
How To Use Schooling In A Sentence

  • I did not have intent to imply that homeschooling is like public school, but that public school directs what a child learns and when and unschooling does not. What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • This would be the blueprint for all schooling: I'd promote anti-racism and religious tolerance so pupils knew what it was.
  • And we're offering the students a program which not only develops their writing but their oracy from the beginning of schooling.
  • Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
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  • Not only has the idea of schooling spread across the globe but, argue world culture theorists, schooling all over the world takes the same general form.
  • For the homeschooling family, continuing the quiet time will reinforce naps for the little ones (if there are any) and may allow older children to accomplish the heavier "brainwork" of school, or just give them some "down time" after a busy morning. Making Home
  • Stay strong, don't give up on your dreams, and never let your schooling interfere with your education.
  • Many of the canal children were constantly on the move, and lost out on regular schooling.
  • At 11-plus many pupils become boarders, which adds an exciting dimension to their schooling.
  • After a conventional rural schooling, he went on to secondary school in the provincial capital. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • He pointed out that it is now schooling its programmers in security.
  • Backward children need a special kind of schooling.
  • This is a schooling system for consumer cool, soft business, free ownership and disillusioned voters.
  • It is a sound reaching back to the farthest recesses of his throat, to an Etonian schooling in the late 1940s, and to classroom discipline as a Bo'ness Academy dominie in the late 1950s.
  • If we wish children to develop awareness and sensitivity, Art and Nature must ramify their schooling from their early days.
  • Having no business education except that acquired from common experience and observation, and no schooling except of the most rudimentary kind, he would express himself clearly in unpolished but forcible and terse language, and would write out with his own hand a contract which, for precision and completeness, few lawyers could equal. Living in Dryden: John Southworth
  • Reading and writing did not become the predominant method of sharing information until the spread of universal compulsory schooling, which is much more recent than printing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Homeschooling, he warned, could leave children, especially shy ones, isolated and struggling to cope as adults. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those with the diagnosis were more likely to be older, have a grade school education (completed schooling to age 12), and be unmarried in mid-life.
  • Ministers want the public to offer ideas about what needs fixing, and where the vision should be for the long-term future of schooling.
  • Certificates are one outcome of schooling and will enable the pupil to compete effectively in the labour market.
  • Jack didn't receive much formal schooling.
  • A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.
  • And this gap continues to widen over the course of regular schooling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tracey briefly considered not schooling the newcomer to the strangeness of her boss, but it wasn't like she was degrading his supervisor.
  • If California wants to correct its incoherency, and quickly, it first needs to conduct an analysis of all physical and personnel costs associated with schooling in order to meet state-prescribed standards. Rep. Mike Honda: California's Student Lawsuit Exposes Education Disparities in America's Classrooms
  • He excelled as a pupil and, like the minority of his generation who received schooling, he was taught through the medium of katharevousa - the archaic pure form of the Greek language.
  • This all-inclusive, no competition, no winning or losing, no getting angry policy of raising and schooling kids is going to cause great problems for these children in the future.
  • I know but I figured it would be harder for them to switch from home-schooling to regular school than you.
  • Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
  • It is here that divers may encounter anything from schooling batfish, barracudas to a sailfish, or even the whale shark.
  • The word homeschooling is such a misnomer, because most of the learning does not happen anywhere near home, and school is such a loaded word that brings so many preconceived notions about learning to mind that it's really no wonder that people don't "get it. Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: Sorry for the outburst...
  • But I can say I have a fondness for the California Arts & Crafts style that Bernard Maybeck inspired me with in the early part of my schooling and career.
  • There was a long pause before Ellie said, ‘I hear home-schooling is a good option.’
  • Historically, she has laid much greater stress than her continental neighbours on sophisticated external examinations at the end of compulsory schooling.
  • I think homeschooling is the ultimate endpoint for "indivualized treatment and development. Future of Education, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Not that the actors who have benefited from their schooling seem entirely grateful. Times, Sunday Times
  • We learn from schooling, doing, experiences, reading. Reflection-thinking, listening and asking questions, and the more we learn the more thinking, optimistic and effective we are. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • This simple reality is hidden from view by early philosophical and theological anticipations of mass schooling in various writings about social order and human nature.
