How To Use Schorl In A Sentence
There are exceptions, such as German manganite, some Bolivian and Chinese cassiterite, Russian ilvaite, Brazilian and Namibian schorl, Panasqueira ferberite, and rutile, especially that from Graves Mountain, Georgia.
If the stuff does not answer the magnet, it is probably schorl (tourmaline), hornblende, or dark quartz.
To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
They contain sulfide minerals as well as metamorphic minerals that include cordierite, gahnite, epidote, garnet, amphiboles, schorl, and many others.
I observed neither hornblende, black schorl, nor rutile titanite, in this granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Here it was associated with quartz, albite, schorl, muscovite, and microcline in the intermediate zone.
He informed us all about internal fires and tertiary formations; about äeriforms, fluidiforms, and solidiforms; about quartz and marl; about schist and schorl; about gypsum and trap; about talc and calc; about blende and horn-blende; about mica-slate and pudding-stone; about cyanite and lepidolite; about hematite and tremolite; about antimony and calcedony; about manganese and whatever you please.
Garnets and schorl are the most likely collectible minerals to be encountered.
We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
He informed us all about internal fires and tertiary formations; about äeriforms, fluidiforms, and solidiforms; about quartz and marl; about schist and schorl; about gypsum and trap; about talc and calc; about blende and horn-blende; about mica-slate and pudding-stone; about cyanite and lepidolite; about hematite and tremolite; about antimony and calcedony; about manganese and whatever you please.
Brandberg has been producing thousands of gemmy, zoned amethyst crystals, and a new area was found in the Erongo Mountains for schorl, aquamarine, and topaz.
These crystals were abundant in a very micaceous pegmatitic rock composed of muscovite, albite, and quartz with accessory schorl crystals.
Most have some collectible minerals such as beryl, garnet, and schorl, and a few have lithium minerals.
I observed neither hornblende, black schorl, nor rutile titanite, in this granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
Structurally, therefore, these isles are a continuation of Land's End, but the granite has become less consistent and more friable; it is largely broken into felspar, quartz, and mica, with schorl, chlorite, and hornblende.
The Cornwall Coast
The granite is dark red, often inclosing veins of quartz, crystallized and compact, and likewise well-formed crystals of schorl.
On the Old Road, Vol. 2 (of 2) A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays and Articles on Art and Literature
Here it was associated with quartz, albite, schorl, muscovite, and microcline in the intermediate zone.
I saw distinctly that, wherever they crossed each other, the veins containing mica and black schorl traversed and drove out of their direction those which contained only white quartz and feldspar.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
This is more especially true of chlorite, schorl, hornblende and augite.
A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
During the formation of pockets, schorl was the dominant early tourmaline species forming and is found along the margins of the pockets.
Numerous other minerals are at times mistaken for tin, the most common of which are tourmaline or schorl, garnet, wolfram (which is a tungstate of iron with manganese), rutile or titanic acid, blackjack or zinc blende, together with magnetic, titanic, and specular iron in fine grains.
Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
Roche hermitage in Cornwall occupies a spire of rocks of schorl that shoots 100 feet above the surrounding moor.
Castles and Cave Dwellings of Europe
The lowest range above Djidda is calcareous; but its rocks soon change into gneiss, and a species of granite, with schorl in the place of feldspath, accompanied by predominant masses of quartz, and some mica.
Travels in Arabia
Most have some collectible minerals such as beryl, garnet, and schorl, and a few have lithium minerals.
Sprays of black schorl in quartz are some of its most sought-after minerals.
Numerous other minerals are at times mistaken for tin, the most common of which are tourmaline or schorl, garnet, wolfram (which is a tungstate of iron with manganese), rutile or titanic acid, blackjack or zinc blende, together with magnetic, titanic, and specular iron in fine grains.
Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
_New violet schorl_, or _sphene_ of HAÜY, (_rayonnante en goutière_ of SAUSSURE) in the same place.
Paris as It Was and as It Is
We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The lowest range above Djidda is calcareous; but its rocks soon change into gneiss, and a species of granite, with schorl in the place of feldspath, accompanied by predominant masses of quartz, and some mica.
Travels in Arabia