How To Use Scarcity In A Sentence

  • In a market economy it is as easy to fall as to rise, but in periods of scarcity and famine, easier to survive within such a system than outside it.
  • Having experienced spells of acute water scarcity at periodic intervals, people do lament over the waste of the precious resource in such times.
  • He believed that the apparent scarcity of land was the result of land speculation and maldistribution that would be remedied by the single tax.
  • A celebrity, the Zu-Zu, the last coryphee whom Bertie had translated from a sphere of garret bread-and-cheese to a sphere of villa champagne and chicken (and who, of course, in proportion to the previous scarcity of her bread-and-cheese, grew immediately intolerant of any wine less than 90s the dozen), said the Cecil cared for nothing longer than a fortnight, unless it was his horse, Forest King. Under Two Flags
  • First, the influence of producer cartels on prices of primary products can be great, and yet not reflect scarcity changes.
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  • This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries.
  • The scarcity of modern director's negligence cases suggests that the likelihood of liability actually being imposed is currently minimal.
  • Any improvement is liable to be limited by a basic scarcity of players consistently capable of exerting exceptional influence on matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • May I respond by pointing out that in the population/resources crisis we are not ultimately concerned with scarcity but with exhaustion or nonavailability. An Exchange on Man as Pest
  • The consequences are that a lot of hoggs which would have otherwise gone into the food chain have been disposed of at public expense and there is now a scarcity of sheep meat.
  • He defends the benefits of economic growth and technology against radical Greens, and takes a proto-Simonian position on natural resource scarcity. EconLog Book Club: For a New Liberty, Chapter 13, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Given the scarcity of examples of bird painting on Niderviller faience or porcelain, it is impossible to say what Gerverot's birds may have looked like.
  • Once more the old enemy of scarcity of transport was being felt, pushing up the price of cartage and retarding work at the mine.
  • The German name is 'Mangold wurzel,' or 'Mangold root;' but it is sometimes pronounced 'Mangel wurzel,' which means _scarcity root_; and, by a strange translation, it is called in French _racine d'abondance_, as well as _racine de disette_. Notes and Queries, Number 184, May 7, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.
  • In other words, a scarcity value attaches at present to the possession of a licence.
  • Traditional banks are associated with wealth and profit; food banks with poverty and scarcity.
  • These new threats include resource scarcity - namely water - and growing economic regionalism.
  • The increasing scarcity of more desirable hardwoods led people to make use of structurally suboptimal building materials.
  • There have been calls to ban helium balloons, thanks to the scarcity of the gas which keeps them airborne
  • Once there was a drought in Israel, and during that time of scarcity of food, God only sent his Prophet Elijah during that time to a Shulamite woman that is, to work a miracle for a non-Jew outside Israel. Archive 2007-01-01
  • After we had sailed some fourteen days we were brought to Cape St. Anthony again through lack of favourable wind; but then our scarcity was grown such as need make us look a little better for water, which we found in sufficient quantity, being indeed, as I judge, none other than rain-water newly fallen and gathered up by making pits in a plot of marish ground some three hundred paces from the seaside. Summarie and true discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian voyage
  • Let it be about three feet nine inches at the back by three feet six inches in the front; should there, however, happen to be a scarcity of dung, a foot of strawberry or asparagus halm, fagots, or pieces of wood, or, indeed, some of each, may be added at the bottom of the bed. The art of promoting the growth of the cucumber and melon in a series of directions for the best means to be adopted in bringing them to a complete state of perfection
  • Economics must still contend with scarcity as a basic fact of life.
  • Rising energy costs, which are a result of a growing scarcity, as well as inflation, are exacerbating the situation.
  • In its very scarcity, “information” is pivotal in balladry. Make This My Default Location (I) : Ange Mlinko : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • They have commonly pottage for dinner, composed of cale or cole, leeks, barley or big, and butter; and this is reinforced with bread and cheese, made of skimmed-milk — At night they sup on sowens or flummery of oat-meal — In a scarcity of oats, they use the meal of barley and pease, which is both nourishing and palatable. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • The Traveller, 'walking up hill bridle in hand,' overtakes 'a poor woman; 'the image, as such commonly are, of drudgery and scarcity; The French Revolution
  • A relative scarcity of firms producing the high-quality product is one of the predictions of this model. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • One reason for this scarcity is the number of older people opting to withdraw money from their homes, rather than sell these houses and downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was usually a fixed rate of exchange between the two coinages, though this was upset when opium poured in and silver flowed out, causing a scarcity of the latter.