  • It was then that Ms. Meyer and Ms. Flemal decided to start a home-schooling education service called QED (Quality Education by Design), a consulting firm that pairs parents of children in pre-K through middle school with private teachers. Watch Out, GVHS: At New Ultra-Private School, Your Kid's the Only Student!
  • Jennifer, who says she appreciates the one-on-one attention she received from home-schooling, is now in 10th grade, and she consistently receives high marks.
  • There are so many fresh ideas for worksheets and lesson plans available online and in homeschooling groups that there is no need to shun the use of these viable reading tools. How To Find Free Homeschooling Resources To Help Your Child To Learn To Read « Articles « Literacy News
  • He slid into schooling like an athlete lowering himself into a whirlpool, feeling the heat deep in his tissue.
  • Homeschooling, he warned, could leave children, especially shy ones, isolated and struggling to cope as adults. Times, Sunday Times
  • Robert spent his first six months of schooling at the convent school as it was not so far to walk.
  • Their options now will be private schools or home-schooling.
  • Educational neglect occurs when a child is allowed to engage in chronic truancy, or is of mandatory school age but not receiving schooling.
  • I certainly don't think these they're worse equipped than people who've undergone conventional schooling.
  • I have a wee bit of prissiness still lingering from a childhood of parochial schooling. Head and shoulders, knees and…? | Her Bad Mother
  • The schooling fish here are the big attraction but the walls are covered in orange soft corals and large red dahlia anemones.
  • Through high school my schooling was in Catholic Schools.
  • The difficulties and importance of schooling during childhood have come to be viewed in a new light in the social sciences.
  • The stewards ruled that the race had been used as a schooling ground.
  • Also special: Kurt, who gets a big swoony win as well — no trophy, but a trophy boyfriend, plus a performance spotlight alongside Blaine after schooling the Warblers star on his "numerous" solos: "I feel like we're Blaine and the Pips. Matt's TV Week in Review
  • Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
  • Years of bad schooling cannot be put right at an academic university by massaging the entry requirements or providing remedial classes. Times, Sunday Times
  • To help towards a clear understanding of both tendencies, Goethe describes an exercise which is characteristic of his way of schooling himself in what he called exact sensorial fantasy. Man or Matter
  • Compensation packages for expatriates coming to Britain usually cover schooling costs, private medical care and housing costs.
  • This is one of the reasons I recommended, a quarter century ago, a comprehensive reconstruction of the patched-together structure of schooling we have had for many years. Goodlad: How to help our schools -- Part 3
  • I believe that 'teenage' is the product of over-extended schooling and that some people really need to be in the world of work by the age of 14 (the government now wants people to stay on until 18!) they would be more fulfilled and behave better in the community for it too. Whacko ?
  • Worst of all, many schoolchildren have to face dropping out after primary schooling because secondary education is not free.
  • I first heard the term "deschooling" five years ago on the Homeschool Association of California (HSC) Yahoo! The Life Without School Community Blog
  • We will stay in this country, as we don't want her schooling to suffer.
  • We can all see that schooling has grown to mean exams, marks, stress, and tension for the parents, tuitions.
  • The historic Civil War Market Town of Great Torrington caters well for its inhabitants with a comprehensive range of local and national shopping, schooling and recreational facilities.
  • I am a deschooling Mom to unschooling 8 year old twins, one boy, one girl. Archive 2009-03-01
  • In most cultures, children without formal schooling attain conservation as readily as children with schooling.
  • She did not receive any schooling or wages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before I started second grade, my parents wanted to homeschool me (this was before homeschooling was fashionable), and had to take me to the district superintendent to prove I was a smart kid.
  • This made her figure that training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • The great hall was divided into three parts, with one outside aisle used as a dormitory, another for schooling and eating and the centre aisle given over to a workroom.
  • Schooling is compulsory and free for the first nine years and optional and free for the next three.
  • There is a widespread impression that schooling needs to be improved.
  • Under our education system, you're supposed to be able to choose the type of schooling that your child receives.
  • She received the best schooling the town could offer.
  • This is an area in which more research is needed to learn more about the Spanish-language background of bilinguals without schooling in their first language.
  • Shortly after my expulsion, Jeremy had started me on a formal home-schooling program, which satisfied the state.
  • Beyond these formal structures, the folks at Thayer challenge yet one more notion that often shapes the structures of schooling.
