How To Use Scarcely In A Sentence

  • They are very much secluded from the rest of Chiloe, and have scarcely any sort of commerce, except sometimes in a little oil, which they get from seal-blubber. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • The English were among the first to revive the "Louis XIV style" as it was miscalled at first, and paid inflated prices for second-hand Rococo luxury goods that could scarcely be sold in Paris.
  • Freedom was alive as well, in a vivid and scarcely palatable way. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is at stake in this novelty could scarcely be greater.
  • Scarcely had I managed, helped by the second mate, Aaron Northrup, to lower away half-a-dozen barrels and kegs, when all cried from the boat that they were casting off. Chapter 19
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  • Expectations, helpfully, could scarcely be lower.
  • In Athens they scarcely appear above the horizon, so the early Greek texts undermined their importance.
  • Dio Cassius can scarcely be mistaken when he says that Tyre and Sidon were "enslaved" -- i.e. deprived of freedom -- by Augustus, [14477] who must certainly have revoked the privilege originally granted by Pompey. History of Phoenicia
  • Some critics will accuse Duffy of acting as apologist for a campaign of violent repression, but this would scarcely be fair: “confronted by the sanctified savageries of the Tudor age, it would be a hard heart that withheld pity from the victims or felt no indignation against the perpetrators”. A Not so Bloody Mary ?
  • But for all its glories, Victorian was also a time of grinding hard work, belching mill chimneys and the sort of poverty scarcely imaginable today.
  • Throughout the last decades of the eighteenth century and the first decades of the nineteenth, scarcely a year passed without violent protest or armed rebellion.
  • True it is, that one can scarcely call _that_ education which teaches woman everything except herself, -- _except_ the things that relate to her own peculiar womanly destiny, and, on plea of the holiness of ignorance, sends her without one word of just counsel into the temptations of life. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 22, August, 1859
  • Small as are the capitula of this flower, its seeds or achenia are armed with awns having reflexed hooks scarcely visible to the naked eye; it is these that are found so troublesome among the wool. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • By the heyday of the binder's craft, the early to mid eighteenth century, two types of leather were recognized as the best: skiver, or lambskin, which was strong but so thin that it scarcely required any paring, and Moroccan goatskin, which was highly valued for its skiver-like characteristics combined with its delightful reddish color. Books: Modernity's Abuse of an Art
  • Rhus Bucki-Amelam is common here, an Oxalis occurs in very shady places with fleshy leaves, it is so large that it is scarcely referrible to O. corniculata. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • Her aunt scarcely looked her age.
  • When he opened his eyes the dirigible was making another turn, less precipitous than before and — he hadn’t realized, but now saw through ragged gaps in the fog — at a lower altitude, some two hundred feet above what looked like a low fennish grassland, with scarcely a single tree in sight. The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters
  • It seems scarcely credible that he has been stuck on 14 majors for more than four years. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had used make-up skilfully to mask her bruise, and with the subdued stage light it was scarcely visible.
  • The city was perched on its barren, hot rock, with scarcely a drop of water, and its inhabitants must often have been tempted to wish that there had been running down the sun-bleached bed of the Kedron a flashing stream, such as laved the rock-cut temples and tombs of Thebes. Expositions of Holy Scripture Isaiah and Jeremiah
  • They could scarcely be flung from the Tarpeian Rock—that would invite a riot. CONSPIRATA
  • A serious expression pervaded the face of Dyke Darrel, and he scarcely spoke during the drive back to town. Dyke Darrel the Railroad Detective Or, The Crime of the Midnight Express
  • I have scarcely ever heard anything equal to her, and her pronunciation of every language — begad, of every language — seems to me to be perfect; and the best houses in London must open before a young lady who has such talents, and, allow an old fellow to say, Miss The History of Pendennis
  • At their best the conditions in these prisons are scarcely tolerable.
