
How To Use Schizophrenic In A Sentence

  • In some non-Western cultures, schizophrenic delusions single out the person as spiritually gifted.
  • Cummings called the Interior Department "schizophrenic" - on the one hand declaring its intent to protect polar bear habitat in the Arctic, yet at the same time "sacrificing that habitat to feed our unsustainable addiction to oil. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • Pope Pete, on the other hand, has the same problem as all hermetic-influenced schizophrenics of the past years (Crowley being number one).
  • Further, in the sociomorphic and anthropomorphic nature of the morphology that is paranoically and schizophrenically projected upon realty, the God class comes to articulate the discourses at play in our notions of society and humanity. Archive 2007-04-01
  • Method:215 schizophrenic patients with homicidal behaviors were investigated with self-developed criminological questionnaire and then the data were analyzed.
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  • In 1931 there were no medications to treat mental illness (lobotomies came into vogue in 1935, for example) and psychiatry was divided between those doctors treating state hospital patients (many of whom had paresis or were schizophrenic/bipolar) who were considered “organic” and those who were more psychoanalytic, mostly in big cities. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jerome Frank on Oliver Wendell Holmes:
  • I would rather have a schizophrenic stewbum who lives in a refrigerator box make policy at this point than who we have right now.
  • New antipsychotic medications such as olanzapine and risperidone often can effectively control schizophrenic symptoms without the extrapyramidal side effects of traditional agents.
  • Nevertheless, their sound is a fitting precursor to the hilarious yet obvious shoutings of Art Brut and the schizophrenic hyper-noise of labelmates like Deerhoof and Bunnybrains.
  • CONCLUSION:Psychodrama therapy is helpful for the improvement of trait anxiety and self confidence in patients with schizophrenic at the recovery phase.
  • Schizophrenics have too much dopamine activity in the brain so their clock is so fast that it feels like the whole world is crazy" - wtf? but is otherwise an interesting look at chronobiology - the science of biological time perception. Mind Hacks: NewSci on robots and chronobiology
  • It seems that up to 50 percent of schizophrenics have a biochemical quirk called the mauve factor a chemical by-product from oxidation injury to our fats and proteins.57These odd compounds can bind to zinc and vitamin B6, leading to a functional zinc deficiency. The UltraMind Solution
  • Fog is merely very low clouds and reverse phycology doesn't work on schizophrenics so why not just say that you're surprised that AP defended Palin … oh wait .. you are that person who writes satire … whereby anything goes as long as somebody other than you is laughed at. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Inside psychiatric hospitals, the schizophrenic architect is forced to confine his dreams to paper, or to minor alterations of his personal environment.
  • And Dr. John Neumaier, a psychiatry professor at the University of Washington, said drugs such as dextroamphetamine can trigger psychotic episodes in schizophrenic patients. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • Only one of the six people who appear in the film identifies herself as schizophrenic.
  • Although both deficits often co-occur in the same patients, particularly in schizophrenics, these behavioral divisions of emotional blunting may derive from independent brain systems avolition: dominant frontal; loss of expression: nondominant frontal and can be observed separately. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • They're not really sure what he suffered from, but some believe that he was schizophrenic.
  • Wasteland" (from A Frames 2) is a schizophrenic stomper with a funereal bass line, lots of jaunty tambourine, and lyrics that perfectly wed two senses of the word smoldering: "I want to watch the smoke rise/I want to look in your eyes/I want your hand in my hand/I want to walk the wasteland. Chicago Reader
  • The film makes an implicit statement about our schizophrenic, debt-driven economy.
  • What really does this film in is the schizophrenic nature of the story.
  • Brain images from the schizophrenic patients showed abnormalities in two functionally and anatomically different neural pathways - the uncinate fasciculus and the cingulate bundle.
  • You are nuts! Perhaps schizophrenic, certainly delusionary just to think your fellow citizens would approve of a return to such violence and chaos as putting evangelical madmen like Fred Phelps in charge of anything at all. Are we a Christian Nation?
  • Well, there are some problems with Pop Occulture’s analysis … first of all, SChizophrenia - the reason schizophrenics hear voices and don’t recognize thema s coming form themselves is because the voices occur in a part of the brain that processes hearing - thatis to say, they really do *hear* voices or whatever. Mishegaas | Jewschool
  • My own report, to be published shortly, will conclusively prove police discrimination in stopping sword slashing paranoid-schizophrenics 50 times more regularly than those in the general population, demanding the end of this prejudiced practice. Police Search Too Few White People SHOCK!! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In the case of schizophrenics, delusions can arise through misinterpreting other people's actions, misreading other people's minds.
  • When people are deprived of dreaming (when they are allowed to sleep but not to enter REM sleep) after a few days they are almost schizophrenic.
