How To Use Scattered In A Sentence

  • Brigalow vegetation is found to the east, and gidgee (A. cambagei) woodlands or shrublands are scattered across the region on alluvium or other more fertile clay soils. Eastern Australia mulga shrublands
  • I could perceive no trace of a metallic vein, so thoroughly had it been worked out, but scattered over the hillside with schist, talcose slate, and fragments of quartz, was a great deal of scoriae, showing that metal of some kind had been excavated, and that the smelting had been done on the spot. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • Nilufer Bharucha, faculty in the department of English and project coordinator, explained that the term diaspora means to be scattered or dispersed across national boundaries, and has been self-consciously used today by postcolonial theorists to describe those who got displaced from their home owing to colonial politics and post-colonial economic realities. Analysis
  • Besides that, there flourished some tufts of velvety grass, some scattered reeds, two plants of the yellow herb called tansy, four of a red flower, and a pretty white one; but the treasures of the rock consisted of three roots of garlic, which Maie had put in a cleft. The Lilac Fairy Book
  • Even in smaller hamlets or regions of scattered farmsteads, forms of interdependence may be recognized in early laws and custumals.
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  • Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
  • The group scattered and Justin scrambled to the school.
  • She absent-mindedly made a neat pile of the scattered magazines on the coffee table.
  • Scattered throughout the plasma in cells are organelles called mitochondria.
  • The surface of the land is scattered with fragments of white silex and fine red jasper, banded with black oligistic iron: this rock, close, hard, and fine enough to bear cutting, appears everywhere in scatters and amongst the conglomerates. The Land of Midian
  • A light westerly wind blew, gentle as the day, and whipped up the dusts moving them to scattered graves and other surrounding parts of the city.
  • All staff, from Stilwell to the summer interns who answered phones and restocked supply shelves, were assembled and scattered among the desks in the largest space in the headquarters, where partitions had been removed to give them an unobstructed view of their candidate. O: A Presidential Novel
  • There were file cabinets scattered in all sides of the room, and also drawers, cabinets, and tall shelves.
  • Thallus of very minute inconspicuous and evanescent, brown-black granules; apothecia minute, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, dark brown to black, scattered or clustered, plain with a thin concolorous exciple visible, to convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale brown; asci clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 15 mic. long and 5 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • The bride wore a white satin backless gown scattered with crystals, and carried a bouquet of white roses.
  • Human impact, mainly from grazing, fires, and firewood collection, has transformed the majority of the existing holm oak forest into secondary, dense shrubland, known as "maquis", or into agroforestry landscapes constituted by scattered trees on grasslands or crops. Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
  • Tall grassland is scattered with hawkweed, ragwort, wild carrot and melilot flowers, along with clumps of bird's-foot trefoil, lucerne and goat's rue, and there are regular uprisings of brambles and wild rose, and sprawls of sallow and birch scrub. Country Diary: Canvey Wick, Essex
  • In a year as magical as this one, impressive bucks are scattered throughout the state, but those animals won't be easy to see just now.
  • He was another expatriate Scot, I think maybe they're the most widely scattered race in the world. FOOLS GOLD
  • The typical holding, the group of scattered acres cultivated by one man or held by some two or three in common, was known as a "virgate," or by some equivalent term, and although of no universal equality, was more frequently of thirty acres than of any other number. An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
  • Couches, armchairs and tables were scattered about the place.
  • Muscles biopsies also showed scattered atrophy consistent with the process of denervation.
  • She started clawing at the mattress until she broke it open and scattered the fluffy insides all over the cell.
  • Hippocampus severnsi is distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: extremely small size (height 13 mm, standard length 15 mm); 12 trunk rings; 27 tail rings; reduced ossification of inferior and ventral trunk ridges; 14 dorsal fin rays; 10 pectoral fin rays; anal fin small or absent; medium length snout which lacks a bulbous tip; raised, angular coronet; single gill opening on midline directly behind coronet supported by raised cleithral bone; scattered tubercles on trunk and tail; predominant colour dark brown (sometimes slightly marbled) with large, bright red patch covering dorsolateral surfaces of trunk rings 1-4; tiny white dots scattered all over; pale posterior section of tail with dark transverse bands. Practical Fishkeeping news (RSS)
  • We collected excellent crystals of tetrahedrite to 5 mm scattered on drusy quartz from a zone in the siliceous envelope of the orebody.
