
How To Use Schoolmaster In A Sentence

  • It was growing increasingly obvious as I defended myself against her attack that she was simply toying with me, drawing out my technique as a schoolmaster draws recitations from his students.
  • Some tutors attempt the _suaviter in modo_, my schoolmaster preferred the _fortiter in re_; and, as the boatswain said, by the "instigation" of a large knotted stick, he drove knowledge into our skulls as a caulker drives oakum into the seams of Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval Officer
  • As Becky goes into the schoolhouse, she notices that the schoolmaster has left his desk key in the lock on the drawer.
  • I had planned to become a schoolmaster because Latin was a prerequisite for the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • His vision of modernity has been to preside over the House in a vestigial remnant of the Speaker's traditional costume, so that he resembles a schoolmaster summoned abruptly from the lunch table.
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  • Charlotte Brontë's novel is not very different from typical gothic thrillers - everything from a sadistic schoolmaster to the arsonist madwoman in the attic.
  • The schoolmaster requested a meeting at nine o'clock in the morning.
  • He did not even speak to her, but spoke to the governess of the Royal nursery and the schoolmaster and the servants who had come through the day, asking them about William's health and what he had eaten.
  • At the end of every term a schoolmaster reports on each of his pupils.
  • From him I discovered that he and a cooper were the only Danes residing here, and they, together with a cross-breed who did the double duty of priest and schoolmaster, constituted the officials of Cron-Prin's Islands. Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal; or, Eighteen Months in the Polar Regions, in Search of Sir John Franklin's Expedition, in the Years 1850-51
  • “Come down, my boy,” he said in the slightly schoolmasterish tone he always used when he wanted something done quickly. The Tiger in the Smoke
  • His schoolmasterish manner, combined with the unmistakable tone of condescension, were enough to make a more hot-tempered man see red. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • In her view ‘doctors, schoolmasters, bank managers and parsons were all respected members of the community’ and she was determined that her son should join them.
  • Domsie," as we called the schoolmaster, behind his back in Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush
  • I have been, in return, telling him the story of the Irish schoolmaster who puzzled the magistrate's bench by a petition about a small cornuted animal, meaning a kid. Dynevor Terrace: or, the clue of life — Volume 1
  • Our speaker today is, of course, a schoolmaster and one of his colleagues in replying to the enquiries of a fond parent as to the progress and safety of her son wrote "Dear Madam, such time as your son does not devote to self-adornment is spent in the neglect of his studies. Canada's Military Colleges
  • The Schoolmaster receives no quarterage from the children of the tenants of Knockaloe.
  • That kind of man was very often represented in his work by the retired schoolmaster that he himself was for the last 28 years of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The coldest-blooded amongst us, Mr. Massingham of _The Nation_ for example, must confess that it was a moment rich in the emotion which bestows immortality on incident when this son of a village schoolmaster, who grew up in a shoemaker's shop, and whose boyish games were played in the street of a Welsh hamlet remote from all the refinements of civilization and all the clangours of industrialism, announced to a breathless Europe without any pomposity of phrase and with but a brief and contemptuous gesture of dismissal the passing away from the world's stage of the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns -- those ancient, long glorious, and most puissant houses whose history for an æon was the history of The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
  • And despite a police appeal the monument from the family grave of Robert, the village schoolmaster for almost 40 years, was not returned.
  • Anthony Buckeridge assembles the real essence of the retired schoolmaster - Panama hat, silver-tipped cane, swan-necked pipe (minus tobacco since a heart attack last year).
  • His old schoolmaster called by and launched into an analysis of American politics.
  • Little, however, has been known about the shy schoolmaster who produced these works, some of which he wrote with his brother.
  • His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.
  • In 1790s Gotham, most children were educated within an informal system of ‘pay schools’ presided over by independent schoolmasters and schoolmistresses.
  • Adversity is a good [great] schoolmaster
  • In the end, after the passing of several years, now matured and transformed into an educated young woman, she marries the schoolmaster.
  • The National Union of Teachers and the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers say heads must find money to implement the accord.
  • The retired schoolmaster has been panning for half his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers recently threatened strike action if local authorities pressed ahead with the move.
  • Almost as important as the domine was the _voorleezer_ or chorister, who was also generally the bell-ringer, sexton, grave-digger, funeral inviter, schoolmaster, and sometimes town clerk. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • He was educated at Charterhouse School in London and was nominated by his schoolmaster for an exhibition to Christ church College, Oxford to which he was admitted as a commoner in 1720.
