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How To Use Sceptre In A Sentence

  • The Chorus mentions that Agamemnon and his brother Menelaus are very similar to each other, ‘twin throned, twin sceptered, in twofold power.’
  • The issue of this was that they did not keep God's covenant, and so the entail was at length cut off, and the sceptre departed from Judah by degrees. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • But why carry a baton for sentiment when it should be a scepter?
  • Had they swayed the sceptre justly, they had been repaid the like, But they were unjust, and Fortune guerdoned them with dole and teen. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume I
  • Orm blasts them both with his scepter, which is powered with some sort of neural blaster, temporarily paralyzing both our heroes. Aquaman (Vol.6) #67 - May 2000
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  • Compare as to a similar scourge of unsparing trial, Job 9: 23. it shall be no more -- the scepter, that is, the state, must necessarily then come to an end. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Edward's is the first English royal seal to survive; the image of the king in majesty, enthroned with orb and sceptre, was borrowed from German models.
  • Each year, for example, imitative Miskitu crowns, scepters, and swords appear as part of a celebratory re-enactment called the kingpulanka.
  • The Prince handed his sceptre back to the courtier and stepped down from his throne. KARA KUSH
  • In her right hand she carried a scepter, and in the top of the wand was a small zirconium. GING GANG GOOLIE IT'S AN ALIEN
  • A small proportion of the graves contained exceptionally rich grave goods, including gold sceptres, diadems, pendants, and earrings as well as copper artefacts, pottery, and flint tools.
  • That the people shall be destroyed with the sword: I will cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, the valley of idolatry, for the gods of the Syrians were gods of the valleys (1 Kings xx. 23), were worshipped in valleys; as the idols of Israel were worshipped on the hills; him also that holdeth the sceptre of power, some petty king or other that used to boast of the sceptre he held from Beth-Eden, the house of pleasure. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • As an act of humility, before a mass to which she had invited the poor, she gave the royal scepter to the most indigent and had the royal crown placed on his head.
  • Writing from Dorset, I am piqued that he overlooked the wealthy owners with empty spare houses, of which this sceptred county has more than its fair share. Letters: Treading on housing footprint dreams
  • He bore in his hand what was called a truncheon, which was a sort of sceptre, very splendidly covered and adorned. Richard I Makers of History
  • This is a rare example of a once popular print and presents a traditional representation of the monarch with crown, orb and sceptre, the instruments of monarchical power.
  • Queen Elizabeth wielded the scepter forty - five years.
  • Ed. [208] On this passage, which has given so much trouble to commentators, and which Calvin has considered as such length, it may be observed, that the term rendered scepter means also rod, and sometimes is translated tribe; perhaps because each of the twelve tribes had its rod laid up in the tabernacle and temple. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma (a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing), a Kerry calf and Ulysses
  • 5 I will break also the bar of Damascus, and cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven, and him that holdeth the sceptre from the house of Eden: and the people of Syria shall go into captivity unto Kir, saith the Lord. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • What if the sword contemn the tribe or sceptre? namely, that of Judah and the house of David (so some think Shebet here signifies); what if it should aim at the ruin of our government? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Other work completed in a recent refit included the fitting of the Air Weapons Magazine and the replacement of the Sceptre ESM suite with Centaur.
  • Up with our banner bright, etc. Empire unsceptred! what foe shall assail thee, The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 50, December, 1861
  • The milli- has no knowledge of she became this small only legal scepter in the nation to inherit a person.
  • The roof is ornamented with three cherubs, representing England, Scotland and Ireland, supporting the royal crown and holding the sceptre, sword of state and ensign of knighthood.
  • The first is a battern topaz, same of thistles, emerald, ensigned with an imperial crown proper, and thereon the crest of Scotland, which is a lion sejant guardian ruby, crowned with the like crown he sits on, having in his dexter paw a sword proper, the pommel and hilt, topaz; and in the sinister a sceptre of the last. Western Worthies A Gallery of Biographical and Critical Sketches of West of Scotland Celebrities
  • The roof is ornamented with three cherubs, representing England, Scotland and Ireland, supporting the royal crown and holding the sceptre, sword of state and ensign of knighthood.
  • A ring, sword, and sceptre were delivered as tokens of authority and the anthem ‘Zadok the Priest’ chanted.
  • Each was swathed in robes of black, and all carried the sceptre that befitted their station.
