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How To Use Schema In A Sentence

  • Develop circuit board designs using CAD tools to capture schematics and create bill of material documentation.
  • Their readings have roots in and derive their stimulus from historical and political schema of dissent outlined in the biblical narratives.
  • It is critical to an understanding of deixis to recall that even very ‘local’ elements of context, such as a speaker's own corporeal experience and perceptual field, are susceptible of schematisation.
  • The schematic for the DTMF decoder in the figure below. Again you can use a combination of wire wrapping and soldering. Part placement is not critical.
  • The clinician must be well-attuned to the patient when the patient may be in the process of reconstructing schemas, thinking dialectically, recognizing paradox and generating a revised life narrative.
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  • Dogmatic constraints, tactical stereotypes, schematism in place of originality, and the boring repetition of truisms are contributing factors in creative infecundity.
  • So we can now say about hypotyposes that when they are schematic, they are natural, that is, they are plunged in space and time and in the natural world. Seeing Is Reading
  • Drawings, paintings, photographs, charts, schematics and maps enliven technical discussions of building sequences that might tax a nonexpert. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I think it's schematical in regards to these kind of numbers. 9\% growth on the size of the Chinese economy as is relates to welding as a phenomenal number and one of which we are again quite bullish about. Home Page
  • For instance, a schematic can be converted a PCB with one mouse click.
  • These situations often call for special schemas defining information for every specific error, thus effectively extending domain semantic model to describe failure scenarios.
  • This somewhat unexpected decision gave ammunition to those who felt the schema on priestly life was too spiritual in tone.
  • The database schema needs to be developed in tandem with pseudocode, so that you don't wind up with orphaned code or database calls that are excessively resource-intensive.
  • It's just so close to the wall it looks on the schematic like they're double doors.
  • Apart from the run-of-the-mill stuff like e-mail and word processing, he is teaching himself to use the computer to draw schematic diagrams.
  • Schematically shaded at its lower and right sides, the golf ball is illusionistically modeled not in the round but in relief, as is often the case with the apples and oranges of Cezanne.
  • Any outline of this work must compress the author's variegated analysis into a thin catalogue of schematic impressions.
  • Behavior patterns that are repeated in the course of cognitive activity are conceptualized as reflecting schemata.
  • In 1912 Braque and Picasso began to introduce collage and papier collé: this lent a clearer, if schematic, system of reference into a style which had become increasingly abstract.
  • The bodies of Tyrant Swellfoot and his subjects schematize the play's oppositions between empowerment and disempowerment, or possession and lack, and the play's registration of political relationships at the site of the bodya recurring trope throughout Shelley's worksfinds form in the oppositional pair of erection/emaciation. Shelley
  • Such a person would end up with a few very large schemata and would be unable to detect differences in things.
  • Rather than being schematic, it is telling a story through its characters.
  • One built-in tool of XML Spy that felt like actual magic was its automatic DTD/schema generation.
  • The important thing to recognize is that because typologies and resultant classification schema are imposed on the data set, their validity can only be determined by their usefulness.
  • Using a schematic drawing or developing a conceptual framework is another strategy that may be used to facilitate reporting the findings.
  • (For beings possessing the power of understanding but with different forms of intuition, the categories would be schematized differently from ours.) 1.5 The Second Step of the B-Deduction Kant's Transcendental Arguments
  • Nonetheless, such schemas hide the inherent processual nature of identity construction and belie the power of consumption practices to contextualize ethnicity-to presuppose, recreate, or to forge anew.
  • -- Schematic illustration of normal position of the intra-thoracic trachea and esophagus and also of the entire trachea when the patient is in the correct position for peroral bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • This clearly has something to do with a failure to "remap" your body schema to take your crossed hands into account, but that can't be the whole story as single taps are easy to get right even with crossed hands. New Scientist - Online News
  • This somewhat unexpected decision gave ammunition to those who felt the schema on priestly life was too spiritual in tone.
  • Sticking to the original text too much makes their translation obscure, and hence the aim of cultural communication and cultural schema translation is hard to achieve.
