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How To Use Scientific method In A Sentence

  • Cayley, who published his findings in 1809 and 1810, systemised research into aviation using scientific methods and the observation of bird flight.
  • Born Galileo Galilei in Pisa, Italy, Galileo was a philosopher, inventor, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific method. Five People Born on February 15 | myFiveBest
  • The principle of parsimony is a centuries-old aspect of the scientific method. Beckwith on ID
  • Bancroft had studied at Göttingen and imbibed from the German historian Heeren the scientific method of historical study. Brief History of English and American Literature
  • It is safe to say that the scientific method made possible the technological civilization of today.
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  • J.B. Rhine, who actually coined the term parapsychology, along with his colleagues sought to uncover the truth about various phenomena using scientific methods. Popular Science
  • Erich Jantsch and Conrad H. Waddington, editors, Evolution and Consciousness: Human Systems in Transition — rather a grab-bag collection about self-transcending systems, hierarchy, dissipative structures, autopoiesis, spontaneous order, scientific method, global complexity and cultural change. Matthew Yglesias » Influential Books
  • It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.
  • Expert adversaries, who have the right to receive public answers to their most penetrating questions, police the scientific method.
  • “No one is using the scientific method or offering any kind of testable hypothesis; just look backwards, find whichever market indicator helps support the anti-Obama thesis, and let the hackery commence.” The Volokh Conspiracy » Health Insurance and Pharma Stocks Rise, US Treasuries Sink in Reponse to Obama Care:
  • Can you imagine advanced scientific methods divorced from the policy and ethics of their actual use?
  • The scientific method involves proposing a hypothesis then trying to disprove it.
  • Like every other medical science, psychiatry is there to help people, and is built around the scientific method.
  • There are a bajillion websites that purport to interpret dreams, but most of them appear to utilize the scientific method commonly referred to as "guessing."
  • Can you imagine advanced scientific methods divorced from the policy and ethics of their actual use?
  • LAWRENCE KOBILINSKY, CRIMINALIST: A criminalist is a person who uses scientific methods and technology to solve problems related to the law -- mainly, criminal law. CNN Transcript Apr 29, 2003
  • The word cosmogony is, however, usually applied to mythic accounts of the world's origin current among the peoples of antiquity and the more modern races which have not been touched by recent scientific methods. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • Perhaps his greatest achievements were introducing mathematical and scientific methods into cryptology and producing training materials used by several generations of pupils.
  • The study was, of course, a complete farce and didn't stand up to even the most basic examination of scientific methodology.
  • The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
  • It could reinforce prescriptions for an appropriate scientific method.
  • The doublethink employed by the author is almost beyond belief - he basically states that the DI wishes to attack the scientific method, and then claims that they aren't trying to attack the scientific method.
  • All that really needs to be taught and reinforced is scientific method and the FAPP value of what we learn by applying it. Assessing Causality
  • But scientific method does enable large numbers to walk with surer steps.
  • There was one reader who emailed me something about the scientific method that I think is important, which is that if hypotheses have to be falsifiable, results have to be reproducible.
  • It is safe to say that the scientific method made possible the technological civilization of today.
  • I studied prehistory and archaeology at Sheffield University, and then specialised in scientific methods in archaeology at Bradford.
  • He observes, "A new generation of researchers, like Jane Goodall in primatology, have used the 'experience-near,' empathic approach to scientific investigation, to elicit new discoveries and insights about the nature of nature that would have been impossible to imagine using the traditional disinterested, value-neutral, scientific method. Dr. Larry Dossey: Spiritual Living: Why We Need Empathic Science
  • We need to remember that what we call parapsychology today has a history that is far older than the scientific method we demand to verify it. American Association for the Advancement of PseudoScience
  • But theory is not a perfume; it is an integral part of the scientific method. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However, sometimes the word research is by necessity employed in the general everyday context of the word because it is the clearest way to convey the fact that the scientific method can be applied in our personal lives as well as in university laboratories. The Sacred Promise
  • Let us briefly consider how you might analyze this claim by means of the scientific method.
  • In the immediate postwar period, new scientific methods of quick freezing were being developed as the fishing fleets replaced their boats and re-equipped their vessels for peacetime.
  • The study aimed to provide integrate and scientific method for ascertaining the running plan of passenger dedicated line economically and rationally and evaluating the running plan.
  • This is unforgivable in the realm of scientific methodology.
  • Though more study is needed… I'm a big fan of the scientific method, but this reminds me of a spoof term paper I once wrote, many years ago, after having read one too many phonetics articles debunking the perceptions of phonologists.
  • These questions are pertinent to the scientific method, to legal reasoning and to medical diagnosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • The modern scientific method is usually attributed to Galileo.
  • The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
  • Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.
  • The 20th century advances of Western medicine are due in large part to the cultivation of objectivism and the positivist philosophies that embrace the scientific method, a foundation of conventional medical training.
  • But theory is not a perfume; it is an integral part of the scientific method. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The power of this procedural mode has been dramatically demonstrated by man's vast attainments in the fields of science and technology which are based on the scientific method.
  • The study aimed to provide integrate and scientific method for ascertaining the running plan of passenger dedicated line economically and rationally and evaluating the running plan.
  • Thus, naturalism and scientism violate the Scientific Method and turns science on its head its head.
  • In these terms, journalism is even compared to the scientific method, intimately connected with accumulation of facts and analysis, and reportage of evidence.
  • Let us briefly consider how you might analyze this claim by means of the scientific method.
  • He is insistent on the advocacy of new scientific methods.
  • Not everyone agrees that it is appropriate and desirable to apply the scientific method to politics.
