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How To Use Scattering In A Sentence

  • However, there was no sign of desperately needed rain and a westerly roared in from Australia's arid outback, fanning flames and scattering red hot embers to start new blazes.
  • Too late - at this speed, it's approximately as effective as scattering thumbtacks in front of advancing armour.
  • Geometrical Theory of Diffraction is a fundamental algorithm in electromagnetic radiating and scattering, and programming is a key step for its application.
  • In dense media with lossless reflection arising from multiple scattering, the threshold for laser action is greatly reduced.
  • Mr. Ettinger's ideas, which he popularized in a 1963 book, "The Prospect of Immortality," spawned what some refer to as the cryonics movement, though by most accounts it is a small endeavor: a scattering of enterprises around the country with dues-paying customers totaling a few thousand, a few hundred of whom have actually been deep-frozen. NYT > Home Page
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  • The scattering cells consisted of polished borosilicate vials with stoppers.
  • Nature and Law compel it: whose direction now is towards grand centripetalism, where before they had ordained heterogeneity and the scattering and aloofness of peoples. The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • The technique is based on tracking the fluorescence or scattering signal of a nanoparticle bound to the molecule of interest.
  • The room was full of Legos and random toys scattering the ground.
  • See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • Hydrodynamic and small angle x-ray scattering measurements show that plant MSP has an extended, prolate ellipsoid shape in solution.
  • Now a scattering of cheaper imitations has arrived that remove as much ambient noise and provide almost as good sound quality for a third the price. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the simplest ways of demonstrating that an apparent solution is actually a suspension of microscopic particles is through light scattering.
  • There are little patches of yellow on the limes, and a scattering of leaves on the ground beneath. Times, Sunday Times
  •  Then trees began along the roadway, first a scattering between structures, then tunnels of dense, overhanging growth — great, straight, ivied trees, passage without exit. For A Day
  • He will examine the application of non-invasive light scattering techniques to predict formulation stability, using zeta potential, melting points, virial coefficients, and polydispersity measurements of the dilute solution. R&D Mag - News
  • The archipelago is a scattering of about fifty islands.
  • Her hair had been curled into ringlets and piled on top of her head; a scattering of pearls gleaming in amongst the curls like crocus buds emerging from rich, dark soil.
  • Pretty it up by scattering in rose petals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Add a scattering of leafy prints to complete the look, and your neighbours will be green with envy. The Sun
  • PC _ 401 computer system was introduced to the double crystal goniometer for small angle scattering measurement.
  • Inside the flat will be the usual scattering of bongs and the smell of pot or spilt bong water.
  • Serve with a dollop of mascarpone and a scattering of mint leaves and a lemon wedge to squeeze over the top. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this paper, scattering phase function of one particle radius is calculated by recursive formula of Mie theory.
  • Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the sponge, then add a scattering of almonds. The Sun
  • The diffracted beam columniation depends on the variable detector distance from the fixed scattering volume.
  • As it hit, the six drums that comprised it burst, scattering notchy seeds all about. HOTHOUSE
  • Led by Dr Susan Ovenden, the new geophysics scans hope to clarify anomalies previously detected near a scattering of Mesolithic flints found during the excavation of the Bronze Age barrow on the Tankerness site.
  • A PC _ 401 computer system was introduced to the double crystal goniometer for small angle scattering measurement.
  • Irradiation of aminolevulinic acid/protoporphyrin IX-sensitized cells with 10 J cm - 2 of 514 nm light led to pronounced changes in angularly resolved light scattering consistent with mitochondrial swelling.
  • We ran and we danced among the flotsam and jetsum of out digital lives, scattering bon mots like candies to the poor and needy children around us.
  • Similarly, incoherent quasielastic neutron scattering experiments provide information on the mean-square displacements of the hydrogen atoms.
  • Using a Ra-Be neutron source surrounded by a paraffin howitzer, a modest beam of thermalized neutrons was available for experimentation and, during my period at the Heights, this was directed towards a search for the expected paramagnetic scattering from certain materials. Clifford G. Shull - Autobiography
  • Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.