  • Public schools cannot offer this sort of education, and most families are ill-equipped to do so through home-schooling.
  • There is a new term brewing out there in Internet land that I think describes a lot of my philosophy of homeschooling. - News :
  • Gruden playing hooky is more about getting a day away from the endless "so what will it be like to play your old team?" questions then it is about schooling his former assistant. - Super storylines abound in Super Bowl
  • Under our education system, you're supposed to be able to choose the type of schooling that your child receives.
  • The parents are home-schooling their daughter
  • A more relaxed attitude and early schooling and training can help. Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
  • he had well formulated opinions on schooling
  • Lacking formal schooling, he did not learn to read and write until adult life. America Past and Present
  • A lot of home-schooling organizations offer opportunities to link such students.
  • My guess is that within the context of historically unequal schooling and the state's transitional, or subtractive, policy on bilingual education, such sustainability would have been difficult.
  • He has had no formal schooling.
  • Often he dashes from schooling Long Run to masterminding his dental empire. The Sun
  • Our challenge with understanding Empire is not inaction in the face of multiculturalism; it is a culture of exam factory schooling thinning out the curriculum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Breeders' dogged determination to discuss only property prices and schooling will also make them seem a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Or if he goes to school, he can always be withdrawn (although his deschooling process may not be much fun). What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
  • His protectors had sprung the 14-year-old Tyson from borstal on the promise of giving him a stable home and schooling.
  • You don't need access to a fancy schooling course to practice riding cross-country, trail riding at all three gaits, over natural terrain and obstacles, can work just as well.
  • This points to a significant disharmony between the rhetoric of schooling and the practice.
  • Could he have ever imagined how beneficial those eight years of homeschooling would ultimately be? Times, Sunday Times
  • The more understanding your IT copywriter brings to the relationship, the less time you'll spend schooling them.
  • The tale has strong resonances in Eva Sallis's own life… a world of home-schooling, prodigious talent and claustrophobic expectation.
  • I imagine most everyone who has gone through schooling has experienced a fairly similar situation.
  • It is during schooling when the male crappie sweeps out the nests and attracts the female.
  • The issue with their schooling is actually the same as many other students - co-ordinating rides to school!
  • She received the best schooling the town could offer.
  • I am not "one of those people," nor hyperreligious, but I honestly think that for certain children homeschooling is best, especially for younger children who somehow don't quite fit the mold. In which I become one of those people
  • There seems to be some who believe that this is a typical day in a home-schooling classroom.
  • Our research into the value of vocational skills and apprenticeships shows that young people are as aware of this deficiency in their schooling as employers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Leaders are now developed around three pillars - experience, schooling, and self-development.
  • The equestrian centre, which has a capacity of 7 horses, has enabled them to develop that part of their business devoted to the breaking and schooling of horses.
  • During the evening a painting, a montage of 150 years of schooling by Badsey artist Michael Barnard, was unveiled by nonagenarians Molly Corbett and Fred Mason, the school's oldest ex-pupils present.
  • Many of the canal children were constantly on the move, and lost out on regular schooling.
  • He was often inattentive in his own schooling and was a habitual daydreamer.
  • They spend a smaller part of their lives in the forest and intersperse woodcutting and livestock-herding activities in the forest with long absences for schooling, work in Mexican cities, and emigration to the United States.
  • She admits she sailed through most of her schooling, taking exam success for granted.
  • They are covered in encrusting life and soft corals and often surrounded by big pollack and schooling fish.
  • I'm also working on convincing him that homeschooling is the way to go-he greaduated from public school. The First Year At Home
  • Because ambitious students attend extra classes (juku) on top of ordinary schooling, their ordinary classes are often boring by comparison and provide good opportunities to catch up on lost sleep. 'Insomnia: A Cultural History'
  • As schooling became somewhat more standardized over time, these prescriptivist grammarians became almost Biblical in proportion, even to the point that during the Colonial period the aboriginals were discouraged from speaking their own language because it was uncouth, uncivilized, imperfect, and perhaps most importantly, non-Christian.
  • A good place to begin is with the encounter of educational psychology and schooling.
  • She's had repeated attacks since then and had home-schooling until she started Grade 9.
  • The permits assign every Chinese citizen to a home district, outside of which they have few rights to welfare benefits, medical care or schooling.