  • For best performance, all objects that are called within the same stored procedure should all be owned by the same object owner or schema, preferably dbo, and should also be referred to in the format of object_owner. object_name or schema_owner. object_ name. The Code Project Latest Articles
  • The screen flashes and a diagram of the schematics of the spherical generator appear.
  • If strategy games and Utopian architectural proposals schematize the operation of the urban realm into an abstract diagram, what can gaming and architectural representation teach us about how we might "play" the city? Serial Consign
  • A development board and sample schematics of typical applications for the device are available.
  • Each successive classification of salivary neoplasia holds space for malignancies that defy these classification schemata.
  • The Schema Builder will enable all parts of the database schema to be created or modified in a graphical environment.
  • The Schema framework approach creates a decentralized framework of strictly versioned schemas.
  • The system can be used to display schematic diagrams of the aircraft's principal sub-systems.
  • According to the functional requirements of the Batch-type Aluminum Ingot Cooling Conveyor, designed out the hydraulic system schematic diagram.
  • These schemata are analogous to concepts, categories, or cards in a file.
  • these interpretations are called `schemas' or, more pedantically, `schemata'
  • Said that the schematic was wrong, not his electrician's fault. CORMORANT
  • To put it schematically, I show that the animal runs alongside and undermines the narrative belief in subjective interiority as the sole marker of historical being.
  • Indeed, the schema serves to structure the knowledge of the instances, bringing them together into a coherent network.
  • Transgender rage is the subjective experience of being compelled to transgress what Judith Butler has referred to as the highly gendered regulatory schemata that determine the viability of bodies, of being compelled to enter a “domain of abjected bodies, a field of deformation” that in its unlivability encompasses and constitutes the realm of legitimate subjectivity. Yet another trans 101, in which Helen tells cis people What’s What
  • Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the gene 62 promoter region.
  • And, based on this schematic analysis, it is an effort to see how the mistake of "clumsiness" can emerge from normal skilled performance. Archive 2009-05-01
  • After the conceptual schema comes the logical schema -- the data model that defines the concepts with greater detail and shows the relationships between the entities.
  • In a day's work, I retrieved the building's schematics and was able to gather information on the routines of security guards and cleaning personnel.
  • Another analogy might be an index file in which each index card represents a schema.
  • They have to use all their ingenuity to outwit the vision of this information, which polices them, relating exclusively to that which has already been filed away or schematised in the objective memory.
  • In fact, the way we as scholars schematize clergy careers goes just this way, and it is exactly on this laddering that we have looked for evidence of differences in career patterns and of discrimination.
  • Database object schemas are a great addition to SQL Server and in many ways is more consistent with the original definition of a schema than its SQL Server 2000 counterpart.
  • Both light and sound waves can be schematized this way, and so too the complex visual and aural patterns created by their interference.
  • The result is not a historical schema, a taxonomy of modes as phases, but rather a model of narrative dynamics grounded in the potential variances of credibility and equilibrium warps. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The same goes for other schematic concepts such as vehicle, animal, tool, and fruit.
  • Crushed into self, and his own conscience and _schema mundi_, he loses the opportunity of correcting his impression of the voice of God within, by the testimony of the voice of God without; and so he begins to mistake more and more the voice of that very flesh of his, which he fancies he has conquered, for the voice of God, and to become, without knowing it, an autotheist. Alton Locke, Tailor and Poet An Autobiography
  • Shown on the schematic is a secondary output that uses the open collector at the DISCHARGE terminal (Pin 7) of the timer. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • Schematic diagrams of the probe and of the entire spectroscopy system are shown in Fig.1.
  • Perhaps the normal procedure of language could be schematized as follows.
  • The system can be used to display schematic diagrams of the aircraft's principal sub-systems.
  • This can feel a little schematic offering only the ‘dominant idea’ of what each of these two sides were.
  • The design will ‘provide partners with full schematics, layout, bill of materials, drivers and a design guide’, the chip maker said.
  • So we're left with an anti-relativism argument that traffics in relativism, an anti-corporate argument framed in corporate terms, and an Adorno/Horkheimer name-drop without enough self-realization to notice that the exclusionary schema it's propping up is a mirror-image recapitulation of what Adorno and Horkheimer were warning against. Archive 2009-07-01
  • On the reverse side of the box you can actually see a detailed schematic representation of the air flow inside the system case when the cooler is installed.