  • They're also good sautéed with garlic and butter on a slice of wholemeal toast with a scattering of parsley. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ground in which they are to be sown is then forked over and raked, and a little round firm place is made by pressing the bottom of the saucer of a flower-pot on the ground, and then scattering a few seeds on the firm place, taking great care that the seeds do not lie one upon another. The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
  • When it was a kitten some young Plymborough roughs had hurled it into the little river, and were making of it what they termed a "cockshy," pelting it with stones, fortunately ineffectually, and trying to beat it under water, when the Doctor's footman, who was crossing the bridge, saw what was going on and made an unexpected charge upon the young ruffians, effectually scattering them. Glyn Severn's Schooldays
  • Carotenoids in individual living human lymphocytes gave rise to sufficiently strong resonant Raman scattering that enabled direct Raman imaging of the carotenoid distribution in the cell.
  • Being to speak of some places, scatteringly taken notice of here and there, let us begin with the Roman garrisons, which were dispersed all the land over: and this we do the rather, because the Notitia Imperii, whence they are transcribed, is not so common in every one's hand. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • There are a legion of them, a scattering of businessmen and prospective students, but mostly teachers and principals, professors and university officials.
  • This light scattering depends in a complicated manner on fluctuations in the orientational order. Press Release: The 1991 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • She stopped in the road, excavated her wallet from her underclothing, removed the wadded bill of sale, and tore the parchment into small bits, scattering them over the roadside grass.
  • Elsewhere is largely dry with sunny spells and just a scattering of light showers, but becoming cloudier in Northern Ireland towards evening.
  • A man travelling on a cross-country bus trip was struck by the spactacle of a fellow traveler tearing a magazine into small pieces and scattering them from the window. Cheney takes swipe at Obama over prosecutor
  • They looked like aviaries with their random scattering of what appeared to be perches.
  • It does something we call sub-surface scattering. Times, Sunday Times
  • I say there's not a huge difference in planting banksias to attract honeyeaters to your garden and scattering some wild birdseed out for the finches.
  • X-ray diffraction and time of flight neutron scattering confirmed the amorphous structure.
  • A mortar burst on the pavement, scattering a group of medics.
  • Modern analysis shows that the presence in the atmosphere of dust and large moisture particles causes some scattering of light as it passes through it.
  • Scattering the soil across the bemused peccary, Neil uncovered the arms and face of the younger of the Swedish yachtsmen. RUSHING TO PARADISE
  • The applicability of the light scattering technique would be greatly expanded if it could be implemented using adherent cells.
  • All over the world human strife arises from these sources, escalating into violence, bringing death and scattering ruin.
  • If you want to explain the effects of volcanic dust, you have to quantify both the dust's scattering of sunlight and its absorption of solar energy. Ice Time: Climate, Science, and Life on Earth
  • The study of the influence of neutron scattering by the surrounding medium and fragment detector on fission neutron spectrum measurement with time-of-flight (TOP) method has been carried out.
  • The immemorial mile of cheap foul doggeries remained, but business was dull with them; the multitudes of poison-swilling Irishmen had departed, and in their places were a few scattering handfuls of ragged negroes, some drinking, some drunk, some nodding, others asleep. Life on the Mississippi
  • The remaining ships, including light cruisers, destroyers, a scattering of gunboats, and a large number of both naval and army auxiliaries were left as decoys for the Task Force 58 planes.
  • Included in our reforestation has been a liberal scattering of black walnut. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
  • It presented mostly acrylic, easel-size canvases and a supplementary scattering of unframed works on paper, all dating from 2000.
  • I am worth more, for it is I who bring them forth, sing them forth - luminous nacreous spheres tumbling forth, scattering on the ground. Valentines, part the first
  • Lots of apple trees blooming, the ornamental and the functional and the feral, more rhodora, and a good scattering of wild mustard in the fields. Frost?
  • For gold and silver particles smaller than 50 nm, the electric dipole moment dominates higher-order optical multipolar moments, and absorption exceeds scattering as a mechanism for optical extinction.
  • With his free hand he was softly pushing back her hair, sending goosebumps scattering from Shiona's head to her toes.
  • I can't think of a green remedy for woodlice, but as far as the snails are concerned, scattering slug pellets on the ground (inside the greenhouse so birds won't be affected) should help a bit.