  • Tomorrow I´ve a schooling week in Rheinland-Pfalz. Weekly Catchup
  • Years of bad schooling cannot be put right at an academic university by massaging the entry requirements or providing remedial classes. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must explain their affectlessness by their institutions, the centralizing social organization, competitive economy, suburban privatism, processing schooling, consumer ideology, prejudices; in brief, by the American way of life which is a cotton-batting against the flesh-and-blood reality of their actions. Victims of Hiroshima
  • Although, on average, students would receive fewer years of formal schooling, this would not translate into less educated students, for the time spent in school would be used far more efficiently.
  • However, those who oppose such separate schooling demonstrate a distinct lack of understanding of this issue.
  • Schooling is the route to lowering infant mortality.
  • Schooling consisting of private tuition for one hour a week is a very poor education.
  • Worst of all, many schoolchildren have to face dropping out after primary schooling because secondary education is not free.
  • He has now resumed his work with the homeschooling organisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since 1991, the law allows home-schooling and private schools, though there are few private schools.
  • I've read "Well-Trained Mind," which is about home-schooling kids in the trivium. Abridge too far?
  • In addition, scarce opportunities for employment in the formal sector of the economy, especially in rural areas, may demotivate families and pupils from investing resources and time in formal schooling.
  • At 28m to the west of the channel mouth is an interesting pinnacle which acts as a magnet for schooling fish and their predators, including the infamous ‘grim reaper’ - the thresher shark.
  • Schooling should be based on ability, not colour or race.
  • Others are schooling themselves on the new legislative landscape not just to gain a marketing advantage but out of necessity.
  • Of course you’ve got to go through the requisite schooling, but now at least you’ve given yourself the mental go-ahead, and whether it’s because of a deliberate decision, naïveté or both, you’re able to block all the nay-saying voices that may be telling you that youcan’t do this. The Joys of Much Too Much
  • Breeders' dogged determination to discuss only property prices and schooling will also make them seem a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Times, Sunday Times
  • A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.
  • She's been schooling her kids herself.
  • Public schooling confers such externalities; the public as well as individual students and parents benefit when its citizens are literate and numerate, and when they understand the benefits of democracy.
  • Such experiences did not encourage her to persist with the humdrum routine of schooling. Times, Sunday Times
  • This made her figure that training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through. In God's Country: travels in the Bible belt, USA.
  • The inherent fetidness of the charter school model is without parallel in the history of American schooling. Imagine, Inc. Charter Schools and Real Estate
  • Details of her schooling are virtually nonexistent in the parallel life she constructed for herself over the years. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a matter of very little schooling of any kind. Christianity Today
  • DOs and MDs go to separate medical schools; often, the different schooling is referred to as osteopathic versus allopathic. Undefined
  • For the first time Nizan was forced to confront the social reality of the process of schooling.
  • The teenagers continued their schooling by correspondence.
  • They examined the role of literacy among the Vai people of Liberia, where they could compare orality with the effect of literacy in the indigenous Vai script and the effect of Western literacy schooling.
  • Most girls around town were married by sixteen, just as soon as they finished their schooling, or earlier if they or their pas thought it necessary.
  • They networked through churches, homeschooling groups and evangelical rural counties to find them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Very nearly the first hundred pages are devoted to her parentage, schooling, courtship and marriage.
  • Rees made the transition from home-schooling to a more bustling international school where he discovered a love, and talent, for bass guitar.
  • She's missed a lot of schooling so has little by way of a social life and has always had her dad around. The Sun
  • He has been riding out and schooling but needs to be given the nod by the sport's doctors before he can return to the track. The Sun
  • Because government schooling is so bad, and dissatisfies such a gigantic amount of people, as represented in ‘survey upon survey,’ it therefore follows that they cannot be held liable for their faults!
  • He has now resumed his work with the homeschooling organisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The years between 11 and 14 have long been the dark ages of schooling in this country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Part of the process includes filling out a shidduch "resume," which contains a picture, as well as basic information including family background, schooling, and occupation. Orthodox Matchmaker: A Love Story in Midwood
  • What if homeschooling is a choice of which self-respecting women should be proud?
