How To Use School In A Sentence

  • They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects.
  • Not bad for someone who failed to shine at school and feared he would end up in a coalyard. The Sun
  • Frogs and newts have already been attracted to three new natural spring ponds at Abbey Meads School.
  • A lot of schools don't really encourage team sports .
  • The school has a very good relationship with the community.
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  • The net result of all these changes is that schools should be able to deliver a better service to pupils.
  • Kids at one Connecticut school don't like a new rule, but you probably won't hear them expressing themselves by using profanity: the rule to keep kids from cussing.
  • I turned up at the school yard with my hippie backpack slung over one shoulder feeling pretty cool. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among profuse schools of trevallies and barracuda, huge tunas and a host of sharks cruise the sheer wall.
  • That was from when she played the school computer nerd a couple of years ago.
  • Of course, Whitty himself ain’t exactly a peach; he loves him some torture, and buries knives in bellies with minimal provocation; when it comes to witch-hunting, he’s of the “burn her alive now, ask questions … well, don’t really bother asking questions, it’s just so damn fun to burn people, let’s do it some more!” school. Cry of the Banshee « Skid Roche
  • Connecticut schools have been fitting yellow intruder alarms next to fire alarms in their corridors and dining halls. Times, Sunday Times
  • This triangulation of information will help school practitioners make better decisions about students or programs because data from one source can help confirm or disconfirm information from another.
  • I did not have intent to imply that homeschooling is like public school, but that public school directs what a child learns and when and unschooling does not. What do we teach our kids? | Johnny B. Truant
  • Red Deer Catholic schools are publicly funded schools within the province of Alberta.
  • How many of us diagrammed sentences in middle school? The Volokh Conspiracy » It’s Not the Crime, It’s the Cover-Up — Sestak Edition
  • FEARS were growing for a missing schoolgirl after police found her phone dumped in a park. The Sun
  • Mr Ireland claimed that the case had cost him his job as a school bus driver. Times, Sunday Times
  • I first learned about cassowaries when I was at the School for Field Studies SFS Center for Rainforest Studies in Fall of 1990 as a college student, and was fascinated that they're the only bird that can "scarify" certain rainforest seeds. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Severe paruresis in school aged children can also lead to complete school refusal by the child, as well as more pervasive anxiety that can spread into other areas of life, such as social anxiety or even panic attacks. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Closing date for enrolment forms was on Tuesday March 1st, 2005 for Good Counsel Girls School.
  • The school awarded Merry a prize .
  • Not convinced by these public schoolboys! Thinking the Unthinkable
  • I've seen leadership schools set out on the fringes, including one in an outpost of Jerusalem that teaches would-be messiahs to lead in the coming apocalypse.
  • The town council chairman said the grass outside the school was being churned up by tyres.
  • There was once a fairy who created the fields and forests expressly for those in love, — in that eternal hedge-school of lovers, which is forever beginning anew, and which will last as long as there are hedges and scholars. Les Miserables
  • You are welcome to visit the school at any time; we have an open-door policy.
  • By May of 1999, the foundation offered two scholarship programs and intensive SAT tutoring for high school juniors and seniors.
  • He doesn't approve of me leaving school this year.
  • The school's enrolment policy is based on three criteria, after which random selection is used.
  • Instead of seeing dodgeball as a game where alpha males can relive their schoolyard dominance, they see it as a game for everyone.
  • When my sister taught at a junior school they celebrated all the religious festivals.
  • At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.
  • I lived only two blocks from high school and grammar school, and there were baseball diamonds and football fields.
  • Making all pupils feel they are valued and have a contribution to make to the school community is vital in helping children become responsible adults.
  • And like at school, the headmaster and his associates want to make sure everyone is on best behaviour.
  • Thousands of free apples and oranges will be handed out each day as the government urges in-school tuck shops to serve healthier snacks.
  • The director organised two-day hippy schools for his extras, in which they were shown news clips from 1969 and instructed in hippy speak until such antiquated terms as 'crashpad', 'dig' and 'groovy' came naturally. Latest articles - Radio Prague
  • The 27-year-old, who is in training for next summer's Olympic Games, began his swimming career at the Longsight baths by competing in galas there as a schoolboy.
  • They consistently underachieve at school and demonstrate little desire to make headway along a career avenue to success.