  • The resulting porphyrin nanotubes have ‘interesting electronic and optical properties such as an intense resonance light scattering ability and photocatalytic activity.’
  • The problem of scattering of an obliquely incident plane acoustic wave from an infinite solid elastic clad rod is formulated.
  • We wave as he roars off down the narrow lane - scattering plastic and leaves.
  • As a raconteur and conversationalist, scattering indiscretions and gossip with gay abandon, he was the acme of unconventionality.
  • He puts on the toniest accent he can muster, while the other guests drop names 'like a handyman scattering rawl-plugs'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Swanswater is a three-pond venue which holds rainbows up to 18 lb along with a scattering of steelheads, golden trout and natural browns.
  • The scattering-factor corrections for both the reference and the object waves and, are also included.
  • Inside this nearly inedible shell is a reasonably tasty caramelized banana concoction, which is made off-putting by a scattering of slices of black licorice.
  • A simple means is to pick up pulses in optical blind region from profile of lidar ceilometer witch is multiple scattering from falling precipitation.
  • The more unusual ways of scattering ashes include packing them into fireworks which are then fired into the sky and putting ashes in shotgun cartridges to be blasted away.
  • A scattering of greying heads among the youngsters in the crowd show it's striking a chord with those who were there the first time around.
  • The trick was to move the gate into the pen scattering the sheep and then quickly bringing the gate back to only let a couple out.
  • So was the whole island of Sicily won over to the realm of Justinian before the end of 535, and Belisarius, Consul for the year, rode through the streets of Syracuse on the last day of his term of office, scattering his "donative" to the shouting soldiers and citizens. Theodoric the Goth Barbarian Champion of Civilisation
  • This frequently necessitated the redistribution and scattering of men who formerly worked in one department and under one roof.
  • I was thinking about this short-lived notoriety as I walked the hills with their scattering of sheep when I became aware of another fact about these woolly creatures.
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • There is no bulging sack and casual scattering of beribboned boxes.
  • Through a scattering of gray adobe houses, all identical, I would go to the house fronted with mulberry trees.
  • Her gaze travels from an old sideboard with broken drawer pulls to the green curtains hanging like seaweed from the window, resting finally on a scattering of black pellets that confirm the origin of the sound coming from the floorboards. Excerpt: Harriet and Isabella by Patricia O'Brien
  • By chance the ship had arrived at the perfect time of year, and the silence of the forest at noon was broken everywhere by the sounds of exploding capsules of hevea fruits scattering seeds one hundred feet from the bases of the tall, silvery trees. One River
  • Customers at the surrounding tables are looking on in horror as I send the birds scattering in their direction.
  • As the Rosary was finished a very heavy shower, sent people scattering in all directions for shelter.
  • I smiled and tousled her hair as I left, effectively scattering her carefully parted side swept bangs. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Kynnaston’s Review Forum
  • A scattering of Arawak Indian villages once surrounded Jamaica’s second largest and most visited city, but now high-rise hotels and restaurants dominate the coastal landscape.
  • Wolf and Pritchard had, it is true, been beforehand with him; but the wide scattering of the grouped stars puts the filar micrometer at a disadvantage in measuring them, producing minute errors which the arduous conditions of the problem render of serious account. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • A few species of hummingbirds and European Starling are known to produce UV hues with coherently scattering melanin arrays in feather barbules.
  • The Departure had played only a scattering of gigs in local hostelries before being catapulted onto festival stages in 2004.
  • In an experiment to measure a weighted sum-rule for inelastic electron deuteron scattering which was related to the n-p interaction I had to confront the problem of making radiative corrections to inelastic spectra, and I developed a technique which proved to be valuable in my later work. Jerome I. Friedman - Autobiography
  • Generally he found Winsome busy with her household affairs, sometimes with her sleeves buckled above her elbows, rolling the tough dough for the crumpy farles of the oat-cake, and scattering handfuls of dry meal over it with deft fingers to bring the mass to its proper consistency for rolling out upon the bake-board. The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Young Herbert was picking up small stones and throwing them at the sparrows twittering in the hedgerows scattering them in all directions.
