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How To Use Scholastic In A Sentence

  • Volitivum, volitive, is the Scholastic translation theletikon. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • Although before we parted this last time he said something about maybe getting back into scholastic teaching.
  • Many have looked to the rise of modern science for the answer, particularly in its decisive break with medieval scholasticism.
  • As of mid-December 2003, there were scholastic chess events scheduled in Seattle, for February 2004, that were already fully booked and closed to new registrants.
  • Because most medieval physicians defended scholasticism, he was not a friend of the medical profession.
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  • Scholastic theology, condensed in the "summae" and "books of sentences", is henceforward regarded as distinct from philosophy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Four years of model behavior and high scholastic achievement. THIS HEART OF MINE
  • That is, the program and network, its host, and its audiences were more cerebral, more scholastic, and more directly concerned with effecting change than its blowhard competitors.
  • Over the course of my post-secondary scholastic career my institutions have tried to squeeze me for every dime that they possibly could.
  • He is considered as the architect of a distinct school of thought in the principles of jurisprudence and Islamic law, and one of the leading exponents of 'kalam'-scholastic theology - and' rijal '- study of the biographies of transmitters of ahadith, the prophetic traditions,' fiqh '- jurisprudence - and - Articles related to Emirates becomes first Arab airline to operate Czech Republic route
  • Now passing from these courtly trifles, let vs talke of our scholastical toyes, that is of the Grammaticall versifying of the Greeks and Latines and see whether it might be reduced into our English arte or no. The Arte of English Poesie
  • The dark dominate of the end of the Han Dynasty, the exclude of the ancient scholasticism, the lash of Taoism and Buddhism is the external cause of it's decline .
  • These ideas are widely promulgated in the academic/scholastic/public sectors.
  • The scholastic records of this college student with callosal agenesis were fair to good for courses that involved language and verbal facility, but contrastingly poor for subjects such as geometry and geography that involved spatial and related nonverbal faculties which we now commonly associate with the right hemisphere. Roger W. Sperry - Nobel Lecture
  • There was a careful avoidance of the sensitive topic in the scholastic circles.
  • And we haue purposely omitted all nice or scholasticall curiosities not meete for your Maiesties contemplation in this our vulgare arte, and what we haue written of the auncient formes of Poemes, we haue taken from the best clerks writing in the same arte. The Arte of English Poesie
  • This time we are no longer brought into touch with the classics or with the scholastic influences, for the play in question is a translation from the Italian, being in fact Ariosto's _Suppositi_, englished by George Gascoigne [109]. John Lyly
  • Those who write about sex and sexuality from an ecclesial perspective are usually intellectuals, academicians and professors who approach the subject so abstractly in convoluted, scholastic language; a prime example of this would be John Paul II himself in his Wednesday talks on the Theology of the Body. David L. Schindler criticizes Christopher West's work with TOTB
  • Reformation studies were at that time preoccupied with tracing the intellectual and political origins of the movement - the survival of Lollardy, the challenge to scholasticism, the emergence of the centralised Tudor state.
  • The school really is batty giving people like you a second look for their scholastic achievement.
  • I am talking, not as a mere scholastic, but as a practical breeder with whom the application of Mendelian methods is an every-day commonplace. CHAPTER XXII
  • A total score of less than 3 indicated that the teen had performed below average scholastically, and a score higher than 3 meant that the teen's performance was above average.
  • The scholastics, in addition to condemning commerce on the authority of the patristic texts, condemned it also on the Aristotelean ground that it was a chrematistic art, and this consideration, as we have seen above, enters into Aquinas's article on the subject. [ An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching
  • Belief in the truth that the creation is God's handiwork generated the scientific progress that began not in the eighteenth century but in medieval scholasticism.
  • Let not the surpassing eloquence of Taylor dazzle you, nor his scholastic retiary versatility of logic illaqueate your good sense. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Tyler Sudley would break out, addressing the teacher, all unmindful of scholastic etiquette, a flush of pleasure rising to his swarthy cheek as he thrust back his wide black hat on his long dark hair and turned his candid gray eyes, all aglow, upon the cadaverous, ascetic preceptor, "ain't Lee-yander a-gittin 'on powerful, _powerful_ fas' with his book? The Moonshiners At Hoho-Hebee Falls 1895
  • The theory of modern natural laws inherits and develops the heritage of traditional natural laws in the period of the ancient Greece, the ancient Roman, and the Christian scholasticism.