  • Your current income schemata seems pretty solid based on the last magazine interview I read about you. No more gifts…. & lots of changes. « The Paradigm Shift
  • The peculiar nature of Keynes's schematism is that it is constructed to tame ‘the extreme complexity of the actual course of events’.
  • Additional details on this method and a schematic representation of the experimental protocol are available in the online supplement.
  • Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.
  • a diagram that schematises the creation and consumption of wealth.
  • This type of documentation provides assistance while creating both schema and XML instance documents.
  • In America on the other hand, immigrant publics, with weakened connexions to heteroclite pasts, could only be aggregated by narrative and visual schemas stripped to their most abstract, recursive common denominators.
  • Attach the WFI schematic including all the pint of use.
  • * Agnoei toinun kata to schema tes anthropotetos, ho ginoskon ta panta kata ten dunamin tes theotetos. Pneumatologia
  • This does not exclude the possibility of a schematic representation which captures the commonality of the various uses.
  • = GreenOnBlack. schema #schema = BlackOnLightYellow. schema Linux Journal - The Original Magazine of the Linux Community
  • This could be seen as a metaphor for writing fiction, but the story itself seems too schematic.
  • To examine whether or not an association exists between the conservation status of species within genera and their position in Darwin's manufactory schema, all the world's bird genera were divided into four groups based on their speciosity and the richness of their subspecies. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The distances and relationships schematized on a technical map only tend to confuse people until they have worked through the problem of compatibility themselves in an experiential way.
  • The extension mechanism is described in Part 0 (the primer) of the W3C XML Schema recommendation.
  • The duration datatype specified in the XML Schema 1.0 Datatypes Recommendation (see Resources) is a partially ordered type that represents a period of time.
  • The walls were papered with graphs, equations, posters of graph, calculator schematics, and some diagrams I couldn't even make out.
  • Here F is not a placeholder in a schema, but a genuine variable ranging over properties or classes (or, on some interpretations, ranging plurally over individuals). Schema
  • The designs are quite schematic, even crude in their style of representation, and it is not always easy to decipher them.
  • Using the hierarchal presentation view of Data Source ExplorerHierarchical presentation icon , navigate to the Schemas folder.
  • You can also retrieve the value of the attribute type property of an attribute information item -- this is the type of an attribute -- through the schemaTypeInfo attribute of the Attr interface.
  • (a) Schematic representation of linear (10) and branched (11) constructs with the scissile +1 peptide bond site-specifically labeled with Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Late pagan and early Christian art adapted classical models to easily recognizable images whose symbolic function was best served by schematic formulas.
  • This substantial conception of an object - the conception of a kind of object having a certain nature - can be contrasted with another kind of conception, which we could call the schematic idea of an object.
  • To realize the information sharing between supplier and demander, the design method of shared data schema was researched.
  • This section has necessarily schematised a more complex critique.
  • It is legitimately hard to decide which of these four points is the most ridiculous. (1) and (2) might charitably be called querulous, demanding a full vector representation of all the heat/energy flows of a schematic representation. Rabett Run
  • Schema matching is the task of finding semantic correspondences between elements of two schemas, and it is a critical operation in the process of data integration.
  • Several applications of this self - schema model to a clinical context with depressed individuals are then highlighted.
  • More often than not, the contributors treat works of art as schemata or categorical icons, leaving matters of facture, line, and color undiscussed.
  • Schematic and enlarged cross-section through the body of a human embryo in the region of the mesogastrium. Illustrations. Fig. 1103
  • So, although the image of the coach abstracts the family dynamic into a mathematical or schematic imbalance, it also materializes it as one of mechanical and physical awkwardness.
  • When necessary, colorful schematic illustrations and radiologic studies, including cholangiography, sonography, and computed tomography, have been added.
  • The previous article discussed how Application Server and Application Developer use an XML file called Schema.dbxmi to represent a relational database schema that is mapped to an EJB design.
  • The hermeneutics used in the historicists' calculus of exploitation and oppression are less hermetic than those of new criticism and theory, but they are just as schematic.
