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How To Use Scare In A Sentence

  • Which is stupid, considering the drivers around here A: Don't normally stop for people and in fact have been caught trying to sneak ~around~ them and B: I've been nicked several times and almost hit three times different instances last summer attempting to obey the biking laws, none of those for mistakes on my part as I've been scared shitless at the lack of aware driving that's crept over my town. The funny thing about Pain..... (Let's talk trauma!)
  • choco-lemon's diary choco-lemon's Diaryland Diary nerves up until lunch this was a completely horrible day. it picked up when me, lindsay, and krist stopped at murray to buy a quatch. once we smoked i bowl i felt a million times better. and that scares me. Nerves
  • This antimodernist nativism pervaded the 1920s, but it was particularly visible in the scientific racism of the eugenics movement, the xenophobia of the "100 percent American" movement, the sharp resurgence in the Ku Klux Klan, the post – World War One Red Scare (directed primarily at immigrant radicals), and in a series of draconian immigration restriction acts. 11 Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • If Ratzinger wants to stay in Italy and scare school kids by telling them God is watching when they French kiss or masturbate, that is his sexual silliness. Joe Cutbirth: The Pope Can't Get Away With This
  • I was too scared to move.
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  • A guard with a motorcycle and a shotgun could move through fields at night and work with farmers to scare elephants and hippos.
  • You scared the life out of me coming in so suddenly like that.
  • I could see my homeboy was scared, but that little Maya tried to kick at the old man.
  • But although there was a scare with my first sample being clear, as we'd only just arrived, my second proved that I, along with the entire Sunday Herald table, was completely ratted and therefore allowed to keep the trophy.
  • I am scared to fly in a plane.
  • I wanted to ask her out but was scared that she might refuse.
  • More than 30 elaborate scarecrows are peering from hedgerows, fields and chimney pots, as part of the annual scarecrow competition.
  • Whereas the British want to see children's faces light up with joy, those foreign johnnies prefer to scare the living daylights out of them.
  • Jayson drew his swallow and jumped off his stead as Virgo let out a bellow as he tried to scare off the attackers.
  • The thunder scared the children.
  • Rabbit behavior My 12 week old lop ear house rabbit has a thing about nibling my son and she hurts him. how can i stop her from doing it coz he is now starting to get scared of her. i tell him its a sign of affection and i dont want him scared of her please help Answerbag: Latest Questions in Question Categories
  • The residents of Mufulira that number about 800,000 are scared to drink the tap water for it could be contaminated. Water Contamination Scare in Zambia
  • And he was so scared, he did not go to school yesterday because he sensed that, for being what they call a snitch, something bad would happen to him. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2009
  • Note the telling musical score, anticipating events, cueing the audience as to when to be scared, assuming we cannot figure that out ourselves.
  • I'm scared he'll run into health problems and will just keel over one day. The Sun
  • This has continued in times of war, rebellion, economic panic and depression, loyalty scares, riots, draft-card burnings, and similar crises. The Volokh Conspiracy » Attempts to Defeat the Kagan Nomination, and Political Hardball
  • She stopped dead in her tracks like a scared rabbit when she saw us.
  • People are scared to use the buses late at night.
  • I was scared I'd get the push.
  • Local businesses were scared into paying protection money.
  • The Red Scare did not last long.
  • He's in the prison, he's dobbing on his prison mates, on other inmates, and he's very scared for his life.
  • But after that, I was so scared of dishonoring her, I insisted that for a month we only meet in the kitchen garden in full view of the convent!
  • Whatever else may be said of him, Mr Meese is not scared of a fight.
  • (An interjection here: my wife awoke, scared by an evil dream. SMOKE AND MIRRORS
  • He was scared of incurring his father's wrath .
  • I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs. Wii-volution
  • No, not the usual boring bomb scare, but a cultural occasion of enormous significance.
  • If crows have become unwelcome guests, Martens recommends scare tactics, such as Mylar tape, pie tins, scary eye balloons, scarecrows, and auditory alarms.
  • The flight was diverted to Gatwick because of a bomb scare.