  • Ben Jonson mentions Shakespeare's scholastic failings "and though thou hadst small Latin and less Greek" in his dedicatory poem to his great peer's 1623 folio. Jonathan Hobratsch: Shakespeare Is Shakespeare
  • Internal evidence also suggests that he was a Benedictine monk and priest who was both educated and conversant with scholastic philosophy.
  • The style of his discourse was adapted to cloisteral disputations, and overloaded with scholastic distinctions. Renaissance in Italy, Volume 1 (of 7) The Age of the Despots
  • It will help to make intelligible the subtle and variable theories which follow, if it be premised that the Scholastics are apt to puzzle readers by mixing up with their philosophy of reason a real or apparent apriorism, which is called Augustinianism, Platonism, or The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • In the later Middle Ages it became the linguistic basis of the scholastic speculative grammars, particularly in the University of Paris.
  • Man, according to the old scholastic definition, is "a rational animal" (_animal rationale_), and his animality is distinct in nature from his rationality, though inseparably joined, during life, in one common personality. On the Genesis of Species
  • That it turned aside from the traditional teaching of scholasticism and theology is certain.
  • In later life he was sensitive to the resemblance between the Thomistic scholasticism in which he was trained and the Marxist scholasticism that he embraced as an adult.
  • For me it’s this: if you want me to read to you, or hang out with you, while you read, you don’t read tv tie-in shite bought at Scholastic. Letting students choose the books, eh?
  • I trust, that I have not extended this privilege beyond the grounds on which I have claimed it; namely, the conveniency of the scholastic phrase to distinguish the kind from all degrees, or rather to express the kind with the abstraction of degree, as for instance multeity instead of multitude; or secondly, for the sake of correspondence in sound in interdependent or antithetical terms, as subject and object; or lastly, to avoid the wearying recurrence of circumlocutions and definitions. Biographia Literaria
  • I presumed that this was a possible conception, (i.e. that it involved no logical inconsonance,) from the length of time during which the scholastic definition of the Supreme Biographia Literaria
  • For self-perceived scholastic competence, however, students' self-ratings declined over the course of high school.
  • Understood in the neo-Scholastic sense, the mold represents the infinitely reproducible semblables.
  • And why should a man deny his nature when that nature calls, even in the face of his scholastic learning?
  • St. Anselm founded Scholasticism, integrated Aristotelian logic into theology, and believed that reason and revelation are compatible.
  • The author comes to the conclusion that glossators, using scholastic methodology, elaborated their own doctrine of contracts and pacts.
  • He had exploded the scholastic system, which had become a mere mass of logomachies and an incubus upon scientific progress. The English Utilitarians, Volume I.
  • He didn't have the scholastic achievement I did.
  • I being a Scholasticall panion, obtestate your sublimitie, to extoll mine infirmitie. The English Is Coming!
  • For the scholastic this is of course a supernatural end, a life of grace in this world and beatitude in the next.
  • Nonetheless, scholastic theologians did not spend their time simply defending the doctrines articulated by the magisterium.
  • Many scholastic and Cartesian thinkers had assumed substances to be the ultimate constituents of reality, and, as such, self-dependent.
  • It is easy to oppose inspiration to scholastic culture; to coin antitheses between nature and art; and to say that Shakspeare's Romans are more ideally true than Niebuhr's. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • Arguments should not be pitched as if the judges were normal people with normal life experience; eschew plain common sense in favor of the kind of monkish jesuitical hair-splitting scholasticism that would make Plato’s headspin. The Volokh Conspiracy » Oral Argument — Common Mistakes:
  • Yet according to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, an NBA team will eventually draft only 3 in 10,000 high school senior boys playing interscholastic basketball. Ted Kaufman: Time to Take a Hard Look at School Sports
  • It seemed fruitful to articulate, to probe and carefully render the overlay of my scholastic past and my working present.
  • I've been trained by a state-financed educational institution in the discourse of philosophy that still bears the scars of scholasticism.