  • Less reciprocal discourse will also activate schemata.
  • The program notes ascribed a savage or exotic otherness to the performers who were packaged into neatly schematised and imperialised glosses for ready consumption by the spectator.
  • There was also a coaxal power jack and diode (now shorted out) added for testing from a wall transformer which are not required and are not shown on the schematic. RoboCommunity - Latest Articles
  • This pattern of discovery may be schematized as in the figure overleaf.
  • Then there were several books of physics, and after that there were a series of books signed by Aristotle which dealt with matters unclassifiable within the established schema.
  • A notional/functional approach essentially seeks to establish correlations between systemic and schematic elements.
  • When I began collecting pre-1930 superheterodynes, I had a lot of trouble finding information about them and their schematics.
  • In his work the image is regularized, made to conform to an internally derived schema that is made up of patterns, repeated shapes, and with a concern for the inter-relationship of forms and the association of parts to the whole.
  • But, at least, they schematize the deliberations of the monopolist and do not, as in the case of competitive prices, satisfy themselves in describing a merely auxiliary construction of theoretical analysis which does not play a role in real action. Mises Dailies
  • The complexities that this schematic description suggests can only be appreciated by considering particular types of analysis.
  • The book combines examples of application, provide a practical and detailed electrical schematic diagram of microcontroller programs and programming flowchart.
  • In human society, the schemata can be laws, customs, myths, or institutions. The Scientist
  • In Kantian jargon, the category only yields knowledge of objects if it is “schematized,” applied to given objects under the conditions of time. Kant's Critique of Metaphysics
  • I think the quality of the text would be improved if some of the complicated wiring and electrical schematics included color.
  • But the schema which is originated from an idea (in which case reason presents us with aims a priori, and does not look for them to experience), forms the basis of architectonical unity. The Critique of Pure Reason
  • The data are summarized in the schematic diagram below.
  • Star schema and snowflake schema are adopted in radar clutter data warehouse.
  • The schemata of the adult evolve from the schemata of the child through adaptation and organization.
  • The process is shown schematically in figure 3.
  • The redesign shoulder pad rubber for material, draws up the electrical schematic diagram, the compilation procedure, carries on installs the debugging.
  • Schematic representations of the fusion proteins and reporter gene that were used.
  • The opposition between his religious heritages is mentioned frequently but only in a schematic and unenlightening manner. Times, Sunday Times
  • His top offensive threats are two temperamental sophomores, and he made a major schematic shift in midseason. Pretty impressive.
  • Using aGML application schema is clearly not a sufficient condition for interoperability, and only maybe is a necessary condition, but plenty of evidence that it helps. (lots more, but he talks faster than I can type … phew.) 15: 45: JohnLaxton, talking aboutGeoSciML v2: an interchange and mark-up language for geologic information. 2009 April 23 | Serendipity
  • A schema is a structure in semantic memory that specifies the general arrangement of a body of information, so it helps to understand the global coherence of discourse.
  • In addition to predicate denial, in which a predicate F is denied of a subject a, Aristotelian logic allows for narrow-scope predicate term negation, in which a negative predicate not-F is affirmed of a. The relation of predicate denial and predicate term negation to a simple affirmative proposition can be schematized on a generalized square of opposition Contradiction
  • A number of other factors such as clothing and posture, would, I think be schematized and contribute to your response.
  • FIG. 4 Schematic diagram of protein-DNA contacts for one half of the complex, in a similar orientation to Fig. 2.
  • Update from Steve: Reid found this site with material on Catal Hoyuk, but I found this comment amusing: "The contours of the volcano are breast-like and the overall shape of the volcano closely matches schematized "bison-woman" paleolithic designs and other goddess representations; it looks distinctly like a body, much more so than like a mountain". Hasan Dag and Catal Huyuk
  • The significance of their schema has been exaggerated.
  • These schematized formations recall aerial ballets, spiraling nebulae or orbiting planets, tracings of tiny fireballs, even measles and skin rashes.
  • The individual then uses these schemas to incorporate more information; and when observations are significantly inconsonant with existing views, the schemas are modified accordingly.