  • One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • Melinda explained that it had originally been the old schoolmaster's room adjoining the nursery.
  • The new schoolmaster has some build!
  • There are others who fiddle about at the edges of things, such as the stranger's gang, the schoolmaster's mistress, a boy who comes for private lessons, the barber, the surgeon.
  • One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • Some of us are schoolmasters or college tutors; some of us are doctors who failed to draw patients; some of us are disfrocked parsons; a vast proportion are briefless barristers.
  • The rector is a legendary schoolmaster, but a complex one. Visions From a Vanishing World
  • The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White.
  • The former schoolmaster was never happy with the media when they were castigating him for years of failure with Edinburgh and, if anything, he appears even less comfortable now the press that he receives is universally favourable.
  • To its followers, heritage offered a free ticket into a past liberated from the schoolmasterly disciplines of chronology, narrative, and moral judgment.
  • State puts a schoolmaster into a schoolhouse, without adequate payment for himself, without adequate provision either for building or the upkeep of building; it bids him to keep it clean, but pays no servant to wash or sweep; and, while enjoining the absence of dirt, it checks and hampers that desire to decorate, which is the positive side of order and taste. Irish Books and Irish People
  • But in the end the film feels closer to a rambled lecture by a schoolmaster punch-drunk on self-importance.
  • They still find it difficult to relate to the low-key, at times schoolmasterish, rhetoric of the African National Congress (ANC) leader. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The retired schoolmaster has been panning for half his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • And the schoolmaster came out smiling, holding a pipe which was a good deal taller than I, held out his hand, and asked me to come in, gave me coffee at once, and expressed the profoundest contempt for the peasant who had charged two rigsdaler for such a trifle, and then left me in the road. Recollections Of My Childhood And Youth
  • For the rest, a face rather oval than long, a nose which the schoolmaster declared was "statuesque The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • He told me also a curious conversation amongst three grooms, at which Wrightson had assisted the day before in a railway carriage, clearly indicating to what an alarming extent the schoolmaster is abroad! Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Disguised as a Dutch schoolmaster, Nathan Hale set out on his mission on September 12.
  • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • Less surprising is the large number of schoolmasters, top public school headmasters, college fellows and masters, and university professors.
  • The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus.
  • A dedicatory Latin poem was contributed by John Elmeston, schoolmaster of Cranbrook.
  • The antiquary John Aubrey, writing in the seventeenth century, cited a report that Shakespeare ‘had been in his younger years a schoolmaster in the country’.
  • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus.
  • One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • These came armed with ferules and birchen rods, being a race of schoolmasters, who first discovered the marvelous sympathy between the seat of honor and the seat of intellect, — and that the shortest way to get knowledge into the head was to hammer it into the bottom. — Washington Irving
  • At the age of about 11, I was taught by a schoolmaster who practised all these techniques, and had even devised a few extra.
  • As Becky goes into the schoolhouse, she notices that the schoolmaster has left his desk key in the lock on the drawer.
  • Frank spoke about dear memories of his former schoolmaster and about the school trips and adoration of football they both shared.
  • Then later, when the schoolmaster would read from the Inverness Courier to one group after another at the post office and at the "smiddy" (it was only fear of the elder MacPherson, that kept the master from reading it aloud at the kirk door before the service) accounts of the "remarkable playing" of Cameron, the brilliant young "half-back" of the Academy in Edinburgh, the Glen settled down into an assured conviction that it had reached the pinnacle of vicarious glory, and that in all Scotland there was none to compare with their young "chieftain" as, quite ignoring the Captain, they loved to call him. Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police; a tale of the Macleod trail
  • One good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • 'You ought not to go out in this weather without wearing galoshes, gentlemen,' Philip Philipovich interrupted in a schoolmasterish voice. The Heart Of A Dog
  • Voluntary - even mandatory - service to school and community is one thing, but to be shanghaied into unpaid labor in order to improve your schoolmasters' quarterly figures?
  • Primary schoolmasters and schoolmistresses, the instituteurs and institutrices, were liberated from the grip of the church, and in 1889 they became employees of the central state instead of the local council.
  • The next day I bought two sheets of foolscap from the schoolmaster, and after tea I betook myself to the granary, barred the door, and fell to writing my sermon. The Story Girl
  • Less surprising is the large number of schoolmasters, top public school headmasters, college fellows and masters, and university professors.