  • We were scarcely expecting rain & made no preparation. Christianity Today
  • I. ii.188 (19,2) [There is a prone and speechless dialect] I can scarcely tell what signification to give to the word _prone_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • With a poem named "Europe," we should scarcely expect for a frontispiece the Ancient of Days, in unapproached grandeur, setting his "compass upon the face of the Earth," -- a vision revealed to the designer at the top of his own staircase. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 78, April, 1864
  • Perhaps, though I scarcely dare to hope it, the hydrogen bomb will terrify mankind into sanity and tolerance.
  • I was scarcely able to move my arm after the accident.
  • But the figure of the woman was still more awkward: an unwieldy bulk, two extended arms which seemed to bear it up with difficulty, and looked like two carved handles from the neck to the widest part of a large kilderkin, and beneath this enormous body, two legs, naked up to the knees, which could scarcely totter along. Chapter XI
  • Clinton the elder here withdrew, and had scarcely disappeared when two voices were heard in the hall, in a kind of clamorous remonstrance with each other, which voices were those of Father Magowan and our friend The Emigrants Of Ahadarra The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • William Gambon, especially, could scarcely have done so since he held corrodies at Salop, (Shrewsbury), Chaucer's Official Life
  • I saw the glance that fell, scarcely touching, on my plain plaid frock. Daisy
  • It's scarcely believable that he could be so reckless. The Sun
  • His reserve might by the ill-natured have been termed dissimulation, inasmuch as when asked by the ladies of the embassy what had become of the young person who had amused them that day so cleverly he gave it out that her whereabouts was uncertain and her destiny probably obscure; he let it be supposed in a word that his benevolence had scarcely survived an accidental, a charitable occasion. The Tragic Muse
  • A trap-door it was, of huge dimensions, almost exactly covered by the self-colored square; but at each side a tongue of linoleum had been left loose for lifting it; and the lamp had scarcely been replaced upon the counter when the bulk of the floor leaned upright in one piece against the opposite wall. Stingaree
  • The dog lay so still it scarcely seemed animate.
  • This tetterous complaint is peculiar to warm countries; we know scarcely anything of it in our northern climate. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
  • But more than this clouded his mind, he had been brought to say good-bye to Jessamine Buckner, who had scarcely seen him, and to give her a wolverene-skin, a hunting trophy. Lin McLean
  • His response to the coolness elicited by his ideas in these circles was scarcely calculated to dispel it.
  • On one level, this scarcely believable feat suggests continuity and durability.
  • As he read the poem out loud, he mangled the rhythm so badly that it scarcely made any sense.
  • Among these colts was a three-year-old that had never been shod and was scarcely bridle-wise. The valley campaigns : being the reminiscences of a non-combatant while between the lines in the Shenandoah Valley during the war of the states,
  • To intense, hardworking young Taylor, the practice could scarcely have seemed like anything but the most shameless sloth.
  • The economic orthodoxy of the 1970s could scarcely have been further removed from that of the 2000s. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is, for example, scarcely a Welsh name which is correctly spelt.
  • Millions of people have been doing scarcely a stroke of work. Times, Sunday Times
  • I observed a green belt of trees scarcely 300 yards to the northward; and on riding towards it, I found myself on the banks of a large fresh water river from 500 to 800 yards broad, with not very high banks, densely covered with salt water Hibiscus (Paritium), with a small rubiaceous tree Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia : from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, a distance of upwards of 3000 miles, during the years 1844-1845
  • Ethel could scarcely feel that it would not be a mockery to declare, on her behalf, that she renounced the world. The Daisy Chain
  • His self-described life of writing, reading and lecturing resembles that of a donnish Edwardian vicar; a less modern, less stressful existence can scarcely be imagined.
  • Pierre at first failed to distinguish anything, but, when he was installed at the little table -- a garden-table which had been brought indoors for the occasion, and on which there was scarcely room for two covers -- he felt quite upset, almost sick, in fact, at the sight presented by the _table d'hote_, which his glance now enfiladed from end to end. The Three Cities Trilogy: Lourdes, Complete
  • For the next eighteen days life was supported by a kind of bouilli made from the bones and the skin of the game killed the previous year, and at last, on the 29th October, Dr. Richardson arrived with John Hepburn, only looking thin and worn, and scarcely able to speak above a whisper. Celebrated Travels and Travellers Part III. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century
  • This is scarcely surprising; human beings have evolved as a social species.