  • Lane Kenworthy on those claiming U.S. schools make economic inequality worse: Americans do leave the schooling system more unequal in cognitive and noncognitive skills than when they enter it. Wonk Room » The WonkLine: May 22, 2009
  • One of the big things, of course, is you save on school fees; we have been homeschooling. Times, Sunday Times
  • “Mainstream” schooling and disablism « Gin&Comment “Mainstream” schooling and disablism « Gin&Comment
  • A small but growing movement known as deschooling, life learning, unschooling, and edu-punk is home-schooling returned to its postwar progressive roots, far from the Bible-thumping mould that has come to dominate the modern image of home-schoolers. Infowars
  • She had internalized the national development messages of schooling, and often replicated them in her own speech.
  • On Tuesday of last week, Tipperary, more power to them, held a series of schooling events, bumpers and hurdles.
  • Does this mean that the Eternal-Uncreate chose, from foreknowledge of what Jeremiah would be, the created Ego of His immaterialized servant in heaven ere he clothed his soul with the mortal integument of flesh in human birth -- schooling him above for the part he had to play here below as a prophet to dramatize in his life and teaching the will of the Unseen? Mystic Christianity
  • His expression seldom changes, with his cool stare and clenched jaw, the product of military schooling, but he's no less demanding or intense than Carril once was. This Coach Has a Coach, Too
  • Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises.
  • She led us once again, speaking in the clearly enunciated tones of someone who took her schooling in a different era.
  • Well, you can always go back to home-schooling.
  • He has won two schooling bumpers at Fairyhouse but missed his intended debut at Naas last Saturday because of the soft ground.
  • After a conventional rural schooling, he went on to secondary school in the provincial capital. DOVES OF WAR: Four Women of Spain
  • When the market came tumbling down in October 1929 Moishe was there to see it; he later thought this an education unlike anything he had received in his formal schooling.
  • The points above about sports being better represented on an "amateur" level in collegiate and schooling cirles is especially relevant as well. Opera versus the NFL, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Many people are forced to reallocate household budgets away from spending on schooling and healthcare, to change their living arrangements, and to liquidate their assets in order to smooth consumption during a crisis.
  • The Tinker test would favor the students as long as there was no substantial or material disruption of schooling.
  • Although controversies still abound, there are some guiding principles for the conduct of daily schooling.
  • The schooling received is generally very poor.
  • Unfortunately, Rose did not elaborate on the nature of such mixed schooling experiences.
  • In doing so, he must also outwit Francesca's scheming mother as well as her overweight fiancé, while schooling another admirer in the ways of love.
  • In 1890 Wisconsin Governor William D. Hoard claimed that German-Americans were engaged in a conspiracy to darken the understanding of the children, and called for native born Americans to fight alienism and selfish ecclesiasticism by closing all German language schools in the state and making education in government schooling compulsory. Alex Nowrasteh: 40 Million Reasons to Celebrate
  • The school is specially for children whose schooling has been disrupted by illness.
  • (Do take note that "attend unschooling brunch" is on my goal list!) Brillante
  • This is true for both genders and irrespective of schooling. Times, Sunday Times
  • His formal schooling ended before he learned to read or write. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The skills needed are mostly those which our schooling found useless and it has atrophied them without irreparably damaging them.
  • It is written in the books of St Xavier in Partibus that a report of Kim's progress was forwarded at the end of each term to Colonel Creighton and to Father Victor, from whose hands duly came the money for his schooling.
  • The defense also alleges that Cosby set up a trust account for Jackson in 1994 to pay for her schooling.
  • Those born to poor parents are handicapped from birth by poor schooling, poor healthcare, and frequently poor nutrition.
  • The results of this investigation should help to clarify some of the complex issues involved in the debate on gender and schooling.
  • Most girls were not expected to use their schooling beyond the ability to read, so they didn't pay it much attention.
  • It is not a coincidence that these populations are the ones with the least amount of formal schooling or secondary education.
  • The report said that money should be taken away from higher education and reinvested in basic schooling and further education colleges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Under our education system, you're supposed to be able to choose the type of schooling that your child receives.
  • In these impoverished dense settlements, where both schooling and policing had almost ceased, older rural strategies and conflicts were given a macabre new twist, including the use of necklacing.
  • For many years, the role of preschools was considered one of providing custodial care and security, and preparing children for formal schooling.
  • [2] Southey was a supporter of Bell's new monitorial system of schooling, and had published a work advocating its adoption nationally: The Origin, Nature, and Letter 312
  • We are a middle income, home-schooling family.

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