  • His career was as short as it was spectacular and he later emigrated to Australia where he pursued a career as schoolmaster and journalist.
  • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.
  • Caesar receives Antony's schoolmaster, sent with terms for peace: continuing queenship for Cleopatra, and a private life in either Alexandria or Athens for Antony.
  • The schoolmaster is not yet regarded as the mightiest moral agent of the earth; the true vicegerent of the spirit from above, by which alone the soul is truly taught to plume her wings and shape her course for Heaven. Sketches and Tales Illustrative of Life in the Backwoods of New Brunswick, North America
  • I find that, during my nonage, I had the reputation of a very sullen youth, but was always a favourite of my schoolmaster, who used to say, “that my parts were solid, and would wear well.” Looking back to 1711
  • The schoolmaster was a very poor student of English, so he asked the parish priest if he could help in the matter.
  • As for the name of this blog: the ferule and fescue were the two most important instruments of the schoolmaster of old--his rod or cane (ferule) and his pointer (fescue). Archive 2006-05-01
  • I can find nothing sharp (or susceptible of schoolmaster's codification) in the different degrees of 'liveliness' in hypotheses concerning the universe, or distinguish a priori between legitimate and illegitimate cravings. Familiar Letters of William James II
  • a spirit which Satan had bound, the schoolmaster caught sight, -- caught from its commonness, its grimness, its defeature, inspiration and uplifting, for there he beheld the oppressed, down trodden, mire fouled humanity which the man in whom he believed had loved because it was his father's humanity divided into brothers, and had died straining to lift back to the bosom of that Father. The Marquis of Lossie
  • The meeting was chaired by schoolmaster Mr White.
  • His teaching career began as a village schoolmaster.
  • In Gal. 3, 24 the Catholic Bible calls the Law "our pedagog in Christ"; the correct rendering is: "our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ. Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
  • But of course he wasn't: he was a slender, schoolmasterish young man, old beyond his years and serious almost to the point of eccentricity, judging by his conversation so far. The Alamut Ambush
  • Crato therefore forbids all spice, in a consultation of his, for a melancholy schoolmaster, Omnia aromatica et quicquid sanguinem adurit: so doth Fernelius, consil. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • If they did not die young, they mostly spent their lives as schoolmasters, dons, librarians or archivists, often becoming frustrated by their lack of advancement.
  • The schoolmaster is the basis of Germany's commercial and industrial success. Technical Education
  • I observed many classroom behaviors that were expected by colonial schoolmasters.
  • A good schoolmaster is a good schoolmaster – I don't care what else he calls himself. The Old Helmet
  • A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters.
  • Parents were ashamed that never were ashamed before until the kind satirist laughed at them; relatives were frightened; scores of little scholars were taken away; poor schoolmasters had to shut their shops up; every pedagog was voted a Squeers, and many suffered, no doubt unjustly; but afterward, schoolboys’ backs were not so much caned; schoolboys’ meat was less tough and more plentiful; and schoolboys’ milk was not so sky-blue. On Charity and Humor
  • The schoolmaster requested a meeting at nine o'clock in the morning.
  • But the rudesby was too old to be served as he had served the schoolmaster! Warlock o' Glenwarlock
  • The law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith, but _after that faith is come we are no longer under a schoolmaster_. God's Plan with Men
  • And clapping both hands to the back of his neck, the schoolmaster began dancing frantically about, while his boys broke out tittering, "O! the ochidore! look to the blue ochidore! Westward Ho!, or, the voyages and adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh, Knight, of Burrough, in the county of Devon, in the reign of her most glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth
  • It seemed that an altercation had arisen at the grocery (fashionably called doggery), between a son of the defendant and the schoolmaster, which led to the shooting of the pistol by the younger F. at the aforesaid Thomas, as the said The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • Most noble and illustrious drinkers, and you thrice precious pockified blades (for to you, and none else, do I dedicate my writings), Alcibiades, in that dialogue of Plato's which is entitled, "The Banquet," whilst he was setting forth the praises of his schoolmaster Socrates (without all question the prince of philosophers), amongst other discourses to that purpose said that he resembled the Sileni. Classic French Course in English
  • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • Father Maguire, previous to his receiving holy orders, had been a schoolmaster, and exercised his functions on that capacity in holes and corners; sometimes on the sheltery or sunny side of a hedge, as the case might be, and on other occasions when and where he could. Willy Reilly The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • Lady Lothrop and Lois Badger and I have been talking together, and we think the boys might as well go up too to your academy, as our present schoolmaster is not very competent, and you will give them a thorough fitting for college. Oldtown Folks
  • When he spoke it was in the schoolmasterish manner that he sometimes affected. Inspiration
  • At school, the schoolmaster gives the boys school names.