  • While the body of the poem often stands in for the body of the poet, acting as a surrogate for the experience of such a biography, the body of the text in this case has gone missing, leaving behind only the exuviae of the work itself — the set of afterthoughts found in annotations and digressions, allegedly presented after the fact by experts, who have prepared this text for scholastic discussion. Quick Review 05 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • With all the emphasis that she put on scholastic matters, she never really stressed sports or other forms of regular physical exercise.
  • Barton a super-woman -- or at least they were personalities so designated by the cub book-reviewers, flat-floor men and women, and scholastically emasculated critics, who from across the dreary levels of their living can descry no glorious humans over-topping their horizons. THE KANAKA SURF
  • The monasteries were also the birthplace of scholasticism.
  • And how about the fact that for years, LAUSD Superintendent Ramon Cortines "moonlighted" on the board of Scholastic Books, earning him some $150,000 a year, and no one at LAUSD seemed to find this to be at all inappropriate - even though Scholastic holds a $10 million contract with the district. Fernando Espuelas: Time to Replace Los Angeles' Third World Education System
  • The first issue may include measures of scholastic achievement, aptitude tests, and selection interviews.
  • John's scholastic achievements were more artistic than academic, and he left school at 15 years of age, doing a succession of forgettable jobs until he joined the Merchant Navy as a deckhand at 17.
  • In addition, he was aware of the Scholastics' critical appraisal of Aristotelian physics.
  • His scientific labours were abruptly brought to an end by the Revolution of 1848; he succeeded, however, in making his escape from Rome and having come to America he taught dogmatic theology during the scholastic year 1849-50 at the Jesuit theologate then connected with Georgetown College, Washington, D. C. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • They are not people who are not intellectually nor scholastically deficient.
  • Scholasticism; philosophy on the Christian doctrine taught in college in medi Europe, which is actually a theological system; also know as eclectic philosophy for its adoption of abstract syllogisms.
  • Nothing, especially not the deepest and most sacred religious beliefs, was safe from logic-chopping medieval scholasticism.
  • Not until the late nineteenth century was it understood that his attacks on late medieval scholasticism did not result from brash ignorance but from a proper understanding of traditional theology, especially patristic.
  • Whereas in Western Europe, under the growing influence of humanism, the scholastic tradition of terminist logic came to an end in the third decade of the 16th century, it had a vigorous, though not unaltered, continuation on the Iberian Peninsula until the Medieval Semiotics
  • Renaissance humanism gradually replaced the medieval scholastic tradition from which it emerged.
  • Four years of model behavior and high scholastic achievement. THIS HEART OF MINE
  • But such minor quibbles aside, the book is rich, scholastically challenging, and another milestone in the journey towards clarity in our understanding of the sense-making processes and products of ourselves and others.
  • We next explore the issue of student failure and whether increasing students' academic control can improve their scholastic development.
  • Rather than imposing their own agenda onto Scripture, the scholastics were following long-standing patristic traditions of interpretation.
  • There was a careful avoidance of the sensitive topic in the scholastic circles.
  • Islamic law, and one of the leading exponents of 'kalam'-scholastic theology - and' rijal '- study of the biographies of transmitters of ahadith, the prophetic traditions,' fiqh '- jurisprudence - and - Articles related to Emirates becomes first Arab airline to operate Czech Republic route
  • On the bus ride to the regional scholastic bowl competition, Rhea and Jonas shared a seat and a box of donuts.
  • The publication of correspondence between famous people has been used for many years for the purposes of scholastic enquiry.
  • And in the whole ensuing discourse I shall as little as is possible immix myself in any curious scholastical disputes. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • One Scripture, in its own plainness and simplicity, will be of more use for the end I aim at than twenty scholastical arguments, pressed with never so much accurateness and subtilty. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • This, however, does not seem to be either the best or the most prevalent view of scholasticism regarding synderesis.
  • However, in some cases it seems that this form of Averroism was curiously influenced by some Latin Scholastic trends, like Thomism and Latin Averroism. Influence of Arabic and Islamic Philosophy on Judaic Thought
  • We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement.
  • sneered Kemp, `You take your scholastic duties a mite seriously - she's out of the classroom now. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • the outcome of expansion in the sixties and seventies will be an academic hierarchy securely supported by scholastic selection
  • A methodical and periodical assessment of the scholastic ability of students is more important than judging them by just one examination.