  • Instead, segregation has continued despite the fact that some of Oldham's most monocultural schools have been closed and merged since the riots, while others have been moved to different areas to seek a mixed intake. Oldham schools still polarised 10 years on from race riots
  • All who disagreed openly were barred from the radical teach-in at the public school.
  • He claimed that the school district stepped over the line with its affirmative action plan and that race was improperly used to discriminate against the white teacher.
  • A number of people contacted the paper to claim that flu cases were clogging doctors' surgeries and forcing schools to appoint supply teachers in place of ailing staff.
  • She is well schooled in poetry
  • SO what happened to the hundreds of promised new schools? Times, Sunday Times
  • Children enter elementary school at the age of five, don't they?
  • Ironically this was in a whinge about grammar schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Alexa's always the one who convinces my parents to let us have sleepovers on school nights and stuff,’ says Natalee.
  • I am never quite clear on whether all this is sartorial or sardonicDad’s way of announcing that he used to be a punker but is now a middle-school English teacher, or if becoming a teacher has actually turned my dad into this genuine throwback. Excerpt: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
  • Poland has ten symphony orchestras, seventeen conservatories, over one hundred music schools, and almost one thousand music centers.
  • She was a lively public speaker, a governor of two schools, and a member of Beverley Minster parochial church council.
  • On top of this, contracted moderators check marked student work in every subject from every school, every year.
  • My politicization had happened at irregular intervals during my primary and secondary school days.
  • Working with other schools is an effective means of staff training, and academies for secondary pupils will benefit if their feeder schools improve their standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, federal education spending under him is up nearly 50 percent over the final year of the past presidency, so the coalition's charge that the president is stinting the schools is just bunk.
  • While he was chief inspector of schools parents could be sure that they had a powerful champion of high standards.
  • The acting was hammy, the jokes were forced, and the entire thing came across like a high school play - actors overdoing everything in cringe-worthy performances.
  • A group of mums are using a secret weapon to encourage parents to walk their children to school - pester power.
  • The second is the gender division of work, she says, looking at the larger issue of why first generation schoolgoers in particular require an extraordinary amount of care and attention.
  • He went into chemistry, left New Plymouth in 1946, and returned in 1952 to take up a post at his old school as housemaster and teacher.
  • The survey covers a representative sample of schools.
  • Our pupils and students leave schools and universities after an incredibly narrow diet of education compared with their international counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • We want to introduce the latest technology into schools.
  • Her favorite things at school are music and recess.
  • We are trying to have a code in school where we maintain good order and discipline.
  • Prior to joining McKinsey, he obtained a degree in geophysical engineering at the Colorado School of Mines and an M.B.A. at Stanford. Success in American Companies: Lessons for Canadians
  • High school students who do volunteer work are not atypical.
  • And yet while teachers' strikes may have been popular with chatterers and some politicians, the iridescence has caused untold suffering among pupils whose school calendar has been dislocated.
  • Dian Agung Nugroho's photo "F*** You (What's on her mind?)" captures a Chinese Indonesian schoolgirl flipping off an old Chinese Indonesian beggar lady. Boing Boing
  • The inspectors assess the physical state of schools and equipment.
  • The organisers are hoping that families, schools, groups and businesses will plant thousands of sunflowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • PERRY: There's no question about it, parents who are comfortable with a child who gets a C or D, parents who are comfortable dropping their child off at a school that they no is ragged -- they have watched that school undereducate a generation or two -- parents who are willing to go down and fuss and fight when their child doesn't play on the basketball team, but are unwilling to go down and fight the same way when that child is not being served in -- in the classroom. CNN Transcript Oct 1, 2009
  • This leaves the ‘old school economic policies’ of dollar devaluation and deficit financing to help reflate the economy and fend off deflation and boost exporters.
  • As this was during school hours, the junior members could not take part.
  • Both were sent to preparatory schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
  • The surprise is learning that even when a school's moderation process is proved faulty under the NCEA, students can still retain their inflated marks.
  • The trick is that Juan graduated from a hard school and nothing fazes him.
  • Besides being the colour of pants worn during training and performing, red trousers symbolize the indentured servitude of children who were bound by contract and often forced to live and train at these schools.
  • This chapter will attempt to analyse some of the possibilities for the teaching of information skills in the primary school curriculum.
  • Another survey at this location will be carried out after the commencement of the new school year. 3.
