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How To Use School year In A Sentence

  • Another survey at this location will be carried out after the commencement of the new school year. 3.
  • For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
  • Sure enough, hidden in a corner there was a shelf dedicated to the previous school years' yearbooks.
  • With his 14th birthday falling before the start of the new school year in August 1967, Torrance was free to quit the classroom earlier that summer.
  • I think that the school year is longer in our country (beginning of november until june) than in the US, it's may-be why the global cursus is shorter Atlantic Review
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  • The teacher retired at the completion of the school year.
  • During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis.
  • Throughout his high school years in the nearby town of Bay Minette, he weathered the taunts and teases of classmates for being gay.
  • I was the high school yearbook editor and many friends enlisted my editing skills prior to submitting their term papers. SHED Your Stuff, Change Your Life
  • It started off like any other school year; Liz being a social butterfly, and me being totally silent around her other friends.
  • His interest in mathematics was stimulated during his school years in Izmir by a teacher who encouraged him to solve problems in euclidean geometry.
  • Incorporate English learning as part of our school yearly effectuation.
  • That is not to say that there is no logic during the preschool years. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • The teacher retired at the completion of the school year.
  • Consider the tactics of advanced placement, the ungraded high school as newly proposed, and the lengthening school year.
  • There's chaos as the end of the school year arrives in the series finale of the hilarious Aussie comedy. The Sun
  • At the moment the young designer is preparing her collection for the fashion show that is always held at the end of each school year.
  • The crossing patrol will also be brought back in time for the new school year.
  • It also recommends a less academic focus in the early school years. Times, Sunday Times
  • • Evidence that the district intends to state explicitly in its policies and procedures that it will not consider race as a factor for any extracurricular activities, including superlative categories in a school yearbook such as choice for the "blondest" students. The Daily News - News
  • During afternoons in the school year, when the weather was good, I hit hundreds of nine-iron shots on a football field near our home.
  • The purpose of the evening is to explain the nature of the tests which these children will undertake later this school year.
  • The end of the school year was celebrated by students from the school with a posh knees-up at a York hotel on Friday.
  • The triplets are in the same school year as Hendrix. Times, Sunday Times
  • My first encounter with what I would eventually learn to call social engineering came about during my high school years, when I met another student who was caught up in a hobby called phone phreaking.
  • As Mom drove and rattled on endlessly about how wonderful her high school years were, I studied my class schedule which I hastily scotch-taped to the cover of my binder.
  • The black-and-white spotted machines, which serve dairy products exclusively, were installed in schools at the beginning of the school year.
  • On day one of the school year, I sat there in a state of panic and they babbled on to the teacher with rapid accuracy.
  • Overall, the night proved to be a resounding success and proved a memorable way to mark the students' outstanding effort and achievement throughout the school year.
  • Oha No Jo you never cease to amaze me with your gobbled anti American message, the reason why he did it was to show so many how truly stupid this all was, now trump has moved on to his school years, I'm sure the CIA and FBI has looked in to that but until he gives them his transcripts like his birthcertificate that will be another chance for you to once again say he is not giving his transcripts to distract. Top headlines
  • The height of the school year was when we Camp Fire Girls performed together at the school assembly.
  • Controversial proposals to switch the school year from three terms to six are now virtually certain to take effect across Hampshire.
  • And also, I wish I could find my high school yearbook because the hot preppie/jock from my class now is a biker with a zz top type beard. Reunions: Not just about unions anymore | Johnny B. Truant
  • Throughout his high school years in the nearby town of Bay Minette, he weathered the taunts and teases of classmates for being gay.
  • People think teachers are against tests but the curriculum is skewed into doing them and it skews the whole of the school year.
  • There are always plenty of trips and visits during the school year and in the holidays.
  • For some, this month brings the beginning of festivities celebrating the end of the school year.
  • Winter break's almost over boohoo but so is the school year yay!
  • Unlike the normal school year, the summer is filled with a crowd of instructors that is unfamiliar with the rigid rules usually inflicted upon the students.
  • In every school yearbook picture Mullet had had a mullet.
  • Noah went home that night and looked through his old high school yearbooks, glancing through all the pictures.
  • At the beginning of every new school year a sigh of relief goes up from those peripatetic instrumental teachers who still find themselves in a job.
  • Schools will not reopen this school year. Christianity Today
  • A good elementary school education provides a solid base for the rest of a child's school years.
  • Now, I declare the Mid - term Commending Assembly of school year 2008 - 2009 ends.
