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  1. a river that rises in France and flows northeast across Belgium and empties into the North Sea

How To Use Scheldt In A Sentence

  • The Hughes intersected the River Scheldt and altered course eastward, the roadstead and Port of Antwerp growing on the horizon. CORMORANT
  • The Allies needed to control the West and East Scheldt - areas of sea to the north-west of Antwerp.
  • The Allies needed to control the West and East Scheldt - areas of sea to the north-west of Antwerp.
  • Franks were divided into the Ripuarian and Salian Franks; the former settled on both sides of the middle and lower Rhine, the latter advanced from the Scheldt to the Somme. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Perhaps could the eye of Anastasius have pierced through the mists of seven future centuries, could he have foreseen the insults, the extortions, the cruelties which a Roman Emperor at Constantinople was to endure at the hands of "Frankish" invaders, [111] he would not have been so eager in his worship of the new sun which was rising over Gaul from out of the marshes of the Scheldt. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • Thus he claimed possession and sovereignty to the city and country of Maestricht, and the free navigation of the Scheldt; the latter of which claims was made in order to re-elevate Antwerp to her ancient commercial importance. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • While repudiating the notion of annexing Belgium, he firmly adhered to the Scheldt decree. William Pitt and the Great War
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