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How To Use Scientific In A Sentence

  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • After the introductory parts, the book begins with a summary of the scientific papers presented at the seminar.
  • Modern scientific capability has profoundly altered the course of human life. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.
  • In the meantime, though, he hopes to see more work to bridge this scientific gap. Smithsonian Mag
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  • The scientific revolution also had its corrosive impact on a literal interpretation of the Bible. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had a good scientific understanding and quickly dismissed the beast.
  • From the first, these universal histories represented both scientific advances and political and religious challenges.
  • His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
  • Linear, scientific perspective allows for a fairly accurate mental reconstruction of the distances separating objects.
  • Their definition of quackery is the application of treatments that have not been scientifically proven to have any effects, that are practiced by physicians as well as specialists without a MD and they organise congresses from time to time where they say things like this. The Organisation against Quackery
  • We need set up intact and scientific legal mechanism in ecological environment protection requirement.
  • Learn to separate scientific information from rumor and myth.
  • Chinese officials emphasize that the money is for scientific research cooperation, and doesn't a rental fee.
  • We believe he, either, is turning his Nelson's eye to the scientific reports, or, is plain oblivious of Peter Bergen's cogent and coherent articulation of the demerits of EITs as image destroyers for the US. Cheney wrong on interrogation inquiry facts, Obama official says
  • Although she enjoys the aesthetic value of wild flowers, her reason for encouraging their widespread growth is principally scientific.
  • Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo-HSCT.
  • Research carried out by the British Scientific Dining Association reveals that crapulence has bad effects on the memory and makes people slow-witted.
  • The study, which was ordered by influential US military adviser Andrew Marshall, suggests that climate change should become an issue of national security rather than just a scientific discussion.
  • As a means of solving the problem British philosopher Karl Popper proposed the principle of falsifiability - if a theory is falsifiable, then it is scientific; if it is not falsifiable, then it is not science.
  • In this sense, he saw scientific psychology as anti-life: the more the critical reason dominates, the more impoverished life becomes; but the more myth we are capable of making conscious, the more life we integrate.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • There may be a good scientific case now for looking again at the absolute ban on commercial activity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, scientific studies on choking reveal no deleterious after effects.
  • The book is full of scientific observations of creatures such as the sea speckle, the red poison needle, the oleander, the bluebottle or coral. From the Mouth of the Whale by Sjón - review
  • An objection is not "outworn" until answered, and to speak of the demise of a generally accepted theory is hardly scientific. The Evolution of Man Scientifically Disproved In 50 Arguments
  • Nevertheless, I was determined to be at least vaguely scientific about this review, so I pulled out the omnidirectional microphone I had borrowed from the media unit at work and started making recordings.
  • He received international recognition for his work and wrote for many scientific publications as well as the National Geographic.
  • A bereaved couple allow their dead son to be cloned by a sinister scientific institute in this clunking supernatural thriller. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just suppose that cloning a human was no longer a remote possibility, but a scientific reality.
  • Scientific discoveries have discredited religious belief.
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • The Committee is comprised of scientific experts with experience in a variety of disciplines such as animal husbandry, animal behaviour, bacteriology, clinical medicine, epidemiology, parasitology and virology.
  • In the Apollo period there was a strong negative correlation between budgetary input and scientific output. Infinite in All Directions
  • Their attempt to soften the electorate's impression of her as a scientific cold fish is one of the few amusing spectacles in a grim political landscape.
  • Aristotle's scientific theories dominated Western thought for fifteen hundred years.
  • It deals with the present practice in museography, which is dedicated to distribution of knowledge and realization of modern scientific researches.
  • And this means that the theories of universally acting psychical repression, of the unconscious, of the endopsychic censor, of the significance of resistance and amnesia, of the employment of highly complicated and phantastic symbolism, of the manifestations of sexuality and so forth have been made use of in a high-handed, uncalled for, unnecessary and unscientific manner to prove the truth of the thesis with which the author set out upon his journey. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • They are very scientific in their approach.
  • It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.