  • As the number and size of state hospitals increased, however, overcrowded wards housed chronic cases: long-term schizophrenics, the senile, paralytics, and epileptics.
  • The psychiatric implications of such a drug were obvious, and soon French doctors were using a particularly strong phenothiazine—RP4560, or chlorpromazine—on their psychotic mostly schizophrenic patients. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Those events led authorities to commit Wolfli to the Waldau Psychiatric Clinic near Bern in 1895, where he was diagnosed as schizophrenic and remained in residence until his death 35 years later.
  • A so-called split personality is not part of the syndrome, and the word schizophrenic is better avoided in that context. Essential Guide to Business Style and Usage
  • Alas, Bleuler's views were largely neglected, probably because schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms (such as affect, anergia, apathy) make it easy to assume that they have underdeveloped emotional experiences.
  • Weickert CS, Straub RE, McClintock BW, Matsumoto M, Hashimoto R, et al. (2004) Human dysbindin (DTNBP1) gene expression in normal brain and in schizophrenic prefrontal cortex and midbrain. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • His schizophrenic psychosis was a catatonic aspect, as he had few impulses of his own.
  • This is a drawing of my patient in an acute state of a chronic, schizophrenic illness.
  • That is why they are declared schizophrenic - mad folk, in common parlance.
  • It does take a certain boldness to name your book series after what's often taken as a symptom of schizophrenic psychosis. False Witness
  • If the pair were discordant, that is one had schizophrenia and the other did not then the non - schizophrenic was followed for at least 13 years to see if it developed later. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • R D Laing: ‘The experience and behaviour that gets labelled schizophrenic is a special strategy that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation’
  • A patient that have social anxiety and social phobia are ofttimes misdiagnosed and are often identified as schizophrenic and manic-depressive, out of other bad misdiagnoses. MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Self-hatred is accompanied in extreme cases by paranoid, schizophrenic, or manic-depressive psychoses.
  • There are no laboratory findings pathognomonic of schizophrenia, although schizophrenics show abnormalities on several laboratory tests. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • I was suitably impressed with my friend's performance as a schizophrenic, but the play by itself made no sense.
  • There is broad consensus that cognitive deficits play a crucial role for both the pathogenesis and prognosis of schizophrenic psychoses.
  • Several studies have noted a higher rate of left-handedness in schizophrenic people although some scientists think this is due to ambidextrousness rather than genuine left-handedness.
  • Certainly a schizophrenic is perfectly capable of acting on an intention. Is That Legal?: In Defense of Worrying About The Word "Terrorist"
  • My biological father is diagnosed as paranoid / schizophrenic.
  • The depraved plot is shot with a schizophrenic camera incorporating elements of peepshows, montage and silent horror films amongst others.
  • For example, in psychiatric terms, a zombi might be called a catatonic schizophrenic; both conditions are characterized by incoherence and catalepsy with alternate moments of stupor and activity. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • The best of these songs verges on being schizophrenic with its double vocals.
  • Indeed, the narrative structure of the first half is, as Jameson has suggested, of a writerly nature and schizophrenic in its narrative loops and turns.
  • Schizophrenics frequently speak in a stilted, manneristic fashion, and the fluency of their speech may be intermittently disturbed, with paucity of speech, verbigeration (associations repeated in a stereotyped manner, palilalia in the aphasia literature), or perseveration (words or phrases repetitively inserted in the flow of speech). The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • And one of the great mysteries that I've never figured out is why the jellyfish chose the only amino acid that would compromise, and be schizophrenic, and be partly UV and partly blue in its absorbance. Roger Y. Tsien - Interview
  • I'd love to play a mental patient—a schizophrenic, something like that.
  • The need of schizophrenic patients to sometimes withdraw would then be explicable as a protective response from further stimulation.
  • Posterity has called her mad: a schizophrenic.
  • In his mid-twenties he had a breakdown, diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic.
  • Despite being labeled a paranoid schizophrenic, it's Noah's personality -- foul-mouthed, funny and disconcertingly intuitive -- that defines him, not his diagnosis. Dennis Palumbo: Who (and What) Defines Normal?
  • Schizophrenics express their thoughts in incoherent ways and harbor beliefs unshared by others, usually encompassing a suspicion that they are targets of attention.
  • The press dubbed him "The Oddfather" after he began posing as a schizophrenic in the late 1960s.
  • The psychiatric implications of such a drug were obvious, and soon French doctors were using a particularly strong phenothiazine—RP4560, or chlorpromazine—on their psychotic mostly schizophrenic patients. MANUFACTURING DEPRESSION
  • Because the schizophrenic is not "properly" hooked up to the Oedipal machine of Imaginary desires and Wandering in the Landscape with Wordsworth and Deleuze
  • Hallelujah for script that schizophrenically mixes upper and lower case, and for the two dot umlaut-like trema over the i, and the acute accent mark over the final e in the word naïveté, and for the proper use of the word capitol, which has but a single proper use. A paean to the inauguration: "Hallelujah... for being smart again. And sexy again. And optimistic again."