  • Formerly called the Trust Territory, Micronesia possesses only two-thirds the land area of Rhode Island, yet lies scattered over an expanse of ocean comparable to the contiguous United States.
  • The chinkara scattered into the scrub as we approached but the blackbuck kept appearing and reappearing, leaping across our path as we drove through the desert.
  • Has she given her selection the full-on syrup-drowning treatment (not afraid to splurge), or do the scattered half-open jam packets indicate she's a nibbler (delicate, but with a mellow fruity finish)?
  • Now, less than one percent remains as fragmented remnants scattered across 75,000 hectares.
  • He says he and his bother Joseph have about 20 bat houses scattered over their 400 acres of walnut trees near Winters, Calif., primarily to get rid of a common pest called the coddling moth. The Seattle Times
  • Scattered accounts of Tony Fernandez’s postprison activities boggle the mind. Without Pity
  • It was the kind of unspectacular housing block that makes up vast swaths of the city, scattered in between the genteel stucco mansions that make it into the films. NDTV News - Top Stories
  • What's worse, none of these genres is given enough time to develop, resulting in a scattered and underdeveloped plot.
  • In fact, there were cheers and catcalls and laughs scattered throughout the performances - a welcome change from fancy dancy, high-class outings.
  • The stubble lay scattered with wheat grains, millions of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cremated remains will be scattered over the open sea along with flower petals.
  • A few trees scattered around gave an agreeable and silvan air to the place; and the chapel, that appeared on a rising ground at some distance from the hamlet, was constructed in a style of pleasing simplicity, which corresponded with the whole scene. Anne of Geierstein
  • Pickering's hyla, his little bagpipe blown almost to bursting as he tries to rally the scattered summer by his tiny, mighty "skirl. The Hills of Hingham
  • The older Pekar appears, reflecting on his life in 1960s - 80s Cleveland in interview extracts scattered throughout the film.
  • They sit precariously on top of one another on a square of unpainted plywood around which are scattered little metal balls of varying sizes.
  • The objects within the Kuiper belt, together with the members of the scattered disc and any potential Hills cloud or Oort cloud objects, are collectively referred to as trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). » Worlds largest free store of University essays: To user …
  • First, the researchers used red, green and blue-colored lasers to etch a record of the way light scattered off an object an apple, for instance onto a thin sheet of light-sensitive material called a photoresist, and attached it to a plate of glass. Wired Top Stories
  • He glanced briefly about him before continuing along the scattered fringe of trees that girdled it.
  • If we consider the complex character of our people, the variety of races which we have adopted into the Canadian family, the extent of territory over which they are scattered, the diversity of their interests, the difference of languages and resulting handicap in intercommunication, we have cause to marvel that the Canadian nation in so brief a period has become so united as it is. Some Canadian Problems
  • A hard drop creates a shock that can cause the heads to slap against the hard drive's platter - pieces of the head can be scattered in the drive, and a microscopic dent can be left on the platter.
  • Peculiarly shaped rocks and hillocks having striking features lie scattered all over the earth.
  • There were scattered groans from the Petrocchis, and cheers, not quite certain and even more scattered, from the Montanas. THE MAGICIANS OF CAPRONA
  • To bring about the first of these reactions rapidly, a catalyzer is employed, and the process is carried out in the following way: Large iron tubes are packed with some porous material, such as calcium and magnesium sulphates, which contains a suitable catalytic substance scattered through it. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The bed itself was tented with a dozen pillows scattered on it, again looking as though it had been arranged to await the photographers. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Officers in gay uniforms were scattered among the dark anchorites, who occupied one end of the table, while the _bourgeoisie_, with here and there a blue-caftaned peasant wedged among them, filled the other end. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 79, May, 1864
  • Despite the shortage of qualified dhammaduta monks, scattered across the West there are a few Theravada viharas and Buddhist centres whose incumbents, in their own quiet and non-assertive way, are working to spread the Dhamma.
