How To Use Schweiz In A Sentence
- While gleefully announcing that Chomsky's website has (gasp) a copyright warning, Schweizer smugly points out that the site "does give you the opportunity to 'sublicense' the material ["]. Slackbastard
- Da sage noch einer, Videospiele mit Filmlizenzen würden keinen Zocker mehr hinter dem Ofen hervor beziehungsweise zum Games-Händler seines Vertrauens locken: In der aktuellen Schweizer Videospiele-Verkaufscharts ist Gameswelt - Aktuelle News
- They include Cardinaux's peaceful snowscape St Moritz, Carlo Pellegrini's Adelboden illustrating resting skiers and Plinio Colombi's energetic Wintersport in Der Schweiz.
- The paintings for Abraham Wagner were reproduced as prints under the title Merkwürdigen Prospekte aus den Schweizer Gebirge.
- Schweizer is a harmonically adventurous ballad player, a inventive explorer of under-the-lid strings sounds and percussive effects, and she plays Jimmy Giuffre's iconic cool-jazz groover The Train and the River with a freewheeling relish. Irène Schweizer: To Whom It May Concern – review
- Die Schweizer sind reif für die Insel: Der Action-Ausflug nach Panau namens Gameswelt - Aktuelle News
- The entrepreneurial owner cut his teeth on a Schweizer 300 which he still owns.