  • Being a school photographer means being employed by a firm that contracts to do school / class / individual pupil photographs.
  • I would strongly suggest to Mr. Greer that he keep his fascist-indoctrinated, ritalin-sotted brats away from my children in Florida's socialist (public) schools. Florida GOP chair: Obama trying to 'indoctrinate' children
  • But shortage of teachers and timetabling problems make it very difficult for schools to work any great breadth into the system.
  • She was impressed that a 17-year-old would want to face a roomful of preschoolers.
  • She will clip her long, unruly hair with a tarnished barrette and see her off to school.
  • She wouldn't go to school and I couldn't stop her going out at night.
  • They play mini-bouncers, cupids, schoolkids.
  • In ways often too subtle to be conscious but sometimes overt, I believe, blacks remain devalued in American schools, where, for example, a recent national survey shows that through high school they are still more than twice as likely as white children to receive corporal punishment, be suspended from school, or be labeled mentally retarded. Race and the Schooling of Black Americans
  • In all honesty, the only thing I was actually doing right was my schoolwork.
  • The ideas they discuss and promote centre on agreements between schools and businesses committed to achieving enhanced employability for students.
  • It would take a mind working on a very different level to consider the sentence being for four sales of pot to an undercover narc at an area high school.
  • So, I'm still bussing the girls back to their schools in Barnes - can you believe it?
  • And half of the nation's middle and high school teachers are not highly qualified to teach their subjects.
  • The Confucius Business School set up at various countries shall recruit students locally, and the recruited local business students will be given face-to-face couching by teachers sent over.
  • His traumatised son was expelled from two schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
  • I try to live up to the high standard of the school.
  • I left school at 16, but I've had a great life and I have no regrets.
  • She was a kid… a chit fresh out of school room… And more than anything I wanted to be near her…
  • Would it not be logical for him to enable these schools to share their facilities with pupils in adjacent areas? Times, Sunday Times
  • The news of our teacher's divorce quickly circulated round the school.
  • Ask the average primary schooler here about their teacher and they'll give you a cascade of colourful answers.
  • The school gives instruction in First Aid.
  • Maybe there could be a new school of (telically oriented) ˜pattern recognition 'instead of ID, since the ID Movement is obviously not what TT's is interested in, given it's theologically relevant agenda. Creationism and Propaganda
  • Shy leaves hide under their brethren as the icy chill dives and chases each one like a predator feasting on a school of fish.
  • They're exploring every avenue available and have promised to fight for their school.
  • All three are tough and run most of the heavies in the school.
  • He has left behind a secure home, a loving family and a glittering array of school prizes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr Cole remained sombre, straight-faced and silent as the returning officer pronounced Ms Greene, a local school governor, the victor with a 2,000-plus majority.
  • The reason economists are sympathetic to signalling is that they are very smart (yes, really) and are among the people who probably don't benefit greatly from college, they learned how to think at high school and are mostly self-educated anyway. Free Education Valued at Cost, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • I know enough about this issue to know that ESEA is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the main federal law authorizing federal financial assistance to schools whose most recent instantiation is also known as No Child Left Behind. Matthew Yglesias » The Pointlessness of Reading Bills
  • A Hampshire junior school has turned weakness into strength and won glowing praise from Ofsted inspectors.
  • What to do when the school holidays drag on.
  • Why do you have to go to law school and live with your girlfriend and leave me behind to languish and molder in this cursed workplace?
  • We were always together and always playing truant from school. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • At that time there was not a mention of school closure - everything looked rosy in the garden with the promise of some 11 prefabs for the school.
  • In 1946 he took his demob suit and became lecturer in medicine at the Manchester Medical School.
  • Maybe the cowboy in us prefers the saloon tart to the civilizing schoolmarm.
  • Joe also spent time at an aerial machine-gunnery school where observers and gunners were trained.
  • Its popularity in 1948 with both schoolchildren and adults saw the Blossom Street picture house bursting at the seams during matinees and evening performances for weeks on end.
  • The teacher in this school gradually separated himself from the grammatist, and often the two were found in adjoining rooms in the same school. The History of Education; educational practice and progress considered as a phase of the development and spread of western civilization
  • Through the rest of elementary school we had sleepovers every night.
  • The relationship with her mother, Zippora, née Assur, the daughter of a prosperous merchant family, who had never attended school, became more and more difficult. Fanny Lewald.