  • Like the lycopod trees, these woody calamites scarcely survived the ‘Age of Coal’, and by the mid-Permian they were extinct.
  • Then looking down the rest of this year's list, I realise that - Kanye West aside - there's scarcely a scrap of rap to be found.
  • This is scarcely a sigh on the scale of long-term hominin evolution, some six million years of transformation that is the main concern of the impressive David H. Koch H.ll of Origins, which opened this week at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural H.story. NYT > Home Page
  • The surprise of the Lord Keeper was scarcely less unpleasing at the duplication of the expected arrival; his mind misgave him strangely. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • Above these there is a vocal line so free and continuous that the strictures imposed by the repetition of the bass are scarcely felt.
  • Just a plain, stout, fozy, sappy burrow-man, keeping a gospel shop, with scarcely so much of a man's parts as will let him fend a blow in the face. John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
  • If her mother had been alive, she'd likely have earned a scolding for such hoydenish behavior, but her mother had died too long ago for her to remember clearly, her father scarcely seemed to notice what she did, and she had only herself to please. Phoenix And Ashes
  • Without doubt, in the foundations of the world was graved this end for him -- for him, who was so fine and sensitive, whose nerves scarcely sheltered under his skin, who was a dreamer, and a poet, and an artist. Lost Face
  • The officer - now but a poor, sorry soul mourning for Christmas - could scarcely contain his unhappiness.
  • Seeing such fine weather, the boys could scarcely keep in.
  • 'crowner's quest-law,' he is only parodying, and that closely, a scarcely less ludicrous judgment which had actually been pronounced, not long before, in the Court of Queen's Bench. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 439 Volume 17, New Series, May 29, 1852
  • 'I never was so berhymed since I was an Irish rat, which I can scarcely remember.' The Pillars of the House, V1
  • What you said was "If we're having trouble telling if an amoeba is intelligent it will scarcely affect our case. Bunny and a Book
  • There is a lovely variety of this species called _V.g. variegata_; in shape and habit it resembles the type though scarcely as vigorous, but not at all "miffy. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • After the summer solstice, although the days are shortening in consequence of the sun's recession, their diminution is for some time scarcely perceptible, and as the days are still much longer than the nights, more heat is imparted to the earth than is lost by night-radiation. Census of the City of Charleston, South Carolina, For the Year 1861. Illustrated by Statistical Tables. Prepared under the Authority of the City Council by Frederick A. Ford
  • Phoebe Martin was a thirty-three-year-old widow, and Clarine Eldridge, just fourteen, was scarcely older than the children she had been hired to watch. Excerpt: Passing Strange by Martha Sandweiss
  • Indeed, when looking at the catalogue of Baby Cow's bleakly funny programmes – Marion and Geoff, Human Remains, Nighty Night, Sensitive Skin, Sarah and Lizzie – one could scarcely find a better description of them than Chekhov's own words for his subject matter: "the sad comicality of everyday life". Chekhov Shorts: 'I'm Ivan Nyukhin, aha!'
  • That music is a product of civilisation is manifest; for though savages have their dance-chants, these are of a kind scarcely to be dignified by the title musical: at most, they supply but the vaguest rudiment of music, properly so called. Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Everyman's Library
  • I could scarcely keep from laughing in his face, the whole thing was so ludicrous; but I managed to look my haughtiest, and sternest, and fiercest, while I superintended the deck-cleansing. CHAPTER XLV
  • Here, O idle water-wanderer, let your boat glide with the scarcely moving current, and gaze upon the leafy groves of the sub-aqueous wilderness lit up by the rays of the sun, and watch the fish moving singly or in shoals at various depths -- the bearded barbel, the spotted trout, the shimmering bream, and the bronzen tench. Two Summers in Guyenne
  • In all birds there is an ischium, but so placed and of such length that it would scarcely be taken for an ischium, but rather for a second thigh-bone; for it extends as far as to the middle of the belly. On the Parts of Animals
  • So technical personnel scarcely can forget his corvine identity, because ear root is soft, did not forgo oneself profit, be used thereby.
