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How To Use Sceptical In A Sentence

  • They contain a good deal of material of a rhetorical, formulaic, or supernatural character designed to bolster the Chosen One's claims to prophethood in the face of sceptical or prejudiced critics.
  • Some of his best mates are journalists, but generally he is sceptical and distrustful of the media and never saw his role as a background briefer to reporters.
  • It occurs to me that this may be, at least in part, because they are unusually unskillful and unsceptical users of the medium.
  • This was our first visit, and we arrived sceptical about anywhere with such an oversized reputation. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has been at pains to assure a sceptical public of various other safeguards to check against the rampant abuses of the disinvestment process.
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  • CLAIMS of clairvoyance, particularly when they come from economists, deserve a sceptical reception.
  • Not so much to be sceptical as always to keep an open mind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Taxpaying voters, well used to being taxed to the hilt by politicians of all political hues, are right to be so sceptical about the show being put on in front of them.
  • Legal sources have expressed mixed views over the true meaning of the company's conditional offer to meet future claims, with some on the union side now extremely sceptical.
  • YET I remained basically sceptical when it came to the idea that the spirit survives death.
  • However, I have become sceptical of governments' humanity, so let me instead repeat what we already know about disease prevention and health promotion.
  • The second is that an expectant and sceptical mob is starting to gather, with what looks ominously like a gallows and a hanging rope.
  • Legal experts remain sceptical over whether the Metropolitan Police and the CPS will be able to make criminal charges stick. Shamed Pakistan players remain suspended after ICC rejects appeals
  • I promise my by now sceptical family a slap-up lunch in Paris.
  • In some sceptical quarters of England's northeast this building was symbolic of a waste of money that could otherwise have been spent on hospitals.
  • My assurances don't satisfy him: he's still sceptical.
  • Although most respondents were enthusiastic or supportive of booking, about a quarter were sceptical or not convinced of its value.
  • Professor John Clement, a forensic odontologist at the University of Melbourne, was entirely sceptical.
  • It has a track record of exposing frauds, gives space to sceptical views, and sparks debate about controversial subjects - such as ‘Is cryptozoology a science?’
  • These sceptical, cautious and cloistered arrangements constitute the distinctive institutions of science which separate it from other more worldly activities.
  • The watchman himself had been sceptical of Psalmanaazaar's story from the first, yet he had never been able to disbelieve it completely. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • Satan, a sceptical archangel, offers an experiment to test whether Job's piety is really sincere or predicated on his God-given wealth.
  • While people may be sceptical about politicians who moralise, they are anxious to see them display integrity and principle.
  • This sceptical dogma of "evasiveness" is generally found in alliance with some vague modern "religion" whose chief object is to strip the world of the dignity of its real tragedy and endow it with the indignity of some pretended assurance. The Complex Vision
  • I'm rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.
  • Experience suggests that the public will remain wisely sceptical on the question.
  • The absence of confident sneers, knowing smirks and sceptical raised eyebrows also makes an enormous difference.
  • His voice was toneless, but his expression was sceptical.
  • One learns to be sceptical when opera companies announce that famous old productions are being revived'for the last time '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, I'm sure some of you with a more sceptical nature might find my tales of invisible derring-do a little hard to believe.
  • But like many who have tried to examine this body of evidence impartially, I remain sceptical, and in virtually all cases it is never really clear that dogs can be excluded outright. The Cupar roe deer carcass
  • Not only does he need to convince a sceptical market, he also has to reach an increasingly disillusioned customer.
  • One of the clothes we particularly loved was a black high neck round collared halter-neck top that Nicole had been very sceptical about.
  • He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning.
  • The antidote to genetics as a driver of medicalisation lies in remaining sceptical and level headed.
  • At these times, the natural optimist in me needs to be tempered by my more sceptical partners. Times, Sunday Times
  • I want to think it is possible to make a personal, sceptical, essayistic film which does not present history as a simple tale of good people and bad, of beginnings, middles and ends.
  • After 25 years covering squillions of very similar speeches, you will forgive me for being a trifle sceptical.
  • Some engineers were sceptical about the efficacy and dynamic stability of rotors on ships.
  • Accordingly, to deprive us of knowledge, sceptical hypotheses need only to be bare logical possibilities.