  • Self-governing bodies are ready to pay whatever amount for the purpose of meeting scarcity of water in needy places.
  • The end of analog TV and other signs of "sea change," such as cancelation of "The Guiding Light" and "As the World Turns," the scarcity of longform TV, Comcast's bid to buy NBC Universal and the continued rise in the reliance of DVRs (digital video recorders).
  • Now, however, "fresh research adds to the debate about gender difference in aptitude for mathematics, including efforts to explain the relative scarcity of women among professors of science, math, and engineering. Apollo's Daughter :: Math
  • Another problem was the scarcity, not only of miners, but also of skilled labour to make firebricks and build the furnaces.
  • They convey useful information about the perceived scarcity of the resource.
  • They did not hold their doctors responsible for what they perceived to be a consequence of the scarcity of resources in the NHS.
  • When machines can self-replicate and distribute the benefits of production, not only is scarcity and growth called into question, but also debt itself, along with the form of money that it generates. Erik Rothenberg: Capitalism and The Age of Machines, 3.0
  • What we know in the secret recesses of our hearts is that the story of scarcity is a tale of death.
  • Because of the scarcity of water and succulent vegetation in the desert, rural gardeners often find everything from skunks to javelina to coyotes nibbling at their crops.
  • Scarcity and resulting costliness confined its use chiefly to precious metalworking, where it was employed as a flux to cleanse surfaces of oxides and reduce melting temperatures to aid welding and soldering.
  • Any effects of rhino horn are almost certainly placebo effects, of which scarcity, improbability, and high cost play a part.
  • While buyers are not thrilled by rising prices, rising prices are one of the ameliorative responses to changes in scarcity conditions.
  • Despite an acute water scarcity in many parts of India, the Government has yet to legislate effectively to conserve groundwater resources.
  • In general, beech nuts have been regarded as food for humans in times of famine or scarcity.
  • During the first half of the year prices surged, driven by a scarcity of supply, particularly of family houses. Times, Sunday Times
  • For each interaction or change the total matter and energy is conserved, that is, we end up with the same amount of matter-energy we started with, so scarcity becomes a rather odd idea ... The Physicist and the Economist
  • The belief that resource scarcity can be transcended by industrialism unites many seemingly antagonistic political standpoints.
  • The NeoAmish, for example, live in polyandrous families (_polyandrous_ was in our vocabulary list last month) because of the scarcity of women. Who Do You Say I Am
  • The scarcity of the metal precludes their present introduction as pigments, but if the chromates of thallium were found to resist the action of light and air, and not to become green by deoxidation of the chromic acid, they might possibly prove fitted for the palette. Field's Chromatography or Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists
  • In a future of water scarcity, watershed hydrologists will be in demand.
  • In view of the great scarcity of feathered game, and the number of deadly machine guns already on the market, the production of the last and deadliest automatic gun (by the Winchester Arms Company), _already in great demand_, is a crime against wild life, no less. Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • This is a simple distinction, but it focuses attention on the fact that scarcity of resources limits our ability to satisfy all of our wants. Microeconomics: Price Theory in Practice
  • Knowledge of the new alloy spread slowly, mainly because of the scarcity of tin, so the Bronze Age tends to have widely different dates in different parts of the world.
  • The productivity of agriculture depends upon the relative scarcity of the two prime factors of production: land and labor.
  • When there is enormous economic scarcity on the bottom of the social pyramid, pluralism can undo democracy.
  • In fact, the entire notion of ‘scarcity’ is a bugaboo contrived by conservative economists to justify the distributional injustice of the capitalist system.
  • Chennai's citizens are quite inured to the problem of water scarcity.
  • The medico is a long-suffering person, even in these days of scarcity of properly-qualified men -- the first person called on emergency, and the very last to be paid! The Seven Secrets
  • Although there was a scarcity of fuelwood, it hardly served as an initiating factor.
  • a causal relationship between scarcity and higher prices
  • Well, hypercapnia means an increase in the frequency of inhalation-exhalation cycles motivated by scarcity of Oxygen in a given environment saturated by CO2. Unthreaded #12 « Climate Audit
  • The scarcity of pieces coupled with their frequently prohibitive prices means that if you're not already a proud owner or in line for an inheritance, you will probably never get your hands on any.
  • One reason for this scarcity is the number of older people opting to withdraw money from their homes, rather than sell these houses and downsize. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most primary problem is the ignorance of the behavioral factors in the process of design and construction, which led up to the scarcity of public activity and public space that have genius loci.
