatory dynamics. ScreenTalk
  • A feature shared by many clock gene transcripts is that their abundance is subject to circadian and diurnal oscillation.
  • Oscillations of the front of the prime mover and rear of the rearmost trailer were common throughout the tests as shown in Figure 14.
  • We used an electromechanical oscillator to apply a known vertical oscillation to the rover antenna.
  • The unit causes electric dialysis by producing electromagnetic oscillations in the water.
  • But a strong shove has little effect unless it is timed so it matches the natural oscillation of the swing—just as a hopeful glass breaker must sing a note that matches the glass's resonant frequency.
  • Nay, Mistress Priscilla, I was not dubbed cooper until I was a se'nnight old, or so. Standish of Standish A story of the Pilgrims
  • Poet's narcissus flowered and this scilla scilla planted together bloom at same time The Library of Work and Play: Gardening and Farming.
  • This induced voltage drives a secondary oscillating current in the conductive body, also at the same frequency as the primary, but with a phase difference that depends on the electrical properties of the conductor.
  • Adding real-time modal analysis could potentially enhance this process, as disturbances are oscillatory and could be negatively damped.
  • A phenomenon called self-induction is at work here: as the current oscillates, the magnetic field around the wire changes, too, inducing voltages that slow the oscillation.
  • So, while living on this beautiful planet, one is conditioned to oscillate like a pendulum about the importance of love in life.
  • Passive components are capacitors, resistors, connectors, filters, inductors, and oscillators.
  • The stock market is oscillating wildly at the moment.
  • Stare until columns of tiles oscillate rapidly back and forth, chaotically at first, but more rhythmically in passing.
  • I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating.
  • Although he wrongly concluded that the periods of oscillation of two pendulums were in the same ratio as their lengths, he later corrected the error.
  • Coupler used to fabricate add-drop devices, dispersion compensators, amplifiers, oscillators, superluminescent devices, and communications systems
  • For the great Scottish skeptic, the oscillation between civilization and barbarism was coeval with human history; in ethical and political terms the future was bound to be much like the past.
  • Mean photopic b-wave amplitudes were significantly reduced in cases compared with controls, as were mean oscillatory potential amplitudes and latencies.
  • Gwen, still oscillating wildly between Earth mother and gun-toting tough woman and loving it, now also turns her hand to big-sistering the likeable but simpering Esther. Torchwood: Miracle Day – episode three
  • Therefore, Wiggs kept the word beet to himself, fine and private, despite his sensitivity to Priscilla's burning curiosity about the comettailed vegetable that had extended its crimson orbit into her atmosphere. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • That is where his oscillations are most unsettling.
  • A chaotic model might well exhibit “interesting” behavior on a whole spectrum of time scales, though, as various parts of the dynamic cycle undergo epicyclic oscillations. Willis E on Hansen and Model Reliability « Climate Audit
  • A stock index does not oscillate with such frightening amplitude as we have witnessed recently unless to announce some tectonic change ahead.
  • Ajuga reptans in bloom with cerastium far left, scilla peruviana in bud and dwarf ribbon grass, phalaris arundinacea picta ‘Dwarf’s Garters’. Blue In The Garden-Part Two « Fairegarden
  • In such a situation the motor consequences of the first idea are blocked; and I may remain for half an hour or more with the two ideas oscillating before me in a kind of deadlock, which is what we call the state of hesitation or deliberation. Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals
  • Four dual-oscillator SEM modules each with its own filters and envelopes are joined together along with a simple analog mixer and 49-note keyboard to give you a polyphonic/polytonal Obie-beast! - Business News
  • The inappropriate using of the MED attribute commonly induces to the hot potato routing and the persistent MED oscillation.
  • He used a bulb in a Wien bridge oscillator circuit to solve the problem of how to regulate the output without causing distortion.
  • As a special case, the oscillation behaviors of the absorptive device with two equal-length segments:threshold conditions, carrier density and wavelength tuning range have been analyzed.
  • Not only could you control the water temperature, but also the angle of the spray, as well as making it oscillate or pulse. Glowing, if Roughed Up
  • Cavitation manifests itself in at least two modes; stable cavitation (slow, periodic oscillations of gas bubbles) and transient cavitation.
  • Priscilla Hill, my new skating teacher, showed up to our first lesson wearing a snowsuit . . . in the summertime. Welcome to My World
  • The test circuit is provided with a feedback path so that the test circuit and feedback path together form a free-running oscillator.
  • When it is used as an oscillator, a positive value indicates an overbought market while a negative value indicates an oversold market.
  • In downtrends, trend-following indicators suggest selling short, but oscillators become oversold and issue signals to buy.
  • As you can guess, it oscillates interminably and swings in the wind.
  • He was oscillating between hope and fear, depression and elation.
  • Ellipses in phase space — curves of constant energy — then become isomorphism classes, because the oscillator motion is periodic, and for any A and B connected by a morphism, you can find another time evolution which takes B back into A. Arrow of Time FAQ
  • Phasors are a very useful technique for conceptualizing sinusoidally oscillating electrical quantities.