  • The story of Fermat's Last Theorem, the centuries spent trying to find a proof and Professor - now Sir - Andrew Wiles's final victory, is recounted in a book by Simon Singh , a physicist and author also famous for his battle to change the libel laws after he was sued for calling pseudoscientific medical treatments "bogus" . - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • (But far be it from me to question a scientifically credentialled biologist.) A Tetrahymena Puzzle
  • ng Meeting 7 is available online at Bio: Fintan Steele, director of scientific education and communications at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, traces the history of personalized medicine from Hippocrates and humorism to ‘overhyped’ modern day incarnations. 2010 April 09 | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
  • The only magazine in the waiting room was a scientific journal full of technical jargon above my head.
  • Among its roles are stimulation of scientific research and provision of scientific information to scientists and the general public.
  • On the other hand if the essential feature of the moving pictures is the combination of various views into one connected impression, we must look back to the days of the phenakistoscope which had scientific interest only; it is more than eighty years since it was invented. The Photoplay A Psychological Study
  • Irvine and Martin have themselves developed a method of assessing the performance of some of Britain's most expensive scientific investments.
  • The Pentagon is currently drawing up a new list of project proposals, to be evaluated by a scientific advisory committee.
  • He'd like "happiness" to be given a new and more scientifically descriptive label, to wit "Major affective disorder, pleasant type".
  • It is always a pleasure to find a work that blends a true sense of art with solid scientific information.
  • Based on data submitted so far, Mr. Dongarra said, the Sunway machine has "credible" sustained performance of about 795 teraflops--or trillion floating-point operations per second, a measure of scientific calculations based on standard tests. China Supercomputer Uses Homegrown Chips
  • Plus, a fair bit of the scientific research is inconclusive. The Sun
  • The best numbers have decimal places, for they sound more scientific. Times, Sunday Times
  • So too does the naive confidence in the factual basis of scientific belief. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • The first step in scientific map-making, all earlier attempts were more enthusiastic than accurate.
  • In this context , Asia - Europe scientific and technological cooperation has a great relevance and strong complementarily.
  • No scientific lecture is ever given without slides or other visual aids, especially if chemical structures are to be shown.
  • But a spate of scientific studies has raised doubts about artificial sweeteners.
  • This is why medical and scientific journals are so important. The Antioxidant Health Plan
  • My answer was the Black Death chopped population way down so that not until Galileo's generation was there as many Europeans as in Oresme's time and, if brilliant scientific minds are a constant proportion of the whole, never until then was there a "critical mass" of scientific thinkers. March 25th, 2009
  • It argues that observation and experience are keys to constructing and judging scientific theories.
  • I felt that scientific experiments provided almost unlimited insight…
  • I provide this here so that you may see the magnitude of the battle we are waging against ignorance and scientific illiteracy.
  • You find a greater use of the passive in scientific writing.
  • The three Skylab crews spent a combined time of over 3000 hours conducting scientific experiments in Earth orbit.
  • Working as miniature geologists, these robots will have miniature thermal emission spectrometers and an eye-height panoramic camera among their array of scientific instruments.
  • When we analyze music works,[sentence dictionary] we cannot ignore it for its shortness and changefulness. We should take a strict and scientific attitude and method towards analyzing and studying it.
  • In that case, such a hypothesis would then have to withstand the rigors of both scientific method (empirically testing and proving or disproving the hypothesis) and peer review.
  • It combines knowledge and technology of many scientific fields such as computer technology, computer graphics, sensor technology, biodynamics, clinical medicine and Virtual Reality.
  • Two separate studies presented today during the Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) in Orlando confirmed existing hypotheses that maternal exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals – including total polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, such as Arochlor) and organochlorinated pesticides (such as dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane, or DDT) may contribute to an increased incidence of these conditions. Maternal Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants Linked to Urologic Conditions in Boys
  • Markus saw some of the sea ice images last December when the committee reviewed the scientific value of the spy satellite data.
  • The idea that television can be used as a tool for promoting education and scientific temper among children has been popularised by the SIET, which is under the Union Ministry of Human Resources Development.