  • But in the well-made cake, the plums are wisely scattered all through, and every mouthful is a pleasure. An Old-Fashioned Girl
  • We did, and on a day forecast as spoilt by scattered showers and cloud we were rewarded with an absolute pearler.
  • Shortly thereafter CCL made two more opencast mine of about 5 each displacing villagers in 8 villages and scattered hamlets and this mining is still continuing towards a heavily built-up tribal area in the forest See newspaper report of today by Jaideep Degharia. Jeff Biggers: India's Coal Rush and Form of Mountaintop Removal: Interview with Jharkhand Leader Bulu Imam
  • We passed a few scattered bothies, smoke rising from the thatched roofs, but the inhabitants and their beasts seemed all within, secured against the cold. Sick Cycle Carousel
  • A tribe of stray cats scattered as I turned into the yard where Ellen's apartment lay.
  • Once at the ship, the vanguard of the crowd scattered and stood irresolute. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • It can be distinguished from congeners in having a combination of: postanal length 36·6-44·8 % standard length; pectoral-fin length 14·4-25·9% head length; 34-38 dorsal spines; 42-46 caudal vertebrae; 78-83 total vertebrae; brown background colour without or with only a limited and scattered dark brown reticulate pattern. Practical Fishkeeping
  • They captured him, but left most of his baggage, together with a lot of papers, scattered about the bivouac where they had captured him.
  • The schism that produced competitive health care professions, primarily traditional medicine, osteopathy and chiropractic shattered and scattered fundamental principles for the relief of pain.
  • At the camp at Kokinia, outside Athens, 'lorries were being hurriedly packed, stores and equipment were flung about anyhow, officers' valises and suitcases were lying open with their contents scattered around as if the owners had made a hasty choice of their more valuable belongings at the last moment.
  • Early leaves scattered before it, sweeping along the street and piling against the railings of the school.
  • The energy of the scattered light is abstracted from the original beam.
  • A quick Google search provided over a dozen domestic websites scattered across Iran from Rasht, a coastal city in the north, to the southern city of Ahwaz. A Craze for Pooches in Iran Dogs the Morality Police
  • We unpacked them very carefully and pulled them to pieces and scattered the straw about. The Treasure Seekers
  • We raced almost everyday over the bright blinding green hills with scattered trees here and there.
  • The scattered light is collimated, and simultaneously detected by a fixed array of 18 transimpedance photodiodes, which span an angular region from 22.5 [degrees] to 147 [degrees].
  • There were tangled ribbons of metal scattered for hundreds of metres, variously shaped satellitic craters and mounds, but of the captain and his trench there was not a single sign. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • Between there and the mainland were only a few scattered fishermen, renegades, loners and eccentrics.
  • Once at the ship, the vanguard of the crowd scattered and stood irresolute. THE DISPOSSESSED
  • Visitors scattered as the bear galloped heavily across the road, pursued by the snarling dog. Times, Sunday Times
  • The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens.
  • The "bushmen" -- as the men who have bought twenty-acre sections and settled in the bush are called -- had scattered English grass-seed all over the rich leafy mould, and the ground was covered with bright green grass, kept short and thick by a few tame goats browsing about. Station Life in New Zealand
  • England will not become another Ireland with bungalows scattered over rolling fields. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scattered between the sleeping cats were several cubs of varying ages and both sexes from small unweaned kittens to half-grown yearlings.
  • There are impressive patio areas, gazebos and manicured lawns back and front with landscaped borders scattered throughout.
  • This forest type is dominated by evergreen tree species with scattered deciduous trees such as Dipterocarpus kerri, Anogeissus acuminate, Pometia pinnata and Lagerstroemia calyculata. Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, Vietnam
  • There are still traces of the Volnay's cargo of munitions scattered about the hold areas: rusting steel warheads, balls of lead shot and sticks of cordite looking like wholemeal spaghetti.
  • Human impacts, mainly grazing, fires, and firewood collection, have transformed the majority of the remaining wild olive and carob plant communities into secondary dense shrubs, known as "maquis," and into agro-forestry landscapes comprised of scattered trees on grasslands or crops. Mediterranean woodlands and forests
  • As gannets wheeled and dived into the blue-green waters, Muiris scattered most of the ashes over the sea.
