How To Use Science In A Sentence
While the site focuses mainly on their environmental concerns, they're also up in arms about the Bush administration's general abuse and disregard for science - including the idea that abstinence is some kind of cureall.
News from the House of Sticks -
Labour to keep alive in your breast that spark of celestial fire, called conscience.
The recent U.S. ranking by the World Economic Forum of 48th out of 133 developed or developing nations in quality of math and science instruction is a siren call.
Jacqueline Edelberg: Political Will
It would not be so bad if these tests were actually based on science or some objective measure but they are usually exercises in bureaucratic futility.
Barack Obama Elected President of the United States | One Year Later...What's Changed?
If we got into Ceram (and got out again), the doctor would reduce the whole affair to a few tables of anthropological measurements, a few more hampers of birds, beasts, and native rubbish in the hold, and a score of paragraphs couched in the evaporated, millimetric terms of science.
The Spinner's Book of Fiction
Among our number, there must be some who can bring home to the viewers the value and fascination of history as an art and science.
But the avant-garde has found support for its imaginative approach from such sciences as biology.
First, the entire science of astronomy had depended on careful measurement from the very beginning.
The services of the laboratory are offered gratuitously to any scientist or graduate student engaged in research which makes a significant contribution to progress in the fields of science.
He was one of the first 19th century sailors who tamed the seas through science, inventing systems for transporting cannon over marshy ground, ciphers for code and a system of hydrographical surveys.
What seemed an easy task becomes complicated by locals' objections and, ultimately, the landman's own crisis of conscience.
In the child's imagination, fuelled by science-fiction, the aliens are about to land.
The disciplines of science and engineering are not always sharply separated.
It ought to be pointed out that calculating passenger kilometres is an inexact science.
The success of the natural sciences has been fueled by "consilience," he says.
Wilson's World
Then, when cashiered out of the navy after refusing to follow orders which offended his conscience, he is visited by the mysterious benefactor who has shadowed him his entire life, who invites him to join a highly exclusive gentlemen's club, Redking's.
REVIEW: Not Less Than Gods and The Women of Nell Gwynne's by Kage Baker
As a result, instead of the clean visuals that typify the science fiction genre, we see lens flares, shaky handheld cameras, zooms, and sloppy rack focuses even in CGI shots.
Science finds that a surface tension on the water can draw the boats together, like toy boats in a bathtub.
At the moment, the public has a rather ambivalent attitude toward science.
Some of it is maybe "agenbite of inwit," the Middle English phrase meaning remorse of conscience.
Rectitude Chic
All men have a moral conscience and want to be good, but often fail to avoid doing what is morally wrong. Dr T.P.Chia
( "NNE"), a portfolio company of Metalmark Capital focused on natural gas opportunities in the Marcellus Shale ( "Marcellus"), announced today that B.J. Carney, formerly Geoscience Coordinator, Marcellus Shale at Chesapeake Energy (NYSE: CHK), has been named Vice President of Geoscience for NNE.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Science is not all white coats and wiry hair.
Times, Sunday Times
Getting governments to recognise the importance of an AIDS vaccine is as critical as getting the science right in the laboratory.
Popper described science as the greatest adventure in the world.
The babel of languages used in science by the late 19th century was a good argument for a universal, ideally neutral language.
Roulston appears unruffled by the lack of attention, his concern mainly extending to getting the young interested in science and electronics, which he regards as vital for the future of the economy.
The company has always been at the forefront of science and technology.
Penguin used to do these great science fiction paperback editions, and they had one series with really evocative paintings — glossy, garish, almost hyperrealist — on the covers.
Ballardian » The 032c Interview: Simon Reynolds on Ballard, part 2
There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the fatiguing climb of its steep paths have a chance of gaining its luminous summits.
It might also rewrite the science books.
Times, Sunday Times
It turned out I was pretty good in science. But again, because of the small budget, in science class we couldn't afford to do experiments in order to prove theories. We just believed everything. Actually, I think that class was called Religion. Religion class was always an easy class. All you had to do was suspend the logic and reasoning you were being taught in all the other classes. George Carlin
It's science fiction all right, but it's also a character study and a murder mystery.
That social science does not examine a phenomenon does not compel us to conclude that the phenomenon does not exist.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
She agreed that gastric emptying was not an exact science.
Times, Sunday Times
I thought of biochemistry in our neighboring sciences and of psychophysics, and more recently of psychopharmacology, as examples of fruitful splitting and recombination in our own science.
The opening door woke Roger, startled Patrick and gave the cat an unwonted and sudden attack of conscience.