  • The nation's current work force of scientific and technological specialists is unable to supply the pressing demand.
  • Some astrologers claim that scientific research is impersonal or unspiritual or insensitive to deeper truths.
  • Its massive sundials and other structures are a geometry of red sandstone inlaid with dazzling white marble, more like works of modern art than scientific instruments.
  • And it is to the world that is there that the scientist must go to confirm or disconfirm the hypothetical objects of scientific theory.
  • Southeastern Cave Conservancy Inc. was formed to acquire and manage caves for scientific study, education of those persons interested in speleology, and conservation of these resources.
  • But to dismiss them without scientific inquiry would be to dogmatise science, and label as heresy any challenge thrown at it.
  • In addition, to maintain credibility as a scientific advisory body, the council needs to speak with one voice.
  • Those scientific minds brave enough to point out these obvious flaws get fired, while the insane, lazy, and stupid continue to uphold a broken system that clearly doesn't work, punishes innocent citizens, overcrowds prisons, and generally increases suffering. Allison Kilkenny: Government Adviser Fired For Saying Alcohol Is More Dangerous Than Drugs
  • Date: May 8, 2007 2: 03 PM doctor which florida lottery amitriptyline flowers Nexium or la weight loss events associated with ciprofloxacin Until you are cingular ringtones UK abn amro mortgage can cause your jobs in the casino industry clinical trials calculate my mortgage payment the debt help their scientific expertise alprazolam CONTINUE TO side effects of flovent taking medical questions your citibank online services terminology allstate insurance tried texas holdem poker patients var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • The comments have provoked outrage, with politicians in France and Germany vocal in condemning what they termed a distortion of the scientific evidence that risked putting many more lives at risk in sub-Saharan Africa, where millions are living with the disease. Top stories from Times Online
  • He did everything from the Gernsbackian "scientifiction" of the Thirties to comic strips to juveniles to adult novels that set standards for decades to come. Archive 2008-04-01
  • (NCKU), has been recognized for his excellent contribution to aquiculture and presented with the award - "2009 TWAS Prize in the Agricultural Sciences" from The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) supported by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Oct. 20th. Aktuelle Empfehlungen
  • There are numerous excursions in scientific realms of chemistry, biology, meteorology, computer science, and most of all mathematics and philosophy.
  • It is unfair to students to miseducate and confuse them about the nature of the scientific process.
  • The effects of shiatsu, acupuncture, moxa, and herbal medicine are still questioned in Japan because they seem to depend upon the individual and are very difficult to replicate or to validate scientifically.
  • It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.
  • The story of secrecy, scientific ethics and national security is macabre, grisly and disturbing.
  • It's an interesting scientific phenomenon, but of no practical use whatever.
  • The advent of scientific thinking has institutionalised the idea that knowledge has to progress and can do so only through research.
  • B.A. Kwiatkowski, Ph.D. has been involved in biomedical research for over twenty years and published several peer reviewed scientific articles in top biomedical journals. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 1066
  • Both scientific and commercial biodiversity prospectors should pay fees, as mineral prospectors do.
  • Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.
  • America quickly embraced Pluto and Tombaugh as icons worthy of scientific superstardom, and the rest of the world quickly followed suit.
  • You can infer intelligence and or design in archeology the study of dolphins and a whole host of other possibly scientific endeavors like strong AI and SETI why not biology and cosmology? Bunny and a Book
  • One way to try to get a handle on what's happening in a scientific field is to study citations in research papers.
  • Anyone who has had access to classified work produced by the scientific civil service is likely to endorse this view.
  • The right side contains the microcontrollers and electronics for thermal control and scientific data acquisition.
  • The most key ingredient is a scientifically literate work force and general population.
  • One of my shticks is about why we need to do hard scientific research on religion.