  • Mr. Bonner had been recommended to Lord Kitchener, who wanted amorini scattered about the leafy gardens at Broome. The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
  • Lilac wallpaper and oilcloth on pantry shelves say he was married, and scattered toys suggest children.
  • Scattered shrubs include two kinds of low-growing blueberries and the dwarf live oak, which is less than a foot tall.
  • The burglars left things scattered in great confusion.
  • In the wild, about 1,600 pandas roam forests scattered across six mountain ranges in southwestern China.
  • Those who used to say never separated, have scattered in the horizon.
  • After following the latter for a few miles to the west, we took a path through beautifully wooded plains, with scattered trees of the Mahowa (_Bassia latifolia_), resembling good oaks: the natives distil a kind of arrack from its fleshy flowers, which are also eaten raw. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • The plane, which was full of fuel, scattered flaming fragments over a large area.
  • Scattered across the asphalt like murderer's footprints, puddles of water turn bloody with sunset"), it vanishes when Stewart settles in to show us freelance detective Diane Fletcher using her ability as a "shaper" (someone who can read and experience the emotions of others) to help policeman Rolly French investigate the death of Jonathan Mask. AvaxHome RSS:
  • Early on, northwest winds brought in a mix of sunshine and scattered wintry showers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the night came "a terrible tempest," which scattered the duke's ships "one from another, so that two of them were not in compagnie together in one place;" and when the tempest had done its work, it passed away; and the gales were fair, and the heaven was clear, when, the next day, the earl "halsed up the sayles," and came in sight of Dartmouth. The Last of the Barons — Volume 10
  • Scattered trees, mainly acacias and junipers, dot the savanna.
  • The clothes were scattered round the room any old how.
  • The cremains can then either be buried in a cemetery, inurned in a columbarium, scattered or kept for later disposition.
  • Designs a scattered control network based on the principle " concentrative monitor and separate control" and programs communication supervisor of the system.
  • About a mile behind and to the east of the village the hills commence, but they are very barren, being covered with scanty coarse grass and scattered trees of the Melaleuca cajuputi, from the leaves of which the celebrated cajeput oil is made. The Malay Archipelago
  • She made a formal declaration that her Majesty, with the assistance of Madame Campan, had packed up all her jewelry some time before the departure; that she was certain of it, as she had found the diamonds, and the cotton which served to wrap them, scattered upon the sofa in the Queen's closet in the 'entresol'; and most assuredly she could only have seen these preparations in the interval between seven in the evening and seven in the morning. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • Lidar uses a pulsating laser source and signals backscattered by molecules and particles are analysed using a specially designed telescope.
  • The chief divisions of the kingdom are Northern Greece, or Hellas, lying north of the Gulf of Lepanto; the peninsula of the Morea, connected with the mainland by the Isthmus of Corinth; and various islands scattered over the greater part of the Grecian Archipelago. A Geography for Beginners.
  • A crowd of AF officers, young Big Pharma exec trackers, nuke engineers, and a few scattered managers from a plant soon to be closed & sent to China lost all their "comportment". How outrageous would it be for a professor to eat during class?
  • On the east side of the river are scattered pastures and farm houses, and on the west side is an old lava flow covered with sagebrush.
  • The stars, which to the number of several millions bespangle the sky, are not scattered uniformly. The Story of the Heavens
  • They are scattered along narrow, winding village lanes.
  • In one case a bed, which fortunately was unoccupied, was scattered with broken glass.
  • Gathering up his scattered papers, he pushed them into his case.
  • A number of Cook County vice cops scattered through the room with notebooks and tape machines, sucking up every arraignable word. Underworld
  • Every few hours, under hundreds of shanty tents and lean-tos scattered across the hills, they pour mercury from metal flasks into soil that they have dragged in sacks down rutted tracks behind bullocks.
  • There were several floatation-boards scattered along the front edge of the swimming pool.
  • The group scattered when police arrived, but police were able to detain 3 Thai men and 4 Russians.
  • The area we have circled is grouse moor, liberally scattered with boulders and crags and with ‘shooters shelters’, as grouse butts are curiously called here on my new map.