  • What your really trying to accomplice is to scare others off that might be interested in finding out more about us. Sound Politics: Mitt Romney for President: Part I, the Competition
  • Doctors are so scared of being sued that many will refuse to treat high-risk patients or perform difficult operations, medical experts have warned.
  • It doesn't take a highly trained director to tell a few actresses to run in the woods and pretend to be scared.
  • I didn't expect him until dinnertime. He just about scared the bejabbers out of me as he sneaked up behind me and burst into this sudden, uproarious laughter.
  • He didn't know why he was so jumpy lately, every little thing scared him.
  • I was so scared something would happen to her. The Sun
  • The recent food-poisoning scare has reignited debate/concern/controversy over farming methods.
  • January 11th, 2007 at 6: 49 am it scared the living daylites out of me! tyler rynd Says: Scary Maze
  • He's scared stiff of women.
  • The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
  • For some reason, all of this has scared the bejabbers out of the Democrats.
  • Just for the record, I am not brave, perhaps a bit foolhardy, and just as scared of dying as the next man.
  • The company commissioned research into consumer attitudes to new technology which showed that we are all a bunch of lily-livered, scaredy-cats when it comes to trying new gizmos.
  • He had asked to wear thick underclothes under his shirt as he was very concerned that if he shivered in the cold, the crowd might think that he was scared.
  • He wasn't ill, Sophie decided. He was just plain scared.
  • Alexis, violently shuddering, stood half hidden by her stepfather's bulk, a scarecrow in Craig's navy blazer. A THEORY OF RELATIVITY
  • In some parts of the country policemen and park rangers shoot wolves and bears and lions with rubber buckshot, chase them with dogs, and scare them from houses with loud noises and bright lights.
  • Yo momma's so ugly, she'd scare a buzzard off a gut wagon.
  • When you get a scare everyone starts to panic, because you're not there with your small child and the worrying thing is that they can't tell you themselves.
  • To suggest otherwise is irresponsible scaremongering. Times, Sunday Times
  • If she's so annoying she scares people off, then you might be her only friend.
  • This dog will scare easily and will most probably beat you to the hiding place if an intruder bursts into your home!
  • He was daring and intelligent, produced huge plays and scared defenses with his orchestration of the offense.
  • But not in a way that makes you feel a bit uneasy and scared. The Sun
  • Whatever it is that day, we make our gripes, put his "progressiveness" in meanie scare quotes, or maybe even go all the way with "so-called progressive. Josh Mull: What's worse: Steele's Afghanistan comments or the reaction?
  • Personally, I'm feeling as dejected, disappointed and scared as I am angry.
  • I only meant to give her a scare.
  • I'm Not Scared may signal a renewal of compelling, socially aware Italian film-making.
  • Everyone is scared, waiting fearfully for the next attack.
  • To him, the scarecrow is not just a mere pitchman; he is Carbunkle’s savior. Collect This Now! The Cereal Killings | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Cuius dignitatem reatus ipsi etiam qui detulere uiderunt, quam uti alicuius sceleris admixtione fuscarent, ob ambitum dignitatis sacrilegio me conscientiam polluisse mentiti sunt. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • He was feeling guilty and depressed, repentant and scared.
  • As someone who's always found Bob Dylan amusing and kind of absurd, I guffawed (at 3 a.m.; scared the opossums) at Idle's startling transformation into ol 'Uncle Bobby, strummin' and harpin 'and bleatin' nearly incomprehensibly about Brian's theme of "Individuals. Gregory Weinkauf: Not the Messiah: Monty Python Strikes Again!
  • I was a bit scared because there was this complete polarisation in the room, and everyone in the band's eyes swivelled towards me and they were like, "You've got to deal with this, love. The worst gig we ever played: musicians on their on-stage lows
  • All in all, she was suddenly feeling so deeply vulnerable that she was scared to death of what might happen next.
  • For months I've been wandering around, burbling about how crazily happy I am, scared it would end since I don't know how it started.
  • If one country gives in to these scare tactics, others will fall like dominos.
  • Maury doffed his fedora and ran a hand through his scarecrow hair and told me that he had lived in terror as a boy because his father was a drunk.
  • Scarlett just stood beside me, watching all the other scared freshman pile into the gym.