  • Guests came face to face with two mandarins, a wedding bride, a woman with bound feet and her child, a schoolmaster, a shroff (money changer), three soldiers, and a Buddhist priest with a shaved head (fig. 9.7). The Romance of China: Excursions to China in U.S. Culture: 1776-1876
  • Institutions are no place for frolicking, and I mean that not in a stern schoolmasterish way, but rather as a fairly pedestrian observation about how institutions work. Archive 2009-02-01
  • His wideranging intellect, enthusiasm for sport and extrovert and ebullient personality equipped him admirably for life as a schoolmaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her view ‘doctors, schoolmasters, bank managers and parsons were all respected members of the community’ and she was determined that her son should join them.
  • His scraggly beard, prayer callous on his forehead and thick glasses make him look more like an unpleasant and pious schoolmaster than a terrorist mastermind.
  • The schoolmaster is a bear. — «Il est très grave et parfois un peu severe. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The children were awed into silence by the schoolmaster.
  • That kind of man was very often represented in his work by the retired schoolmaster that he himself was for the last 28 years of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Newington spoke like some aggrieved schoolmaster admonishing a pupil. A SHRINE OF MURDERS
  • But what! do the holy penmen of the Scriptures make lexicons, or play the schoolmasters, that they should only teach that the Syriac word Cepha signifies in the Greek language a stone; and Tabitha, Dorcas, that is, a goat? From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • I was forced to endure this schoolmaster's dressing-down despite being innocent of any of the alleged conduct.
  • Now to return to the youth in the corner: _Nemo mortalium omnibus horis sapit_, Jemmy keep your money, or give it to the priest to keep, and it will be safest; but by no means let the Hyblean honey of the schoolmaster's blarney deprive you of it, otherwise it will be a _vale, vale, longum vale_ between you. The Poor Scholar Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of William Carleton, Volume Three
  • The crowd lets out from the play and among them is Mr. Cyril Fielding, the schoolmaster at the government college.
  • That's what I call excellent behavior, and that schoolmaster certainly knows how to organize the activities of his class. Reveries of a Schoolmaster
  • Where, or from whom, has Jenny learned better Latin than the schoolmaster who taught her the language?
  • Peter Fraser-MacKenzie was not at all intimidated by the schoolmasterish official portrait of President, Robert Mugabe, that hanged in the small village post office. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Let all encouragement be given to the "working man" who takes advantage of the fact that the schoolmaster is abroad, but do not encourage the "working man" in bookmaking. Current Literature
  • Here in dim and desperate forms, under the ban of our base culture, stormed at by silly magistrates, sneered at by silly schoolmasters -- here is the old popular literature still popular; here is the unmistakable voluminousness, the thousand-and-one tales of Dick Deadshot, like the thousand-and-one tales of Robin Hood. Why Science Fiction Authors Can't Win
  • Some tutors attempt the _suaviter in modo_, my schoolmaster preferred the _fortiter in re_, and, as the boatswain said, by the "instigation" of a large knotted stick, he drove knowledge into our skulls as a caulker drives oakum into the seams of a ship. Frank Mildmay The Naval Officer
  • Charles the schoolmaster is not anything like Charles any where else, he is quite another creature, as I always told you. Letter 324
  • The schoolmaster met us and led us round the campus.
  • I am sure that we schoolmasters have many faults; but we are really trying to do better, and, as I said before, I only wish that a man of Kipling's genius had held out to us a helping hand, instead of giving us a push back into the ugly slough of usherdom, out of which many good fellows, my friends and colleagues, have, however feebly, been struggling to emerge. The Upton Letters
  • They get the sign-painter's boy to help, because his family rents rooms in the schoolmaster's house.
  • The _manaia_ and the _taupo_ had each written songs and composed music for the dances in our honor, and copies of them, written out neatly by the schoolmaster, were presented to us. The Life of Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson
  • His eager acceptance of a dangerous mission becomes eroded as the time of departure approaches and he reverts to the scared schoolboy seeking re-assurance from his schoolmaster, Osborne.
  • And clapping both hands to the back of his neck, the schoolmaster began dancing frantically about, while his boys broke out tittering, “O! the ochidore! look to the blue ochidore! Westward Ho!
