
How To Use Scavenger In A Sentence

  • The fact that many crustaceans, being omnivorous, may act as scavengers and eat the corpses of fellow aquatic creatures need not be a deterrent.
  • All that is left is a grim arena where matter is collected by scavengers and transformed into useful merchandise.
  • The charred remains of a body was discovered by scavengers searching for scrap metal yesterday morning.
  • In addition, these ligands markedly upregulated production of CD36, a scavenger receptor that regulates phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils.
  • In ancient times this was done by carrying the body to a high hilltop, leaving it bare for nature's scavengers to feed on.
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  • Bottom or near-bottom feeding of the L klingeri animal as a scavenger or as a microphagous predator is envisaged, in a low-energy environmental setting.
  • In the last few weeks, they've gone geocaching, which is similar to an outdoor scavenger hunt. Family Fitness Challenge: Bring the outdoors into play
  • Christian humility enables her to do the scavengering work usually performed only by "untouchables. Autobiography of a Yogi
  • The wild ancestors of our domestic cats liked to eat freshly killed prey - they were not scavengers.
  • The Elysium seas feature a large scavenger called a gaper, whose hinged jaw is easily capable of taking up a person in a single swallow. Old Mans War
  • Dead bodies lay bestrewn upon the ground in red pools of fresh blood, now infested with rats and various other scavengers whom had come in hopes of preying upon an easy meal.
  • Mountains of northern Spain leave their poor country for a time for the richer provinces of Portugal and Spain, where they become porters, water-carriers and scavengers, and are known as boorish, but industrious and honest. Influences of Geographic Environment On the Basis of Ratzel's System of Anthropo-Geography
  • What surliest misanthrope would not find this world lovely, were these things done: scoundrels whitewashed; some degree of scavengering upon the gutters; and at a cheap rate, thirdly? Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • None was as massive as the MHW encasing him, but they seemed tough enough to resist the assaults of black; seined scavengers and predatory plant; life. Sentenced To Prism
  • Metallocenes are useful in industrial chemistry as reducing agents, anti-knock agents for internal combustion engine fuels, absorbers of ultraviolet light, and free radical scavengers.
  • Our study has shown that CDA-II was a good scavenger of hydroxyl radical, and it inhibited lipid peroxidation in brain homogenates.
  • Is an oxpecker a parasite or a helpful scavenger - your basic feathered cleaner wrasse? The evolution of vampires
  • In a remarkably short space of time the hyenas and pariah dogs had adopted the habit of scavengering around all the camps and snifting along the track, after the trains, for stray scraps. Khartoum Campaign, 1898 or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan
  • The word dogs is a strong insult in the Mediterranean world since dogs are generally regarded as scavengers.
  • The few remaining humans have gathered into cannibalistic 'bloodcults' or survive as solitary scavengers. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the last quarter of the nineteenth century the majority of the once-prosperous artisans and craftsmen were reduced to the ranks of lowliest laborers - the barbers and washermen, the servants and scavengers.
  • He is conciliatory and self-deprecating, likening himself to a bottom-dwelling scavenger fish called a loach. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Experts on the red kite - a spectacular bird with a wingspan of up to 6ft - say it is essentially a scavenger which feeds on carrion rather than attacking sheep or game birds.
  • This lizard is a fierce predator and scavenger, and is thought to have caused human fatalities.
  • Carcasses left by wolves supply food for scavengers such as ravens, eagles, magpies, and wolverines.
  • No tools for hunting, too small and weak to complete with other scavengers, teeth (in the gracile form) unadapted for plant eating, they seem to have been unable to even feed themselves.
  • Each scavenger could collect about 14 kilograms of plastic waste per day.
  • Couldn't you see Kickball-Math, or Obstacle Course-Scavenger Hunts?
  • In less than an hour the assembled scavengers had picked the wildebeest's bones clean.
  • We ascribe them a certain nobility and "work ethic", and conversely we dislike scavengers. Notes from the field: Vultures in the neighborhood
  • The second major category of feeders is the scavenger group.
  • Primarily a carnivore the wolverine captures most of its prey, though it is also an extensive scavenger, eating quantities of carrion.
