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How To Use School board In A Sentence

  • the new director of the school board mandated regular tests
  • In the primary, registered voters can only select candidates from their own party, except in the cases of judges and school board members, who can cross-file. The Herald-Mail Online
  • The deal gave promotions and added seniority to 59 minorities who are employed as custodians by the city's school board.
  • As I noted in a previous post on this subject, the disclaimer that the school board has mandated be read by the science teachers is incredibly incoherent and confused.
  • The school board has given permission to a group of Northgate High School students to conduct a poll on the idea of dousing the flame, the present symbol of the district, in favor of something that would ignite more passion. - News
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  • The governor had replaced half of the appointed school board.
  • She's trailing in the polls approaching Election Day and the municipal tax base doesn't have the funds to cover the rising costs at local school boards.
  • No longer are our children required to learn to think, but only to memorize, with the material to be memorized strictly controlled by teachers, school boards, and religious groups.
  • The Supreme Court ruled last December that the Surrey School Board erred in disallowing the books in the classroom.
  • Local school boards are also looking for funds to maintain existing facilities and build new ones.
  • School boards outside Toronto are also edging toward budgeting in defiance of provincial laws.
  • The Contract also aims to dismantle the Department of Education and transfer its funds to families and local school boards.
  • Headmasters and school boards have control over budgets, the curriculum, staffing and salaries, and as a result are free to innovate and adapt to local needs.
  • Jack D. Dale's announcement that he will not seek another term should refocus debate in the county's School Board elections. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • As news about the memo spread, critics of Hall and the school board quickly denounced what they described as collusion between the district and the chamber. - News
  • My brother, who teaches high school in a Chicago suburb, recently told me that his school board is now throwing around the word "incent," as in "we want to incent our students to optimize their educational outcomes. Some hockey lingo deserves a spot in the penalty box
  • Tuesday's elections seem to be a model of the synthesis strategy in operation, as ideopolis-rich New Jersey chose Democrat Jon Corzine as its new governor; bluer than blue California gave Arnold the finger on all four of the propositions he sponsored; Dover, Pennsylvania turned out Republican school board members backing the teaching of Intelligent Design; and a decidedly purple Virginia chose Democrat Tim Kaine as its governor. The Magic Words
  • It may seem small compared with its $500 million budget, school board Chairwoman Barbara Murray says, but it could pay for 100 new teachers or reinstate summer school. Schools get shortchanged in Federal Impact Aid
  • Hi Tom, I never knew if the wag was the school board man or the school! just knew if I skipped school without Mum knowing and she alway, always found out, call it Mothers sixth sense .. even before I confessed and had to ask for a note for the teacher because in the old days as well we all know it had to be supplied first day back at school ... if pushed Mum would write down 'I poor suffering child had another bilious attack' which went down reasonably well with the teacher until she asked me what it was ... London SE1 community website
  • The programs give her a glimpse of different traditions, such as a religious wedding ceremony and a school board election.
  • The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done.
  • A sort of mortar called selenitic mortar, the invention of the late General Scott, has been made use of in many of the buildings of the School Board for London, and was first employed on a large scale in the erection of the Albert Hall. Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887
  • An editorial in the New York Times titled "A Tammany School Board Still," attacked Mayor Gaynor and Tammany's attempts to roll back the clock on civil service reform by gaining complete control over teacher and administrative appointments to the schools, thus undoing fourteen years of school reforms. Marc Epstein: What Is the Meaning of LIFO: You're Fired Mr. Chips!
  • State law, however, gives control of instruction to local school boards.
  • The state has a closed Primary system, but allows citizens to cross-file for the position of School Board Director. Joe The Nerd Ferraro: A Direct Political Result of the Rally for Sanity
  • You will also take a letter home to your parents that they will sign, or I'll make sure the school board has you pegged as a troublemaker for the rest of your high school career, am I understood?
  • He is a former Cleveland councilman and school board member.
  • The mayor bucked at the school board's suggestion.
  • Having given it only precursory mental attention, I would call a ban on the former censorship and a ban on the latter a legitimate curricula decision for school boards. More on Sarah Palin, Moose Hunting, and Other Stuff
  • The federal order to stop discriminating provoked outrage on the part of several school board members.
  • The candidates that have filed for the April 7, 2009 election for school board are (in alphabetical order): Archive 2009-01-01
  • A few very loud and very entitled parents have now made the school board their personal forum.
  • Most school boards taught religion but not denominational doctrine, which was, from the bishops' point of view, bad enough.