  • In the seven games that they won the young squad travelled thousands of kilometres, lording it over 191 other contesting schools.
  • The ferocious battle for good schools and good universities is so expensive and emotionally draining that no parent would want to endure it twice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Linda said changing three sets of nappies, putting a trio of youngsters through school and dealing with triple helpings of teenage tantrums had not always been easy.
  • Some suggested business schools might be partly culpable. Times, Sunday Times
  • He did a two-year masonry and tiling course after leaving school before joining the crew of a deep-sea fishing boat. Times, Sunday Times
  • I progressed to high school the year before Frankie, and missed him terribly.
  • After completing his school education, he studied audio-visual communications and filmmaking for three years.
  • The former schoolteacher is already a national hero in his adopted homeland. Times, Sunday Times
  • While the St Oswald's unit caters for severe dyslexics, less severe cases are catered for in mainstream education at schools across the city.
  • One day a letter from my father arrived at the school.
  • That last complaint is tragicomic given that Memphis schools typically rank among the nation's five worst with fewer than half of black males graduating from high school. Tennessee's Chamber Maids
  • The story - probably apocryphal - is that William Webb Ellis at Rugby School in the nineteenth century picked up the ball during a soccer match and ran with it, inventing rugby.
  • It was a metaphor that predicted the nature of the many problems that have beset excessively large inner urban secondary schools in the intervening years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then trumpeters played a fanfare, fireworks boomed and crackled across the sky and children from schools on either side of the river waved flags and exchanged huge greetings cards to commemorate new links between their communities.
  • The standard ratios taught in culinary schools involve purees, namely the emulsified forcemeat and the mousseline forcemeat. Ratio
  • They got comfortable on the rocks, with the waves roaring in, lapping at their feet, they stroked their bellies and chattered on about the sea, about stealing a small fishing boat when they should have been in school. September 17 , 2004
  • She had to leave school aged 16 and worked in a tax office and as an assistant stage manager for a theatre group. Times, Sunday Times
  • He struggled at school because of undiagnosed dyslexia and left at 15, after the death of his father. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sure, Loughner babbled about favorite right-wing pet causes and hallucinated that his "enemies" were Democrats, but if his enemies hadn't been Democrats, they would have been other kids at school, or mean bosses at work, or the IRS or any of the other targets that crazy people tend to obsess about. Henry Blodget: Are Wackos With Guns Just a Fact Of Life in America?
  • Schoolchildren could be frisked for weapons against their will as teachers are recruited into the crackdown on youth knife culture.
  • Medical inspections for schoolchildren become compulsory by law.
  • Parker also said that much of what Rhee achieved in contract talks already existed in D.C. law but was not used by her predecessors, including the power to weaken seniority protections for teachers who are "excessed," or let go from their jobs because of school closures. D.C. Teachers' Union election will affect survival of Rhee's initiatives
  • Inside there is still more than ample room for the school run or a family holiday. The Sun
  • The New York Police Department's hate crimes unit is investigating 22 Swastika's inscrolled throughout a high school in Manhattan. CNN Transcript Oct 19, 2007
  • Features include alerts so you know when they arrive at or leave school. The Sun
  • That he sloped off during an Eton v Harrow match to buy a trumpet, which cost £1, may not have been what his school and his parents intended, but it set him on a course which over the years has brought joy and instruction to many.
  • Two blocks beyond our school was a field where boys played football.
  • In North Carolina, no one at the school has access to the answer key or to grading the essays on our state tests.
  • Our school is still fantastic inside but from the outside, with its boarded up windows, it appears gloomy, horrible and derelict.
  • Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
  • This would be the blueprint for all schooling: I'd promote anti-racism and religious tolerance so pupils knew what it was.
  • And he was so scared, he did not go to school yesterday because he sensed that, for being what they call a snitch, something bad would happen to him. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
  • Sure enough, this Heller language has served to protect a remarkable variety of federal gun restrictions challenged since Heller, including bans on gun possession by felons, domestic violence misdemeanants, and persons under restraining orders, bans on sawed-off shotguns and machine guns, laws restricting guns in school zones, post offices, and other public property, and others. Dennis A. Henigan: The Gun Issue Is Back in the Supreme Court: What Does It Mean?
  • They are certainly large in children of primary school age who are commonly taught the recorder.
  • The property is also convenient for a number of local schools.