  • In addition, T-cells can create microphages and scavenger cells that scour the body looking for foreign substances in need of a smackdown.
  • Theyare scavengers and will eat just about anything which makes them a little more dangerous than the Great White, which often leave afterthe initial attack ona human. Shark Week 5 Deadliest Sharks | myFiveBest
  • For a long time, people thought of hagfish as scavengers and parasites, probably due to their habit or burrowing into dead or dying animals and eating them from the inside out. In
  • Scrap firms sometimes employed peddlers and scavengers, but they more frequently relied solely on the skills of the owner to sort and evaluate scrap from refuse.
  • The two early mammal species were probably predators, not scavengers, say the scientists.
  • Low levels of natural antioxidants in pancreatitis indicate their increased utilization as scavengers of free radicals.
  • Possessing keen vision, the vulture can see the carcasses of dead animals and the movements and activities of other scavengers, birds, or mammals from great distances.
  • HDL, or ‘good cholesterol’ acts like a scavenger in the blood looking for harmful cholesterol.
  • Free radical scavengers, however, do not completely prevent the loss of diaphragmatic force associated with delayed injury, indicating that other mechanisms are involved.
  • There are still one million people working as manual scavengers all over India.
  • Hey kinda sound like Bush era stuff ... politics = poly (many) + tics (blooding sucking scavengers) White House to release visitor logs
  • To this end the city directed its scavengers to deliver ‘clean’ garbage free of rotting vegetable matter to the site.
  • He could almost see the coils tighten, the scavenger press back into the corner. DEAD LINES
  • The omnivorous scavengers could find food sources virtually anywhere and could survive without human care in the proper environment.
  • I thought she was someone sitting on the curb tying her shoelace, but something in me ole scavenger brain made me do a double-take. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Whenever the antioxidants are present, antioxidant enzyme activity and scavengers of the free radical will be induced to prevent the oxidative damage.
  • The plants supported a variety of large and small herbivores that in turn were prey for carnivores and scavengers.
  • The scavenger molecules, when added to the bulk, also find it difficult to surmount this barrier and pick up the proton from the protein surface.
  • An oxygen scavenger (ammonium bisulfide) or stabilizer (N,n-dimethyl formamide), to prevent corrosion of metal pipes Bill Chameides: What's in This Fracking Water?
  • This eroded appearance might be due to a period of exposure before burial; alternatively, it might have been produced by passage through the alimentary tract of some predator or scavenger.
  • He bought Scavenger from South Australia and has refitted the vessel in his Geraldton workshop.
  • Besides the uses of fungi as scavengers of creation, there are some which have a commercial value and yield an article called “amadou.” Among the Mushrooms A Guide For Beginners
  • The addition of scavengers suggests that reactive oxygen species caused this bacterial growth inhibition.
  • Birds and forest creatures were peaceful here; there, nothing but wild beasts and scavengers roamed the land.
  • The omnivorous scavengers could find food sources virtually anywhere and could survive without human care in the proper environment.
  • On a recent Tuesday evening, the students of Emerson Social Media—or #ESM, as the students refer to it on Twitter and elsewhere online—settled on the concept of a Twitter-based scavenger hunt to help spread the word among Boston's college population about Sprint. Here, Tweeting Is a Class Requirement
  • It is pointless to note that incisions to a carcass by the teeth of predators or scavengers often resemble knife cuts.
  • The destruction of nests discourages infestations by dermestid beetles and other insect scavengers which could move to other household items.
  • Take geocaching, a small but growing nerd sport that combines the childhood thrill of the scavenger hunt with the bushwhacking joys of orienteering.
  • It moves actively through the stagnant water in its passage to the surface, aerifying it, and at the same time doing faithfully its work as scavenger by consuming vegetable germs and putrefying matter. Four Months in a Sneak-Box
  • So the street-scavengering in a certain village has been entrusted to a one-armed cripple, utterly unfit for the business -- why? Old Calabria
  • The (nonhome-rule New York statutes of 1873 show many examples of time-consuming trivia: “An act to provide for the regulation and licensing of scavengers in the City of New York,” “An Act in relation to a sidewalk from the Village of Albion to Mount Albion Cemetery” and “An act to amend an act entitled An Act to authorize the construction of sewers in the village and town of Saratoga Springs’” (chs. A History of American Law
  • The flying scavengers - they are called aasvogel in the dominant language, vultures in English. I Don’t Understand ?