  • This effort is too sloppy really to merit the term whitewash: the sceptical graffiti are still clearly visible through the transparent white coating. Signs of the Times
  • It occurs to me that this may be, at least in part, because they are unusually unskillful and unsceptical users of the medium.
  • Even those who remain sceptical of devolution must grant that, now the thing is established, the division of responsibilities makes sense, at least in some areas.
  • I am rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.
  • When it was launched, 21 years ago, the pound coin received a frosty reception from a sceptical public, reluctant to give up the much-loved folding note it was to replace.
  • I was apprehensive and a little sceptical. Times, Sunday Times
  • While they were struggling to bring the banking crisis under control, they found themselves simultaneously having to persuade a sceptical governor of the necessity of rescuing the clapped-out Northern Rock, and eventually much of the rest of the banking sector, while he was still lecturing the City about "moral hazard". Can you overrule the King of Threadneedle Street?
  • Though we should remain sceptical about these accounts – as Domning noted – it is not implausible that they were genuine, and Domning cites a radio-tracked Florida manatee that, in 1995, got as far as Rhode Island. Archive 2006-01-01
  • In this way, the coherence theorist sheds light on the feeling that sceptical hypotheses, if not conclusively eliminable, are nevertheless idle.
  • Miss Ophelia is gay, easy, unpunctual, unpractical, sceptical.
  • However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
  • A number of Presbyterian ministers grew increasingly sceptical of the enduring value of revival.
  • To the more sceptical listener, some of his musings may seem a little woolly.
  • So he was ‘extremely sceptical of sightings of large cats in this country and used to consider them the product of someone's fevered imagination while walking home after numerous pints in the village pub’.
  • He was rather sceptical about being an Irish patriot -- he suspected that being Irish was being somewhat common -- but Monsignor assured him that Ireland was a romantic lost cause and Irish people quite charming, and that it should, by all means, be one of his principal biasses. This Side of Paradise
  • You can find certain retired generals and admirals who are sceptical about spending money on Trident. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has managed to convince even the most sceptical among us that Scottish rugby may indeed have a future fit to mirror its glorious past.
  • She is sceptical of the Western rejection of the term matriarchy as a failed mirror-image of masculinist terminology.
  • He was rather sceptical about being an Irish patriot—he suspected that being Irish was being somewhat common—but Monsignor assured him that Ireland was a romantic lost cause and Irish people quite charming, and that it should, by all means, be one of his principal biasses. Book 1, Chapter 1. Amory, Son of Beatrice.
  • ‘Charlie, the only bands that play there are full of stoners and wasters,’ Joseph said sceptically.
  • Environmental groups are sceptical of the government's claims.
  • Doctors were sceptical about the impact of the patient's charter when it was launched in 1991.
  • Being sceptical about the polls is, of course, convenient at this phase of his premiership.
  • Initially, the producers were sceptical about casting two English women in the roles, but Holofcener insisted.
  • Industry specialists also advise clients to be sceptical about expensive and unnecessary products which lenders and brokers may try to sell you as bolt-on products to the basic mortgage loan.
  • Many were sceptical at the idea of human and robot drivers mixing on the roads. Times, Sunday Times
  • Time and again sceptical journalists return to the issue of what deals have been done to secure 'victory' in the matter of the Counter Terrorism Bill and the desire to introduce internment without trial, albeit for a limited period of forty-two days. Brown's Payola Goverment Dips Into the Pork Barrel
  • We are critical in the sense of being sceptical of received ideas. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are most sceptical when the weather is hot. The Sun
  • It is always sensible to be a little sceptical about the politicians' preparedness.
  • Eventually, the new Works Minister and his officials will win hearts and minds in sceptical Caparo only if the flood waters are actually contained within the concrete cylinders.
  • If you are still a contented fallibilist, despite my plea to hear the sceptical argument afresh, you will probably be discontented with the Rule of Attention.
  • Now, first, I have to say that I admire Lord Hoffman's style, and am glad that someone else is as sceptical as I am of what he calls a regrettable tendency, and what I call human rightsism. Archive 2008-06-01
  • In the late eighties, he introduced quality control standards to a sceptical industry.
  • As he stuck a sceptical thumb into a tub of rock-hard Camembert, he knew he was facing a first-class mess.
  • However, this sceptical triumph is evanescent, it vanishes when his attention turns to other facts.
