How To Use Scientific discipline In A Sentence
Emil Kraepelin was a pioneer in the development of psychiatry as a scientific discipline.
The purpose of this book is to initiate a new discipline, namely a formalized epistemological method drawn from the cognitive strategies practised in the most effective among the modern scientific disciplines, as well as from general philosophical thinking.
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He often challenged the climate orthodoxy – which in most scientific disciplines is highly valued, but in climate science is a crime.
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We are looking for an ambitious and enthusiastic scientist, with a PhD in a relevant social scientific discipline and with cross-disciplinary research skills.
These potential sources of emerging infections are diverse and cross the lines of various scientific disciplines and government agency responsibilities.
A multitude of issues in different scientific disciplines - planetary geology, meteorology, seismology, and other fields - could be answered by putting humans on Mars.
First, there were the relatively recent advances in the development of wildlife management as a scientific discipline in its own right.
The one scientific discipline directly applicable to biblical veracity is archeology and I would like to see the digging continue.
An Amazing First Century
Second, most scientific disciplines, including molecular biology and genetics are obliged to seek funding for research from industry.
Few public figures who wish to be taken seriously in any scientific discipline are still trying to discount Darwin's theory of evolution and natural selection.
Emerging scientific disciplines (notably genomics, nanotechnology, and other microsciences) could pave the way for a bioattack.
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Second, most scientific disciplines, including molecular biology and genetics are obliged to seek funding for research from industry.
They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.
Many of the authors seem to consider ethnomusicology as a scientific discipline whose goal is to objectively record and notate music.
This intellectual travelogue takes readers on a tour through ethology, the scientific discipline focusing on animal behavior.
The highly interdisciplinary nature of biomimetic work makes it difficult for a single research group to be successful unless its expertise truly spans multiple scientific disciplines.
While the ophthalmoscope made von Helmholtz famous, he distinguished himself in a number of scientific disciplines involving sensory perception, so much so that the Encyclopaedia Britannica wrote: "His life from first to last was one of devotion to science, and he must be accounted, on intellectual grounds, as one of the foremost men of the 19th century.
Dec. 6, 1850: The Eyes Have It, Thanks to the Ophthalmoscope
They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.
Within the philosophy of mind, an eliminativist materialism is the most radical form of materialism as it further posits that mental states (e.g., desire, hope) are not real, do not truly exist, but rather are artifacts of a "folk psychology," artifacts that neuroscience and other purportedly pure scientific disciplines will some day, at some more enlightened point in the future, vanquish.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
These potential sources of emerging infections are diverse and cross the lines of various scientific disciplines and government agency responsibilities.
These potential sources of emerging infections are diverse and cross the lines of various scientific disciplines and government agency responsibilities.
Tappan, a heathenish idea persists that what they need more than hygienics and scientific discipline is some of that old-fashioned love -- love which rocks them when it is not good for them -- love which overfeeds them sometimes so that they yell with old-fashioned colic -- love which ventures a bacilli-laden kiss.
The Danger Mark
The historical tendency of the unity of science movement is toward a unified science departmentalized into special sciences, and not toward a speculative juxtaposition of an autonomous philosophy and a group of scientific disciplines.
Archive 2009-09-01