  • Propyl gallate, the alkoxyl radicals scavenger, also suppressed the mobility shift and strongly inhibited the formation of all protein cross-linking products.
  • Introducing water plants and scavengers such as water snails and tadpoles into a pond is an easier and less expensive solution.
  • What did the scavengers think of this intrusion into their domain by a rubbery multi-octopus?
  • Savvy antique scavengers and dealers make regular rounds to snare the rare finds before the best of each branches 'wares which remain unsold after a month or two are shipped off to the mother store in Mexico City. Mexico's Monte De Piedad - More Than Household Finance
  • As they soar over foraging areas, they scan the ground, searching for carrion or scavengers that might signal the presence of something dead.
  • I enjoy the feeling of scavengering for ammo and using my bullets wisely -- now i'll probably just be as careless as i want Siliconera
  • Scavenger cells called microglia can be found in the center of plaques, and astrocytes, a type of cell that usually helps protect neurons, are found around the outside of the spherical plaques.
  • Can't you see that all you have to do is to push him in the gutter, where he'll remain till the scavengers throw him into the dustcart? The Queen Pedauque
  • Telephone and electric lines drooped in useless loops from poles and then disappeared entirely where scavengers had picked them clean.
  • In the next few years, finding gluten-free foods should become less of a scavenger hunt, making mealtime less stressful.
  • Land crabs are nocturnal scavengers that climb trees, enter holes and are the invertebrate ecological equivalent of rats.
  • Most Asteroidea are predators or scavengers, everting their stomach (called a cardiac stomach), which secretes digestive enzymes on their prey.
  • If I were to speculate on the shellfish and scavengers, I would tend to cite the same reasons for the proscription. Think Progress » Maryland Foster Agency Won’t Allow Muslim Mother To Foster A Child
  • Peddlers also performed an ecological function as consummate street scavengers, collectors, and recycling artists.
  • There were the small herbivores and scavengers and hunters scuttling in the undergrowth, hiding from the larger predators who occasioned down from the heights.
  • Excellent scavengers, gulls will dive-bomb seaside tourists for their snacks. Seagulls Breed Discord in Rotterdam Port
  • Chinese cities are left without efficient lighting, draining, or scavengering; and it is astonishing how good the health of the people living under these conditions can be. The Civilization of China
  • Metal scavengers dismantled 155 mm artillery rounds, spreading gun powder on the ground at the depot, which housed old artillery.
  • The same products are available for helicopters but are supplemented with electronics cooling and winch cooling equipment and oil coolers, particle separators and engine scavengers.
  • He lost the ticket too, so he returned from his beat with a face like thunder snarling dire deprecations at the scavenger hunters.
  • And his dress, in her opinion, was enough to frighten a hodman, of a scavenger of the roads, instead of the decent suit of kersey, or of Sabbath doeskins, such as had won the respect and reverence of his fellow-townsmen. Lorna Doone
  • Most ophiuroids are scavengers and detritus feeders, although they also prey on small live animals such as small crustaceans and worms.
  • Neither will I chew tanned horsehide until it becomes soft and pliable for the shoes of a desert scavenger!
  • It also reacts as a stoichiometric scavenger with organophosphates, thus having the capacity to provide prophylactic protection against highly toxic chemical warfare nerve agents, such as soman and VX.
  • The first scavengers one sees in Cambalache, a sprawling trash dump on the edge of Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, are the vultures.
  • Scavengers brazed icy surf to collect planks: Despite having issued warnings about not picking up the timber, police failed to prevent locals from illegally taking the wood for themselves …. Cargo Washes Up on British Beaches « Scavenging
  • I spent yesterday decoupaging, painting, gluing, and scavengering throughout the basement in this house. And-the-way Diary Entry
  • Without the vulture, many earthbound scavengers would not be able to locate food as quickly as they do.