  • Mary Broderick, president-elect of the National School Boards Association, says the NSBA has launched a campaign to distribute red rubber thumb bands that say "Texting kills. Distracted driving panelists discuss effective solutions
  • Even among all of the confusion over Ebonics, the Oakland school board has performed a service.
  • First, a statute may require that the school board take affirmative action to elect a teacher to tenure status.
  • When you flog Tom Murray, you are really chastising the Tom Murray in yourself ... that is, the part that your wife knows so well -- the part of you that leaves the new graip out in the rain all night, that rebels against the authority of the School Board and the inspectorate. A Dominie in Doubt
  • Can a school board adopt a policy prohibiting dancing at school?
  • But a school board in Capistrano CA made an enemies list after a failed recall attempt which was initiated because of financial mismanagement - administrators getting new 25 million dollar ocean view offices and office building, when schools are still overcrowded and rundown with students in portable trailers. Waldo Jaquith - Kansas votes out creationists.
  • In Mobile, Alabama, when the school board proposed a teacher competency test, the union objected.
  • School boards can, under state law, remove teachers and administrators for "incompetency," which under the law includes "demonstrated deficiencies or shortcomings in knowledge of subject matter or teaching or administrative skills. Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
  • Doug in MV: Marlene Barney couldn't beat Warren Geurin even after he was censured by his own School Board. The Future Is Now.
  • Those will be debated at school board finance committee meetings over the next three months.
  • The school board sold the land to a real estate developer.
  • Finally, the courts have ruled that school boards can impose economic sanctions on teachers who go on strike.
  • This led to ongoing negotiations regarding the school board engaging me as a consultant to conduct inservice career development seminars.
  • John Rabe served as chairman of the school board of trustees. The school adopted appointive employment system to recruit teachers, and the fund was provided by the German government.
  • In a centralized system, the principal asks the school board to promulgate a regulation about beepers.
  • When discussing a contract at an open meeting, can a school board prohibit nonunion members from speaking?
  • Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
  • He says that the decision of the school board was one of breathtaking inanity.
  • Yet the district's mammoth deficit has continued to grow during amid the state's downturn and growing pension and debt obligations, and the city's schools are still grappling with longstanding problems, including political battles involving the state, school board and teachers' unions and a long-term exodus by students. Crisis Mode Persists for Detroit Schools
  • In a centralized system, the principal asks the school board to promulgate a regulation about beepers.
  • Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
  • The subjects of instruction have all been retained in the Curriculum of the London School Board, except, perhaps, "mensuration" and "social economy. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley — Volume 2
  • Let's imagine an education reporter covering the local school board.
  • This led to ongoing negotiations regarding the school board engaging me as a consultant to conduct inservice career development seminars.
  • In ruling that intelligent design had no business being taught in public school science classes, Judge Jones referred to the "breathtaking inanity" of the Dover Area School Board. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: The 'Breathtaking Inanity' Of Rick Santorum And Michele Bachmann
  • He got himself elected to a school board at age forty. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • I have it on good authority that the school board wants to fire the principal.
  • Ministry officials said both the Anglican School Board and the school's supervisor were investigating.
  • After that, she stood for the school board elections, and won by a landslide.
  • The department's capitation grant to each of the State's 3,200 primary schools is based on the number of pupils, with €133.58 given to school boards for every child enrolled.
  • The court acknowledged that the school board could recover the salary overpayments by suing the teacher directly. Christianity Today
  • The answer: “Sure, right over here, right behind the glyptodont…” He was also there for his daughter-in-law, my wife Pam, doing things like cheerfully driving down to Los Lunas to pick up signs for her school board campaign. A Father's Day Remembrance - The Panda's Thumb
  • School board candidates are allowed to cross-file to seek both parties 'nominations. News/local from
  • There are still two vacancies on the school board.
  • It definitely does not work if local school boards consist of booboisie imbeciles intellectually unfit to make decisions about how to teach and what to teach. Dan Agin: 'Missing Links': A Book About Us
  • That outburst---and her "nanny nanny boo boo, Barb's an alcoholic" tattle-taling after the disastrous school board meeting where she is exposed as a bottom-threatener---keep Nicki from being Wife of the Week, but her furious, flailing relinquishment of power stokes the drama in scene after scene. Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season 5, Ep. 1
  • When big-city mayors are given complete control of the schools and can hand-pick their school boards and name their school chiefs, they will inevitably do so based primarily on political fidelity to themselves and to their corporate patrons. Mike Klonsky: Chicago Schools CEO Choice Shows Problem With Mayoral Control
  • Nor was there anything to prevent those opposed to the whole concept of school board education from standing for election and, if successful, from hampering the development of the system.