  • Her Majesty sits squat on her throne, her head crowned, a sceptre in one hand, an orb in the other, and two lions stretch submissively at the imperial feet while she stares with bronze eyes at the distant horizons of Empire.
  • They sallied from the mountains; 25 a sceptre was the reward of his advice; and the annual ceremony, in which a piece of iron was heated in the fire, and a smith’s hammer The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Une grosse croix orne son cou et il a un sceptre "religieux Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • He is clothed in a white tunic and embroidered cloak or mantle, and he carries a scepter in his left hand; under his seat is a leopard, and his right hand he holds toward a young man, who makes the same gesture, and he is weighing in a large scale assafoetida, which is being let down into the hold of the ship. Scientific American, Volume 40, No. 13, March 29, 1879 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures
  • So he died and left behind him the ancient sceptre of Tantalus, and Aegisthus reigns in his stead, with the daughter of Tyndareus, Agamemnon's queen, to wife. Electra
  • On the upper part of the chariot lay an effigy, representing his person in royal robes, with an imperial crown of gold, beset with jewels of an inestimable value on its head, with a sceptre in the right hand, and a globe in the left.
  • These church leaders adorn themselves with grand mitres, cloaks and sceptres whilst living and working in lavish and luxurious surroundings.
  • Even better for Google is that this sceptred isle is probably much more profitable for it than the US operation: it doesn't have a huge headquarters with endlessly circulating electric buses though it does have two nice offices near London's Victoria station and it doesn't require server farms to work across huge distances as in the US. Google digs deep on treasure island UK
  • Last came the delivery of the sceptre and the orb.
  • Sadly, the book prizes are restricted to residents of the British isles, but as a compensation a further 3 correct entries from outwith these sceptered isles will receive a nifty wee promotional-type gewgaw currently to be decided upon. Seeds Of Earth Competition! – Updated « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • Now, thanks to a slavishly Bush-poodling Labour government with a startlingly authoritarian bent, Britons are beginning to recognize that this sceptred isle, this earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, this other Eden is about to become this surveillance state, this database depot, this green and pleasant centre of preventive detention, this precious home of biometrically-keyed national identification cards set in a sea of CCTV cameras. Jamie Malanowski: Bringing Freedom to Great Britain
  • These artifacts clearly belonged to the emperor, especially the scepter, which is very elaborated, it's not an item you would let someone else have," Clementina Panella, the archaeologist who made the discovery, said Friday. Archive 2006-12-01
  • His the scepter, His the throne, they moved to their positions as if hovering — or, better, as if gliding on sharpened metal edges across a frozen pond.
  • She wore the whitest cotton cap with the broadest of ruffles; she was very black and very portly; and her scepter was a good-sized stick, kept to chastise small dogs and children who invaded her territory. A girl's life in Virginia before the war,
  • The roof is ornamented with three cherubs, representing England, Scotland and Ireland, supporting the royal crown and holding the sceptre, sword of state and ensign of knighthood.
  • Outside the dolium were a banquet service consisting of a small bronze and iron table, ribbed bronze phialai (libation bowls), and other vessels; an ax, lance, helmet, and scepter; and the iron fittings of a two-wheeled chariot. Dig Like a Surgeon
  • Coward took the title of This Happy Breed from John of Gaunt's speech about the sceptred isle that's our one in Richard II. This Happy Breed; Henry IV, Parts One and Two – review
  • It is a sign of law and order, just as the scepter is the sign of royalty and rule. An Island Story: A History of England for Boys and Girls
  • If you lay any stone in the whole building that advanceth itself against his sceptre, he will shake all again. The Sermons of John Owen
  • These seated males are costumed in turban headdresses, earflares, collars, and pectorals; in their right hands they hold scepters or fanlike implements.
  • HMS Sceptre is one of the most capable submarines in the fleet. The Sun
  • Shakin All Over (b/w Till We Kissed) on Scepter 1295, the label founded in 1959 by Florence Greenberg and the long-time home of Dionne Warwick. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The fasces was a sacred symbol, like a royal scepter or a bishops crook. The Spartacus War
  • The Scepter of Authority may only be used in Dogs of War, and cannot be assigned to any fighters in standard Confrontation play.
  • A kinglet without a scepter is a flibberjig, and I'll be black and blue by to-morrow morning! John Dough And The Cherub
  • As an act of humility, before a mass to which she had invited the poor, she gave the royal scepter to the most indigent and had the royal crown placed on his head.