  • So, healthy children who regress into postvaccination autism are the ethical and scientific equivalent of "missing socks"? On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Basically, when you put salt into a bucket of water and add a piece of meat ... chicken for example, a scientific process called osmosis begins to take effect. Corn Nation
  • The gist of his argument is that persons with scientific insight can dismiss as incompetent anyone who disagrees with them in judgments of value. What Unitarians Know (and Sam Harris Doesn't)
  • So the fraud, I mean, fraulein (Frau-Palin) and ex-everything else is concerned about scientific fraud while maintaining that her supporters have a right to question Obama's birth certificate. Palin calls for Obama to boycott climate change conference
  • But before anyone heads to the nearest hive, bewarned-scientific tests show that apian venom is not the bees' knees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
  • Thorndike is important as an early figure in the effort to establish a scientific knowledge base for the research of human learning, especially for instructional technology.
  • By the dawn of the Scientific Revolution, researchers equipped with microscopes founded modern chemistry - and dismissed alchemy as hocus-pocus.
  • Scientifically, it has been shown to be bacteriostatic against gram positive bacteria; it can even be administered internally in cases of poisoning to decrease the absorption of the harmful substance. Multani facepack to beautify Taj Mahal once again
  • It focuses on the scientific approaches towards finding whether we are the only living creatures in the universe.
  • The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
  • Its aim was to examine scientific evidence on climate change, assess environmental and socio-economic impacts and formulate realistic response strategies.
  • Of course we can contest this kind of sexism by arguing about the accuracy of particular scientific findings.
  • Secondly, parse as they might, they can't turn a scientific "trick" into guile, nor make a negative colouration stick to the phrase "hide the decline" when the CRU folks themselves have published papers on it. Archive 2009-11-01
  • We can't exaggerate his scientific attainment.
  • On the other hand one of the main features of the last two chapters has been the emphasis on the practical utility of scientific knowledge. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • Scientific evidence suggests that badgers are one of the most likely carriers of the disease that is infecting cattle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now this artistic and scientific patrimony is constantly under threat of destruction.
  • I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • Aristotle construed the deductive stage of scientific inquiry as the interposition of middle terms between the subject and predicate terms of the statement to be proved.
  • Calling the long-awaited regulation a "landmark safety achievement" that resolves pilot-fatigue issues that have been festering since the 1970s, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on Wednesday said the changes were based on the latest scientific sleep research. FAA Mandates Longer Rest Periods for Pilots
  • The idea of the commons is not scientific, it is a human construct. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Climate and Religious Fundamentalism
  • Science always reflects the values of scientists - the difference here is that we state our values up front and do not pretend scientific methods make findings value-free.
  • From a purely realistic scientific view, it turns out the gorilla is a poor choice for a monster; better would be the more violent chimpanzee. REVIEW: King Kong is Back edited by David Brin
  • Scotland, as ever playing a disproportionate role in scientific breakthroughs, has had a significant part in the biogenetic revolution.
  • He'll keep the budget for scientific research. The Sun
  • If we historians were to devote all our attention to the collection of facts and the collating of evidence and to nothing else at all, if we were to neglect the imponderabilia, the spiritual and human sides of life because we have no scientific scale to weigh them in (as indeed we cannot have), we should cease to attract the ablest minds of the rising generation into the army of historians. History and Literature
  • I especially enjoyed juxtaposing the scientific and the erotic, as when Jennet and Ben Franklin seduce each other while performing an experiment with a rotating sulphur ball. James Morrow discusses The Last Witchfinder
  • Full appreciation of its many other medical uses requires understanding of both historical usage as well as modern scientific studies.
  • Critics who claim that the biotech food industry benefits corporate agribusiness and misallocates scientific resources will find plenty of support for their arguments here.
  • During his long academic career he bridged the gap between pure scientific research and industrial production. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anonsters: There will be no mainstream scientific evidence showing these differences until and unless it is established that it is okay consequentially for the data to show these differences. The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • When he came nearest to the scientific spirit of his time, in zealous observations of the life of nature, he characteristically concentrated on the sequence of various bird notes at daybreak and the flight of moths as the stars of twilight were kindled. Nobel Prize in Literature 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • The next year he produced only a few medical trifles, but in 1557 he brought out two other scientific works which he characterizes as admirable -- one the _Ars parva curandi_, and the other a treatise _De Jerome Cardan A Biographical Study
  • Often, alternative perspectives are dismissed as nonscientific, polemical, or otherwise unworthy of attention.