  • According to TheNew Castle News, the school board there elected to open his contract because he didn't follow board instructions to "remediate" complaints brought by 3 players who accused Smiley of abusive treatment and vulgar language. Undefined
  • It's about the routine of the police blotter, school board debates over the luncheon menu, the fluctuation of stock prices and all the other routine minutiae of life incur complex society.
  • The school board members spend their time disputing and getting nothing done.
  • The school board said it had no choice but to let the couple attend the dance, given the ruling.
  • Nor will the threat to science posed by the Christian fundamentalist movement be disposed of simply through the election of new school boards.
  • Yes, school boards just don't get the importance of standardized test scores, the need to take public funds away from the district to create more charter schools what the so-called reformers call "equalized funding" or the benefit of putting children in front of computers all day rather than have them learn from live human beings. Julie Woestehoff: Education "Reformers" Next Target? "One-Size-Fits-All" Democracy
  • Doors left open and lights being left on also are being targeted, but the minifridge has been the focus, with school board members considering a policy against them.
  • Imagine that you and your neighbours have just elected a diverse group of community activists to your city council and school board, tossing out an arrogant clique of corporate toadies in the process.
  • Can a new school board refuse to reappoint a teacher because of his or her association with former board members?
  • A string of fiascos define Surrey's infamy in the media: home invasions, racial tension, murders, drugs, and a horribly misguided school board.
  • Host council member Mary Cheh introduced Gray a "leader free of vanity and boastfulness"; former school board chair Peggy Cooper Cafritz rose to tell the crowd, "You absolutely could not be in better hands. DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 8, 2010
  • Principals might not be surprised to hear that often they are the fall guys for school boards who bargain away management power.
  • The School Board next week is expected to meet in executive session and determine how much it can afford to offer.
  • The school board agreed to suspend Linda Cole for the remainder of the school year.
  • A former member of the Arlington School Board and the Arlington County Board, who served as a representative on the Metro board, Whipple, 70, has been known as a staunch advocate of public transit and the environment. Sen. Mary Margaret Whipple retiring from Virginia Senate
  • It is when a case goes pathological that it may become well-known, as in the cyclical antievolution of the Kansas state school board, the long-term antievolution advocacy of the Tangipahoa Parish school board, or the spectacular self-destruction of the Dover Area School District. The Panda's Thumb: Wesley R. Elsberry Archives
  • Blake responded that his role at the school board was nominal, and that he actually had very little to do with what goes on at the central school board office located right next door to his own.
  • Some school boards adopted so-called “freedom of choice” plans that allowed students to choose the school where they would enroll and the result was continued segregation. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • The proposed study was approved by the school superintendents, the school board, school nurses, principals, and teachers.
  • School boards have the authority to Fix teachers' salaries, and they retain the power to reduce them.
  • The bishops should also seriously consider individual school boards in parishes where pastors do not have the time or the interest to commit to the local school.
  • Yes, because several states allow non-citizens to vote in local school board elections.
  • Sporting "Save Voegeli" buttons, students packed school board meetings, and along with fellow teachers and parents, appealed to the Winona board not to terminate what they described as a gifted teacher. Local News
  • Examining past, present, and projected student enrollments in one district, the school board voted to dismiss four teachers.
  • Now, there was a dissent, and it says that -- in the dissent, it says that this, in fact, could be capricious, that this, in fact, could be a school policy that is maladministered, but the decision by a 5-4 ruling is that school boards will be allowed to put in policies that will allow drug testing for all extracurricular activities. CNN Transcript Jun 27, 2002
  • Lee on the other hand, will be stuck with the primadona principal, the useless superintendent, and a school board who sits on their b u t t s they call laurels and allow more of the same to go on for years to come. Undefined
  • He bullied the school board which, in theory, employed him, and he chose to ignore the black protest.
  • The School Board next week is expected to meet in executive session and determine how much it can afford to offer.
  • The loud protestations of those who are fuming at the school board makes you wonder who they think the victims of this whole thing are?
  • People are running for judge, county commissioner, school board, dogcatcher, coroner, and they are all strangers to me.
  • School boards had between five and fifteen members and were the most advanced democratic bodies of their day.
  • Can a school board require or prohibit the use of textbooks?