  • Joshi that students gave similar and what she described as accurate accounts of what occurred last month at Markham Elementary School in Oakland. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • People are repulsed at the idea of limiting the amount of children someone can have, despite the fact that our schools, health care, and planet itself simply cannot support us.
  • It was growing increasingly obvious as I defended myself against her attack that she was simply toying with me, drawing out my technique as a schoolmaster draws recitations from his students.
  • A calendar picturing semi-naked men, shot in aid of a village school, has caused uproar after proving too hot to handle.
  • At just nine, he had his first cartoon printed in the school magazine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Serving larger school districts in metropolitan areas can also require careful logistical planning for deliveries.
  • It was 1991 and he led the way in occupying his school, explaining that he wanted something more than better funding. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's gone to collect her son from school.
  • At the same time, a school of white jazz grew up in New York, led by Red Nichols, the Dorsey brothers Tommy and Jimmy, and others.
  • So she attended a finishing school. Times, Sunday Times
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • On Thursday, police say, 23-year-old Wellington Oliveira talked his way into his former elementary school in a working-class western outskirt of Rio de Janeiro and opened fire with at least one of two revolvers he carried. Brazil Mourns the 12 Killed by Gunman
  • What Kerry said was absolutely accurate if the draft is again reinstituted…..simply put: if you are simply a high school graduate, you’ll be first drafted….fact! Think Progress » Feingold: We Should Challenge Generals Whose ‘Assessments…Were Wrong’
  • The Brits, with their propensity for schoolboy humour and scatology, deal with the subject by uproarious laughter.
  • And we're offering the students a program which not only develops their writing but their oracy from the beginning of schooling.
  • But a growing number accept school phobia as a valid reason to keep their little ones out of the classroom. The Sun
  • Old colophons on school books sport two sorts of logo: oblong whorls, rococo scrolls - both in worn morocco.
  • Now he goes to a mainstream primary school in the afternoons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ministers demand that yobbery be banished from all schools.
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  • Local business owner, family man, four kids in Calvert County public schools. Gerald W. 'Jerry' Clark (R)*
  • This despite being part of a school system which demonstrably does not waste much of its money on bureaucracy and aggrandizement of its own honchos; the system has no trouble educating half of its students.
  • The group scattered and Justin scrambled to the school.
  • Second-place winner Nada Bader, a 12-year-old seventh-grader from Crestwood Middle School, met her downfall with the word "conniption" - a fit of rage, hysteria or alarm. Times Leader News
  • I suspect his politics has been shaped by the contrast between his schooldays and his early career. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's a troubled kid at a fancy, hoity-toity high school, says Mitchell. Exclusive First Look: Grimm Takes on the Pied Piper -- Rats!
  • Learning how to simultaneously walk and chew gum will soon be added to the menu of anile crap that our self-regarding progressive school system 'facilitates'. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • Who will feed those kids if they go to school and their parents are working in the dingiest of atmospheres to gather barely enough food to feed themselves?
  • The pressure of school tests is forcing children stricken with serious infections into school to sit exams.
  • Excavations directed by Metaxia Tsipopoulou of the Greek Ministry of Culture and William D.E. Coulson, former director of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, showed that the four buildings had been erected on the rectangular "megaron" plan typical of the Greek mainland. Cretan Shrine Discovered
  • Meanwhile, a minister yesterday said schools, colleges and universities must play their part in deterring young people from turning to extremism…
  • One of my sons is currently at university studying management and another is in high school preparing for university. Times, Sunday Times
  • That vantage point also allowed him to depict in the foreground the community's schoolhouse, which was built in 1861 a short distance north of the church family.
  • Most teen - ager prisoners have unhealthy moral behaviour at school.
  • Ron left school at 14 to become a carpenter and joiner.
  • I was barely even seventeen yet and so I could not get a job as a schoolmistress or a governess.
  • Cluster groups of schools could conduct a joint review, sharing their experiences.
  • By analyzing current teaching status of bench work specialty in middle vocational schools, this paper presents the thoughts and methods to reform the teaching pattern of bench work specialty.
  • Together, they went on to buy the Mercy Convent in Stradbally, and converted it into a gardening school with residential and non-residential courses, known as Carrigahilla House and Gardens.
  • Unlike most places in the world, learn to sail packages from sailing schools are available in Oz all year round!

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