  • The vast audiences gained by ITV in earlier decades were partly due to a scarcity of alternatives - as consumer society has developed, this audience has atomised into many different individual units.
  • In times of scarcity, lions will travel great distances in search of food.
  • Similarly, the 22 month-long oil scarcity in Nepal has now got far acuter than ever before. Nepal Government Missing?
  • Will scarcity of supply keep pushing up prices? Times, Sunday Times
  • In theatreland, as in everywhere else, scarcity brings value. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think that self-deception is, in a wealthy society, the main way that people overcome scarcity.
  • The acutest-ever fuel scarcity in the Nepali markets can be linked to this contradiction. Nepal under regressive mafia rule
  • Apart from their scarcity these landscapes derive value from the flora and fauna found in them. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • The river is characterized by low hydraulic gradients, a lack of flushing, and a scarcity of natural uncontaminated sediment from erosion of upstream soils.
  • But on the levels that we need to be considering if we are to achieve long-term, sustainable, non-scarcity food production, it seems to me that the brainless cow model overeats quickly. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • Such a scarcity of diners was, she assured us, an extreme rarity.
  • The relative costliness of labor encouraged labor-saving mechanization; the scarcity of capital made it worthwhile to build machines cheaply and use them intensively.
  • Furthermore, the causes of fuelwood scarcity must seem remote and diffuse to the average urban dweller.
  • Murray informs us that up to half of the yearly raisin crop is confiscated by the government, in order to insure scarcity and higher prices. Archive 2007-07-01
  • The scarcity of liquid water on Mars today is not easy to square with the abundant evidence that large volumes of water flowed on the planet in the past.
  • The populations of the Solar System had been carefully figured to the last decimal point and portioned out among the planets according to food - and employment-potential, so that nowhere was there a scarcity or an overplus, and nobody's individual whim was allowed to upset the balance. Archive 2010-01-01
  • We now seem to live in a country that is wrestling between issues of scarcity and nimiety—in which we feel compelled to voice our concerns, complaints, and opinions.
  • This is often due to the scarcity of skilled builders, craftsmen and gardeners.
  • They exploded the belief that the recurrence of periods of bad business was caused by a scarcity of money and by a general overproduction.
  • Doubtless this was partly attributable to the scarcity of food which prevailed; but that the authorities traced it also to some secret ceremonials is evident from the law which was immediately passed forbidding the Indians to wear the _piochtli_, or scalp-lock, a portion of the hair preserved from birth as part of the genethliac rituals, [32-§] and the especial enactments against the _octli_. Nagualism A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
  • There was a bit of mistral, certainly, and a scarcity of water in the summer, but no freezing garrets and plenty of artists, writers, and bon vivants.
  • Demand in Waterford City Centre for good retail locations is extremely strong and there has been a marked scarcity of suitable properties.
  • It holds that both are results of population pressure and the scarcity of resources that this produces. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Several species of monogastric mammals (i.e., those having a stomach with only one compartment) circumvent the problem of cold and the scarcity of food in winter by hibernating. Climate change and reindeer nomadism in Finnmark, Norway
  • Central American forests go through cycles of years of fruit abundance followed by years of fruit scarcity, with associated fluctuations in densities and rates of mortality of frugivorous and granivorous mammals.
  • Of plentifulness of labour for hire, the cause is dearness of land: cheapness of land is the cause of scarcity of labour for hire.
  • The unit value of a fishery resource is positively linked, like any other good, to its relative scarcity rather than to its abundance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • With scarcity and stagnation cast aside, the economy could finally throw off the shackles of a crude good-for-good bartering system.
  • Do we really need to create artificial scarcity by inventing awards that only some kids can receive?
  • The problem is that water prices do not correlate with relative water scarcity.
  • This finding, rather than disconfirming the scarcity and enhancement hypotheses, may instead suggest that both scarcity and enhancement processes occur and can balance each other.
  • They also believe that building skyscrapers helps to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city.
  • Flat World Knowledge is, we are sure, only the first of many new companies in this space that are finding a profit model in this new marketplace that does not rely exclusively on scarcity.
  • The more customary practice of honey hunting among South Africa's indigenous groups might be explained in part by the relative scarcity of bees in the country's vast unforested stretches of land.