  • Remeber that this current school board has worked with the two above and know how unco-operative they are as they have not been forthright in giving the information they have asked for and answeres to questions and have put this current school board in a bad postion one to many times and trying to make it look like the current school boards fault. East Aurora School District 131 Board Transformation Continues with Carol Farnum's Resignation
  • And you've got to give it to a woman who will scream the f-word at a news camera in the middle of a school board meeting. Mark Blankenship: Big Love Wife Watch!: Season 5, Ep. 1
  • Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960 s.
  • His manifesto includes a pledge to force all secondary school boards to consider the introduction of uniforms. Times, Sunday Times
  • The School Board and HHS Principal Irene Reynolds 'decision to "remediate" teenagers with sleep-deprivation illustrates that public schools do not exist for our youth's welfare and education, but their assimilation into a lifetime of alienated toil at the hands of uncaring bureaucracies ( Daily News-Record
  • Right now, the school board is reviewing the program, which has gotten flack from many students at Westminster who complain that it insults their integrity to assume they'd need to be paid to speak up.
  • He may prefer that the State should confine itself to purely secular education, leaving all religious teaching to voluntary agencies; or he may approve of the kind of undenominational religious teaching of the English School Board; or he may be a strong partisan of one of the many forms of distinctly accentuated denominational education. The Map of Life Conduct and Character
  • The School Board is writing to support this initiative, and it would be most helpful if you could do likewise.
  • For six years, Lowman worked with the Los Angeles school board to get more teaching programs and transportation for handicapped children.
  • The Republican lieutenant governor of Missouri, Peter Kinder, said, “The distribution of teaching curricula from the White House to the classroom clearly usurps the authority of our local school boards and school administrators” — ignoring how previous administrations and his own state government offer teaching materials. “Set Your Own Goals for Your Education”
  • Laura James, Co-Chair of the Toronto Alternative Primary School Council is getting the runaround from the Toronto District School Board, who have all but declared war on alternative education in the city. Boing Boing: November 16, 2003 - November 22, 2003 Archives
  • Hailing from a humble Christian home, he has to make do with whatever food is dished out to him in the school boarding.
  • This led to ongoing negotiations regarding the school board engaging me as a consultant to conduct inservice career development seminars.
  • Right now non-citizens, or immigrants, have children that are attending public schools and yet they don't have a say in the School Board elections.
  • In addition, whatever force the collection development policy has comes from its being approved by the school board which then delegates responsibility to its employee, the school library media specialist, to operate the school library media center in conformance with that policy. Bagging our principles
  • To the contrary, the Court found that the School Board sought to advance two secular purposes.
  • Hailing from a humble Christian home, he has to make do with whatever food is dished out to him in the school boarding.
  • Actually I worked summer jobs like students do today and I was a school board chair who didn't receive a salary, just an honorarium.
  • I conclude that the School Board's claim on 'inaccuracies' is a guise and pretext for 'political orthodoxy,'" he wrote. July 2006
  • The+Whistler to "The Grand Forks School Board's Secret Illegal Meeting" headward on August 12th, 2010 at 1: 28 pm Say Anything
  • I do know what my councillor is doing, but I am clueless as to who is best choice for school board and I think positions to the school board should be appointed and not voted on. Matthew Yglesias » For Less Voting
  • Colonel Richard Nelson served on the school board until this year.
  • The immigrant groups had the numbers, even if they didn't have control of the media or the school board.
  • But he was cheating on his wife with the secretary whom he then threatened when she tried to break it off and *then* he tried to cut a deal with the school board essentially offering to *not* drag people's reputations through the mud if they gave him a free pass. "Gaycism."
  • Members of the Fauquier School Board figured that if Stribling could drive a half-track, he could drive a school bus. Fauquier school bus driver recalls taking students to Jennie Dean School
  • Like our school board, he knows that ‘sound knowledge of any kind is communally generated and public in nature.’
  • This School Board sounds like a bunch of dunderheads.
  • We distributed the flyer to help to clarify the reasons why the school board is going to court, because we heard that people were still confused about the issues.
  • First, a statute may require that the school board take affirmative action to elect a teacher to tenure status.
  • DASD court case that now informs school board policies and has proven so useful in educating the media. The Panda's Thumb: January 2006 Archives
  • The system was so badly managed that an ongoing feud between the superintendent of schools and the elected school board resulted in the threat of a state takeover.
  • The mayor bucked at the school board's suggestion.
  • Dozens of parents, students and national leaders of Latino activist groups unsuccessfully petitioned the school board for her return.
  • Not all the kids at the school boarded - there were also day pupils.
  • His manifesto includes a pledge to force all secondary school boards to consider the introduction of uniforms. Times, Sunday Times

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