  • This is the second disc in another excellent series devoted to the rich seam of British Light Overtures, an area in which the composers from this sceptred isle were extremely prolific.
  • In her left hand she carries the sceptre of state; in her right the orb.
  • The great emperor was revealed sitting on a throne, crowned and sceptered, and surprisingly well preserved.
  • Already, there were tales last week of German beef being cut up in Ireland and repackaged for the supermarket shelves of this sceptred isle.
  • In the case were Ellel's clothes and her personal things, and on top, a crown, a scepter. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Beside this door were crowns, sceptres, banners, all sorts of patents and commissions, and all kinds of heraldric and warlike arms. The Sleeping Bard or, Visions of the World, Death, and Hell
  • The crown and sceptre, still used to inaugurate the new king or queen in England, are symbols of the supernatural power that resides in the monarch.
  • The state's credibility in resolving disputes depends on the state holding what I call the Golden Scepter. A Theory of Government, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There were a few other interesting arrangements: the cathedra of Malcolm ‘Golden Sceptre’ Turnbull is next to the thunderbox of Wilson ‘Iron Bar’ Tuckey.
  • The Prince handed his sceptre back to the courtier and stepped down from his throne. KARA KUSH
  • A chryselephantine figure of Zeus sat on a jewel-encrusted throne carrying a small figure of Nike in his left hand, a scepter in his right.
  • Added an extra bounce to Scepter upgraded Chain Frost.
  • Crown, a lion sejant affronté erect gu.; imperially crowned, holding in the dexter paw a sword, and in the sinister paw a sceptre, both erect and ppr. _; with the motto -- IN: DEFENSE; assumed by JAMES V.; borne by The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • There are also excellent specimens of sceptered and reverse-sceptered (sometimes called castellated) quartz crystals.
  • The crown was the usual "berretta" (night-cap) of open work; the sceptre, a drum-major's staff; the robes, a "parochial" beadle's coat of scarlet cloth, edged with tinsel gold lace. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • The sceptre is an attribute of kingly power.
  • And yet the offence these ne'er-do-wells give is as nothing compared with the harm caused by a vicious canker that is now gnawing at the heart of this sceptred isle, this England.
  • Some chums and I drank and yarned last night away in Noho at the Crown & Sceptre: cheers for a fun evening boys and girls.
  • All this internal chain of feudal dependance is artificial and sophisticated; and I would rather hold the baton of my poor marquisate with a firm gripe, and wield it after my pleasure, than the sceptre of a monarch, to be in effect restrained and curbed by the will of as many proud feudal barons as hold land under the Assizes of Jerusalem. The Talisman
  • He cradled a golden scepter in the crook of his right arm, and a golden crown of unmatched magnificence was perched on his head.
  • Finally, the King was led behind the altar into St Edward's chapel to be clothed in purple robes and given the Imperial Crown, Orb and Sceptre.
  • In addition, he supplied a sceptre with cross, a sceptre with dove, an orb, a pair of spurs, a pair of armills, an ampulla, and a chalice and paten: all of which remain in the Tower of London today.
  • In the case were Ellel's clothes and her personal things, and on top, a crown, a scepter. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • (Ad Æn.ii. 632), stood the simulacre of a bearded Aphrodite with feminine body and costume, sceptered and mitred like a man. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • An unsceptred despot bidden take a fair woman's eyes into his breast, saw and shrank. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • This is a rare example of a once popular print and presents a traditional representation of the monarch with crown, orb and sceptre, the instruments of monarchical power.
  • A sceptre is one of the attributes of a king.
  • To some, the term might be understood as just the Crown regalia - the State crown, the scepter and, sometimes, the orb, which serve as the symbolic representations of the glory of the monarchy and are used in coronations and State events.
  • “I thought your scepter was the strongest, your highness.” The Three Furies
  • Aeternitas standing to the left, holding globe and sceptre.
  • The crown is yours in majesty and the sceptre is yours in glory.
  • Grand master of British film Mike Leigh returns with another highly improvised effort charting life on this sceptred isle. HAPPY-GO-LUCKY | Obsessed With Film
  • The presiding genius of the place, the unsceptred Queen of this little realm was before me -- Faed's Evangeline! Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • She disdained to retreat to any place of safety, and went down to the Guildhall, sceptre in hand, and made a gallant speech to the Lord Mayor and citizens. A Child's History of England
  • With this the son of Peleus dashed his gold-bestudded sceptre on the ground and took his seat, while the son of Atreus was beginning fiercely from his place upon the other side. The Iliad of Homer
  • In addition, he supplied a sceptre with cross, a sceptre with dove, an orb, a pair of spurs, a pair of armills, an ampulla, and a chalice and paten: all of which remain in the Tower of London today.