  • In the first place, the revolution, the abolition of the feudalistic system of exploiting land, the abolition of the latifundium and something else, the abolition of the minifundium, the establishment of adequate agricultural structures, the application of technology and scientific methodology in agriculture -- In two words, we can state that here in 12TH BULGARIAN KIMSOMOL CONGRESS
  • The duck's egg of "Heidao" is used the famous duck of Heidao area Heidao blue duck, its duck's egg is bloated by traditional formula and scientific method.
  • In fact, the branch that he refers to as econ-art can be seen as following the recognised scientific methodology of positivism.
  • Condon takes a sympathetic line, though, in his absorbing cine-biography which promotes the view that however muddled he was, Kinsey was brave to try using scientific methods to explain sex in an age of unreason.
  • The two streams of dissolvent influences, negative criticism on the one hand, and positive knowledge and scientific method on the other, were led into a single channel of multiplied volume and force. Voltaire
  • Yet despite the apparent rigor of scientific method, the images themselves are what you might expect - diaphanous, blurry, vignetted, and incomplete.
  • Genpact claims it€ ™ s not just another acronym dished out overnight but a rigorous scientific methodology for managing processes. The Economic Times
  • In their undergraduate years they are drilled in factual knowledge and scientific method, and rarely see patients outside hospital buildings.
  • It is probable enough that there exists a considerable area of what may be called borderland phenomena to which scientific methods of inquiry may be found applicable, and which it is theoretically the business of science to investigate. Religious Reality
  • Not everyone agrees that it is appropriate and desirable to apply the scientific method to politics.
  • The modern scientific method is usually attributed to Galileo.
  • Sometimes, to be sure, one bias or another leads to a violation of the canons of scientific method.
  • The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
  • This is known as falsification, which is required by the scientific method. John Hunter on Sea Levels « Climate Audit
  • The work that came out of that revolution led to a variety of new scholarship that reflected more "universalist" perspectives, which were based on scientific methods that behavioralists believed applied to all questions social scientists wanted to answer. Insular Law Schools
  • The primary source is what scientists and philosophers have said about scientific method.
  • It works on strict adherence to the scientific method, through double-blind studies, good lab practices, etc. and the ability to replicate results.
  • In teaching the scientific method, we are necessarily inculcating certain values in students.
  • The three properties which Peirce had ascribed to scientific method in the context of experimental practice, namely fallibilism, corrigibility and progressivism, could be obtained in the application of critical intelligence to social and political problems. Sidney Hook
  • No one is using the scientific method or offering any kind of testable hypothesis; just look backwards, find whichever market indicator helps support the anti-Obama thesis, and let the hackery commence. The Volokh Conspiracy » Health Insurance and Pharma Stocks Rise, US Treasuries Sink in Reponse to Obama Care:
  • In the 1850s, he developed his scientific method of attribution, a method inspired by the comparative methodologies of the natural sciences.
  • By questioning the validity of the scientific method, the new approach to science education opens up a can of worms.
  • Science always reflects the values of scientists - the difference here is that we state our values up front and do not pretend scientific methods make findings value-free.
  • It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.
  • In that case, such a hypothesis would then have to withstand the rigors of both scientific method (empirically testing and proving or disproving the hypothesis) and peer review.
  • It is squarely in the scientific tradition and is a conscious attempt to apply scientific method to international relations.
  • Using an unscientific method did not stop the government from announcing the results as good news.
  • According to scientific methods, the toxicity and biodegradability of a mixture must be tested on the mixture as a whole. Green Cleaning Products?
  • Not everyone agrees that it is appropriate and desirable to apply the scientific method to politics.
  • Marxism was not primarily a scientific method designed to uncover the mechanisms of the capitalist economy.
  • But theory is not a perfume; it is an integral part of the scientific method. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Mainstream Psychology during most of the 20th century did not apply the scientific method! freud theory of personality, behviorism, etc.. are examples of why phsycholgy got such a bad rep in terms of science. such theories, which highly influenced society, were never real scientific theories since they were never based and grounded on scientific research..such as controlled experiments. Is psychology a science?
  • Bancroft had studied at Göttingen, and imbibed from the German historian Heeren the scientific method of historical study. Initial Studies in American Letters
  • I detailed the basis of my notion of the scientific method as recognising that an alethic morphology is not an epistemic certainty. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • I also think that in terms of difficulty, bio edges physics out but only very slightly, because as some have said, it's "messier"; harder to apply the scientific method to with any expectation of accuracy though some wonderfully creative efforts have come from that same challenge. RRTeaching
  • In fact, they are not alone in defending the scientificity of yogic meditation as a valid scientific method.
  • He also displayed a distaste or lack of appreciation for the scientific method.
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • Methods: 160 patients with different degree of the ametropia were examined with new scientific method.
  • He could use the scientific method to determine whether his hunch was correct, and whether it might really help his business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Darwin's last major publication was a treatise on the lowly earthworm that exemplified the meticulous scientific method that brought him to fame.
  • A rigorous scientific method was employed to generate the target sample for the study.
  • His observations and experiments certainly demonstrate scientific method.
  • The scientific method uses inductive rather than deductive logic.
  • Before I start to answer some of your questions, or charges/insults, I am going to attempt a little clarification of what I meant by my education leading me to doubt that there is any one particularly setdown, tried and true, “scientific method”. Creation Scientist Challenges Intelligent Design - The Panda's Thumb
  • Feminist extensions of conventional psychological methodology often resemble more explicitly oppositional programmes for social scientific method.
  • He could use the scientific method to determine whether his hunch was correct, and whether it might really help his business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can you imagine advanced scientific methods divorced from the policy and ethics of their actual use?
  • The problem is that the religion that is married to science today will be a widow tomorrow because scientific methods and theories come and go.

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