  • There were cobwebs and old wooden crates and barrels scattered carelessly about; evidently, this place had once been used for storage.
  • By the time the scattered troops were mustered, the enemy was already returning home and had to be ambushed in passing while laden with plunder.
  • The middle lobe was crepitant, though soaked with black fluid; several impacted lobules were scattered throughout its substance. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • Scattered around the airstrip are some of Afghanistan's 10 million landmines, which every day leave innocent civilians limbless.
  • Taken five miles from the ground, white streaks of methane fog float over the surface like a kind of haar, partly covering scattered islands in the sea.
  • The odiferous qualities of whitetail deer come from no fewer than seven different glands scattered literally from head to toe. Understanding Seven Deer Glands
  • Occasional harmonic oddities are scattered throughout the arrangements.
  • I didn't resist, both of us crushing the leaf until fragments fell and were scattered by the wind, her fingers twined in mine.
  • Often churches are isolated, serving widely scattered farmsteads.
  • While the drum beat slowly, a havildar and two naiks went along the ranks of the prisoners, tearing the buttons off the uniform coats; they had been half cut off before-hand, to make the tearing easy, and soon in front of the long grey line there were little scattered piles of buttons, gleaming dully in the sultry light; the grey coats hung loose, like sacks, each with a dull black face above it. Fiancée
  • In unison, as a hundred languages choired below them, the imaginary stars and planets lifted into the higher regions of air, sputtering and fading as they caught a sudden wind and scattered, in a babble of fire and voices, over the bay of Istar. The Dark Queen
  • But scattered through its half-deserted rooms, state bed - chambers and the like, hung the works of more genuine masters, still as unadulterate as the hock, known to be two generations old, in the grand-ducal cellar. Imaginary Portraits
  • To lure them from the dense woody thickets scattered through the arid open savannas, he used the ultimate bait: the ‘plaintive bleat of a wounded baby buffalo.’
  • The Banda Sea Islands Moist Deciduous Forests are found on small islands scattered across the Banda Sea and are part of the region known as Wallacea, which contains a distinctive fauna representing a mix of Asian and Australasian species. Banda Sea Islands moist deciduous forests
  • Serve with the yoghurt, scattered with paprika, some lemon wedges and a green salad.
  • It may also be a basic question of vantage point; the view of Boulevard du Temple is arguably the kind of multifarious photograph destined to be read like scattered small print.
  • This landscape of scattered pines with a dense groundcover including gallberry is one of the most common landscapes in Florida.
  • He turned back to the village and closely inspected its scattered ranks of gray houses; the windows were opaque and the doors sealed shut.
  • Scattered remains of fireworks lay ignored and disappointed , emitting their last warm, sulphurous breath.
  • The whole vast plain in which it "towers alone," is covered with the evidences of volcanic action; can it then, in one of those tremendous efforts of nature, which scattered these fragments of rock over so great an extent, have been upheaved from the bed of the earth, and left as a monument of some mighty convulsion? Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • When I empty my pockets at the weekend, there are enough tickets to supply the cloakroom at the Savoy for a fortnight - except, of course, the counterfoils are scattered across north west Hampshire.
  • Suddenly exhausted, she flopped down on one of the many chairs that were scattered about Allyson's room.
  • Stacks of oats were scattered, haystacks turned over and roofs of houses and sheds were badly damaged.
  • Serve with mascarpone scattered with toasted almonds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sky is now spotted with a scattered selection of bright dots like children's vitamin pills.
  • Bannister (1-1) scattered nine hits over 6 Zc innings and Jose Guillen provided the support with his seventh homer and two RBIs. Homepage | INFORUM | Fargo, ND
  • Some objects, now existing in scattered parts of the globe, are brought together.
  • A flock of birds off in the distance scattered away.
  • How can we unify such scattered islands into a nation?
  • The Khojas today represent an integral part of the Nizari communities scattered in more than twenty-five countries.
  • There have not been numbers like that this year, but small flocks and individuals are quite widely scattered across the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the finest collection of paintings in Denmark, but during the last war it was broken up and scattered to the four winds.