  • Scarcely were these words concluded, but she felt the custome of women to come upon her, with the paines and throwes incident to childing: wherefore, with helpe of the aged Lady, Mother to Signior The Decameron
  • They are scarcely more dissimilar than the primrose, the cowslip, and the oxlip, which have all been raised from the seed of the same plant, and are now regarded by botanists as varieties instead of species. An Expository Outline of the "Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation" With a Notice of the Author's "Explanations:" A Sequel to the Vestiges
  • He had scarcely pronounced these words before he was empaled; nevertheless, he had been all along in the right. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • If she has been dismasted, which is possible, you would scarcely discern her at the distance she must be off by this time. The Cruise of the Dainty Rovings in the Pacific
  • Pruritus vulvae, in its severest forms, is often developed when the discharge is scarcely noticeable. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English or, Medicine Simplified, 54th ed., One Million, Six Hundred and Fifty Thousand
  • I find it overpoweringly beautiful — really. I love it, but it makes my head explode to the extent that I can scarcely read it.
  • And in it he asks them to 'Consider' -- his countrymen have scarcely as yet considered it sufficiently -- 'Consider, brethren, it is no speculative theologue which desireth to give you courage, but even your brother in affliction, which partly hath experience what Satan's wrath may do against the chosen of John Knox
  • Scarcely had the feodary read, re-read, and then destroyed this secret and singular missive, when the "Ho! hollo!" of Her Grace the Princess 'outriders rang on the crisp December air, and there galloped up to the broad doorway of the manor-house, a gayly costumed train of lords and ladies, with huntsmen and falconers and yeomen following on behind. Historic Girls
  • At first I scarcely noticed them, supposing them to be vast beds of silvery bottom sand glittering under the electric pencil of the hydroscope. Police!!!
  • dissociable," with tongues which he cannot utter, or cannot understand; that, like the wife of Hector, it proclaims in accents scarcely to be resisted, that there is a tower assigned to everyman, where it is his first duty to plant himself for the sake of his own, and in the defence of which he will find perhaps enough to do, without extending his care to the whole circuit of the city walls. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 371, May 23, 1829
  • You and I would, you know, become men and women, while we were yet scarcely more than children — We have run, while yet in our nonage, through the passions and adventures of youth, and therefore we are now old before our day, and the winter of our life has come on ere its summer was well begun. — Saint Ronan's Well
  • Annual reports and accounts will scarcely be looked at. Times, Sunday Times
  • She could copy prints, so that at a little distance you would scarcely know that the copy in stumped chalk was not a bad mezzotinto engraving. The Newcomes
  • But White Fang, uncompanionable, solitary, morose, scarcely looking to right or left, redoubtable, forbidding of aspect, remote and alien, was accepted as an equal by his puzzled elders.
  • Scarcely able to conceal his disappointment, he issued an emotional apology afterwards.
  • If the insects of the genus Simulium abound in the Cassiquiare, which has white waters, the culices or zancudos are so much the more rare; you scarcely find any there; while on the rivers of black waters, in the Atabapo and the Rio, there are generally some zancudos and no mosquitos. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Had I known you as the Wife of any but the 'quondam' Greek Professor, I should very likely have sent it to you: since it was meant for those who might wish for some insight into a Play {109} which I must think they can scarcely have been tempted into before by any previous Translation. Letters of Edward FitzGerald in Two Volumes Vol. II
  • Once downstairs, it was soon clear that the heart of the quartier had scarcely missed a beat. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sultans, rajahs, maharajahs, datus, etc., under ordinary circumstances have been and still are in most of the unprotected States unable to control the chiefs under them, who have independently levied taxes and blackmail till the harassed cultivators came scarcely to care to possess property which might at any time be seized. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • It is scarcely believable that the drama of that week occurred eight years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • His plan was such a success that even his original critics could scarcely forbear from congratulating him.
