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[ US /ˈsaɪəntɪst/ ]
[ UK /sˈa‍ɪ‍əntɪst/ ]
  1. a person with advanced knowledge of one or more sciences

How To Use scientist In A Sentence

  • Some of my remarks here are directed toward conventional scientists, who generally refrain from commenting critically on the wild ideas of a few of their colleagues because it is bad manners.
  • Gwenhidwy likes to drink a lot, grain alcohol mostly, mixed in great strange mad-scientist concoctions with beef tea, grenadine, cough syrup, bitter belch-gathering infusions of blue scullcap, valerian root, motherwort and lady's-slipper, whatever's to hand really. Gravity's Rainbow
  • Many scientists think that hotspots mark locations where diapiric convection cells, called mantle ‘plumes’, rise beneath lithospheric plates.
  • Genetic factors, scientists believe, account for 70% of cocaine addiction, making it as heritable as schizophrenia and other mental health conditions.
  • The services of the laboratory are offered gratuitously to any scientist or graduate student engaged in research which makes a significant contribution to progress in the fields of science.
  • When combined with combinatorial chemistry methods, scientists can dramatically increase their chances for a hit. The Scientist
  • From peeper scopes to duct tape -- learn more about the cool tools Nature Conservancy scientists use to solve conservation issues. Conservation Tools: 'Very Pistols,' Underwater Paper, Amphibious Vehicles And Other Cool Gadgets Used By The Nature Conservancy Scientists (PHOTOS)
  • But decades of research have gone by and scientists remain incapable of creating a sustainable fusion reaction that could be used to create reliable power.
  • The scientists cannot say if the "hominin" was male or female, but adopted the name tag "X-woman" because the discovery was based on maternally inherited DNA. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.
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