  • The longer we gaze, the more surely does the picture illude us and enthral us, steeping us in that tragedy of 'the fruitless crown and barren sceptre.' Yet Again
  • We have it on no less an authority than the Foreign Secretary that this is the favourite dish of choice up and down these sceptred isles from whence the touring party was recruited.
  • This real England, your unreal home, turns us all into maundering John of Gaunts, sighing over sceptred isles, demi-paradises, other Edens.
  • The set created by William II is comprised of a sword, an orb, a scepter and crown - all of silver gilt and set with imitation stones and pearls.
  • In her left hand she carries the sceptre of state; in her right the orb.
  • The only moan that I have about the book is that the Sceptre paperback version had print so small that it had me reaching for my reading glasses, and one of the least inspiring cover designs I've seen on a paperback in yonks. A Set Of Russian Dolls
  • [Illustration of Queen holding orb and sceptre.] _Che se stessa rassomiglia & non altrui. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Nowadays we do it on a bible, anciently we did it by the sceptre of Jupiter.
  • What a horribly morbid story about a horribly morbid reality that is creeping into every major town and city around these once sceptred Isles. Cucumber Sandwich. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Now a little half-grown black and white cat squeezed herself through the bars of the iron gate and came purring lovingly about us, unawed by the time or the place, unimpressed by the marble pomp that sepulchers a line of mighty dead that ends with a great author of yesterday and began with a sceptered monarch away back in the dawn of history, more than twelve hundred years ago .... Mark Twain: A Biography
  • I will exchange my long-desired batoon for a sceptre! '' Ivanhoe
  • We were taught the symbolism of the orb and sceptre, a simultaneous lesson in civics and history.
  • There was a rumour that some mechanical device had been placed in the coach to help her support the weight of the sceptre and orb. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • Several months earlier Sir Henry Mildmay had been summoned to give an account of the whereabouts of the crowns, robes, sceptres and jewels.
  • But the parallelism is that of one clause complementing the other, "the inhabitant" or subject here answering to "him that holdeth the scepter" or ruler there, both ruler and subject alike being cut off. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • These church leaders adorn themselves with grand mitres, cloaks and sceptres whilst living and working in lavish and luxurious surroundings.
  • It was only at the foot of his own table, after ladling out and serving around the stewed oysters "hot and hot," that the commodore, rubbing his hands, and smiling until his great face was as grotesque as a nutcracker's, announced that Miss Nancy Skamp was turned out of office -- yea, discrowned, unsceptred, dethroned, and that Harry Barnwell reigned in her stead. The Missing Bride
  • O pastoral pipes, no longer sing of Daphnis on the mountains, to pleasure Pan the lord of the goats; neither do you, O lyre interpretess of Phoebus, any more chant Hyacinthus chapleted with maiden laurel; for time was when Daphnis was delightful to the mountain-nymphs, and Hyacinthus to thee; but now let Dion hold the sceptre of Desire. Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology
  • Funny you should say that about the "sceptred isle," Frank P. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • - Combine the scrowl hold with the scrowl head to make the scrowl scepter. (freezes time) - Find the monster trap DVD in the girls room. Archive 2008-09-01
  • Each was swathed in robes of black, and all carried the sceptre that befitted their station.
  • Female standing right, presenting wreath to emperor standing left, holding globe and sceptre.
  • The sceptre is believed to be a symbol for a monarchic or theocratic order, or a combination of the two.
  • ‘He is probably going to tell us that we are making a lunge for this scepter tomorrow, no doubt,’ Josh answered.
  • In the thirteenth century, the popedom was at the summit of mortal dominion; it was independent of all kingdoms; it ruled with a rank of influence never before or since possessed by a human sceptre; it was the acknowledged sovereign of body and soul; to all earthly intents its power was immeasurable for good or evil. Fox's Book of Martyrs Or A History of the Lives, Sufferings, and Triumphant Deaths of the Primitive Protestant Martyrs
  • The coat of arms, adopted in 1992, consists of a gold eagle against a blue background holding a cross in its beak, a sword in one claw, and a scepter in the other.