  • The Revolution in science overturned the authority in not only of the middle ages but of the ancient world - it ended not only in the eclipse of scholastic philosophy but in the destruction of Aristotelian physics.
  • For, be it known in advance, Lee Barton was a super-man and Ida Barton a super-woman -- or at least the were personalities so designated by the cub book reviewers, flat-floor men and women, and scholastically emasculated critics, who, from across the dreary levels of their living, can descry no glorious humans overtopping their horizons. “It was the Golden Fleece ready for the shearing.”
  • Some, indeed, will labour diligently in the study of those things which the Scripture hath in common with other arts and sciences; such are the languages wherein it was writ, the stories contained in it, the ways of arguing which it useth with scholastical accuracy in expressing the truth supposed to be contained in it. Pneumatologia
  • Christ is constantly being "corrected" in Papism and has largely been replaced by the Bible amongst the Protestants; in both cases, the Incarnate Logos (Word) is replaced by scholasticism (separation of intellect from life) and heresy.
  • Some of the shortfall in these years was due to Scholastic's failure to turn around its "continuities" book-of-the-month sales unit, which it is exiting. Putting Scholastic's Earnings to the Test
  • These children exhibited significant problems of scholastic underachievement, without any evidence of mental subnormality, learning difficulty or any behavioural or emotional disorder.
  • Enough of these fringe scholastic, and I use that word haltingly, and return to Math, The Lede
  • As the recovery work continues, it is becoming evident that medieval women were not theologically quiescent, but spoke in different theological accents from the scholasticism that dominated the theological academy.
  • Even Thomas Aquinas was a stowaway, as the Spaniards smuggled his scholasticism and rigid conceptions of social hierarchy into the Americas.
  • A greater recognition of the role of medieval humanism, scholasticism, Gothic architecture and Catholicism in McLuhan's thought would have opened up another avenue of uniquely Canadian direction in McLuhan.
  • He interested himself in me, and I owe it to him that I am to-day a finished man of letters, being well versed in Latin, from Cicero’s ‘Offices’ to the ‘Mortuology’ of the Celestine Fathers, nor ignorant of scholastics, of poetics, of music, nor even of hermetics nor alchemy—that subtlety of subtleties. VII. A Wedding Night. Book II
  • The Spanish Scholastics remain profoundly admired by Catholics as the great intellects they were.
  • sneered Kemp, `You take your scholastic duties a mite seriously - she's out of the classroom now. IN REMEMBRANCE OF ROSE
  • He was himself disenchanted with scholastic teaching.
  • The truth is, neither would the matter treated of, nor the persons for whose sakes chiefly this labour was undertaken, admit of an accurate scholastical procedure in all parts of the treatise. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The Scholarship Board believes that part of the eligibility requirements for receipt of scholarship money is scholastic excellence.
  • He was a good enough student to skip a grade in elementary school and later scored 1280 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
  • He was a good enough student to skip a grade in elementary school and later scored 1280 on the Scholastic Aptitude Test.
  • This would do harm to students'scholastic performance in the long run.
  • But, on the other hand, in fully adopting the old scholastic creationism, he supposes a special creation of the _soul_, a separation of body and soul, which in this form is very contestable, and might better have been replaced by a separation of natural and rational or of physico-psychical and pneumatical parts of his being. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • There, he labored long and hard in the patient work of theology and liturgy, becoming one of the greatest hymnist of the East, as well as the last of the early Church Fathers and the first of the medieval scholastics. Archive 2006-12-01
  • That to be penetrable and indiscerpible is as truly attributed to Bodies, as to Spirits; and to be impenetrable and discerpible agrees as well to Spirits as to Bodies; for that the difference is Gradual and not Essential; And that no Creature, or Created Spirit, can be intimately present in any Creature, because Intrinsick Presence only pertains to God and Christ; and therefore that Philosophical Penetration of Created Spirits, in regard of Bodies, is a mere Scholastick Fiction. The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy
  • Let not the surpassing eloquence of Taylor dazzle you, nor his scholastic retiary versatility of logic illaqueate your good sense. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • Medieval scholasticism has continued to fuel contemporary debates on euthanasia and abortion and it has helped revive casuistry (now called ‘applied ethics’ and performed by committees).