  • a casebook schizophrenic
  • For example, in psychiatric terms, a zombi might be called a catatonic schizophrenic; both conditions are characterized by incoherence and catalepsy with alternate moments of stupor and activity. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • The film was an example of schizophrenic movie-making at its worst.
  • This was before I went on the web and knew almost nothing about paranoid personality disorder and just assumed the term paranoid schizophrenic was an hysterical insult that self-righteous idiots flung at a person they didn't like. MetaFilter Projects
  • When I heard a schizophrenic person had represented himself, I could not believe it," said Keith Hampton in his office on Nueces Street. Scott Panetti
  • As long as we're doing this, does anyone remember the episode where Buffy is stabbed by a demon and she hallucinates that she is in a mental ward and that the events of the last couple years were schizophrenic delusions.
  • LSD psychotics fundamentally did not differ from schizophrenics except for the amount of parental alcoholism.
  • To call republicans schizophrenic is an obvious and redundant statement. Think Progress » On Today Show, O’Reilly Compares Murtha With Hitler Sympathizers
  • Ultimately, he emphasized the view that she was simply a paranoid schizophrenic rather than leaving the question open.
  • McCann's mother is schizophrenic, and his accounts of his mother's antics are both humorous and tragic.
  • So clearly we must have two different people here, or a schizophrenic, or a case of demonic possession.
  • A paranoid schizophrenic who preyed on young schoolgirls is to be locked up indefinitely at a secure mental health hospital.
  • the schizophrenic loses ability to abstract or do conceptual thinking
  • He told me I'm not schizophrenic but have a habbit of putting my best face foreward, meaning he thinks I'm hiding something. Neonatal Circumcision (Controversy? Who, Moi?)
  • Dan Deacon, BromstPart hippie-dippy community art project, part "Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test," Bromst is a dynamic, schizophrenic listen: churchly quiet a singular second, cacophonously ear-splitting a next. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Living with a schizophrenic, psychotic mother must have left an indelible mark on him.
  • Hallucinogens, such as phencyclidine (PCP or angel dust) produce schizophrenic-like symptoms in healthy people.
  • Baudrillard's schizophrenic is characterized by a terrifying overexposure to the hyperreal.
  • Psychotics and schizophrenics differ from normals on a few variables.
  • Given that this particular antinovel is also an exploration of the chaotic subconscious of two schizophrenics, its sensate sex-and-violence imagery becomes doubly significant: a stream of subconsciousness that describes waking dreams while feeling like one.
  • Unfortunately, this "bifurcated" strategy led to schizophrenic management structures, one for China and the other for international markets, the latter "outsourced" from IBM. Tom Doctoroff: Chinese Global Brands: A Long Road to Rome
  • He said whatever is good for a normal person is good for a schizophrenic.
  • schizophrenic patients
  • Jacqueline Rose asks an extremely pertinent question of Jameson's totalizing account of postmodern schizophrenic subjectivity.
  • In He Who Fears the Wolf (Harcourt), the latest installment of this Norwegian series to be published in America, a young schizophrenic escapes from a mental institution and heads for the forest, where an old recluse is later found murdered. Touch of Evil
  • she is behaving rather sanely these days even though we know she is schizophrenic
  • When you anthropomorphise any group of people to speak about them as a single person with intent, that person is nearly always schizophrenic. -- jzap Happy Hour Roundup
  • Schizophrenic akinesia and catatonic symptoms may similarly resemble parkinsonian and dystonic symptoms.
  • These parameters indicate that dosing this drug based on blood levels may optimize response in acute schizophrenics.
  • She had quickly adapted to the smoky atmosphere, but still was uncomfortable around the schizophrenic old woman; sometimes, she was the mad hag that she and Chrissey had met originally.
  • Anybody calling themselves a McCain democrat is either a liar or a schizophrenic. Warner and Kaine to campaign with Obama in Virginia
  • As the number and size of state hospitals increased, however, overcrowded wards housed chronic cases: long-term schizophrenics, the senile, paralytics, and epileptics.
  • Nash is a certifiable genius and a certifiable paranoid schizophrenic who we watch go through shock treatments and delusions galore.
  • But this must be so, because religious belief works as memory, not as to-hand experience … or at least not as this latter for most people ecstatics and schizophrenics excepted, I mean. Religion and memory
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • Neumaier said it would be surprising for any psychiatrist to put a schizophrenic patient on a stimulant such as dextroamphetamine and take him off an anti-psychotic such as Zyprexa. The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
  • In a practice common among schizophrenics, he keeps a notebook, writing in hieroglyphs that are only comprehensible to him.