  • There was and is plenty of cloth and merchandise for all, and no scarcity is produced by the exportation which is made to India; etc. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 08 of 55 1591-1593 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • There's no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love. There is only a scarcity of resolve to make it happen. Wayne Dyer 
  • The scarcity of these fossils is most likely due to the high rate of deposition of terrigenous sediment that would have clouded the waters where these fossils attempted to survive. Glacier National Park Geology & Paleontology: Part 3 - Appekunny and Grinnell
  • The inconvenience arising from a scarcity of money would have been of very short duration; for the mutilated pieces would have been detained only till they could be told and weighed; they would then have been sent back into circulation, and the recoinage would have taken place gradually and without any perceptible suspension or disturbance of trade. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 4
  • The populations of the Solar System had been carefully figured to the last decimal point and portioned out among the planets according to food - and employment-potential, so that nowhere was there a scarcity or an overplus, and nobody's individual whim was allowed to upset the balance. Archive 2010-01-01
  • Scarcity is also implicit in anti-globalisation arguments against the development of global water markets.
  • There is a scarcity or oligopolistic premium [on leading technology stocks], which sometimes pushes valuations to dizzying levels.
  • A fear of water deprivation or perhaps the memory of the effects of drought-induced scarcity underpinned many of the documented water disputes.
  • Furthermore, the causes of fuelwood scarcity must seem remote and diffuse to the average urban dweller.
  • Palakkad, once famed for its ponds and tanks, has now lost most of them and the effect was a severe scarcity of water.
  • Country houses, places of worship and public baths are thought to be most vulnerable to the scarcity of scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what's different about this human depiction of God, this notion of monotheism, is that it transfers real material scarcity to divinity.
  • Milk yield of milch cattle has been severely affected because of scarcity of fodder.
  • If you think about it, even the term rare coins connotes scarcity, which is an important attribute of all successful products, whether they be collectibles or everyday consumer items. Creating Wealth
  • The toughness of the foliage and the plethora of carnivorous plants are further evidence of a scarcity of nutrients.
  • Knowing everything the price system communicates about relative scarcity, would Jesus drive a gas-sipping econobox?
  • If you accept that a market will exist so long as scarcity obtains and humans with varying preferences have needs, then the only way that a technology could prove antithetical to markets is if it altered one of these conditions.
  • Larger truffles are more expensive per kilogram by virtue of their scarcity. Times, Sunday Times
  • If, on the other hand, you want to charge through, guns blazing, you will be punished by the game's insane scarcity of ammunition.
  • Although the officials don't admit but the sources reveal that artificial water scarcity is created by the vested interests in connivance with those at the helm of affairs to promote the sale of mineral water.
  • The Irish industry is currently contending with variability and scarcity of supplies, partly due to catch restrictions and pressure on fish stocks along with a somewhat fragmented industry structure.
  • Hence, presumably, the relative scarcity of truly great ambient albums. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scarcity of Spring lamb has increased demand at the factories for hoggets.
  • In a time of rising energy prices and concern over the environment, producers and agribusinesses must find a way to be more and more competitive in a world of scarcity.
  • Country houses, places of worship and public baths are thought to be most vulnerable to the scarcity of scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Unhappily, habits which may have had some virtue in times of scarcity became vices in times of relative abundance.
  • The economic fundament of scarcity applies universally - and public goods are not exempt.
  • In the farther parts of the country this oil also, owing to the scarcity of coconuts, is dear; and not so much used for burning as that from other vegetables, and the dammar or rosin, which is always at hand. The History of Sumatra Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And Manners Of The Native Inhabitants
  • This lack of scarcity makes this concert even sillier, as there is nothing special about it.
  • The repetition of scarcity of water is not wonderful; the recurrence of the murmurings is the sad proof of the unchanged temper of the people, and the repetition of the miracle is the merciful witness of the patience of God. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • By the 1920s a state-subsidized system of grain elevators, silos, and storage at railheads helped to ease the cycle of glut and scarcity.
  • Our increased awareness of the scarcity value of environmental resources makes this lacuna especially troubling.
  • If scarcity doesn't foil the restitution effort, public opinion could.
  • A few species were not collected because of their scarcity on the site or lack of flowering or fruiting individuals.
  • In a region of narrow valleys, steep mountainsides, and rocky ridges, continuous population growth and practices of partible inheritance over time produced overpopulation, land scarcity, and rural poverty.
  • Due to a scarcity of highly skilled toolmakers and machinists at national level, the company set up its own Apprentice Training Centre in 1978.
  • Their price depended almost entirely on their scarcity.
  • Failure of mycobacteria to survive in the absence of specific iron uptake system suggests the scarcity of this important nutrient in phagosomal environment 59.