  • Primary schoolmasters and schoolmistresses, the instituteurs and institutrices, were liberated from the grip of the church, and in 1889 they became employees of the central state instead of the local council.
  • Doubtless a few Messrs Chips schoolmasters, olde tyme devotees, still steer a crocodile of shiny-faced charges to look and learn, just as we did, mittened and mufflered in a tingle of anticipation, at Oxford's Iffley Road a few still vividly memorable times in the early 1950s. Singing the blues for rugby's Major event and its men of Steele
  • Three schoolmasters lived in the house: one taught Latin, one mathematics and one music.
  • In the meantime he had become a schoolmaster, teaching mathematics at a Coventry secondary school. Times, Sunday Times
  • Aversion to niche pitches runs all the way from ITV's schoolmasterly Peter Fincham ( "niche interest programme proposals may be better directed at a niche interest channel"), via Sky's untypically blunt Stuart Murphy (ideas "can't be niche"), to even More4's seemingly fed-up Hamish Mykura (who has had his fill of "programmes people bring me that are too small and niche to survive elsewhere"). Why don't TV controllers want to find a niche?
  • adresse" ceases to have charm, and where detail becomes tiresome; but in the want of a schoolmaster to lay down a law of taste, you can admire the new fleche as much as you please. Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres
  • His teaching career began as a village schoolmaster.
  • Seventy years ago an Eton schoolmaster dotingly built his soprano wife a bijou opera-house beside the country pile he inherited on the Sussex Downs at Glyndebourne.
  • He is a sadistic schoolmaster and incompetent teacher.
  • The necessity of replacing the monk by the schoolmaster was recognized, but not the necessity of replacing the nun by the schoolmistress; the purely physical and reproductive idea of woman being once again uppermost, the need for training her mind no longer existed. Marriage as a Trade
  • But there is a meanness and poorness in modern prudence, not only to the damage of civil government, but of religion itself; for to make a man in matter of religion, which admits not of sensible demonstration (jurare in verba magistri), engage to believe no otherwise than is believed by my lord bishop, or Goodman Presbyter is a pedantism that has made the sword to be a rod in the hands of schoolmasters; by which means, whereas the Christian religion is the furthest of any from countenancing war, there never was a war of religion but since The Commonwealth of Oceana
  • I had planned to become a schoolmaster because Latin was a prerequisite for the law. Times, Sunday Times
  • One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. George Herbert 
  • As a former schoolmaster, he has always been outspoken on education issues and a firm supporter of traditional learning methods.
  • He, a ‘highly certified stipendiary schoolmaster’ has ‘acquired mechanically a great store of teacher's knowledge’.
  • In the meantime he had become a schoolmaster, teaching mathematics at a Coventry secondary school. Times, Sunday Times
  • “I have made game of my goose, at any rate, and given Bessie Lee a good lesson, on what our old schoolmaster would call the potentiality of mankind — but come,” she added, for though rather ashamed to confess her purpose when she knew ridicule must be braved, courage was easier to Isabella than subterfuge, “Come along with us to Effie's, and I will tell you the joke I played off on Jupe.” The Linwoods; Or, "sixty Years Since" in America
  • He would be as oversharp as he has often been already," Heinz interrupted, but he patted Biberli's wet arm as he spoke, and added kindly "Yet every day proves that my Biberli is a true and steadfast fellow; but where in the wide world did you, a schoolmaster, gain instruction in the art of throwing the dice? In the Fire of the Forge — Complete
  • He had graduated at St. Andrews in 1654, and after some years of schoolmastering [11] and probationership he was, in 1664, duly admitted on the new Black Chronicles of Strathearn
  • _ Domine, voc. of Dominus) still familiarly applied to schoolmasters, who were of course originally invariably clergymen.] [Footnote 165: A Conventual is a member of some monastic order attached to the regular service of a church, or (as would nowadays be said) a "beneficed" monk.] [Footnote 166: _Sic. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Beyond the smithy were the school-house and the local constable's cottage, a few more cottages occupied by the schoolmaster, the smith, the saw-miller, and some unofficial residents, and, at the end of all, the Carrier's Rest, the township hotel. Colonial Born A tale of the Queensland bush
  • His teaching career began as a village schoolmaster.
  • Her father had been a schoolmaster and, after a reasonable education which included a little French, she entered service at the age of 15, gaining experience and skills in several Yorkshire families.

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