  • To assign a word to a particular word class - to say of a word that it is a noun, verb, or whatever - is to claim that the word instantiates the schematically characterized word class.
  • The schema would consist of an initial strong syllable followed by an unspecified number (including zero) of weak syllables.
  • A second later, an image of a schematic diagram appeared.
  • Then he slots the settings, the characters, and the plot into reductive schemata accompanied by unfathomable diagrams which only lend the appearance of user-friendliness.
  • To see whether this view is justified, it will help to schematize the structure of such philosophical appeals to intuition. Naturalism
  • Edd. note "Existimat Combefisius verbum metaschematizesthai sic reddendum esse, in various formas mutari. NPNF2-08. Basil: Letters and Select Works
  • The Cosmonauts are busy studying schematics for Mir's repair.
  • In fact, as the Lacanian schema indicates, the self and the other are caught in a more complicated relationship.
  • This approach has been dubbed schema on read, since the data is interpreted at query (read) time, rather than when the data is loaded into the data store (schema on write). Asking Any Question Of All Your Data
  • The book is replete with diagrams, tables, and schematics.
  • She says (1999) One important application of regression in the service of the ego is second language social identity formation … social interactions disrupt existing schemata for individuals and thus require cognitive and affective adaptation. I is for Identity « An A-Z of ELT
  • Each is defined by one of three aspects of purposive human activity, and this is its ‘horizonal schema’ or ‘pattern’.
  • However, even in these analyses, the cognitive considerations at stake are highly schematized and simplified.
  • My rationale for preparing so detailed a schema rests on (a) my proclivity to divagate and lose focus, (2) the high valuation I put on transitions and continuity, and (iii) the importance of strong, clear, explicit thesis sentences for an audience to orient itself. Akma
  • Here is the first verse - this is just a schematic presentation of exactly the information provided by the musical notation above.
  • Now the next slide gives you a simple version of a boiling water reactor, a schematic.
  • The capsid is assumed to bind to microtubule-associated motors (such as dynein) at Schematic of one-dimensional cytoplasmic transport along a microtubule. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • All deliverables - such as schematics, specifications, and requirement documents - produced during the project.
  • This occurs in what Kant calls transcendental schematism.
  • In contrast to schemas, however, these logics of action appear to be specific to the means-ends relationship that individuals and parties bring to an exchange.
  • Instead of the value of money, economics, in assimilating the Keynesian schema of analysis, discovered another stabilizer, the public sector.
  • Indeed, these presuppositions have been confirmed by the general theory: They are spatiality and temporality as "unintuitive schema of order" in general (as distinct from any particular chronometrical relations), the law of causality and presupposition of continuity, the principle of sufficient reason, and the conservation laws. Early Philosophical Interpretations of General Relativity
  • Yeldham is fond of red, a popular colour for paintings, and also of brown, another colour that fits in nicely with interior design schemas.
  • In the Talmud, and again in Maimonides, he would have seen an obsessive love of moral detail - a minute examination of human passion and action, combined with a suspicion of the schematic morality of abstract principle.
  • Le schéma constitutionnel - remise du pouvoir à la présidente du Sénat puis élections - sera-t-il respecté? Global Voices in English » Gabon: On President Omar Bongo’s death
  • Fig.14 shows schematic diagrams representing this type of situation.
  • It associates allegory with notions of design, with terms like paradeigma and schema, and later critics link allegory with figura, impresa, and emblema, which point to vision, structure, and external form. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Study of the brooch, which relates to a few other high-quality sixth-century brooches but differs in its large size and different combination of elements, offers an enhanced possibility of 'reading' the highly schematized animal and mask ornament which occurs in this group. Culture Minister defers export of two outstanding Anglo-Saxon finds
  • I don't think "schematic" is a negative term, though -- at least not when the schema is handled as well as is is here -- but it certainly makes for a different sort of novel than one that is primarily about character motivations. Currently Reading (and reading and reading)
  • The client that reads my schema must be able to understand that I am describing such a linked list structure and thus must accept all possible versions of the XML that de-serialize to the same graph.
  • The schematic diagrams explaining the principles of complex pieces of equipment are impressively clear.