  • According to Alamsyah, most of the squatters in the area work as garbage men, scavengers and do other odd jobs.
  • Pro - Nogenol: Cell protector; Helps to transmit Vitamin C through the body; Free radical scavenger.
  • Some are scavengers - hagfish, crustaceans, sharks - which devour much of the whale's flesh and tissue over the course of a few months.
  • Vultures will be replaced by less favoured scavengers like rats and dogs.
  • The plants supported a variety of large and small herbivores that in turn were prey for carnivores and scavengers.
  • Can you just imagine how that little scenario of scavenger fun and games unfolded?
  • Whether discussing sewer scavengers or dustmen, beggars or prostitutes, he would begin by carefully noting their physical appearance and often idiosyncratic garb: The rat-catcher's dress is usually a velveteen jacket, strong corduroy trousers, and laced boots. Sociology most Dickensian
  • Part scavenger hunt, part day hiking, and part map reading add up to a pretty good description of geocaching.
  • For much of the 200,000 or so years prior to agriculture, humans lived as nomadic hunters, gatherers and scavengers - surviving solely on wild plants and animals.
  • We identified the man as some nameless street scavenger who had a few run-ins with local law enforcement.
  • Immediately she got involved with the scavengers and asked them to collect specific items like cellophane wrappers that cannot be recycled.
  • Catalase acts as a free radical scavenger by neutralizing superoxide radical anion and hydrogen peroxide.
  • An oxygen scavenger (ammonium bisulfide) or stabilizer (N,n-dimethyl formamide), to prevent corrosion of metal pipes Bill Chameides: What's in This Fracking Water?
  • It has very powerful claws and is an active predator, scavenger and cannibal.
  • And of these, Snails and Periwinkles claim our respectful attention, as the most faithful, patient, and necessary scavengers of the confervoid growths, which soon obscure the marine aquarium. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 47, September, 1861
  • Scrap metal dealers, many from neighboring Vietnam, offer 2,000 kip (about 20 cents) per bombie and sometimes lend scavengers metal detectors to scour the forests for unexploded ordnance. - 30-year-old bombs still very deadly in Laos
  • Humans evolved from insectivore, like most of the primates, to scavenger to hunter and the more meat we ate, the larger and bigger our brains and our bodies got. Are we meat eaters or vegetarians? Part I | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Small hermit crabs are readily available where there is ocean water and their value as scavengers makes them worth considering.
  • Very few plants have provisions for the separate disposal of grease to scavengers or by incineration.
  • I looked in admiration at this highborn Englishwoman whose true Christian humility enables her to do the scavengering work usually performed only by “untouchables.” Autobiography of a Yogi
  • Epigallocatechin gallate is a flavonoid antioxidant, which is an ideal scavenger of peroxyl radicals and is thus, in principle, an effective inhibitor of lipid peroxidation.
  • The shortnose gar are predators that can occupy the role of a scavenger, but often competes for food with common gamefishes like the northern pike, walleyes, and bass.
  • Whilst it has long been thought that eels are scavengers, we now know that in many fisheries eels are active hunters, feeding upon live prey.
  • The buzz of flies permeated the air and the scavengers of meat fed on the dead.
  • It's believed to be a scavenger that feeds upon dead whales and squid in the pitch black darkness of the bathypelagic zone, some 2140m/7020ft below the water surface. giant ispods went on display at the Sea Life Centre at Blackpool for the first time in Britain last year. Practical Fishkeeping
  • Instead, he believes Rugops was a scavenger, using its head to pick at carrion rather than fighting other animals for food.
  • The thought of having to take the life of another person was repugnant to her, but she acknowledged that if they hadn't acted, they would have been the ones dragged off the side of the road and left for scavengers.
  • I remember his saying once that he was a scavenger of ideas, too, but I don't recall whether that was before it all started. THE DEVIL'S OWN WORK
  • The saltwater crocodile is carnivorous and a scavenger.
  • Macrophage: a large scavenger cell present in connective tissue and in many major organs and tissues.
  • Their island-home always seemed to be inhabited by great black birds - ravens, crows, scavengers of all sorts.