  • Through binoculars, I think I can glimpse Britain, its sceptred isle left barren in the salt-breeze. Johann Hari: The Dark Side Of Dubai
  • A scepter is a kind of staff borne by kings as an emblem of their authority. Life and Labors of Elder John Kline the Martyr Missionary
  • The crown, sword, and scepter were then buried under the floor of the parish kirk until the Restoration of Charles II.
  • Room after room of the Armoury reveals incredible riches, including the imperial crown, mace and sceptre of the Tsars.
  • The frigate is equipped with Thales Defence Sceptre A radar warner.
  • There was a rumour that some mechanical device had been placed in the coach to help her support the weight of the sceptre and orb. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • HMS Sceptre is one of the most capable submarines in the fleet. The Sun
  • But they would need to make sure that lifeforce progress continued here and that they could retransfer the Master Scepter in generations to come, " Dainyl pointed out. Cadmian's Choice
  • The scepter was basically a longer, thinner omni-weapon, excepting for the huge metal sphere on the base of the tube, giving it the appearance of a jester's bauble.
  • The land of dreams among," it resumed its sceptre and reigns in fadeless beauty. The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
  • The basilisk was the Phoenix of the serpent-tribe; and the vase or urn was probably the vessel, shaped like a cucumber, with a projecting spout, out of which, on the monuments of Egypt, the priests are represented pouring streams of the _cruz ansata_ or Tau Cross, and of _sceptres_, over the kings. Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
  • This further rams home the fact that the writing is on the wall for Jews in what Melanie has earlier referred to as "this sceptred isle". On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Room after room of the Armoury reveals incredible riches, including the imperial crown, mace and sceptre of the Tsars.
  •   Would with the sceptre straight be strucken down? The Rape of Lucrece
  • He wore the robe, crown, and scepter of a triumphant general and used the title imperator.
  • In her right hand she carried a scepter, and in the top of the wand was a small zirconium. GING GANG GOOLIE IT'S AN ALIEN
  • Harlequin is the god Mercury, with his short sword _herpe_, or his rod, the _caduceus_ (which has been likened to the sceptre of Judah), to render himself invisible, and to transport himself from one end of the earth to the other, and that the covering on his head, the winged cap, was the _petasus_. A History of Pantomime
  • No need to dwell on the legendary beauty of the cornerpieces, the acme of art, wherein one can distinctly discern each of the four evangelists in turn presenting to each of the four masters his evangelical symbol, a bogoak sceptre, a North American puma (a far nobler king of beasts than the British article, be it said in passing), Ulysses
  • The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.
  • Room after room of the Armoury reveals incredible riches, including the imperial crown, mace and sceptre of the Tsars.
  • Scott and of Burns without having directly in his mind, as inseparable from the subject and foremost in the picture, that old man of might, with his lion heart and sceptred crutch — Christopher North. Speeches: Literary and Social
  • His signet is the Fisherman's; No sceptre does he bear; The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book
  • When there is nothing left of the winter snow but these ridges behind the stone walls, and a dingy drift here and there in a hollow, or in the woods, Winter has virtually resigned the icicle which is his sceptre. Monday Photo Shoot: Bye-Bye Winter? « Adventures in Juggling
  • And yet the offence these ne'er-do-wells give is as nothing compared with the harm caused by a vicious canker that is now gnawing at the heart of this sceptred isle, this England.
  • Bloom appears, bareheaded, in a crimson velvet mantle trimmed with ermine, bearing Saint Edward's staff the orb and sceptre with the dove, the curtana. Ulysses
  • We were taught the symbolism of the orb and sceptre, a simultaneous lesson in civics and history.
  • As an implement of power that would have been carried by the ruler, a scepter filled with such symbolism would link its bearer to a rich cosmogony.
  • _Upon the Crown of Scotland, a lion sejant erect affronté gules; crowned or, holding in the dexter paw a sword, and in the sinister a sceptre, both proper_ (SCOTLAND). The Handbook to English Heraldry
  • For the names I see written above me to-day on the immemorial canopy of heaven begin with that of the spotless knight, the unsceptred and uncrowned king, the godlike and immaculate "-- (here he turned suddenly, ran to the front of the stage, and, with outstretched fist shaking violently over our heads, thundered at the full power of his lungs):" GEORGE WASHINGTON! In the Arena Stories of Political Life

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