  • But when a quarter to nine struck, and he saw old Thomas beginning to fidget about with the keys in his hand, he thought of the Doctor's parting monition, and stopped the cornopean at once, notwithstanding the loud-voiced remonstrances from all sides; and the crowd scattered away from the close, the eleven all going into the School-house, where supper and beds were provided for them by the Doctor's orders. Tom Brown's Schooldays
  • I would ask you, Messer Cicero and Messer Seneca, whose dog-eared volumes I see scattered upon the floor, of what use is it for me to know better than any master of the Mint or a Jew of the Pont-aux-Change that a gold crown piece is worth thirty-five unzain at twenty-five sous eight deniers parisis each, if I have not a single miserable black liard to risk upon the double-six? IV. Fate. Book VII
  • Scattered around the airfield are the remains of many Allied and Japanese aircraft, whose aircrews made the ultimate sacrifice for their countries.
  • This was before the age of fitted carpets, and rugs were scattered over the dark floorboards. Times, Sunday Times
  • If so-called compsognathids – all of them relatively small, ecologically and morphologically generalized, long-limbed, long-tailed theropods that hunt small vertebrate prey – are not a clade but are actually scattered about the base of the coelurosaur family tree, this likely indicates that this ecotype was the ancestral one for coelurosaurs. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The road serves the scattered habitations along the coast.
  • I said, for shame, these men will see our slovenliness, these sticky sherry glasses everywhere, these newspapers scattered on the carpets since the maidservants were no more.
  • Two German torpedo boats and a destroyer were sunk and the rest of the flotilla scattered to various French ports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Love,then heard anyhow Valentine scattered forget it.
  • The entire gown was scattered with pearls and sequins.
  • The plane, which was full of fuel, scattered flaming fragments over a large area.
  • From daywear to eveningwear, Jarick covered all the bases, though being a bit scattered as far as theme or continuity are concerned.
  • The summit of the small island is composed of a highly crystalline basalt; lower down I found a hard, stratified slatey sandstone, while on the beach are huge blocks of lava, and scattered masses of white coralline limestone. The Malay Archipelago
  • They spot small pools and eddies of water, and then little round objects scattered on the ground.
  • There are magazines and posters and other ephemera scattered about.
  • There are factories scattered throughout the borough.
  • For want of something to distract her mind, she had been engaged, when Maidie returned with her abigail in tow, in collecting together those of Maidie's belongings that were scattered about the bedchamber they had shared at her insistence, for she could not reconcile it with her duty to allow her charge to sleep alone in the chamber of a public inn in the heart of the capital. Gatlinburg
  • There, Obama scattered flower petals in remembrance of his mother, posed for a few pictures, and waded out to join a handful of locals populating a wedgy little peak on a small-wave day. Obama Surfs!
  • Wafers, marchpane, coriander comfits: the recipes are fascinating, and there are many delicious iced gems of information scattered alongside them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Overnight lows also fall, with lows in the 40s Thursday night and the mid-30s to low 40s Friday and Saturday night - when scattered frost is possible in the colder suburbs. Forecast: Warm & a bit showery to start week
  • It is set in a dancing school, which opens with a scene of disarray (music and chairs scattered around).
  • The spindle cells showed moderate nuclear pleomorphism and scattered mitotic figures.
  • Look contentedly upon the scattered difference of things, and expect not equality, in lustre, dignity, or perfection, in regions or persons below; where numerous numbers must be content to stand like lacteous or nebulous stars, little taken notice of, or dim in their generations. Christian Morals
  • Hope, fear, alarm, jealousy, the ephemerous tale that does its business and dies in a day, all these things, which are the reins and spurs by which leaders check or urge the minds of followers, are not easily employed, or hardly at all, amongst scattered people. Paras. 325-349
  • He was another expatriate Scot, I think maybe they're the most widely scattered race in the world. FOOLS GOLD
  • The clouds that had blocked the sun during the day had dissipated, scattered by the winds to reveal the stars sprawled in all their glory across the sky.
  • In western Thailand and eastern Myanmar, Mesozoic rocks are scattered and discontinuous, and outcrops of Palaeogene rocks are very rare.
  • The centre will bring together facilities that at present are scattered over four locations in the garrison town.