  • To the bald eagle, a vulturish scavenger that will eat most anything, nothing is more inviting than a dazed and disabled coot idling on flat water.
  • Metallocenes are useful in industrial chemistry as reducing agents, anti-knock agents for internal combustion engine fuels, absorbers of ultraviolet light, and free radical scavengers.
  • Before the stallholders could even open the boot, scavengers were on the back seat searching for tarnished gold.
  • When I hear such base, skeldering, coistril propositions come from the counsellors of your grace, and when I remember the Huffs, the Muns, and the Tityretu's by whom your grace's ancestors and predecessors were advised on such occasions, I begin to think the spirit of action is as dead in Alsatia as in my old grannam; and yet who thinks so thinks a lie, since I will find as many roaring boys in the Friars as shall keep the liberties against all the scavengers of Westminster. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • The destruction of nests discourages infestations by dermestid beetles and other insect scavengers which could move to other household items.
  • After the city tried to stymie metal thieves by banning the use of shopping carts (the main conveyance for scrap) off store premises, scavengers just switched to baby carriages, some stolen from porches. Cops and Squatters
  • Much spare room is enclosed by the town walls: evaporation and Nature's scavengers act succedanea for sewerage. First Footsteps in East Africa
  • Experts on the red kite - a spectacular bird with a wingspan of up to 6ft - say it is essentially a scavenger which feeds on carrion rather than attacking sheep or game birds.
  • With a wing span of up to 5ft and a distinctive long, forked tail, the red kite is a scavenger by nature and akin to a vulture.
  • It also enhances the antioxidant activity of vitamin E, a fat-soluble free radical scavenger.
  • In the past few weeks, they've gone geocaching, which is similar to an outdoor scavenger hunt. Oregon family mixes fitness with fun
  • This is a great blend. Miller and Dallaglio can run with the ball, while Back is a nuggety scavenger who can ensure continuity and turnovers.
  • Of fishes that have sunk to the lake floor, scavengers, feeding on the top surface of the decaying fish, cause the dispersal of bones to be less orderly, and breakage of bone.
  • I thought she was someone sitting on the curb tying her shoelace, but something in me ole scavenger brain made me do a double-take. Archive 2009-05-01
  • There is perhaps some endeavor to do a little scavengering; and, as the all-including point, to cheapen the terrible cost of Government: but neither of these enterprises makes progress, owing to impediments. Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • During the Pleistocene Epoch, which ended about 11,000 years ago, this scavenger dined on the carcasses of mastodons, giant sloths, primitive horses, and other megafauna of the time.
  • During the Pleistocene Epoch, which ended about 11,000 years ago, this scavenger dined on the carcasses of mastodons, giant sloths, primitive horses, and other megafauna of the time.
  • In their turn the herbivores are eaten by carnivores or by scavengers and, eventually, all organisms are broken down by bacteria into nutrients that return to the environment.
  • Salt-water aquarists may already know what Trichoplax is - it's a common salt-water scavenger that crops up on the glass walls of aquaria, sliding around and eating algae.
  • But — and mark you, the leap paralyzes one — crossing the Western Ocean, in New York City, hautboy, or ho-boy, becomes the name by which the night-scavenger is known. Local Color
  • Those useful but ugly fowls, the white scavenger vultures (_Neophron ginginianus_), depart from the ways of their brethren in that they nidificate in March and April instead of in January and February. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • In the deep sea, however, some scavenger species of amphipods may obtain lengths of up to 140 millimeters. ancylostomiasis and serious cases can result in as much as 200 milliliters of blood loss per day. Undefined
  • In this picture, an Indonesian scavenger takes a break from collecting plastic from garbage clogging a Jakarta canal.
  • Ah, the fixed-gear world, where stopping is called "skidding," conformity is called "individualism," and scavenger hunts are called "races. Pull My Strings: The New Puppetry
  • Then, with drowsy clatter, up comes a gang of roadmen, scavengers, railway workers, and so on. Nights in London
  • Arsenal were mauled like a pretty animal in a David Attenborough documentary that ends up as dinner to even the rangiest of scavengers. Premier League preview No1: Arsenal | Amy Lawrence
  • Their island-home always seemed to be inhabited by great black birds - ravens, crows, scavengers of all sorts.