  • Many doctors were sceptical but there is no doubting the fund has been popular. Times, Sunday Times
  • The watchman himself had been sceptical of Psalmanaazaar's story from the first, yet he had never been able to disbelieve it completely. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • People on the left should be too sceptical to have that kind of unquestioning regard for any institution of authority. Hillary: Wright "Would Not Have Been My Pastor"
  • I am, moreover, sceptical _because the very persons to whom to-day we have to look to effect the sexual enlightenment of children, are themselves to a great extent also in need of enlightenment_; and in respect of many of the questions about which the child has to be enlightened, no general harmony of scientific opinion can as yet be said to obtain. The Sexual Life of the Child
  • Colleagues were sceptical, his oncologists incredulous.
  • Join them as they seek advice from climate experts including the ipcc's Rajendra Pachauri, challenge the sceptical views of political scientist Bjørn Lomborg, and learn lessons from the Nobel Laureates who showed that cfcs were destroying the ozone layer. - Articles related to Delhi still battling heat wave
  • None of this is to deny the praiseworthiness of doubt and sceptical inquiry, preconditions for both good government and clear thought. Unthinkable? A more trusting 2011 | Editorial
  • If the transcendental philosophy is not a version of Leibnizian rationalism, why is it not a repetition of the sceptical empiricism of Hume?
  • To be miserable at this rate you must, at the very least, have four thousand a year: and many persons are there so enamored of grief and sin, that they would willingly take the risk of the misery to have a life-interest in the consols that accompany it, quite careless about consequences, and sceptical as to the notion that a day is at hand when you must fulfil YOUR SHARE OF THE George Cruikshank
  • Fifty years ago 87 per cent of people were deeply sceptical about the approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • The reason so many are sceptical is perhaps because of the insults directed at those who dare to question. Ice, snow, and those who deny global warming
  • My hubby is sceptical about my insistence that we need the two dozen muslins I've bought.
  • Peace and stability - even 'humanity' - are preserved by resolutely autonomous, sceptical, relativistic individuals. The Times Literary Supplement
  • There are, of course, many who are sceptical of the very idea of industrial policy because it suggests the need for an attempt to influence or guide economic development.
  • A sceptical sports editor eventually agreed, although he was predictably disagreeable when what eventually materialised was a ‘Why Monty Should Consider Retiring’ column.
  • I have always been sceptical about the benefits of talking to plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.
  • They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
  • London media commentators are sceptical about the newly relaunched business paper's chances of success.
  • The watchman himself had been sceptical of Psalmanaazaar's story from the first, yet he had never been able to disbelieve it completely. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • They remained openly sceptical about her promises of improvement.
  • I will expound to you — as I alone can — the secret of the enginery that effected the Rattleborough miracle — the one, the true, the admitted, the undisputed, the indisputable miracle, which put a definite end to infidelity among the Rattleburghers and converted to the orthodoxy of the grandames all the carnal-minded who had ventured to be sceptical before. Thou Art the Man
  • Even the bookies are sceptical about the chances of this happening, but a voice worth listening to is that of McLaren's veteran designer Adrian Newey, a man who deals in hard facts.
  • However, many remained sceptical, remembering the Tsars pledge in 1895 in a speech to Zemstvo representative to maintain autocracy.
  • Some of his best mates are journalists, but generally he is sceptical and distrustful of the media and never saw his role as a background briefer to reporters.
  • I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.
  • Some bankers are sceptical that a disciplinary body could successfully weed out bad apples. Times, Sunday Times
  • Post-structuralism is just classical sceptical thought re-cast in the language of semiotics, Ursula.
  • One learns to be sceptical when opera companies announce that famous old productions are being revived'for the last time '. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was apprehensive and a little sceptical. Times, Sunday Times
  • JUPITER JONES PETER CRENSHAW BOB ANDREWS When Pico looked sceptical, Jupiter handed him a second card. The Mystery of the Headless Horse
  • If you're still sceptical about exercising, we can only ask you to trust us and give it a try.
  • Local poli blogger Andy Mayer (LD) is septical while rival Jon Worth (L) is sceptical. Smear-aggeddon: The Very Sourest of Sour Grapes?
  • As he stuck a sceptical thumb into a tub of rock-hard Camembert, he knew he was facing a first-class mess. WALL GAMES
  • Bloomsbury House reacted sceptically with a half-hearted inquiry as to the Home Office attitude to refugee medical students.
  • You do get functionally sceptical and tend to doubt what people tell you.