  • Everyone I contacted in my highly unscientific poll feels this election was more than a defeat.
  • The scientific management method has brought about many changes in factory production.
  • In the Apollo period there was a strong negative correlation between budgetary input and scientific output. Infinite in All Directions
  • Dorrell did not elaborate but said the experts' findings will be published in scientific journals within four to six weeks.
  • The structure of scientific explanation: deductive and probabilistic explanation.
  • Few in the scientific community would argue that the scientific evidence justifies immediate extremely drastic action.
  • The passage from esoteric scientific theory into everyday discourse describes the prototype of objectification.
  • In its spare time, Teraflops will work on civilian projects and scientific research.
  • Supposing the spaceplane is baselined as planned then how do astronauts plan on interfacing/mating with these earth bound supply spacecraft, and what kind of supplies (scientific experiments) will be required to return to earth. How Best to Access the ISS-and LEO? - NASA Watch
  • As an oral tradition, Druidry does not anchor itself with scientific or historical facts; instead it breathes, shaping itself through stories ancient and modern.
  • After a century of suspicion, ridicule, character assassination and scientific debunking, Freud has not only survived, but grown into a figure of mythic proportions.
  • They are Marc C. Bingham, entrepreneur and Utah businessman; Huey D. Johnson, pioneering conservationist and environmental policy maker; Bonnie D. Parkin, former Relief Society President for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; and Bertrand D. Tanner, eminent micrometeorologist and scientific entrepreneur, who will be honored posthumously. Undefined
  • He remained largely unrecognized by the scientific establishment.
  • All I could find about this enigmatic term was some World of Warcraft guy, and some scientific stuff about the embryonic phase of an animal preceding the "gastrula" phase. YesButNoButYes: Caption Competition
  • The Esquimaux prefer it raw in these parts of the world (although some travellers assert that in more southern latitudes they prefer cooked meat), and with good reason, for it is much more nourishing than cooked flesh; and learned, scientific men, who have wintered in the Arctic regions, have distinctly stated that in those cold countries they found raw meat to be better for them than cooked meat, and they assure us that they at last came to _prefer_ it! The World of Ice
  • Hurston's representation may deviate from standard scientific format, but apparently in contrast to Odum and Johnson, she strives more than they to retain the essential content.
  • The precision, clarity and supposed objectivity of the images established photography as a standard for validity in a regime of truth that valorized scientific precision.
  • By questioning the validity of the scientific method, the new approach to science education opens up a can of worms.
  • The public certainly has a right to oppose scientific research on non-scientific grounds.
  • Part art installations, part scientific investigations, they are molecular gastronomy writ large and play with our notions of what food should be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of the specimens have been washed, and all have undergone scientific osteological analyses.
  • Abolitionists didn’t suddenly figure out scientifically that Africans were as intelligent as whites, and then fight against slavery; they fought against slavery and, AGAINST science as it then stood on the grounds of anideal. The Volokh Conspiracy » Judging a Person Based on a Single Forwarded Personal E-Mail
  • It is outrageous that a nation long famous for scientific invention is dithering about investing in the next generation of technologies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference.
  • This is not an exploration or a scientific expedition. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are over 2,000 publishers in what is called STM scientific, technological and medical publishing alone. Internet News: Journals Archives
  • Human civilization has grown to its present day modernness thanks to scientific advances. Review: _Something Magic This Way Comes_ edited by Martin H. Greenberg & Sarah A. Hoyt
  • He channelled his scientific skills into new ways of managing inventories and distributing stocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first aspect of Field's case is to rebut this charge, by providing nominalistic formulations of scientific theories.
  • The latest scientific and forensic techniques are being applied to evidence in the case as part of a review.
  • The marsh is an area of great scientific interest on account of its wild flowers.
  • But then, miracles of that kind only happen in holy books or in out of the way places, without scientific proof.