  • Under the radiance from the lighted lanai, ere entering the irritating movement of life again to which he belonged, he paused to stare, scarcely seeing, at a flaunt of display of scarlet double-hibiscus blooms. THE KANAKA SURF
  • I may remark, that the aestivation of Kydia is scarcely valvate. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The move would also have the result, so far scarcely noted, of undermining the teaching orders of priests and religious sisters.
  • But scarcely had those few individuals effected their retreat in this manner, when a tremendous crash was heard, cries and shrieks of horror and dismay burst from those who had not as yet passed through the opening, and then the roof of the chamber of penitence and all the adjacent cells gave way with a din as of a thousand cannon, burying beneath their weight the sextoness, the five penitents, the inmates of Wagner, the Wehr-Wolf
  • To care for a term newborn barely clinging to life while we support and assist the family to begin grieving and to say goodbye scarcely before they got the chance to say hello just breaks my heart. I’m the lucky one « Adventures in Juggling
  • Democrats in Boston tacitly acknowledged the potential power of this message as the word ‘liberal’ was scarcely heard all week.
  • The breathless idyl left them, fled on to other lovers; they looked around one day and it was gone, how they scarcely knew. The Beautiful and Damned
  • It was reasonable to expect that a strict search would be made for the archtraitor, as he was often called; and such a search a man of so singular an aspect and dialect could scarcely have eluded. The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 1
  • It was a woman scarcely conscious and whimpering softly as they fastened the rope around her. Bomber
  • Following, with unequal steps, such a guide, accompanied, likewise, by an excellent Canon of the Church [B] with all the "armamentaria coeli" at command against the powers of darkness, and a lay auxiliary [C], whose friendly converse would make the roughest journey appear smooth, I need scarcely say, I passed through Discovery of Witches The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
  • Scarcely a second did they eye one another when crack! slap! they were at it, wing and gaffle. The Reckoning
  • I've traveled through the blind infinities of existence since I could scarcely speak.
  • could scarcely empty a scuttle of ashes, so handless was the poor creature
  • They scarcely knew one another personally, but the idea of a group identity was skilfully promoted by the Kansas art dealer.
  • Now _calling_ does not mean 'avocation' or 'employment,' as I perhaps need scarcely explain, but the divine fact of our having been summoned by Him to be His. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Scarcely fifteen degrees by Reaumur, which is only an increase of nine since our departure. Voyage au centre de la terre. English
  • But to come back to Lorna again (which I always longed to do, and must long for ever), all the change between night and day, all the shifts of cloud and sun, all the difference between black death and brightsome liveliness, scarcely may suggest or equal Lorna's transformation. Lorna Doone; a Romance of Exmoor
  • Our ville, so important to us, has scarcely an existence for our home government, and administrative changes there float over us like clouds of heaven, without touching us in their changefulness. Lippincott's Magazine, August, 1885
  • He offers a handclasp that Fiedler can scarcely feel: ‘I stood there baffled, a little ashamed of how I had braced myself involuntarily for a bone-crushing grip, how I must have yearned for some wordless preliminary test of strength.’
  • The. flesh of her upper arm hung down when she reached for a cigarette, but it scarcely mattered.
  • When hard-pressed, they soon take to the water, and swim so well that a four oared boat can scarcely come up with them, but an Esquimaux in his kaiak more readily overtakes them. The Moravians in Labrador
  • a past that was scarcely savory
  • There was scarcely a tree left standing after the storm.
  • A global democracy where most of the world is excluded by their own autocratic rulers is scarcely worth having.