  • Never mind; we can make believe that the queen has sent them off, so as not to scare Pocahontas; that's what they call poetical license," said Polly. Half a Dozen Girls
  • The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
  • That ought to be enough to scare away even the most devoted private-sector champions of better training.
  • The aim is to scare every townsman and townswoman out of town and reclaim what has been lost before sunrise returns.
  • Remember also that most people, despite their confident appearance and demeanor, are often as scared as you are and as doubtful of themselves.
  • If you charge as much as that, you'll scare customers off.
  • He scared me a little because he got too close to other bodies from time to time because he is not supposed to take contact. Times, Sunday Times
  • It must really irk you guys that Mccain and bush pretty much agree with the democrats on illegal immigration. and you are scared dems will destroy oil companies? wont unrenewable fossil fuels do the job anyways? Duck, It's Hillary!
  • He lost control of his temper, which scared me into hitting the kerb. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have become conditioned to expect certain things in a genre film, and anyone who comes at this one expecting big scares could easily miss its philosophical questioning of superstition and religion, and find himself or herself bored.
  • Instead she spent lonely hours at home, scared that she may never hear again.
  • You can't scare me into telling you anything.
  • Even a friendly dog will bite if it's scared.
  • We provide help for young people who are in the closet and are too scared to come out.
  • This appearance of irrational and uncontrollable behaviour would so scare the other driver that he would be the first to pull away. Warfare in the Twentieth Century
  • I underwent extensive testing and luckily, I was healthy, but this scare was enough for me to realize that no weight-loss drug is worth harming my health.
  • The militants also fired few shots to scare the villagers and later fled from the spot.
  • Legend has it that the lammergeier will sometimes dive at animals, even humans, trying to scare them into falling off the escarpment.
  • She took a turn for the worse last night and I'm scared she's not going to see out the weekend.
  • The first time this had happened to her, she had been scared to death.
  • ‘Some of the scaredy-cats sprint right to Danielle to be on her team because they know she'll handle it,’ says Manning.
  • If we are too scared about immigration we force people to be here all the time. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spider let out a weird high-pitched cackle that scared Miguel.
  • I would've been scared of being accused of being unromantic or cheap.
  • The British anti-drink-driving campaigns try to scare you into complete abstinence.
  • Yet too many people are scared to become ill. Times, Sunday Times
  • His Halloween programme Ghostwatch so scared my children that I have had to sleep on a camp bed in their room.
  • John Smith doesn't scare people anything like as much.
  • Inflate the scare index by blowing up balloons and placing a glowstick inside. The Sun
  • My grandson is an outdoors boy who likes to hunt and I have been scared to death that he will take his pocket knife to school. Tiny LEGO Gun Spells Big Trouble For Student
  • At worst, plain bare-faced lying and scaremongering. Think Progress » Let The Cameras Roll
  • She is scared of going out alone.
  • Playing scared is the quickest route to the rail. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite many recent bomb scares, no one has yet been hurt.
  • She is scared of the ruinous power of the media, for visual signs carry much greater importance in the civilized world than words.
  • This has scared off some buyers from purchasing expensive homes. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was scared of the big dog.
  • There were also unofficial reports of a further three scares, including one at a school in Fish Hoek.
  • Many rape victims are too scared to report the attack to the police.
  • To you I am a monster, a skulker in the shadows, a fiend to scare your children with. Books in the Mail (W/E 8/30/2008)
  • I got a bit of a scare when the police rang.
  • Ivory's head snapped up to look him straight in the eyes, her face now a pale sheet of white from the sudden scare.
  • In the back is a group of Welsh fusiliers, and here's me, a ragged scarecrow creature from the swamp, an image from a schlock nightmare.
  • The latest health scare has made a very considerable dent in the sales of beef.
  • The custom of putting up red paper and lighting firecrackers to scare away Nian continues today.
  • The administration is running scared.
  • How could somebody both scare your horse and try to drown you?
  • EL ALTO, Bolivia — Tattered dummies look down on this city from street poles in barren squares, like scarecrows for anyone with bad intentions. The Wind From The South
  • However there has never been a food scare with lamb.
  • The explosion at the chemical factory caused a major pollution scare.