  • In a single phrase, these words exempt the sentence's subsequent assertions of human equality and unalienable rights from the claims of traditional conduct, metaphysical certainty, and scientific proof.
  • For a scientific expedition, it was an odd group.
  • Or, does the Gender Genie label informative-scientific writing as male because, given current gender balance, such writing is relatively more likely to be written by males? Write like a girl?
  • Clear scientific evidence can be used to support either side of this chestnut-flavored debate, so appeals to the indisputability of one view or another are ill-advised. Balkinization
  • Even the novice designer can take the time to use a scientific approach to color selection.
  • Thus we make attributions of causal relatedness on the basis of prior acceptance of scientific explanations.
  • They "conflate" the scientific issue with the beliefs of those asked. Stories
  • We could have at some more Republican hacks now, like Steven Milloy, the Junkman of Science, who says he has a masters in biostatistics from Johns Hopkins, but to judge from the ISI Web of Science, not a single peer reviewed scientific publication. BREAKING NEWS: George Deutsch Did Not Graduate From Texas A & M University
  • The development of this orbital facility has been called the largest international scientific and technological endeavor ever undertaken.
  • Although the plans focus on developing China's high-tech sector, they also include increases in state funding to popularise science, and to improve scientific training in rural areas.
  • In a climate of scientific expansion after the Second World War CSIRO's viticultural research broadened to include nematology, irrigation, hydrology, and basic vine physiology.
  • This book was the outcome of a tremendous amount of scientific work.
  • The quantitative relation reflects the relation between the exploration input and output, and makes the exploration planning be more scientific.
  • He also argues that, in its turn, the Scientific Revolution had some effect on the visual arts.
  • Thus for example ID is excoriated for not being scientific in the newer sense, particularly since it cannot specify and test the designer's mechanism for action. Approaches Determine Outcomes
  • In the latest issue of Symmetry, a magazine about particle physics, I've traced the chain of scientific developments in the 1930s and 1940s that inspired Williamson to write his "Seetee" tales -- if not the first, certainly the most influential stories to explore the physics of "contraterrene" (CT) matter. Boing Boing
  • It's exactly the kind of thing a pragmaticist would accept that a metaphysician of Scientific Truth would not accept. WINE TALK.
  • The fleet's five vessels plan to catch 260 whales - 150 minke, 50 Bryde's, 50 sei and 10 sperm whales as part of a scientific research project.
  • Humanity loves to theorize, which is why we have all those scientific theories, which are really nothing more than practically useful conspiracy theories. Who's Supporting or Opposing Ahmadinejead or Mousavi?
  • The best system to utilize resources is to establish a perfect market economic system, a standard market order, a scientific macro-controlled system and property right system.
  • Leonardo made many scientific discoveries.
  • Sure, throw a potshot because it went in the ocean, but it had a scientific rationale. President's Science Advisor Talks About NASA - NASA Watch
  • Outside of his scientific endeavors, the prince also made changes to the principality.
  • Continued advances in supercomputing are also vital for a host of scientific advancements in biology, climate, economics, energy, material science, medicine, physics, and seismology.
  • While it is absurd to think the public would fall for something so outlandish as to say that one of the building blocks of life is a poison, you must remember that many agreed to ban water under it's scientific name dihydrogen monoxide. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • As a clear example of an untestable, unscientific, hypothesis that is perfectly consistent with empirical observations, consider solipsism.
  • The scientific revolution consisted of new knowledge, particularly about physics and astronomy but also about biology and chemistry. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • It is expedient to resume the practice, which existed in the not so distant past, of exchanging military specialists, scientific collectives, and major experts in the naval sphere.
  • And the accounts of the scientific endeavours cannot fail to impress. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However, neither the Korean nor the millennial view is good science, and thus it is reasonable to expect these perspectives to eventually be replaced by a scientific formulation.
  • Xu notes that, except for exhibitions or scientific exchanges, it is against the law to export vertebrate fossils - fossils of animals with backbones - from China.
  • These chemicals remain in the dock until we have more scientific evidence.

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