  • Seabirds nest on the cliffs and float on the smooth sea, scattering as the RIB zooms past.
  • The X-ray scattering effect of sulphur is roughly one sixth of that of the rest of the molecule of cephalosporin C, approximately the same as that of cobalt in relation to vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin. Nobel Lecture The X-Ray Analysis Of Complicated Molecules
  • His PhD wasn't concerned with the fission of a large nucleus but with the scattering of small nuclei or, to be precise, on how to calculate three-body forces - a very abstract topic.
  • An almighty boulder has been heaved into the pond, scattering and displacing all manner of beauty with an uncouth splash.
  • Top with crispy grilled bacon and a scattering of fresh parsley. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dodgers go down in the top of the ninth and this is when you sense a helpless scattering, it is tastable in the air, audible in the lone-wolf calls from high in the stands. Underworld
  • It echoed through her like great repeated gusts of wintry wind scattering the mouldiest leaves, revealing the naked brittle ground beneath. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • In a few minutes the rush was over, and then they came scatteringly, singly, and by twos and threes. The Challenge of the North
  • Serve with a scattering of chopped parsley. Times, Sunday Times
  • The official said the suspects had admitted to making an appointment to meet the car dealer and then shooting him, dismembering him and scattering the body parts around eastern Moscow.
  • As well as the light diffusing out in an isotropic fashion, notice the specular highlight created on the grape stem from the light scattering inside the grape.
  • This method utilizes polarimetric scattering information of terrain with reason, can acquire good effect of classification and requires a little operation.
  • He saw gum trees collecting along roads and fences and then scattering randomly across paddocks. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Scattering earth was blasted out into the Rabbit Grounds, and the thudding noises rolled through the air.
  • Scattering can create problems for wireless transmission as the reflected signals can cause interference - the ghosting on TV screens for example.
  • Atomic, and molecular structure enter centrally in determining the scattering and absorption of radiation.
  • e. means connecting said powder storage means with said deagglomeration means for feeding radiation scattering powder from said powder storage means to said deagglomeration means;
  • The scattering of the Beats was both physical and figurative, and it was so highly charged for their poetics as well as their ethics because it represented a fall from a specific point of origin when proximity seemed absolute.
  • One possibility is a powerful laser beaming from the nose of the plane to ‘melt’ a path through the air - scattering molecules so that they cause less friction.
  • The book earnestly tracks Elizabeth's life from her family roots to the sad scattering of her possessions after her death.
  • As the train surged on through the station the rear carriage split off and careered into the platform, scattering waiting travellers.
  • Wednesday — her brothers, and some of their people, will scatteringly, and as if they knew nothing of you, [so we have contrived,] see you safe not only to London, but to her house at Clarissa Harlowe
  • The scattering response of the system is not identical for calcium and strontium.
  • As well as the light diffusing out in an isotropic fashion, notice the specular highlight created on the grape stem from the light scattering inside the grape.
  • Then came the rumbling of the heavy artillery being rolled down the street to the loading ports; the men in the way scattering like flies.
  • Pretty it up by scattering in rose petals. Times, Sunday Times
  • A multi-component echo signal model of short-range pseudo random code continuous wave (PRC-CW) radar is presented based on target's multi-points scattering model.
  • the first scatterings of green
  • She is also very much into scented candles being lit from every nook and corner of the bath and bedroom and scattering the place with bowls of potpourri and draping chairs with swathes of silk saris, or dupattas.
  • Here the geese are being driven home; the cows are crossing a ford; the oxen are ploughing; the sower is scattering his seed; the reaper plies his sickle; the oxen tread the grain; the corn is stored in the granary. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • In some scenes the branches were bare, and beneath them were tidy scatterings of crispy brown leaves.
  • The only spot of colour in the room was a street map on the back of the door, embossed with a random scattering of candy-colour headed pins.
  • Along the mainland coastline are shallow reefs and a scattering of wrecks.
  • In my research I have come across a scattering of three-finger banjo pickers who precede him, and they seem to have connections to the three-finger guitar pickers.