Besides working on Inside Out, the reporter was also presenting a special documentary about forensic science.
ABC of agrobiology; the quantitative science of plant life and plant nutrition for gardeners, farmers and general readers.
I watched a show last night on advances in forensic science.
A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart.
The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
As a means of solving the problem British philosopher Karl Popper proposed the principle of falsifiability - if a theory is falsifiable, then it is scientific; if it is not falsifiable, then it is not science.
It is Faur's contention that the Kabbalist rabbis, seen through the filter of the vertical model, transform the Talmudic tradition -- based on a pluralistic dialogue and formal legal strictures -- into an occult hermeticism creating a Judaism that is sealed off from critical reading and rational science.
David Shasha: Two Models of Jewish Tradition: Vertical-Hierarchical and Horizontal Pluralist
At the best of times, science leaves me with a quizzical expression on my face and a less than articulate ‘eh?’
Known as chemurgy, the science lost much of its ‘reason for being’ after WWII when the petroleum industry redirected its attention from the war effort to commercial products.
It's science fiction but it gives a good inside on war strategies and tactics.
God's omniscience means he knows all our needs and God's omnipresence means we can pray to him wherever we are, but if we fall into bland repetition of these truths, they will grow tiresome.
PROS: Very interesting sci-fi ideas about life at extremely low temperatures, includes facts based on the very latest science available in biology and planetology, characters were very interesting and well managed.
REVIEW: The Sunborn by Gregory Benford
He's an amiable man in a striped shirt who talks with infectious vim about science.
Times, Sunday Times
The question you have asked is basic to much of modern-day science activity.
Shortly after Joe Haldeman received a Bachelor of Science degree in astronomy from the University of Maryland, he was drafted into the army where he served (and received a Purple Heart medal) as a combat engineer in Vietnam.
MIND MELD: The Funniest Writers in the History of SF/F
Again, is it true that the fixed or the unvarying is the last revelation of science?
The Secret Beyond Science
They acted out of a conscience that patriots despised but at least could understand.
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And wherefore is he wearing such a conscience-stricken air?
Dipodic Verse : A.E. Stallings : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
The aims of the scheme are to demystify science in the eyes of students and to get scientists to explain what they do in normal, everyday language.
Science, for instance, is in its seventh edition.
Thus natural science will be subalternate to mathematics, for even though mathematics is not the science of the higher form, of light, considered in itself, it does govern the way in which light realizes itself in space.
Medieval Theories of Demonstration
In the fall of 2003, the authors and several of their colleagues conducted a telephone survey of representatives from a range of institutions offering a major in agronomy or crop science.
Rumours of his omniscience were demoralizing.
What science has yet to uncover is why it happens so often around me.
I’m not sure whether to be insulted or amused. I’ll go with both. « A Bird’s Nest
Betty is a bundle of nerves, has a well-developed "New-England Conscience," and among other deviative (not degenerative) signs is possessed of an insatiate desire to climb trees.
Why Worry?
Other Tags: science researcher oviraptor fast formation Noah Flood gigantic dinosaur egg titanosaurus hadrosaur Vance Nelson Charles Lyell discredit Moses Father - Articles related to Congress begins investigating salmonella outbreak, egg recalls
I have battled with my conscience over whether I should actually send this letter.
Collectively, the papers make a significant contribution to our understanding of science and cognition.
These are mind-boggling questions for a person of normal prudence because in science, colour is simply light of different wavelength.
As he came towards the end of his school career in 1920 he realised that he could not pursue both music and science.
I think this study proves the difference between popular science and biological or anatomical science, " said Gedis Grudzinskas, consultant gynaecologist at London Bridge hospital.
How will she square this with her conscience?
Commentary has pretty much adopted him as their science guy, and he has published a steady stream of flapdoodle in their pages over the last decade.
In fact, our lunar friend provides an instructive example of how a vulgar and dogmatic notion of ‘science’ can be quite compatible with the most arcane fantasies.
Perhaps that is why so many athletes major in kinesiology, which is the science of the body and body language.
The Strange Death of Liberal America
As a long-time B-list critic and junketeer, my conscience has long been inured to the petty scams of the Golden Globes voter shoving another complimentary cream puff into his craw.
House of Scams and Fog, Or How to Break Into Your Own Apartment
abstractness," of science, it also accounts for its wide and free range of fruitful novel applications in practice.
Democracy and Education: an introduction to the philosophy of education
-- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology.
Sociology and Modern Social Problems
From Wikipedia: A redshirt is a stock character, used frequently in science fiction but also in other genres, whose purpose is to die soon after being introduced, thus indicating the dangerous circumstances faced by the main characters.