  • That kind of hairsplitting scarcely becomes a superpower-slash-world leader in disarmament. Russ Wellen: Are Nonproliferation and Disarmament, Once Joined at the Hip, Headed for Divorce?
  • You can scarcely avoid finding something of interest archaeologists have recorded close on 400 ring forts of earth and stone in this comparatively small area. A Guide to Megalithic Ireland
  • In most of our minds, he is a withdrawn, lonely figure, brave but enigmatic - scarcely to be compared with his rival, who was combative, a drinker and something of a wencher.
  • However, the business elite is scarcely more representative of the population than it was a century ago.
  • I paid my bill there, which was imagined with scrupulous fullness to the last possible _centimo, _ and so I may disinterestedly declare that the Eitz is the only hotel in Madrid where you get the worth of your money, even when the money seems more but scarcely is so. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • Neruda is master of a living world in turmoil, and his expression is at times scarcely more than a sibylline stammer, a primitive muttering.
  • But the elevated, even chivalric, tone in which it is being conducted scarcely even masks its onesided and ignoble purpose.
  • Do you know, however, 'continued he musingly,' that at Sparta (which is now Palaeochori) -- at Sparta, I say, to the west of the citadel, among a chaos of scarcely visible ruins, is a kind of socle, upon which are still legible the letters. The Assignation
  • There are 5 short arm spines, the longest is scarcely equal in length to one segment.
  • The cry of "enemy" will scarcely set an Igorot community astir sooner than will the cry of "cho'-chon. The Bontoc Igorot
  • It might have begun earlier, in the time Seyavi of the campoodie tells of, when antelope ran on the mesa like sheep for numbers, but scarcely any foot-high herb rears itself except from the midst of some stout twigged shrub; larkspur in the coleogyne, and for every spinosa the purpling coils of phacelia. The Land of Little Rain
  • There could scarcely be a more auspicious time to write about greed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uttered the word mechanically, scarcely knowing what he was saying. The Man Who Lost Himself
  • But the tide of voter approval for her stand could scarcely be ignored by a party haemorrhaging support.
  • A fair few are competent although scarcely memorable, a mite predictable, but all the books contain stories that could at least be considered for any ‘best of’ collection.
  • Third, and chief reason, that try how you might, you could scarcely help supposing, on looking at his face, that your eyes were not far from a well-finished mind, instead of the well-finished skin et praeterea nihil, which is by rights the Mark of the Row. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • He shook his head; and I, recalling the crimson chamber in his castle, speculated upon his living arrangements in thalassic caverns I could scarcely conceive. The Urth of the New Sun
  • I had scarcely settled down comfortably in my rooms, the northerly aspect of which exposed them to frequent gusts of wind (from which I had practically no protection in the form of heating appliances), and had barely got over the demoralising effect of dysentery, when I fell a victim to a specific Venetian complaint, namely a carbuncle on my leg, as the result of the extreme change of climate and of air. My Life — Volume 2
  • The occasion was urgent, and the track through the jungle, scarcely noticeable in broad daylight, was absolutely undiscernible in the dark. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • And it was scarcely to be supposed the poet of the Roisín Dubh had in mind the coming of a shoneen talking-house, a gombeen legislature scrounged and cadged for by whiskey-swilling fixers in the imperial Parliament across the sea. At Swim, Two Boys
  • Since Southern rails were scarcely equipped to carry even essential supplies, endowing the quartermaster with this authority often meant giving him plenipotentiary power over most railroad activities.
  • And I suppose," said the detective, "that it involves names which you would scarcely dare to breathe, at least without first using some kind of atomiser or throat-gargle. Nonsense Novels
  • There was scarcely a subject on which he could not discourse with humor and invention, from the depressive mood of the country to its other civic troubles.