  • Normally this scattering of light would make it impossible to reconstruct the shape and position of the target object. Times, Sunday Times
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • The sun rose a little higher, scattering light around the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • My brain is just a field of scattering deer, a birdsong is a bridge of wings, there are ants crawling in and out of my ears. The Memory Palace
  • For example, the basic principles of absorption and emission measurements and dynamic light scattering are discussed in the relevant chapters.
  • They were not wont, say the Glosses, to bury men of the same family here and there, scatteringly, and by themselves, but altogether in one cave: whence, if any one sells his neighbour a place of burial, he sells him room for two caves, or hollows on both sides, and a floor in the middle. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Another mortar blast struck a tree looking down over the trenches, scattering fragments of shrapnel all down into the fortifications.
  • A manta ray flashed, scattering a school of butterfly fish, silver and striped with dark gold, each moving like the pulse of a wing.
  • I fancy I had been making queer faces enough, and perhaps talking to myself, When I saw myself used in this manner, I held out my clenched fists straight before me, stooped my head, and, like a ram when be makes his race, darted off right down the street, scattering groups of weatherbeaten lairds and periwigged burgesses, and bearing down all before me. Redgauntlet
  • He is invited to attend the event which will include the dedication of commemorative bench and the scattering of his father's ashes.
  • He also has gnomes baring their backsides, and a scattering of fake skulls, but he said all of these were just part of who he was.
  • Previous research on acoustic scattering was generally on the premise that the incident waves were plane waves.
  • The sun rose a little higher, scattering light around the room. Times, Sunday Times
  • I did suggest cremation and then the scattering of his ashes by means of a rocket firework.
  • I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
  • Only a handful of customers are inside the scattering of pubs in the Square.
  • In this work, we have studied the forward Raman scattering of circularly polarized KrF excimer laser beam in hydrogen gas. The conversion efficiency of the first Stokes line has reached about 44%.
  • A mother whose son was shot dead by a friend marked his 21st birthday today by scattering his ashes.
  • A tangle of blackthorn grows in the sheltered "v" and the first scattering of white flowers star its dark uncompromising branches. Country diary: South Uist
  • To improve the accuracy of the scattering optical thickness, the inversion results are acceptable only if the radiance is measured across the total almucantar and is accurately fitted by a theoretical model.
  • Even with the collimation provided by a parabolic sending station, my gut feeling is that the physics (scattering, signal-to-noise, etc) is very much against it working.
  • She could hear the scampers of animals scattering.
  • We had the same straight, long, red hair, piercing green eyes, and scattering of freckles.
  • We constructed a goniometer to measure angularly resolved light scattering.
  • Immediately after pressurization, the light-scattering value decreased 50% in comparison with the one obtained with the aggregated p53C.
  • The sunken cheeks were covered with a thin scattering of fuzz; the hair was lank and matted.
  • However, for thicker samples, quantification using emission ratio imaging is complicated by wavelength-dependent inhomogeneous absorption and scattering as the fluorescence light leaves the skin sample in its path to the detector.
  • Top with crispy grilled bacon and a scattering of fresh parsley. Times, Sunday Times
  • As they did, thousands of union protesters stopped or slowed their marching and stood on the sidewalk, separated by a black, knee-high chain-link fence and a scattering of police officers facing the street. Protests Fail to Sway Wisconsin Governor
  • See now, rounding the headland, a forlorn hopeless bird, trembling black wings fingering the blowy air, dainty and ghostly, careless of the scattering salt.
  • The damage has involved the smashing of glass flower holders and the scattering of flowers and other objects which had been placed on graves.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • The detector and sample box system is desirable to set up a two-channel Mossbauer spectrometer, so as to obtain both absorption attd backscattering spectra simultaneously.
  • There's a slight scattering of annual weed seedlings there already as an indication that the soil's ready.
  • On the glistening horizon two black dots appeared, separated, and became helicopters roaring low overhead and scattering the distracted fowl.
  • At first they came scatteringly, riding the foaming waves end-on, and sometimes colliding with the stone piers of the bridge with sufficient force to split the unhewn timbers from end to end, some being laid open as neatly as though done with axe and wedge. Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp or, the Old Lumberman's Secret
  • In the midst of my collecting, a noisy ATV comes zooming across the beach, scattering the gulls.
  • He bit into the roll, scattering crumbs.