  • Both are valid, in their environment - you wouldn't foxhunt through Camden (though you might shoot the little scavengers). Are You A Communitarian ?
  • Insects include among their number parasites, parasitoids, carnivores, herbivores, scavengers, and detritivores.
  • Also included in the knickknacks was a list containing dozens of names of people who have previously discovered the box and its bounty of curios as part of a 24/7 worldwide technology-assisted scavenger hunt known as geocaching. Tahoe Daily Tribune - Top Stories
  • As a result, the scavenger hyenas deplete all the resources in the Pridelands, and the land falls apart.
  • Macrophages, scavenger-like cells that roam the body, have a surface receptor called CD 163 which binds the protein haptoglobin.
  • Interestingly, the only ostracods with compound eyes are mostly very active swimmers; many are scavengers or predators.
  • Scavenger hunts can be as simple or involved as circumstances dictate.
  • These birds, endemic in southern Africa, are obligate scavengers, which means they are unable to kill their own prey as eagles or hawks do.
  • He is a scavenger who collects waste paper.
  • Volunteers at the charity are self-confessed scavengers, regularly on the prowl for offcuts no longer needed by factories and offices.
  • Although not picky eaters their were particular favorites on the porcine scavengers’ menu: nuts, fruit, shellfish, Indian corn and tuckahoes, the wild tubers gathered by Pocahontas's people to get through famines.
  • The officers there are gentlemen -- they don't talk to scavengers, buffoons, carrion ! KARA KUSH
  • I have also thought about the lifestyle of Brontornis, and it is really highly unrealsitic that it was a full-time scavenger (for some strange reason many paleontologists seem to have the affinity to label carnivorous animals as scavengers if they have "too strong" or "too weak" jaws, strange teeth or other unusual features, but this is another topic ...), but a predator. More on phorusrhacids: the biggest, the fastest, the mostest out-of-placest
  • When the bison slaughter rose to its height, wolves and other scavengers thrived on the availability of carrion, and wolf numbers probably spiked briefly.
  • Only scavengers came regularly to collect discarded plastic and steel.
  • This is unusual, as vultures are highly efficient scavengers and are normally resistant to many diseases.
  • Volunteers at the charity are self-confessed scavengers, regularly on the prowl for offcuts no longer needed by factories and offices.
  • If Saturn lacks dignity it can indicate the lower regions of society: foolish people, down and outs, scavengers, beggars and employees who act as servants or menial staff to others.
  • Ordinarily, the poorest blousard has a new blouse once in five or ten years, and a new pair of wooden shoes in the same time; but the scavenger's apparel is for ever old, and he never lays it off. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 15, No. 87, March, 1875
  • Both of these activities were possible because we were on privately owned land; in a public place, substitutions of tree or leaf rubbings, or a rock scavenger hunt would be just as delightful.
  • Some daddy long-legs, also called harvestmen, order Opiliones are scavengers feeding on dead animals, including snails and slugs. Archive 2008-10-01
  • We mammals come in four types: lone hunters, pack hunters, herds and scavengers.
  • Is an oxpecker a parasite or a helpful scavenger - your basic feathered cleaner wrasse? The evolution of vampires
  • I was intrigued by the passage of time and the parade of scavengers, including bears, that reduced a giant among animals to scattered bones and a grease slick.
  • In the West, they were largely unpampered farmyard scavengers until the 19th-century importation of large Chinese birds created a veritable chicken-breeding craze in Europe and North America. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Although the scavengers could also collect organic trash that can be transformed into organic fertilizer, most of them are loath to touch the putrifying garbage.
  • Like other New World vultures, California condors are scavengers; historically, they were seen feeding on dead beached whales.
  • People are apt to urge that, although it may be fine and merciful to effect those cures, yet, from the point of view of the community at large, it is not a thing to set much store by or that is beneficial, since disease, being a scavengering implement that Nature makes use of, clears off the elements in the population that are of inferior value, and leaves Physiology or Medicine 1934 - Presentation Speech

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