  • Yet scarcely a hint of this hugely important story is contained in the Oxburgh report, which simply glosses it over, hoping to appease critics by throwing in a few vaguely critical comments about how Jones and his team were a trifle "disorganised" in archiving their data. British Blogs
  • 'It was this way, sir: I'd scarcely finished mooring the boat again, and was turning to go indoors, when I heard a splash, t'other side of the creek, where; the path comes down under the loom of the trees, and, next moment, a voice as if some person was drowning and guggling for help. Poison Island
  • Hence the coldness, the cause of which is scarcely avowable. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • -- Of Want. -- less. -- to be rendered without, or not to be: as, heartless, staunchless, resistless, exhaustless, trustless, not to be quenched, &c.; which are scarcely used but in poetry. The Scholar's Spelling Assistant; Wherein the Words Are Arranged on an Improved Plan, According to Their Respective Principles of Accentuation. In a Manner Calculated to Familiarize the Art of Spelling and Pronunciation, to Remove Difficulties, and to
  • The next thing I did was to wash some clothes in pure soap and within three days there was scarcely a sore in sight. Eczema Relief - the comprehensive self-help plan
  • We scarcely have time for breakfast.
  • They are considerations which can scarcely be shut out, and should be taken in determining the weight of our obligation, in shaping the selection of our duties, in stimulating the zeal and sedulousness with which we do what we know to be right. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys Ican scarcely hope to make. 
  • His little child, the hope of the realm, had come and passed as swiftly as some fair vision of the night, leaving scarcely a trace of his short earthly career save in the heart of the mother where its every memory would be cherished deathlessly. The Royal Pawn of Venice A Romance of Cyprus
  • Despite critics who say that money in developing countries is better spent on books and teachers, placing such devoices into the hands of children is a worldwide diffusion of knowledge for a cost so low the savings are scarcely imaginable.
  • From the reputation which he had previously acquired for gallantries, and the sort of reckless and boyish levity to which -- often in very "bitterness of soul" -- he gave way, it was not difficult to bring suspicion upon some of those acquaintances which his frequent intercourse with the green-room induced him to form, or even (as, in one instance, was the case,) to connect with his name injuriously that of a person to whom he had scarcely ever addressed a single word. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • To please all was somewhat difficult, and occasionally some of them were scarcely so polite as they should have been to a perplexed hostess, who could scarcely be expected to remember that Lieutenant A. had bespoken his sangaree an instant before Captain B. and his friends had ordered their claret cup. Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
  • I found a place where politics still ranks low in the order of things, where life has more immediate things to concern it, and where the affairs of the far-off capital seem scarcely to impinge.
  • The miles upon miles of open gray-green country, treeless, hedgeless, houseless, swoop toward one another with the strangest sinuosities and rifts and knobs of volcanic earth, till at last they sink in faint mists, only to rise again in pink and blue distances, so far off, so pale and aërial, that they can scarcely be distinguished from the atmosphere itself. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 102, June, 1876
  • He did not know enough about horses to put a snaffle-bit in one's mouth, and yet he would draw the friskiest, most mettlesome animal in the corral, upon whose back he was scarcely more at home than he would be upon a slack rope. Andersonville
  • With scarcely any natural life save for a multitude of rock formations and thin brush, the flat, dusty wasteland was more of an eyesore than an eyeful.
  • Brought up from the wreck was a journal, so torn and mushed and pulped by the sea-water, with ink so run about, that scarcely any of it was decipherable. Chapter 15
  • A daily visit from a health care worker is scarcely the same as the continual observation as hospital staff carry out their duties.
  • I scarcely know whether The Fighting Sheeney made more of a nuisance of himself during his decumbiture or during the period which followed it -- which period houses an astonishing number of fights, rows, bullyings, etc. The Enormous Room
  • But an unsuspecting audience was confronted with a concert performance of scarcely less than the entire play. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was scarcely a tree left standing after the storm.
  • But her sister's marriage had scarcely been a success and though Mary, queen of Scots, can hardly be accused of being against matrimony, the results were not encouraging.