October 2007
No one has the right to try to salve their conscience through another human being.
Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects.
Advertising may be described as the science of arresting human in-telligence long enough to get money from it.
Implements the total management to the product cost a primary coverage is must carry on the science to the cost the predict that works out the reasonable plan.
I was a conscienceless exploiter of men, a ruiner of families, a disgusting plutocrat who cared nothing for anyone but myself.
The envelopes
Despite his major contribution to medical science, he died reviled, his name soon forgotten.
The universe is still considerably uncomprehended by science.
More atheist proselytising « Anglican Samizdat
I would advise her to do history, geography and a science.
Times, Sunday Times
Is a global social conscience a luxury only the pampered scions of the middle classes can afford?
Soon all that was left was nothing more than a ghostly echo of a guilty conscience.
In fact, of all the areas of Middle Eastern studies, political science is the one where Said has probably had the least impact.
It might also rewrite the science books.
Times, Sunday Times
The brotherly spirit of science, which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe.
We call it QED, after the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, or "proven as demonstrated," and it is intended to bridge the funding gap, popularly known as the "Valley of Death," between research grants and private investment while advocating proof-of-concept development projects within the life sciences. --
The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science requires reasoning while those other subjects merely require scholarship. Robert A. Heinlein
You can face Lionel with a clear conscience -- you've done nothing to harm him.
Lawes written thei occupy none, but iudge accordyng to reason and conscience.
The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
He holds bachelor's degrees in bioengineering, medical laboratory science and community health and safety studies from the University of Illinois.
We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.
While the Cimento did not survive, it appeared at a crucial moment in the development of early modern science.
An excellent example of this return is the new psychological science of happiness, represented, for example, by the fundamental work of Edward Diener.
The indie science-fiction movie is an unpredictable beast.
Times, Sunday Times
That," said Sethos, with a fair imitation of his infuriating smile," is what comes of having a reputation for omniscience.
Meeting ethical criteria leads not only to a relatively clear research conscience but to better research.
The result of the combined exertions of Messrs. Savage and Wilson was not only the obtaining of a very full account of the habits of this new creature, but a still more important service to science, the enabling the excellent American anatomist already mentioned, Professor Wyman, to describe, from ample materials, the distinctive osteological characters of the new form.
WV: croquis: When your beloved pet croquis, you can turn him into a science project.
Blame Decopac
Praxis: Practice, especially of an art, science, or technical occupation, opposite to theory.
The aim of the week was to show students the variety of opportunities in science, engineering and technology.
He will graduate with a major in computer science and a minor in philosophy, and he plans to pursue his interest in freelance photography and photojournalism.
That rational stance typifies a career straddling science and business.
Times, Sunday Times
Dr Owen might have added, I suppose, that a necessary interest in the private lives of public figures was a feature even of powerful monarchies, where wedding-night consummation was a dynastic issue to be settled with the production of the kind of gloopy evidence now entertaining audiences for forensic science TV shows such as
Top stories from Times Online
Now, as for those in our church who contend for the ceremonies, many of them are led by such _argumenta inartificialia_, as wealth, preferment, &c., and if conscience be at all looked to by them, yet they only throw and extort an assent and allowance from it, when worldly respects have made them to propend and incline to an anterior liking of the ceremonies.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
The outcome of better science should be the betterment of society, on the whole, and an improvement in every individual's life.
It also helps struggle against anti - science and pseudoscience during SC.
Materialization of both wish and phantasy is monstrous to Victor, because his egoic coherence depends on denying the death-drive that he sublimes as life — especially the life of science, invention, and creativity.
Attached to Reading: Mary Shelley's Psychical Reality
Marschak, 1965 , " The Economics of Language " , Behavioral Science, vol. 10 , pp . 135 - 140.
The basic human sciences involved are anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
Both bearings are founded on what is called canting heraldry, a species of art disowned by the writers on the science, yet universally made use of by those who practise the art of blazonry.
Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft
Poster boy of creationists everywhere, he has cut himself adrift from the world of real science.
Behe vs. Dawkins
When we follow our conscience, we weigh the arguments and do what we recognise to be right.
As it says in the beginning, -- "Tending babies is an art, and every art is founded on a science of observations; for love is not wisdom, but love must act _according to wisdom_ in order to succeed.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 61, November, 1862
But the presence or absence of their mother may make all the difference in determining which is which, according to new research published online yesterday in Nature Neuroscience.
Mother’s Presence can Override Fear | Impact Lab
One does not always like to brag about her omniscience.