  • It also recommends a less academic focus in the early school years. Times, Sunday Times
  • That technical instruction should be provided during the compulsory school years.
  • Homework demands increase throughout the school years, and music lessons and clubs may need to be rescheduled.
  • The service's team manager, Juliet Yolland, said recidivist truants were typically missing between 60-80 percent of the 186-day school year.
  • She rose to her feet and began scanning her room and then searching through the mess of papers on her desk, which had still gone unsorted since the school year had ended.
  • He checked his high-school yearbooks for pictures that might show the car's license plate and called the yearbook photographer, with no luck. The Car That Got Away
  • The evaluations, carried out five times during the school year, are also linked to each schools performance in standardized tests. Barry D. Wood: A Bittersweet DC Farewell for Michelle Rhee
  • By the 1995-96 school year, ProTech was substantially larger than Craftsmanship 2000 or any other youth apprenticeship program nationwide.
  • Nobody wants to show people or see people as they really are… The whole point of a school yearbook is to be as uncandid as possible.
  • The South African school year began not in September but in January, which suited his plans. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • In fact, the EPA estimates every child in school generates 67 pounds of garbage each school year at lunch and that the lunchroom is the highest generator of waste, second only to office paper -- an average school generating 9.5 tons of lunch waste each year. PRWeb
  • I can’t even write in my agenda the important upcoming dates in the school year because oh wait, I don’t have a schedule.
  • The school exerted pressure on Ms. Stacey to complete a certain number of mathematics units before the school year was over.
  • That uncertainty arose after a $ 10 million budget shortfall surfaced in July, days before the start of the school year.
  • Twenty-four days were to be eliminated from the school year, equating to a 12.6 percent pay cut.
  • At the end of the school year in June there will be a special Mass of Commitment during which the children will have an opportunity to take a pledge to abstain from harmful drugs and alcoholic drink.
  • The children perform two plays each school year.
  • The whole plan went swimmingly for the entire school year.
  • I was tenth in the class at the beginning of the school year.
  • Good sober stuff for a new school year. Times, Sunday Times
  • He later served as their music instructor for a brief period during the brothers' high school years.
  • In his later school years his close friends were a group of boys who met on a regular basis to exchange and criticize each other's literary work.
  • The students of the geological class will be out on field exploration for the duration of the school year.
  • Prior to the beginning of the new school year in September, they eliminated teaching positions, laid off teachers and paraprofessionals, cut benefits and drove more experienced teachers into early retirement.
  • If you're going to redshirt your child, how do you plan to use the additional year to prepare him for kindergarten the following school year?
  • During his school years in St. Thomas, he went to a joiner's workshop after school to learn the trade.
  • By the 1995-96 school year, ProTech was substantially larger than Craftsmanship 2000 or any other youth apprenticeship program nationwide.
  • Many children who have clefts continue to work with a speech therapist throughout their grade-school years.
  • He will be in the hospital for the duration of the school year.
  • In a classic experiment conducted by Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson in the 1960s and replicated dozens of times since, pairs of children in classrooms were randomly given the label of exceptionally smart at the start of the school year. Niobe Way, Ph.D.: Properly Addressing the Crisis Facing Black and Latino Men
  • As the school year started two years ago there was little public concern over this.
  • The school year is highly ritualized from the opening day of classes to graduation, with celebrations and performances, some of which involve parents.
  • For the present 2002-2003 school year, stepwise or staggered increases will average out to about 1 percent.
  • As the school year approaches, the textbook retailers and e-tailers will continue to spar in an attempt to separate the boys from the men.
  • The one time I used it, thankfully, was for my high school yearbook (where it made a smashingly unapt contribution to the book's Art Nouveau theme.)
  • So can you believe that Ashley already has a new patsy for the school year?
  • Mindful parenting is a great tool to consider for the new school year.
  • With these guidelines, I don't think there's anything terribly embarrassing, unless you count my high school yearbook, which is around here somewhere. Apartment Therapy Main
  • At the end of the 1999-2000 school year the district had 200 unfilled teacher vacancies.
  • Apparently he defines good teachers as those whose students improved the most in percentile rank over the school year and bad teachers as those whose students dropped the most in percentile rank over the school year, which seems like it would grossly exaggerate the performance difference between good and bad teachers, because the teacher is just one tiny variable in a system with a lot of noise — and because percentile scores aren’t z-scores. The Mismatch Problem « Isegoria
  • His stock-in-trade, however, was high school yearbook photos, portraits of college campus queens and locals in their Sunday best.
