How To Use School-age child In A Sentence
This year, Diane, his second wife and mother of his two school-age children, filed for divorce along with eye-popping maintenance demands.
The maker said it had edited the programme according to its time slot and had not allowed school-age children to be featured.
Many families are simply waiting for their school-age children to finish mid-year finals or college exams so they can leave.
As a school-age child, Swetha considered her special skills no different from any other extracurricular activity.
School-age children must go to school based on their appropriate levels.
The three school-age children are bused 28-kilometres to the nearest school - when the road is open.
In school-age children, depression can manifest as underachievement and withdrawal from activities.
But they also suggest doctors consider prescribing methylphenidate, commonly known by the brand name Ritalin, in preschool-age children with moderate to severe symptoms when behavior interventions don't provide significant improvement.
ADHD Guidelines Issued for 4 and Up
Child-development experts warn parents against placing unreasonable expectations on school-age children.
Issues common to the school-age child and adolescent include changing physical characteristics and body image concerns.