The science and engineering master was always amiable.
However, there are some excellent 'old labour 'style policies I'd vote for, unfortunately allied to post-modern, psuedo-sciencey rubbish that reads like the ramblings of a drugged horse (halts to stem cell research, animal experimentation and a promotion of alternative therpaies etc).
The murky politics of the Green Party
It was called Longitude and it became an international bestseller, making Dava Sobel the most bankable name in popular science writing.
This is part of an emerging science called neuromarketing, which uses the techniques of cognitive neuroscience to try and evaluate and design better product promotions.
Mind Hacks: February 2006 Archives
Ray Bradbury turned 90 years old on Aug. 22, and the science fiction pioneer has no intention of slowing down.
Central to his image of science were the arrangements of atoms in molecules, and the bonds that held them together.
If something in science suddenly becomes so sacrosanct that you can't question it, then it ceases to be science.
UK research and science budgets are already being cut.
Times, Sunday Times
a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: 6 From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; 7 Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
Founded in 1660, the Society has three roles, as the UK academy of science, as a learned Society, and as a funding agency.
The science of 'epigraphy' is an old one.
The Times Literary Supplement
Theology has often ‘used eschatology to move into speculations about a virtual reality, something that science will not readily accept.’
The State shall encourage government, organs, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and citizens to participate in and support activities aimed at science and technology progress.
The ideal candidate should hold a doctoral degree in computational biology, biomathematics, computer science, electrical or mechanical engineering, or related fields with no more than 5 years of prior postdoctoral research experience.
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That would be the option of theistic evolution, which to me is not a logical choice because it requires elements of faith that simply don't comport with science and logic.
They do, on occasion, have pangs of conscience regarding self-centredness.
As the science of robotics advances, the search for resources and signs of life on distant planets and moons will be carried out increasingly by rovers and other robots.
Manchester's Museum of Science and Industry has more than doubled its visitors after abolishing admission charges.
The tour included a visit to the Science Museum.
He was the first to identify the group of four canonical sciences (logistic [arithmetic], geometry, astronomy and music), which would become known as the quadrivium in the middle ages.
Today Science tells us the speed of light is decaying, the magnetic field is collapsing, the earth is slowly beginning to wobble on its axis, the protective ozone layer is thinning.
Most Hollywood films, particularly science fiction films, are these days a mass of overfamiliar and uncredited cliches that have been ripped off and merged together, usually not very intelligently.
Think of the good done - the minimum wages, the new deals and other sops to middle class consciences, they plead.
You can't easily replicate that kind of creepy omniscience, and until today it makes me wonder whether some god-like entity of biological origins is behind the progress of human civilization.
MIND MELD: The Best Aliens in Science Fiction
Aside from various ontologic and epitimologic arguments, "belief" as such has little place in science.
Take That! (or: WTG Panda)
It is aimed at the student teacher and those teachers who are not yet confident in science.
Sornette's discussion of the science of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes and meteorite impacts is riveting.
NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA), and the Baltimore-based Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) have released new pictures from the telescope this week, to celebrate Hubble's anniversary. by sam-kiley April 24, 2010 4: 29 PM EDT coucou ..
Breaking News: CBS News
Supervenience on the physical realm is thus a far weaker requirement than that some property should enter into natural laws, say, or be analysable by the methods of the natural sciences.
Writer, publisher, mother of two incipient adults, slave of cats: Barbara Friend Ish is the publisher of Mercury Retrograde Press, which publishes fantasy, science fiction, and interstitial works.
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The others seem to think he's hugely intelligent, which says more about the bunch of thickos who have been thrown together this year than it does about Science himself.
Alfred Nobel, by the expression of his lofty ideals, has recognized the importance of science and creative accomplishments in augmenting human happiness.
George R. Minot - Banquet Speech
And as long as we use the term ambiguously and fail to discriminate between conscience proper and the term as used in the looser, larger sense, we will have nothing but confusion.
To Infidelity and Back
You are unable to conceive of the man without conscience.
The book serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern science.
What drives them to subvert science, lie about the sources of the harm done, ruin countless lives?
The science of narcolepsy and the associated condition, cataplexy is mysterious and wasn't fully explained.
Times, Sunday Times
More than six in ten doctoral degrees are now awarded to women, and a quarter of speakers at science conferences are female, according to a leading anthropologist.
Times, Sunday Times
Have they no conscience about that?
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The printing was poor and he tried to blind me with science by saying that it was the fault of the paper and not his machine.
Single fish-eye projectors that cover an entire dome now display digital skies in planetariums in many schools, science centers, and public libraries.
