How To Use scheelite In A Sentence
- The result of gravity separation for quartz - calcite type scheelite is not ideal.
- Tiny adularia rhombs are also present on the matrix of a specimen showing an unusual association of wire gold with scheelite.
- At least ten tungsten minerals are reported, but ‘wolframite’ and scheelite are the only two with significant economic distribution and concentration.
- For scheelite-dominated deposits, there is the formation of marbles and locally extensive tremolite, silicification, and the development of extensive skarn and hornfels zones.
- Both wolfram and scheelite are of considerable importance as a source of tungstic acid for the manufacture of sodium tungstate, which is used as a mordant and for some other purposes, and as a source of metallic tungsten, which is used in steel-making. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
- (As an aside, the mineral scheelite (Ca (WO4, MoO4), calcium tungstate-molybdate) was named after Scheele in honor of his discovery of molybdenum.) Molybdenum
- It occurs most commonly in the minerals scheelite (calcium tungstate) and wolframite (iron manganese tungstate WO 4).
- The Badger Flats area is also well known for clinozoisite, garnet, hematite, scheelite, vesuvianite, wollastonite, and zoisite (variety thulite).
- Sphalerite, cassiterite (tin ore) and scheelite are only a few examples of this type of brittle mineral ore (see Table). Chapter 20
- This is especially important for those valuable minerals which exhibit a brittle to very brittle tenacity, such as cassiterite, sphalerite and the tungsten minerals scheelite and wolframite. Chapter 20