  • Sceptical as I was at the start, playing in a percussion band was also good fun.
  • Although most respondents were enthusiastic or supportive of booking, about a quarter were sceptical or not convinced of its value.
  • They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.
  • Yet East must tell this story to an increasingly sceptical and impatient City. Times, Sunday Times
  • It would be worth his while to keep his commercial helotry supplied with sceptical literature. Orthodoxy
  • To sceptical onlookers the ceremony may appear to be a clubbish assertion of papal power. Times, Sunday Times
  • If the transcendental philosophy is not a version of Leibnizian rationalism, why is it not a repetition of the sceptical empiricism of Hume?
  • The announcement was greeted sceptically by the press.
  • We were a little sceptical beforehand but it blew us away. The Sun
  • Investors remained sceptical of Tory damage control and subsequent polls showing a closer race.
  • Not only does he need to convince a sceptical market, he also has to reach an increasingly disillusioned customer.
  • The family member most sceptical about winning big cash prizes is the one who scoops the jackpot - and there is a share for you. The Sun
  • The authors concluded by suggesting that believers in a sceptical context and disbelievers in a pro-paranormal context may show depressed performance on subsequent tasks, due to low motivation to perform.
  • Toni, sceptical about most things, was unsure exactly why he found the idea of joining them so repellent. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • He has to be sceptical of people but he's a great guy. The Sun
  • We should, nonetheless, be sceptical when she says that she thought everyone should devote him or herself without reserve.
  • It's a kind of anti-intellectualism, a streak in contemporary culture that is sceptical of the mature, educated adult - as if to be that is the worst of all possible sins.
  • If you're sceptical about the role played by sound symbolism and straight-out onomatopoeia in word origins, Liberman marshals some impressive evidence in its favour.
  • We were a little sceptical beforehand but it blew us away. The Sun
  • I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.
  • Yet East must tell this story to an increasingly sceptical and impatient City. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first is that inconsistency is readily avoided by a little care in the formulation of the sceptical position.
  • Never has there been a war where so many were so sceptical about the build-up and the reasons for it, and never has there been so many difficulties for the warmongers.
  • He has managed to convince even the most sceptical among us that Scottish rugby may indeed have a future fit to mirror its glorious past.
  • The public remains sceptical about the motivations of political parties and donors. Times, Sunday Times
  • The public remain sceptical of these claims.
  • Already, feminist art history has moved on, sceptical of the way that artistic fame depends on biography.
  • It was a 10-minute homage to himself, sonorously narrated by Gregory Peck and made on the orders of the White House staff to introduce the new president to a sceptical public after Kennedy's assassination.
  • He is highly sceptical of the reforms.
  • US military morticians had reconstructed the brothers' faces to look as lifelike as possible, and allowed Western journalists to videotape and photograph them, after Iraqi civilians were sceptical that Uday and Qusay were really dead.
  • Yet many people would now pay at least lip-service to the sceptical relativism of Montaigne's generation.
  • She's very self-deprecating about her success, very unpretentious, and not a little sceptical about the publishing world.
  • Many people remain confused and sceptical about how the proposals will improve care for patients. Times, Sunday Times
  • He himself grew up without his biological parents, being raised by a foster family, and is understandably sceptical about the elevation of biology over nurture.
  • Such a shame, too, that her triumphs were being closely monitored by sceptical officials from the Antipodes who know where a Sheila should be sporting curves and why.
  • I may stroke my natiform chin sceptically at Shea's cachinnations, but if such things truly make him tripudiate Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • Some members of the government and the business community are sceptical regarding the act's real benefits to the country.
  • Some architects are enthusiastic about the contribution their profession can make to the sustainable housing agenda274 while others are more sceptical.
  • We are sceptical consumers would choose to meet the cost of this programme given the full picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • But it is understood that the duchies are sceptical about the proposals because the prisons would need to be completely renovated if they were to fulfil a useful alternative function. Ministers plan to close jails as part of bid to cut number of prisoners
  • I'm pretty sceptical about this system as the dustbin tends to rock forwards and backwards in the barrow splashing everywhere.
  • Many readers, though, will surely wish for a grittier and more sceptical tone. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, diplomats and former senior officials were sceptical of the claims.