Patient Zero is a fast paced read, featuring Joe Ledger, a no-nonsense, no-hesitation fighter who is recruited for the Department of Military Science (DMS) to fight a new threat: a bio-terrorism agent that affects its victims in a way that makes them resemble zombies.
Dusk Before the Dawn » 2009 » April
A horrible something, as penetrable as mist, as keen as the sting of conscience, as inevitable as the burden of life, seemed to inwrap him.
A Tar-Heel Baron
Hallucigenia" hits a good cross section of themes and set pieces central to my work -- hard bitten protagonists, dark cults, insanity, gratuitous rumpy pumpy, esoteric lore, super science, monsters, and cosmic horror all tangled up in pulp-noir webbing.
INTERVIEW: Laird Barron
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The apostle Paul has a great passage in the book of Romans, chapter 7 I believe, where he anguishes over the fact that the good that he knows and wants to do he finds difficult to accomplish because of his flesh (in neuroscience, brain).
Testing the Freedom to Choose, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
In contrast, the behavioral science theorists engaged in objective research on human behavior in organizations.
XML documents are trees, which should ring a bell for those of you who studied computer science in college.
Why, then, should Catholic theology, because of its postulates, lemmata, and mysteries, be denied the name of a science?
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
Here's the most succulent bit: Distinctions between the body and landscape will be blurred in the new practice of geomedicine and the related science of medical geology.
Archive 2006-04-01
Language is acquiring increased visibility in the field of cognitive science.
Only protracted stagnation of yields brought them to a grudging retreat from farming by decree, and from Lysenko's “agrobiology,” which cast an aura of science over the Stalinist agricultural policy.
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Leading teams through a one-day goal-setting workshop does not involve rocket science.
After such men as Morhof and Thomasius had prepared the way, (148) Frederick William I., himself a clever cameralist, and author of the masterly financial system of Prussia, took the important step of founding, at Halle and Frankfurt on the Oder, special chairs of economy and cameralistic science; which, considering the time, were very ably filled by Gasser and Dithmar.
System der volkswirthschaft. English
The Canadian science show Daily Planet sent a message to 37 Geminorum back in 2005.
A Month of Writers, Day Two: Charles Stross « Whatever
But ultimately, after wrestling with his conscience, he decided not to publish a story.
He's proved his point long ago and could pack it in tomorrow if he wanted with a clear conscience.
But to dismiss them without scientific inquiry would be to dogmatise science, and label as heresy any challenge thrown at it.
'This house will do whatever is incumbent upon it in good conscience,' said the abbot with chilly emphasis, and watched with an unrevealing face as Drogo Bosiet, with only the curtest of nods by way of leavetaking, turned on his booted heel and strode out of the chapterhouse.
The Hermit of Eyton Forest
This was the syndrome throughout the Holy City, where the dialectic between science and belief, truth and faith, went blooey.
The Lampshade
The Great Bars are dying because of fear and bad science, but the solutions seem pretty obvious.
They see a one-year masters in computer sciences as a way of making that transition.
Times, Sunday Times
Russell Coope, The climatic significance of coleopteran assemblages from the Eemian deposits in southern England, Geologie en Mijnbouw / Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 79 (2/3): 257-267 (2000)
Bürger and Cubasch: Are multiproxy climate reconstructions robust? « Climate Audit
As a non-science, psychology is immune to disproof of its claims.
Reason, conscience and common sense demand that there be a Creator.
So, too, is David trapped when the prophet Nathan uses a story to catch his king's conscience.
A fourth undergraduate program leads to the degree Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics with Computer Science; it is intended for students seriously interested in theoretical computer science.
Apologists wishing to exploit a revisionist history of science invariably stress the profoundly religious orientation of many prominent scientists.
A sports science and psychology building would be built on the site of the existing swimming pool, health centre and squash courts, with a third building behind.
One, who chose a college in northwest London to swot up on his GCSE science over Easter, found himself in a class of 30.
The life sciences and biomedical sector has proved a significantly strong hand.
Times, Sunday Times
Indeed, one has to wonder for a community that has spawned scores of spelling bee champions and science finalists, but has painfully few athletes, runners and players.
he has no conscience about his cruelty
It took old-fashioned rocket science to put the contraption into orbit on September 27 last year.
The enthusiasts' tactics include presenting science as theatre, magic tricks and fantasy.
Natural science managers oversee activities in agricultural science, chemistry, biology, geology, meteorology, or physics.
Both ignored the curious stares thrown their way as they rushed towards their science class.
There have been many major advances in the science, technical and business side of farming and agriculture over the past number of years.