  • While borrowing much from scholasticism, Descartes' account is distinguished by its scope of application.
  • Medieval scholasticism had trained students in Latin, letter-writing and philosophy, but its teachers and thinkers were generally subservient to the authorities (usually the church) for which they worked.
  • Argumentative as the Buddhist suttas are, their aim is strictly practical, even when their language appears scholastic, and the burden of all their ratiocination is the same and very simple. Hinduism and Buddhism, An Historical Sketch, Vol. 1
  • But ethics without practical application only lead to the sterile formalism and abstractionism of scholastic thought.
  • When he was eighteen years old he had won the title of Scholastic King of Bridge, a designation conferred by the American Contract Bridge League upon the best high school-age player in the country. The Rise and Fall of Bear Stearns
  • The scholastic sees abstract art, in the context of a society increasingly despiritualised and this-worldly, as almost an historical inevitability.
  • Scholastics comprise under the term medium rationis. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • And surely I do best allow of a division of that kind, though in more familiar and scholastical terms: namely, that these be the two parts of natural philosophy — the inquisition of causes, and the production of effects; speculative and operative; natural science, and natural prudence. The Advancement of Learning
  • A God, as distinguished from the absolute, creates things by projecting them beyond himself as so many substances, each endowed with _perseity_, as the scholastics call it. A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
  • That is, the program and network, its host, and its audiences were more cerebral, more scholastic, and more directly concerned with effecting change than its blowhard competitors.
  • The site contains more than 16,000 fully customable lesson resources for all ages, representing more than 225,000 pages of teaching resources, and includes interactive whiteboard resources and premium interactive educational content from leading publishers such as Dorling Kindersley, National Geographic, Scholastic, Waterford Institute, Harper Collins and Oxford University Press. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • Thus we can see at this point a fundamental ‘vacuity’ in the attempt by Aquinas and other scholastics to harness ‘Plato and Aristotle’ for the purposes of Trinitarian doctrine.
  • He went beyond the scholastics to affirm that what violates reason cannot be accepted as revelation.
  • The dark dominate of the end of the Han Dynasty, the exclude of the ancient scholasticism, the lash of Taoism and Buddhism is the external cause of it's decline .
  • The colleen is a high school junior picked for her scholastic and community activities. Featured Story
  • Scholastic knew the latest Potter adventure would be big because each successive book had outsold its predecessor rather than trailing off as with most series.
  • We may well say: I would desire to be young; but we do not say: I desire to be young; seeing that this is not possible; and this motion is called a wishing, or as the Scholastics term it a velleity, which is nothing else but a commencement of willing, not followed out, because the will, by reason of impossibility or extreme difficulty, stops her motion, and ends it in this simple affection of a wish. Treatise on the Love of God
  • In addition, he was aware of the Scholastics' critical appraisal of Aristotelian physics.
  • He instructs the masters to lecture regularly according to the statutes and to explain the text of Aristotle, "de puncto in punctum," and, holding that fear and reverence are the life-blood of scholastic discipline, he repeats an injunction which we find in 1336, that the students in Arts are to sit not on benches or raised seats, but on (p.  144) the floor, "ut occasio superbiae a juvenibus secludatur. Life in the Medieval University
  • Renaissance humanism gradually replaced the medieval scholastic tradition from which it emerged.
  • Spanish medical knowledge of the age, still heavily based on Galen and scholasticism, assumed that light-skinned men were colder and phlegmatic.
  • On a scholastical level, I am going to perform for the first time in my theatre class on Monday. Qdiosa Diary Entry
  • I heard about everyone's grades and scholastic achievements.
  • His numerous works, chiefly philosophical, have a strong bias toward "occultism", and run counter to the received opinions of his time in theology and scholastic philosophy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • These events were in contrast to the more scholastic atmosphere of the sports tournaments which were umpired by teachers from the village primary school.
  • Finally, he examines the decreasing influence of strict Reformed theology due to rising scholasticism, sectarianism and natural theology based on enlightened philosophy.
  • It is also a little reassuring that scholastic achievement across the range of abilities is so welcomed and valued in the public reaction to the results round.
  • Their key goal is achievement, but this aim is not exclusively scholastic.