  • Petey and Carol and Lois would be sent into limbo for a little scare.
  • This could be because my blog is the least popular of the twelve, but I like to think it's because people are so scared of my rapier wit that they dare not cast their vote for me.
  • She figured that he was on the phone or watching television, and decided to jump in the room and maybe give him the scare of his life.
  • The country has no reason to believe that 2005 will see any reversion to the unchecked lawlessness that, at J'Ouvert in Port-of-Spain, for example, has scared away some would-be participants.
  • I don't think that revealing your past to your boyfriend scared him off.
  • Fluffy Tag Cloud angry annoying bad cat basement cat bed box car cat cheezburger classics computer costume couch cute dog do not want fud ginger has helping hungry kitteh kitten lolbirds lolcats loldogs lolkittehs love mean movies murder nap nom nom nom oh noes outside playing plotting sad scared sleeping toy treasure video want work Li’l Pink Jellybean Toes… - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • He needed to stand up for himself, be more outgoing, and stop being such a scaredy-cat.
  • Those fearmongering and claiming nimby are foolish – or running scared. Feds to tour Michigan prison where Gitmo detainees could go
  • There’s also something naughty and juvenile about Halloween that appeals to me … the idea of being 14 or 15 and on a “date” with a boy you have a big crush on and being at a scary haunted house and that being the perfect excuse to be scared and maybe flirty … if a 14 year old even really knows what flirty is (I know I didn’t). Halloween baby! « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • I'm a bit of a scaredy cat to be honest, not a thrill-seeker. The Sun
  • He wasn't hurt, he was well padded with his flak suit, but he was scared.
  • All this in a few seconds and as suddenly as it started it finished and I leapt out of bed, grabbing my glasses and running into the hallway, more adrenalised than scared.
  • It must have been 1967 when I first had the bejesus scared out of me by this tale - and then learned the strange attraction of re-exposing oneself to this waking nightmare.
  • 'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment.
  • Don't let the thistly foliage scare you - they won't overrun your garden. Happy Times at Sugar Creek « Sugar Creek Gardens’ Blog
  • Maybe writers are a bit scared of those emotions and where they lead. Times, Sunday Times
  • He's scared of spiders.
  • The new management group was scared.
  • The parent tries to intimidate or scare the child into backing down.
  • Instead we have a government that seems determined to be re-elected by scaremongering and it's utterly contemptible.
  • Witnesses are too scared to come forward. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could run without the trainmaster giving him any hints, and I began to get scared, for I knew it was all down hill from Documenting the American South: The Southern Experience in 19-th Century America
  • The boy scared up enough money to go to university.
  • There was a bomb scare during the procession.
  • Eels swaying through the waterweed and nosing up to the surface, a turtle sunning itself on a rock and stretching a hind leg lazily, and great big bearded dragons posed on rocks with their tails hanging down into the path, scaring – and being scared by – small children. Dragons in the garden
  • He said he had noticed that they all started with the same scraggy street kid hair cuts, their shoulders drooped, they were shy and they were scared.
  • I'd scare my mom by diving in and staying under for as long as I could.
  • Sometimes, music can scare you through its flawlessness.
  • Instilling a feeling of insecurity is the best way to scare your population into submission and frighten away potential investors.
  • The drive toward nationwide immunization never regained its momentum after the Cutter scare.
  • Here in Albany the city has a faction of people who hate the many crows and try to scare them away with recorded "cawing" noises coming from machines mounted on cars they drive arond "infested" neighborhoods...since when do they have less right to the neighborhood than we do? Holy Birds, Holy Trees
  • The servants who worked for her were too scared to say anything. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The hanging lamps swinging a chain of sound to scare away the former Gurkha this student, causing him a series of thinking.
  • Whatever you may think about the morality of abortion, these are the most deplorable scare tactics.
  • Opportunities like this only come once a season, like last year when he forgot his lighter, or the year before when the cops where called after he molested a scarecrow.
  • Why are so many men scared to commit? .
  • Once Mohammed said that beyond the coral, the sea is 60 foot deep, I felt too scared to go out any further.