  • Milk yield of milch cattle has been severely affected because of scarcity of fodder.
  • Resource scarcity is set to be an investment feature for decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • The church is suffering from a scarcity of priests that is putting its pastoral work under severe strain.
  • The scarcity of iron among the poorer folk delayed the adoption of the heavy plough with its iron share, wheels and moldboard, but it was known already in Carolingian times.
  • What a blessing to learn of the boundlessness of the human spirit in moments of scarcity as well as abundance. Elaine Hall: 'Barn's Burnt Down -- Now I Can See The Moon'
  • There are numerous documented examples of self-governing commons in which people work as a collective unit and respect the scarcity value of the resource.
  • This inclination to hoard is deeply ingrained in me, because in the past, in times of scarcity, you took what you could get," Merkel said, referring to former times under communism when people would stand in line for hours to buy a few bananas or oranges. Angela Merkel Reflects On German Reunification Anniversary
  • Television scarcity, compared to print, no longer provides a rationale to regulate electronic media while letting newspapers and magazines alone.
  • In a rapidly approaching era of strategic scarcity, the likes of which we haven't seen since the ante bellum period, our military could well return to a role much closer to its truly traditional character, not just because the larger world is forcing us to, but because we can no longer afford to do it any other way. Christopher Holshek: End of the Military-Industrial Complex?
  • But I find from a particular examination, that we shall be obliged to allow them to draw rations longer than I expected, owing to the great scarcity of country produce, the cassada being so nearly exhausted, that it is, and will be, impossible to obtain, until new crops come in, much to aid our provisions, unless by going some distance into the country. The Journal of Negro History, Volume 7, 1922
  • The scarcity of modern director's negligence cases suggests that the likelihood of liability actually being imposed is currently minimal.
  • This was especially so in the prairies and plains, where a scarcity of trees made wooden fencing impractical.
  • Had a revolutionary change not taken place in our country, our situation now and in the years ahead would have been terrible, and we can understand perfectly that the situation in the years ahead will be terrible in countries which still find themselves in the situation Cuba was in, and even worse: millions of illiterates, a lack of technicians, a shortage of schools, a scarcity of educational and health facilities -- in short, frightful conditions that are well known to Cubans who were familiar with our own past here in all its aspects. 13TH ANNIVERSARY OF ATTACK ON MONCADA BARRACKS
  • Country houses, places of worship and public baths are thought to be most vulnerable to the scarcity of scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Doubtless this was partly attributable to the scarcity of food which prevailed; but that the authorities traced it also to some secret ceremonials is evident from the law which was immediately passed forbidding the Indians to wear the _piochtli_, or scalp-lock, a portion of the hair preserved from birth as part of the genethliac rituals, [32-§] and the especial enactments against the _octli_. Nagualism A Study in Native American Folk-lore and History
  • To what extent, if at all, the sandwort depends upon the service of insects for its fertilization, I do not know, but it certainly has no scarcity of such visitors. The Foot-path Way
  • Despite its relative smallness, because of a scarcity of available musicians, this band was one of the air force's finest.
  • Some practices may balk at this degree of rigour, especially given the relative scarcity of trained counsellors.
  • Angry duns, beggarliness of income, scarcity of the necessaries and luxuries which dignity of rank demanded, the indifference and slights of one's equals, and the ignoring of one's existence by exalted persons, were all hideous enough to Lord Mount The Shuttle
  • If you drive a sports utility vehicle, you'll use more sky than if you ride a bus; hence you'll pay more scarcity rent.
  • The very low magnesium content of Lime Crest ferroaxinite may reflect the relative scarcity of ferromagnesian minerals in the granite.
  • I can't top Mark, but the notion of primitive societies being zero-sum is silly when so much of the bounty or scarcity originate in variability of nature. Evolutionary Psychology and Economic Bias, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The early scarcity of dissolved sulfates and atmospheric oxygen has big implications.
  • Apart from their scarcity these landscapes derive value from the flora and fauna found in them. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • In general, beech nuts have been regarded as food for humans in times of famine or scarcity.
  • Give him your scarcity and he will turn it into opportunity. Christianity Today
  • Scarcity seems equally intractable at first - the Internet is certainly not going to eliminate shortages of material objects or time or ability.
  • This could have been a great sci-fi film about resource scarcity, immigration and integration. Times, Sunday Times
  • As with any commodity, the relative scarcity of women has pushed up their value. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foods that are ordinarily indigestible or even allergenic to deer may become daily menu items in situations of severe stress from weather or scarcity of other food.