  • It you want to say, do they have disordered thinking, are they distorted in their ideas of relationships with people, some of them certainly are personality disordered, but not a lot are schizophrenic or what we would call psychotics.
  • She kicked her band off the stage after a few songs, streamed snot and hacked up phlegm from a lung infection, almost tore her own hands apart singing solo, and dragged a dwindling crowd along on a schizophrenic but mesmerising journey.
  • More recently reductions in two other brain peptides, cholecystokinin and somatostatin have also been described in the brain tissue of schizophrenics.
  • The schizophrenic tends generally to retreat from involvement with his environment.
  • Thus the significant differences between LSD and schizophrenic psychoses appear to be in the affective nature of LSD psychosis and the greater incidence of delusions and auditory hallucinations in schizophrenics.
  • I assume your writer watched the film, yet somehow this didn't stop him from simply tagging all these individuals as schizophrenics.
  • the hebephrenic--the most severely dedifferentiated of all schizophrenic patients
  • In 1930s Nazi Germany about 350,000 people, categorized most commonly as feeble-minded, schizophrenic or epileptic, were sterilized.
  • The children of schizophrenic women may have more to worry about than developing schizophrenia.
  • It's funny that to get anything done in the Puget Sound, you have to exhibit these schizophrenic qualities so as to have a broad and "inoffensive" appeal. Sound Politics: Kitsap County Foot-Ferry Tax
  • In conclusion, the hypothesized use of substances of abuse for self-medication of schizophrenic symptoms and medication side effects is not supported by our data.
  • The mountain is a 6,288-foot-high fortress guarded by schizophrenic weather that could turn the devil himself into a sniveling wuss.
  • His mother abandoned him and his father was a schizophrenic.
  • Pinned to his straitjacket was a tag saying paranoid schizophrenic. 1968
  • He cites studies finding that schizophrenics who haven't been drugged do not show higher dopamine levels than non-mentally-ill controls.
  • Truss gave anticandida medicines to schizophrenics, and some, he claimed, showed phenomenal improvement. Chicago Reader
  • And just how schizophrenic and perverse is our culture? ProWomanProLife » Your beautifully inspiring story of the day
  • The dizzying altitude, schizophrenic temperatures, lack of rainfall, and coarse terrain make it one of the most grim of all the places that humans call home.
  • Of course we do not know an art of dyspeptics or of people with knee complaints; yet we do know an art of schizophrenics, of manic-depressives, of epileptics, and of people with cerebral damage.
  • For Deleuze and Guattari, the schizophrenic is a challenge to the political and linguistic systems simultaneously since he utilizes language in unsocial and antisocial ways. Wandering in the Landscape with Wordsworth and Deleuze
  • After that initial lawsuit, they took the schizophrenic step of complying with the ruling.
  • The author does not discuss the collectiveness that characterizes many non-Western cultures and how that too may be a positive influence on prognosis for schizophrenics in those countries.
  • These characteristics are strikingly displayed in the art of the schizophrenic prisoner.
  • For everyone other than the schizophrenic, signs and desires have meaning only as they function within a social or cultural system and only as one is able to assimilate one's interior "selfhood" with that system. Wandering in the Landscape with Wordsworth and Deleuze
  • Paranoia mushroomed into madness for Nash and eventually he was diagnosed as schizophrenic.
  • Perhaps one of the most important changes in the DSM is called dimensional assessments noted above in the discussion of schizophrenic disorders. The Full Feed from
  • It's a very schizophrenic life I lead.
  • He muddled his way through the opening verse and belted out the chorus, creating a schizophrenic performance.
  • In short, schizophrenic identity is an important constitutive element of cultural paranoia.
  • UK jails schizophrenic for refusal to decrypt files. We Predicted This Would Happen: Man Jailed in UK for Failing to Disclose Passphrase
  • Although the physical impression of schizophrenia today is often confounded by chronic exposure to neuroleptics, early workers in the predrug era described schizophrenics as physically awkward, gangly in appearance, and dyskinetic in movement. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Paranoia mushroomed into madness for Nash and eventually he was diagnosed as schizophrenic.
  • This leads to a certain schizophrenic quality to the writing. Boing Boing
  • She told police her husband, who she described as schizophrenic and suicidal, had become angry because he believed she had "sexual intercourse with more than 60 people, that he had one too many intestines, and that he had a chip installed in his head," court documents allege. The Seattle Times
  • His debut feature suffers from a schizophrenic lack of focus.
  • A psychiatrist who treated her testified that she has never been schizophrenic.
  • The results suggested that schizophrenic patients are associated with a deficit of attention, not associated with a deficit of representation of number space.
  • The court heard that three psychiatrists had all diagnosed him as suffering from paranoid schizophrenic with auditory hallucinations.

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