  • While these books will be available in their approved PDF form for CA educators to use this coming school year, Curriki has invited California teachers of these subjects to come to www. to work with the core content and improve, revise and extend it to meet the needs of their individual classrooms. Curriki Calls on California Teachers to Open, Share and Collaborate « Blogs « Literacy News
  • By the time he was grown, I was again enmeshed in the school year calendar because of my job in the high school. Moving Right Along
  • The simple fact that there were so many students from across country there to see this presentation and others, during a time of the school year when everything gets to be the busiest should be a good indicator of that fact. Gen Y Participatory Exploration Presentation - NASA Watch
  • I learned more about solid page layout in my high school yearbook class than I have since then.
  • Could we draw on that commitment to do something similar during the school year? Christianity Today
  • We didn't have a choice because that's when we first arrived here, but as logical as that is for us, January is in fact half way through the Spanish school year and I remember there being a difficulty, if not an impossibility receiveing their text books; they were never really "inducted" as such, and Trent told me recently, he didn't even know when it was time to have his morning tea! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The school is now appealing to local businesses and organisations who may be interested in providing work experience placements for the new school year.
  • As I recall, my early school years included a gazillion games of hangman.
  • For working teachers, like myself, Labor Day also brings the beginning of the school year.
  • We wrapped up and discussed successes and things that we could improve upon in regards to the last school year as well as brainstormed project ideas for the summer. Archive 2009-06-01
  • I'm going to relax now the school year is over.
  • Kevin boarded at Auckland's Sacred Heart College during his secondary school years - but his loyalty does not lie there.
  • The union is against plans to introduce the change to a six-term school year being introduced across the country in a piecemeal way.
  • A total of 1 370 524 children are studying at public educational establishments this school year.
  • The students of the geological class will be out on field exploration for the duration of the school year.
  • Reagan loved living in Dixon, where he spent the rest of his school years, working summers as a lifeguard at a Dixon park along the Rock River.
  • At the beginning of the school year she'd signed up to help tutor precalculus students.
  • On the first day of the new school year the teachers are crackling with enthusiasm.
  • Sharing beautiful language and great stories that thrill and inspire is a pleasure for adults and children well into the middle-school years, and storytelling is such a welcome relief from all the policing jobs parents have to do. On Getting Boys to Acquire a Love of Reading Books
  • We attended meetings and protest rallies during our high school years, and our mother organized a tutoring project for poor children.
  • The government is also looking into replacing the Advanced Level exam with a system which would grade students on their work during the school year as well as in a sit-down exam.
  • The school board agreed to suspend Linda Cole for the remainder of the school year.
  • In California, the bellwether for all things pertaining to illegal immigration, large numbers of U. S.-born Hispanic students continue to be classified as nonnative "English language learners" through much of their school years, even though they speak English, because their academic and linguistic skills are so deficient. Say No To Amnesty
  • In 1971 for Oprah's high school yearbook picture, she sported a really cool flip do and she was voted most popular in her senior yearbook.
  • There was, I felt, determination, but also awkwardness in the air - like it was the first mixer of the new school year.
  • The right-brain compensatory ability seems to be lost for most of us sometime in the preschool years.
  • Most of our kids will bully someone -- a younger sib, a classmate, even a friend -- this school year. Dr. G : There's No Such Thing as a Bully
  • Between the customary five-month terms of the school year, Mary clerked in her father's store.
  • Effective in-service training can be planned by conducting a pretraining survey at the beginning of the school year.
  • One tablet daily will help give added protection during winter and throughout the school year.
  • There are three terms in a school year.
  • Students whose grades fell below 3.0 in the previous school year attend Summer Academy in their home city, rather than the Summer Institute.
  • Once the school year revved up again, though, you both got way busy.
  • There are three terms in a school year.
  • Good sober stuff for a new school year. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are three terms in a school year.
  • He and apprentice Kristen Kuharik used the phone book and school yearbooks to find names and addresses.
  • I'm afraid that this school year is off to a shaky start.
  • Teachers will not lose their job until the end of the school year, but already adjunct professors have been dismissed from the university system and a furlough system is in the works for others. Matthew Yglesias » Krugman: Centrists Eliminated 600,000 Worth of Jobs From Stimulus Package
  • Students are considered habitual truants if they have 10 or more unexcused absences in a school year.
  • And now here I was, sitting next to the girl who had petrified me for most of my school years, and watching how abject misery had smudged her beauty.