  • Not at the glut level of 1993, but certainly closer to it than the scarcity of go-juice in 2007. Home Page
  • Added to this, the one source of wealth, agriculture, was almost ruined by the oidium disease which destroyed the vines, and by harvests so bad that the like had not been seen since the celebrated scarcity which followed the wars of Napoleon. Cavour
  • Sources of spatially localized decreasing returns to scale, in addition to land scarcity, include localized disamenities such as air pollution and localized congestible facilities with increasing long-run average costs.
  • For example, a first-order scarcity can be managed by desert communities because they have developed social institutions as coping strategies.
  • Recent developments have led to the consolidation of the binder-market and a scarcity of copolymeric vinyl-chloride binders. WebWire | Recent Headlines
  • In this abundant world, the role of publishers and editors is more crucial than ever, in contriving scarcity for the benefit of readers, whose time is short. Journalism, Blogging, and Truth, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Apart from their scarcity these landscapes derive value from the flora and fauna found in them. Rural Land-Use Planning in Developed Nations
  • Growing up in the Great White North there was a scarcity of avocado trees, and it fascinates me to see tropical fruits and veggies in their beginning stages.
  • There was, then, no immediate shortage of supply when war came in America, rather an unusual accumulation of raw stocks, even permitting some reshipment to the Northern manufacturing centres of America where the scarcity then brought high prices. Great Britain and the American Civil War
  • It should not be relegated to a matter that was only given close attention in times of drought and water scarcity.
  • Any improvement is liable to be limited by a basic scarcity of players consistently capable of exerting exceptional influence on matches. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the 1920s a state-subsidized system of grain elevators, silos, and storage at railheads helped to ease the cycle of glut and scarcity.
  • Metal coins had an intrinsic value based on the scarcity of the elements used in making them (usually copper, silver, gold).
  • Marx was emphatic about the need for abundance, for he thought that scarcity made conflicts unresolvable.
  • Extra palay stored for future means a lot to the Kalinga in times of scarcity and is a status symbol besides being used as barter item for other necessities and valuable materials (Sugguiyao). FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PATCH CULTIVATION AND SWIDDEN FARMING PRACTICES
  • The result of this reluctance for upheaval is a scarcity of supply of homes for sale. Times, Sunday Times
  • Likewise, suburban school districts could not be desegregated without interdistrict remedies because of the scarcity of minority students in the suburbs. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • This is inevitable, and a reader may be ill at ease at the scarcity of evidence that underlies many of these reconstructions.
  • A new form of displacement is now on its way, Archbishop Veglio said, "People are moving away, since they can no longer make a living as a results of desertification and growing water scarcity, increasing sea-levels and 'salinization' of agricultural land. Latest Articles
  • Watermen believe that only God and nature can determine the abundance or scarcity of crabs.
  • The dearness of provisions, the scarcity of fuel, and above all the failure of spinning work for the women and children have put it almost out of the power of the village poor to live by their industry.
  • The scarcity of mangolds led to much experimentation with alternative aerial vegetation.
  • Arc strikes a balance between form and function, highlighting both the preciousness and scarcity of this rich resource, and highlighting the elemental beauty inherent in cascading water. Multi-Functional Furniture : KEWB
  • There is also a scarcity of rock, — though, in the neighborhood of Bijou, I observed a kind of grayish sandstone, exposed to view in the beds of ravines; and, directly opposite Chabonard's camp, the action of the waters had formed a steep wall, some thirty or forty feet high, which disclosed a large bed of sandstone and slate, with earthy limestone. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIFE
  • The scarcity of Groser, grocer, is not surprising, for the word, aphetic for engrosser, originally meaning a wholesale dealer, one who sold en gros, is of comparatively late occurrence. The Romance of Names
  • The scarcity of skilled workers is worrying the government.
  • As water scarcity spreads, the demand for hydrologists to advise on watershed management, water sources and water efficiency will increase.
  • Still reigning are old-fashioned ideas of solvency and personal pride, and a pragmatic way of dealing with money born of decades of penurious scarcity. How Moldova Escaped the Crisis
  • A tiger turns into a maneater only under extraordinary situations, like when it grows too infirm or disabled to hunt or when there is a scarcity of its natural prey.
  • Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value.
  • The fashionable talk then was of limits to growth and resource scarcity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Country houses, places of worship and public baths are thought to be most vulnerable to the scarcity of scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Measures based on any of these ratios will provide an unequivocal indication of factor abundance or scarcity. Competing in a Global Economy

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