  • If one reviews the technical specification and schematic diagrams of the basic tape drive and media technology, he'll find that tape uses the best of the magnetic storage technologies.
  • With the help of the schematics he had obtained earlier, he managed to shut off the security system and enter through a ventilation shaft - an air duct.
  • The survey results were presented on upright cards in a grid on the gallery floor, creating a schematic suburb of frustrated dreams.
  • Lipid positions in the plane of the membrane are denoted schematically as ovals.
  • figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment
  • The client that reads my schema must be able to understand that I am describing such a linked list structure and thus must accept all possible versions of the XML that de-serialize to the same graph.
  • schematically outlined
  • He was working on deciphering ancient schematics and technical schematics.
  • He also makes clear that setting a firm line between dogma and theologoumena is a Western disposition, and that the Orthodox view favors "a thorough, careful search of the Fathers and ... an existential immersion into their spirit -- to something that ultimately rises above the useful tools of research that we have borrowed largely from Western theological schemata. Scott Cairns: The Feast of the Transfiguration
  • Top-down -- Start from an existing XML description of the interface (XML schema, DTD, WSDL), derive the XML data model, and generate the mapping/conversion code.
  • Landscape after War presents a schematic mountain range and seascape elegantly integrated into a flat brown, green and gray field.
  • If you wanted to schematise the history of numbering systems, you could say that it fills the space between One and Zero, the two concepts which have become the symbols of modern technological society.
  • An adult has a vast array of comparatively complex schemata that permit a great number of differentiations.
  • During these stories he described each operation on paper in schematic form. Dr Gyi
  • He limits himself to a few colors, employing the off-white of kaolin and such dark earth tones as red, brown and black in his allover, schematic compositions.
  • I lean towards "created kinds" being front loaded in schematic form into one or a few genomes when life was first placed on this planet. Amoeba supports front-loading
  • Cognitive social psychologists assume that it is pan of human nature to reduce uncertainty by processing the external stimulus world through schemata.
  • You almost have to have some kind of schematic that looks like the wiring diagram of the space shuttle to figure out who's where," said Ross Baker, a congressional scholar at Rutgers Fore, right!
  • The book is highly schematic, structured by concept rather than story.
  • In the first version of the centre panel of the triptych, Bacon incorporated an unsettling, confrontational figure that peered back imperiously at the viewer through schematic binoculars.
  • This page details how to desolder the camera itself and build a standalone circuit for it so that it can be connected to an I2C bus, and subsequently a computer (i think, anyway - the schematics are in English, and there's a video). this page talks about how to connect the camera to an Arduino via some of I2C shield that he's built. MAKE Magazine
  • By his bed on a little table lay an electronic pad containing the schematics for the Laser Defence Network which was currently in deployment around planet Liberty.
  • Yet the leafy bamboo is as desiccated as fake stalks would be, and the birds are casually carved chunks of wood with a few daubs of color: not lifelike models but schematic signs of birdhood.
  • Spatial metaphors are image-schematic and they can be reasoned and analyzed with the parameters trajector, landmark and path.
  • Agnoei toinun kata to schema tes anthropotetos, ho ginoskon ta panta kata ten dunamin tes theotetos. Pneumatologia
  • Thus for Keynes intuition is an important instrument to put at work in his logical schematism.
  • unselected" value because of the existing database schema? MSDN Magazine: RSS Feed
  • Maybe the scholiast has created a schematic he cannot fully control.
  • This process involved the application of fairly standardized schemata and models to the layout and structure of urban settlements.
  • A schematically shows how a glass micropipette is brought in contact with the cell, and B, using a higher magnification, a part of the cell membrane, with ion channels, in close contact with the tip of the pipette. Physiology or Medicine 1991 - Press Release
  • The reverse is true for older counterparts, who develop schemata that permit conservation.
  • This approach is valid but remakes history into a determinist schema: what happened had to happen. Bloodlust
  • That was the schema with which the Yard's solicitor briefed prosecuting silk. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • This chapter discusses these forms of the logical schema and also shows how the data structures might be described to the database.
  • A notional/functional approach essentially seeks to establish correlations between systemic and schematic elements.
  • For instance, a schematic can be converted a PCB with one mouse click.

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