  • Nausicaa is set in a post-apocalyptic age, about 1000 years after the destruction of most of the natural environment; humans now live in small, oddly ruralized outposts scattered throughout the world, travelling from outpost to outpost on either large ostrich-like creatures I don't think they were actually ostriches, but that was what came to mind) or airships or gliders.) Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
  • There were a lot of maps scattered all over the floor, yet some were hanging on the walls with thumbtacks pinned on various strategic locations.
  • They maintain real good accountability of the hazardous waste at the disposal areas scattered throughout Iraq. Times, Sunday Times
  • Second-hand machinery was scattered around the yard with new parts and modifications arriving daily.
  • In 1944, Miss Matilda Talbot presented Lacock to the National Trust, and until recently the area known as the ‘museum garden’, was simply a grassed-over space scattered with trees and shrubs.
  • The characteristic landscape of Merovingian villages is a settlement composed of scattered little hamlets, with a multitude of little fields separated by uncultivated lands.
  • dwarfish", subsumed to their mode of transport, or scattered about - as are the backpackers outside Venice station in Vertigo - like corpses. The Guardian World News
  • At the edge of town where the houses became scattered and the road started to drop away into a deep valley some one helloed behind him. Windy McPherson's Son
  • The pagoda has probably been scattered to the four winds of heaven, and the ship on which I journeyed from Ireland to Cathay is lying on the corals, with mermaids sleeping in its berths and swimming in and out the portholes. The Blue Cat of Castle Town
  • She served a smooth white-chocolate ganache scattered with finely crushed coffee beans.
  • Later that day the new duty crew were scrambled to attempt to put a team of salvage experts on board the Kodima, which by now was being driven inshore towards Whitsand Bay, which was liberally scattered with planks of wood from the cargo.
  • Christian peoples scattered throughout Asia Minor and along the Bosporus until this barbarous Ottoman Government is swept from the face of the earth. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Seeds, when ripened in the fruit, are disseminated, that is to say, scattered on the surface of the ground, to sprout in spots as yet unoccupied and fill the expanses that realize favourable conditions. The Life of the Spider
  • The unmissable caricatures of Alan Snow scattered through A Turn in the Grave, written by ‘Bowvayne’, make this one for children to read to themselves.
  • To transform the spuds, scientists chopped potato leaves into small pieces and scattered them across a laboratory culture dish.
  • Wolframite crystals 5-15 cm long were scattered throughout the vein along with numerous cavities or ‘pockets’ with crystals of quartz and wolframite.
  • But she had a sense of foreboding which was entangled with an image of Bruno stumbling amidst Johannes's scattered pictures. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • She tore the rose apart and scattered the petals over the grave.
  • At the end of that period there were numerous small patches of pigment scattered over the lower side principally in the regions of the interspinous bones, above and below the lateral line. Hormones and Heredity
  • However, it was not difficult to meet people simply by wandering through the bush and chancing upon scattered huts and houses.
  • Papers scattered the floor, covering every inch like a carpet.
  • Men up in the rigging let go of the sails, and men scattered on the main deck raced about grabbing swords, grapples, and preparing to board.
  • Scattered apoptosis and proliferation in the injured epithelium, lamina propria and serosa accompany the peak inflammatory cell infiltration on day 7.
  • From somewhere in the scattered islands of the archipelago came the most elusive and costly spices of all: cloves, nutmeg and mace. SPICE: The History of a Temptation
  • Huge masses of them are scattered also between the adjacent striated muscle fibers.
  • The light scattered by a particle passing through these beams is collected and focused on a photomultiplier tube.
  • Instead, we get the flimflam of the weasel words that are scattered through this legislation about environmental sustainability and economic benefits.
  • Meanwhile Peregrine, having burst open the chamber door, found the lady in the utmost dread and consternation, and the spoils of her favourite scattered about the room; but his resentment was doubly gratified, when he learned, upon inquiry, that the person who had been so disagreeably interrupted was no other than that individual mousquetaire with whom he had quarrelled at the comedy. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • The Russian communist and nationalist opposition pinned upon Lukashenko their hopes of reintegrating the scattered parts of the former Soviet Union under one strong leader.
  • In our mind's eye we can see the tipis scattered along the sheltered areas with always a few sentinels at the tops of the hills.

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