  • This is the only book that I'm aware of that directly addresses the needs and concerns of the most important participants in scholastic tournaments: the players and their parents.
  • A scholastic work is to have a useful bibliography at the end of each chapter or the whole book.
  • A scholastic work is to have a useful bibliography at the end of each chapter or the whole book.
  • -- Callimachus, more erudite, more scholastic, was what is termed a neoclassic, which is that he desired to treat in a new way the same subjects that had been dealt with by the great men of ancient Initiation into Literature
  • Only a faculty secure in their positions and backed-up by long-term curricular goals and solid scholastic hopes can go to classes and teach their hearts out. Nina Sankovitch: Bleak Job Outlook in the Humanities Is Bad News for Everyone
  • By the 12th century the works of Plato and Aristotle had been rediscovered and reinterpreted by the scholastics who attempted to synthesise early Greek ideas with medieval theology.
  • Mark Blaug calls neoclassical economics "sick", a "soporific scholasticism" of mathematical formalism where the slogan "No reality, please, we're economists" rules. Traveling the last mile with William Jones
  • As the centuries passed they added more and more layers to the symbolic structures that reinforced such attitudes, while their overt messages disregarded the subtle reservations of scholastic theologians.
  • There is something in this little story that might not be unworthy our inquiry, as to the scholastical history of the Jews; viz. where Rabban Jochanan should make his abode, if not in Jabneh? for that is the place they commonly allot to him; but this is not a place to dispute of such matters. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • His major contributions however were in the fields of Madhyamaka philosophy and Abhidharma scholasticism.
  • In one hour, respite from the hardships of scholastic vocation was so easily achieved.
  • Humanism is often opposed to medieval scholasticism and macaronic language.
  • Your mother joins with me in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainments.
  • My parents were never particularly interested in my scholastic achievements.
  • Descartes sometimes uses traditional arguments as heuristic devices, not merely to appease a scholastically trained audience but to help induce clear and distinct perceptions.
  • Despite their restrictions on my wearing makeup and dating, my parents supported all my scholastic activities and hobbies.
  • His scholastic triumphs were allied to a highly visible right-wing stance. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Hobbes's contempt for scholastic philosophy is boundless.
  • Ans. Avoiding all scholastical discourses, as unsuited to the work of this day, I shall briefly give in unto you how this is a sinful thing, yet sinners are given up unto it without the least extenuation of their guilt, or colour for charge on the justice and goodness of God. The Sermons of John Owen
  • President Roosevelt and John Burroughs, in advancing such a view, are homocentric in the same fashion that the scholastics of earlier and darker centuries were homocentric. The Other Animals
  • Their adjudications were neither for public consumption nor scholastic disquisition.
  • The scholastics developed the theological base for this form of private reconciliation.
  • This is that method which hath exhibited unto us the scholastical divinity; whereby divinity hath been reduced into an art, as into a cistern, and the streams of doctrine or positions fetched and derived from thence. The Advancement of Learning
  • Certainly, many boys continue to conquer scholastic summits, especially boys from high-income families with educated parents.
  • Your mother joins with me in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainments.
  • These and later theologians would also have introduced him to the ideas of the Christian scholastics.
  • This text highlights how my training in philosophy was a plunging into the history of philosophy (analytic, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Adorno etc) with its dangers of scholasticism.
  • Libraries across the United States are invited to apply for the $3,000 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant, which will be awarded to a single library for the best public awareness campaign incorporating the 2010 National Library Week theme, "Communities thrive @ your library®. ALA and Scholastic Library Publishing announce 2010 National Library Week Grant
  • To press that case, the book has to ignore most of the theological and philosophical traditions from the rise of medieval scholasticism to the twentieth-century declaration that ‘God is dead.’
  • His formulation also perpetuates the faulty nature/grace dichotomy so deeply embedded within federal scholasticism.
  • The Archbishop of St. Boniface and five bishops of the North-West are members of this congregation, which has about 265 priests and 96 lay brothers, with houses in Quebec, Montreal, and Ottawa, and in the last named city a university, a scholasticate, a juniorate, and several parishes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • Humanism is often opposed to medieval scholasticism and macaronic language.