  • Do you understand why some people are sceptical? The Sun
  • When the couple began to look for a shop to rent, landlords were sceptical. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whilst the advocates of quality and empowerment are almost evangelical in their quest to change the way we work those on the receiving end are considerably more sceptical.
  • In this context he defined the term element in Sceptical Chymist (1661) as "... certain primitive and simple, or perfectly unmingled bodies; which not being made of any other bodies, or of one another, are the ingredients of which all those called perfectly mixt bodies are immediately compounded, and into which they are ultimately resolved. Boyle, Robert
  • Most scientists, however, are sceptical about the effectiveness of homoeopathic remedies, and many say they work no better than placebos. Times, Sunday Times
  • A young man was sceptical. Times, Sunday Times
  • The traditional feeling of attachment to the US, characterised by a general harmoniousness since the end of the Second World War, has soured into a sceptical and even hostile attitude.
  • It is also re-showing The West Wing, but I remain sceptical as to whether they will ever get around to Seasons 6 and 7. Television stations that need a good slap « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • The sceptical scribe answered in the negative; Palmer was annoyed at the dismissive response.
  • Experts are sceptical about its effectiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they were sceptical of the promises made by the proponents of the technology.
  • Is it not too late to have a rather more sceptical and much less emotive debate about global poverty?
  • Though sceptical, they were willing to accept the denial, to protect the government. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'd hope that the magazine has remained true to its best liberal, humanist traditions while adhering to the sceptical, heterodox values that journalism in general should aspire to.
  • But will it catch on in sceptical, empirical old Blighty? Times, Sunday Times
  • We are sceptical consumers would choose to meet the cost of this programme given the full picture. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain has always been sceptical about teachers being paid. Times, Sunday Times
  • Towards the traditional theology he seems to adopt a sceptical attitude: "Si theologis fidem praebeas argumentis". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • You say that critics are sceptical, but I wonder whether this is money well spent.
  • While some advisers are recommending that investors take a more sceptical approach if they are faced with changes in their fund management company, others caution that it would be wrong to take precipitate action.
  • Those most sceptical of the ancient charmer were people with a family experience of the dark side of the regime. Times, Sunday Times
  • We try to stop it by having a healthily sceptical attitude. Times, Sunday Times
  • You do get functionally sceptical and tend to doubt what people tell you.
  • he looked at her sceptically
  • I remain sceptical as to whether the voters of Northern Ireland actually care particularly about electing members of the main Westminster parties, but I admire the way the message is being delivered. April Books 9) One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel García Márquez
  • Experts are sceptical about its effectiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, I've remained sceptical from the beginning. Archive 2009-11-01
  • His legacy is to remind us to be sceptical about science and suspicious of facts.
  • A co - ordinated, activist and sceptical regulatory system is needed.
  • Many experts remain sceptical about/of his claims.
  • We should all be properly sceptical about the motives of some politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will be a mammoth task as it risks enraging people already sceptical about the treaty.
  • a dozen religions: some of them barbarous; some cynical and pessimistic; some amoristic and romantic; some sceptical and challenging; some kindly, simple, and intuitional; some sophistical and intellectual; none suited to the character and conditions of western civilization unless it be the Christianity which was finally suppressed by the Crucifixion, and has never been put into practice by any State before or since. Treatise on Parents and Children
  • There is no doubt that Charles Darwin was sceptical about the claims of physiognomy with regard to expression and emotion.
  • Social scientists argue that the discipline is unscientific due to methodologically weak research, while police officers appear sceptical about its benefits for solving crime.
  • I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.
  • Lawyers are sceptical about the idea arguing that the merger would be very messy and unlikely to bring much benefit. Times, Sunday Times
  • IFAW is sceptical in general about the amount of benefits that every actually reach communities from so-called consumptive use of wild life, but in this instance a zero quota would mean zero sales and zero benefits," said Dr Maas. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It is hard not to remain sceptical. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, for anyone out there sceptical about the relevance of bioethics, these two books demonstrate the wide scope of ethical considerations in medicine.
  • So can the pint-size pal win over a sceptical motoring journalist? Times, Sunday Times
  • Its punch lies in its ironical, teasing, sceptical commonsensical way of subverting tenaciously held fallacies. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The sceptical scribe answered in the negative; Palmer was annoyed at the dismissive response.
  • They are most sceptical when the weather is hot. The Sun
  • The sceptical economist peter Bauer did a simple calculation, reversing the World Bank's growth-rate.

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