  • a school year
  • I took an interest in politics from an early age and read some of the works of Karl Marx in my junior High School years. I was therefore at that time known as "Commo John".
  • They were also asked to start recording the dates of the beginning and end of their menses during the entire school year on menstrual calendars we supplied to them.
  • She had also been the only sixth grade cheerleader during the past school year, of the whole school.
  • Also, because I teach preschool we have 2 weeks at the beginning of the school year which everyone thinks is so lucky because we start later than the rest of the district…but really those days are full of meetings and mass screening and home visits…..home visits….yuck! 10 Reasons Why I Heart Teacher Workdays « Classroom Confessions
  • For the rest of that school year, she turned the whole school against me.
  • A good elementary school education provides a solid base for the rest of a child's school years.
  • He became enamored with the game of baseball when he moved to Canada for his high school years.
  • The students of the geological class will be out on field exploration for the duration of the school year.
  • The college and grad school years were also occupied with working as a film projectionist, a blueberry raker, and a housepainter. Jessica Reisman’s Cat–an intervention
  • The teacher retired at the completion of the school year.
  • Not every high school yearbook has photographs like that.
  • But talking about the volunteerism is an interesting point that I would like to touch on for a moment in the fact that I would ask all of your listeners, whether they have a child in school or not, to be willing to give their local school three hours during the entire school year. Schools Working To Increase Parental Involvement
  • DRESDEN - Open enrollment applications for the 2009-2010 school year for Tri-Valley Local Schools may be picked up at the district office, 36 E. Muskingum Avenue, Dresden. - Local News
  • On the first snow day of the school year, Angelo phoned Squire and asked if he wanted to join him and his brothers tobogganing at the state park which had a good sledding hill.
  • The 1999 - 2000 school year had 23 956 subsidised Secondary 6 places.
  • Nelson was hired this school year to help infuse art into the school's curriculum.
  • During her school years, after her father had left his parish to become a roving minister, she came into contact with the larger Baptist community.
  • There's chaos as the end of the school year arrives in the series finale of the hilarious Aussie comedy. The Sun
  • For the 1999-2000 school year EF cashed in some of its stock donated from start-ups and put $325,000 to work for the nonprofit.
  • Include multiple author units in your school year.
  • In an Australian context, we have a need for a final school year subject of this kind.
  • He was confined to his home for much of the remainder of his school years although he did manage a very irregular attendance at school.
  • Mr. Paterson did not correct the problem with my teeth but he did introduce me to a wonderful scoutmaster, Mr. Barnes, who inducted me into the happy world of camping and outdoorsmanship which provided me with enjoyment and vacations throughout my secondary school years and right up to the present. Michael Smith - Autobiography
  • One would assume a high school player who likewise had three or more during his high school years would potentially be predisposed to some of these same long-term neurodegenerative conditions that NFL players are," he said. Undefined
  • The ‘early finish’ scheme follows moves to change the school year into six shorter terms with standard holidays across England and Wales.
  • To backtrack a bit, both DJ and his teacher swore up and down to me for most of this school year that DJ and S. had become friends and had put the past behind them.
  • Schools will not reopen this school year. Christianity Today
  • If possible, students can make school changes between semesters or at the end of the school year.
  • In summary then, you could say that I wasn't exactly cock-a-hoop when the summer holidays ended and the new school year began.
  • During the past school year, the company performed the Argentine tango and the cha-cha to ‘Dance With Me’ by Debelah Morgan.
  • But as the school year draws to a close, there are disturbing signs that the life Rosie claims to be leading is a sham, and that Elizabeth's hopes for her daughter to remain immune from the pull of the darker impulses of drugs and alcohol are dashed. Imperfect Birds by Anne Lamott: Book summary
  • DOZENS of new students crowded into a lobby of the University of Delaware's student center at the start of the school year.
  • That is because children born at the start of the school year are going to be a little older and more physically developed than their classmates.
  • There are three terms in a school year.
  • Your child's pre-school days and infant and junior school years are vital in his future development.
  • Also, it left him more time for his hobby of stamp collecting, which he had started during his school years.
  • Hsi accepted nomination to be next school year's Vice Principal.
  • These school years were not easy for Norman but he helped his fellow pupils with their homework which put him on good terms with them.
  • By the time he got there the place was overrun with seniors and juniors, and even a few college kids he'd known from the previous school year.
  • Do something to break up the hassles and stress of the school year with relaxing and fun activities.
  • His visits home were limited to the summertime and different breaks throughout the school year.

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