  • I'm so scared of showing up that day and hitting myself in the forehead - We forgot to order the challah!
  • He got so that he was scared of falling asleep, so he'd go downstairs to the living-room instead, with a winter coat on over his pyjamas.
  • Claims that such systems make pets anxious and scared mean few owners use them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite recent scares, online banking is still on the rise.
  • May 21, 2008 at 11:52 pm btw paua shells mek great eshtrays but not soo nommable IMHO whitebait also quite scarey nom – now kumera – drollxxxxxx Cat Graph From Our Sister Site, GraphJam - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • What scares me is that many of those who voted for her in the past now think she's insane, and yet she gets a big hand abroad.
  • The average break-in crook will be scared away, as for true killers/dope heads that's another story. I heard that if you load hollow point bullets in your home defense weapon, and if you shoot and kill an intruder, that you can g
  • Ravaged, raddled, redolent of hard-won experience, his voice sounds like something dreamed up by the Department of Health in order to scare people off smoking.
  • But not in a way that makes you feel a bit uneasy and scared. The Sun
  • While the scene is meant to scare us, it also contains a built-in warning device that blunts the shock.
  • If you feel a desperate yen to join them no-one will stop you, it will scare the living daylights out of you, but what's more important, once back on deck, you will feel like a million dollars.
  • Scares about mobile phones have centred on two areas - the handsets and the base stations, whose antennae receive and broadcast signals.
  • Lots of things scare me, including train surfing, which I'm not stupid enough to have done.
  • She was more angry than scared. Very angry, terribly angry.
  • Suddenly a loud ringing sound scared me… what was that?
  • At the zoo, the kingsnake started to wrap his body around the zookeeper's arm when he got scared.
  • Certainly the the back of You Don't Scare Me praises his work in glowing terms drawn from reviews by the likes of the New York Times, Publishers Weekly, Fangoria, F. Paul Wilson and Richard Matheson. What I've Just Read: You Don't Scare Me
  • 1947 - Red Scare: The Hollywood Ten are blacklisted by Hollywood movie studios.
  • During the Alar scare of 1989, for example, consumer concern about pesticide use in the apple industry sparked a demand for organic apples and apple juice.
  • The title scared me a little, i thought someone was transfering off ER… like scott or randy or the guild… EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Moving on up to a new server…
  • And at those moments, I just kept reminding myself that being scared or panicking is not going to help us. Reviled And Revered, TARP Expires
  • He scares me to death, he's so violent," Mary said with unconcealed hostility. CHAPTER V
  • The busybodies and scaremongers are now targeting nanotechnology - i.e. engineering on a microscopic scale.
  • For a moment her mask slipped, and I saw how scared she really was.
  • The heavy smoker has been battling a new cancer scare after previously being given the all-clear. The Sun
  • The thieves got scared and ran away.
  • At 74, Browning has lived through more presidential campaigns than she cares to remember and she claims not to scare easily.
  • France's world number two Amelie Mauresmo and fourth seeded Wimbledon champion Maria Sharapova both survived scares to avoid joining a clutch of seeded players who were dumped out.
  • I am scared that the plane might crash.
  • She not only insulted me when I served her a drink, but she scared me halfway out of my mind.
  • After applying for U. S. citizenship in the 1950s, however, he became an innocent target of the Red Scare and was deported.
  • He tried to entertain Holly the best he could, though she was probably scared senseless by the smell of tobacco and the guarded expression Poppy always wore under all circumstances.
  • But her latest book, The Wish House is a return to her first love: the scare story, the tale of dark secrets.
  • I remember this as being an outstandingly scary film when I was a young boy (the bit where the vamps sweep down on the police man at the start of the film scared me witless).
  • Some of these people are feeling scared, defensive and deeply traumatised by the criticism and abuse we have been subjected to over the past two years. Times, Sunday Times
  • I am a person for whom religion has never been important in my life, and I am really scared of the power of religion now.
  • The recent mad cow crisis is only the latest in a series of food scares that have driven consumers to demand more precise food labeling regulations.
  • Employees are scared to enforce their rights because if they did they would be unfairly dismissed.
  • ‘I'm not a scaredy-cat,’ she protested, pouting slightly.

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