  • Malebranche was concerned to respond to all of these arguments against occasionalism, particularly as they were developed in the work of scholastics such as Suárez. Nicolas Malebranche
  • We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement.
  • It seemed fruitful to articulate, to probe and carefully render the overlay of my scholastic past and my working present.
  • WE DENY that inerrancy is a doctrine invented by scholastic Protestantism, or is a reactionary position postulated in response to negative higher criticism.
  • scholastic year
  • Your mother joins with me in congratulating you on your wonderful scholastic attainments.
  • Only 8 in 10,000 -- still less than one tenth of one percent--of high school senior boys playing interscholastic football will eventually be drafted by an NFL team. Ted Kaufman: Time to Take a Hard Look at School Sports
  • The theory of modern natural laws inherits and develops the heritage of traditional natural laws in the period of the ancient Greece, the ancient Roman, and the Christian scholasticism.
  • The turn away from Protestant scholasticism was given clear, systematic justification in the theology of Horace Bushnell.
  • His thought witnesses to his own reading in a variety of predecessors, while side-stepping the methods of the medieval scholastic summae and their typical controversies and arguments. Cusanus, Nicolaus [Nicolas of Cusa]
  • And, for the usual method of teaching _Arts_, I deem it to be an old error of Universities, not yet well recovered from the scholastic grossness of barbarous ages, that, instead of beginning with Arts most easy (and these be such as are most obvious to the sense), they present their young unmatriculated novices at first coming with the most intellective abstractions of Logic and The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • His inky fingers become large, manly hands, his drooping scholastic back stiffens, his elbows go out, his etiolated complexion corrugates and darkens, his moustaches increase and grow and spread, and curl up horribly; a large, red scar, a sabre cut, grows lurid over one eye. Little Wars; a game for boys from twelve years of age to one hundred and fifty and for that more intelligent sort of girl who likes boys' games and books.
  • The monasteries were also the birthplace of scholasticism.
  • Those things which both here and elsewhere in the discourses of our Saviour might give occasion for scholastical discussion, I leave wholly to the schools, omitting many passages about which a great deal might be said, because they have been already the labours of other pens. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • His cultural outlook lies in his objection to the scholastic aristocratic culture favored by Confucianists, his avocation of plain and simple culture of commonalty.
  • scholastic philosophy
  • A scholastic program primarily for seniors; a primarily middle - class neighborhood.
  • Whatever posture he adopted publicly, Descartes could not have been indifferent to criticisms of the scholastics, or to the growing influence of atheistic ideas among his educated contemporaries.
  • Children are certainly tempted to watch television instead of mastering reading, and those who succumb will be permanently impaired scholastically.
  • In 1988, at a Composition Committee meeting, the discussion centered on whether any form other than the scholastic essay could be appropriate for the English Composition curriculum.
  • The pursuit of physics by hair-splitting quibbles and scholastic logic applied to Aristotle's texts, as in this first long manuscript of Galileo's, was more an elaborate verbal game than an investigation of Nature.
  • Inter-Scholastic Athletic Association of the Middle Atlantic States under whose auspices track meets and basket ball were first introduced into the capital of the nation. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917
  • There was a careful avoidance of the sensitive topic in the scholastic circles.
  • In the tradition dominant in the United Kingdom, North America, and Australasia moral philosophy became increasingly scholastic and removed from the ethical concerns of real people.
  • We use standardized tests to measure scholastic achievement.
  • Ben Jonson mentions Shakespeare's scholastic failings "and though thou hadst small Latin and less Greek" in his dedicatory poem to his great peer's 1623 folio. Jonathan Hobratsch: Shakespeare Is Shakespeare
  • These philosophers are scorned by the obtuse for their abstruseness and abstraction, derided for their technical vocabulary, and accused of ‘scholasticism.’
  • Idioms of feudal law also applied to royal jurisdiction and government, which is why St Thomas Aquinas, the leading scholastic thinker of the High Middle Ages, debated the powers of monarchy in this vein.
  • The terms actus and potentia were used by the scholastics to translate Aristotle's energeia or entelecheia, and dynamis. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • A novitiate, juniorate, and scholasticate of the Society is established at The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 15: Tournely-Zwirner
  • His scholastic triumphs were allied to a highly visible right-wing stance. A SONG AT TWILIGHT

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