  • This forest consisted of large preserves of woodland, open areas of common land and rough moorland with a scattering of farms and villages.
  • A brother and sister have delayed scattering their mum's ashes in the garden of their family home while they deal with the threat of eviction.
  • Monday morning arrived with a cooling breeze, scattering fragile wisps of cloud across a hazy sky.
  • As a young professor in Uppsala, Linnaeus led his students on plant-collecting hikes, scattering them into the fields to botanize and summoning them to lunch with a trumpet. Brotherhood of the Butterfly Net
  • At this time of year, there is often a scattering of them on inland lakes and reservoirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chase itself is a rolling chalkland landscape, with sheep scattering the uplands and mainly arable farming taking place in the valleys.
  • All this is suggested by a scattering of clues - text fragments that reckon the effects of exploitation and cultural voyeurism.
  • Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the sponge, then add a scattering of almonds. The Sun
  • As a means of phase conjugation. SBS(stimulated Brillouin scattering) can increase the power of solid lasers with high beam quality.
  • Serve with a scattering of edible gold leaf and sparklers to make it extra special, if you like. The Sun
  • Male mountain nyala are a sepia brown color that slowly gets darker with age, while females are of a pale liver color with a scattering of spots and stripes.
  • Stroll from the hotel, past a scattering of houses, to the deserted beach for an early-morning intake of the elements.
  • Lightly coat them in a little olive oil and a scattering of salt. Times, Sunday Times
  • And godlike Telemachus was far the first to descry her, for he was sitting with a heavy heart among the wooers dreaming on his good father, if haply he might come somewhence, and make a scattering of the wooers there throughout the palace, and himself get honour and bear rule among his own possessions. Book I
  • The farmers are scattering seed.
  • The more unusual ways of scattering ashes include packing them into fireworks which are then fired into the sky and putting ashes in shotgun cartridges to be blasted away.
  • Its low refractive index, compared with that of the pigments, cause the scattering of considerable amounts of incident light, resulting in less saturated colours.
  • They made a great contrast as they sat together in the woody shade, where the woodbine-scented breeze was fanning softly, and the quivering light fell scatteringly. Left at Home or, The Heart's Resting Place
  • The golden autumn ended last night and the World Cup teams and followers are scattering like leaves s in the wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The skies bloomed with woodcock, and geese, and grackle, scattering themselves like seeds upon fields of blue. The Whisperers
  • The adaptive integral method (AIM) combined with a novel mesh neighbor (MN) preconditioner is applied to the scattering analysis of 3D PEC structures.
  • The sound of her name whisked by her, caught by the wind and then lost in the rush of leaves scattering around her feet. Nevermore
  • Time - dependent electromagnetic fields and Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves, emission, absorption, and scattering of radiation.
  • The morning was gray and overcast, but now the sun has come out of hiding and is scattering its golden light like so many glittering coins through the woods around us.
  • Enemy forces advanced rapidly into his territory, in Batticaloa and Amparai districts, scattering his fighters.
  • We present elastic and inelastic incoherent neutron scattering data from a series of trehalose glasses diluted with glycerol.
  • The final task of the day was digging the latest crop of cat poo out of the bark chips, bagging and binning it and scattering coffee grounds to mask the smell from the evil cats.
  • STAFF at a crematorium tricked a family by scattering the wrong ashes. The Sun
  • By the 1940s, the mists of time had warped his vision to a few breast-plated harridans, some fire-breathing dragons and a liberal scattering of live animals.
  • The tarte is finished off by scattering crispy garlic and parsley fried breadcrumbs over the surface, and will be great either hot or cold, with slices of goat's cheese.
  • It is clear from our studies that although dispersive light scattering perturbs band intensities, neither absorption flattening nor differential scattering is sufficient to account for these changes.
  • He still kept his chamber in a state of confusion, -- "muss," Grace called it, -- pulling the drawers out of the bureau, and scattering the contents over the floor; dropping his clothes anywhere it happened, and carrying quantities of gravel up stairs in his shoes. Captain Horace
  • Three methods for analyzing and processing the laser scattering signal of bubbles in water, the threshold detection, noise elimination processing and power spectral estimation, are put forward.

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