  • The hopeless oscillation of question-answer-question is like a figuring of confinement: bouncing off each other in a rigid reciprocality where neither party is able to move.
  • Mass accreted onto the white dwarf can result in flickering and quasi-periodic oscillations. Unprecedented Eruption Catches Astronomers By Surprise | Universe Today
  • Her eyes were open but they were going from one side to the next, constantly oscillating back and forth, back and forth.
  • She was, however, uneasy when she heard the strange whistling sound produced by their irregular passage through the dark night air, and when the violence of their movements made the basin oscillate, she lay down tremblingly at the bottom of her golden basin, and then carefully gathered her garments around her, lest they should come in contact with the dark man. The Princess Ilsée: A Fairy Tale
  • The male pulled a chair closer to my bedside and hung the lamp from a hook above the bed, the shadows oscillating as it swung gently.
  • ‘To push beyond the gigahertz range of frequencies has been very difficult because the waves oscillate so fast that most electronics can't keep up,’ Nori said.
  • Meanwhile at home, the first daffs were reluctantly unfurling, and half my scillas haven't come out yet.
  • After a few minutes C.'s left hand started to oscillate back and forth.
  • He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement
  • A capacitive proximity switch works with a high frequency oscillating circuit that creates an electromagnetic field on the active sensor surface by means of a capacitor.
  • In superstring theory, particles are not treated as particles at all but as oscillations in one-dimensional entities called strings.
  • The topic was on the libration of the Moon, that is the motion of the Moon which causes the face that it presents to the Earth to oscillate causing small changes in the position of the lunar features.
  • Tesla recreated the Hertz experiment and quickly realised that an oscillator that he developed transmitted wireless impulses much more efficiently.
  • Adding controls to your oscillator patch, such as midi data inputs and a master gain AvaxHome RSS:
  • Frequencies of tropical cyclones, heat-waves, bushfires and frosts are also linked to the Southern Oscillation.
  • My favourite piece on the album is the title track, in which Frayne transforms sparsely plucked guitar notes into deep oscillating drones.
  • In this particular case, binary oscillations of semiquinone can be used to characterize damping of period four oscillations of oxygen evolution.
  • In particular, it is common for people to oscillate between withdrawal and arrogance.
  • Print newspapers, because of their structure, catchment areas and sheer physicality, don't oscillate wildly from month to month or year to year. Facebook fatigue suggests internet is a web of impermanent dreams
  • There is a vertical line in spirituality that goes from the beast to the angel, and on which we oscillate.
  • We suggest that ash-laden vertical density currents probably attain and then oscillate about a characteristic size that maximizes the buoyancy flux and represents the optimum efficiency for vertical mass transport.
  • A toothed crown-wheel on the spindle made the escapement oscillate, the escapement regulated the rate at which the spindle turned, and the rotation of the spindle measured the passage of time by moving a hand around a marked clock face.
  • He is appearing at the Palace alongside adopted Brit Jason Donovan and bona fide Brit Oliver Thornton, who play drag queens Tick (aka Mitzi) and Adam (Felicia), Bernadette's travelling companions on the bus they name Priscilla. Undefined
  • This peak is then used to make the slight correction necessary to bring the crystal oscillator and hence the microwave field exactly on frequency.
  • For relative strength, determining the true value of an oscillator depends on the understanding of overbought or oversold positions.
  • He used an animal ear membrane to receive signals from an oscillating galvanic inductor.
  • Ah, yes: Maxwell showed that oscillating an electric charge is just the mechanism that causes light waves to be produced.
  • A phase discriminator samples the output of the oscillator and accumulates data representing the duty cycle of that signal.
  • A new method, rotation - assemble - average method, for the oscillatory boundary layer flow around a cylinder, was proposed.
  • Thus some bolbophyl, for example, have caudal appendages to their sepals, as in Masdevallias, and on the other hand some Masdevallias have their labellums hinged and oscillatory, which is so commonly the case as to be "almost characteristic" in the genus Bolbophyllum or Sarcopodium. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • Adopt high stability crystal oscillator to ensure precise measurement and full signal input checking.
  • A newer generation of cellular radio technology, called Personal Communications Services (PCS), operates much like earlier cellular services, but at higher frequencies, the number of times a radio wave oscillates or completes a cycle, which is measured in a unit known as a hertz (Hz). Me Pedia
  • Basic assumption of natural science is that things happen for a reason (aside from natural oscillation around equilibrium point), and in climate science what scientists are trying to figure out is what exactly these reasons for climate change (climate as being of long-term integral average of highly varying weather) are. IPCC and Data Access « Climate Audit
  • We set the relative frequency of the six oscillators to values which result in inharmonic frequencies.
  • The invention provides a tinted pair of lenses for overcoming the deleterious effects of nystagmic oscillations, particularly in persons suffering from dyslexia.
  • The male pulled a chair closer to my bedside and hung the lamp from a hook above the bed, the shadows oscillating as it swung gently.

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