  • It actually plants bare spaces; it has instituted a "Festa degli alberi" akin to the American Arbour Day, whereby it is hoped, though scarcely believed, that the whole of Italy will ultimately be replenished with trees; it encourages schools of forestry, supplies plants free of cost to all who ask for them, despatches commissions and prints reports. Old Calabria
  • She was gifted with a white face and large soft eyes — even beyond the common measure of a cow — short little horns, that she would scarcely think of pushing even at a dog (unless he made mouths at her infant), a flat broad nose ever genial to be rubbed, and a delicate fringe of finely pointed yellow hairs around her pleasant nostrils and above her clovery lips. Springhaven
  • The high stresses of sport might have been designed to bring out exceptional aspects of personality, things that the performers themselves were scarcely aware they possessed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The fever, though it was October, had scarcely abated; indeed, on the contrary, it seemed to have revived and increased in virulency in consequence of the premature return of many people who had fled on its first appearance, and who in coming back too soon to the infected atmosphere, were less able to withstand contagion than those who remained. Capitola's Peril A Sequel to 'The Hidden Hand'
  • As it turns out, chimaeroids scarcely have a recognizable otic region, much less an otic jaw articulation.
  • I could scarcely be called acquainted with her, though I had been into her room and called with others. Brook Farm
  • It was not a very awful weapon that Miss La Creevy held, it being in fact nothing more nor less than a black – lead pencil; but discovering her mistake, the little portrait painter exchanged it for a mother – of – pearl fruit knife, wherewith, in proof of her desperate thoughts, she made a lunge as she spoke, which would have scarcely disturbed the crumb of a half – quartern loaf. Nicholas Nickleby
  • It was only when characters were cut out, and hereafter scarcely mentioned again, or didn't develop any more depth than their introduction allowed, that I found I began to lose interest.
  • Another peculiarity of foods of this kind that makes decidedly against their digestibility lies in the fact that, being soft and containing a large proportion of water, they are scarcely ever properly chewed, and as a consequence they are swallowed in comparatively large masses without having been adequately insalivated. Health on the Farm A Manual of Rural Sanitation and Hygiene
  • The fruits of the earth (though it had long lain fallow, and therefore, one would think, should have been the more fertile) were thin and poor, so that the husbandman had no occasion to hire harvest people to reap his corn, nor teams to carry it home, for he could be scarcely said to have any. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • My object will be, if possible, to form Christian men, for Christian boys Ican scarcely hope to make. 
  • But to interview, over five years, 425 people, some of them scarcely or not at all relevant to the ostensible topic, smells of academic boondoggle to me.
  • He climbed into bed and lay on his side, not moving and scarcely breathing.
  • Next to us is a woman reading a book, huddled up, occasionally reaching for her glass of wine (in which the level scarcely changes all the time we are there).
  • It was of a man in the prime of life, with the sutures scarcely closed, and only two teeth lacking, and none unsound, and I sent it on to the great craniologist, who replied with warm thanks. The Autobiography of a Journalist
  • He thought himself in a sepulchre, into which a ray of sunlight in pity scarcely penetrated.
  • The willing rowers on their benches could not know how slowly the vessel was moving, but it was painfully clear to Desmond at the helm; relative to the lights on shore the gallivat seemed scarcely to move at all. In Clive's Command A Story of the Fight for India
  • We need scarcely say here that both should equally tell the truth, but we can examine this great law of Cicero: “Ne quid veri tacere non audeat.” — “That we ought not to dare to conceal any truth.” A Philosophical Dictionary
  • He writes of “a slaughter, hardly a fight, between disci plined well-armed men and scattered parties of savages scarcely armed at all.” Flashman on the March
  • Paradoxically, the physical body from which the putrescence comes scarcely seems to touch the earth with its weight.
  • Not an anatomical literalization of a questionable anthropological concept floating among many others on a fun, yes, but scarcely reliable website even students are cautioned against taking too seriously. Vamsee Juluri: Lord Shiva And The Economist: A New Low For Journalism
  • If this were the correct derivation, we should expect to find _sinecere_, for the _e_ would scarcely be dropped; just as we have the English word _sinecure_, which is the only compound of the preposition _sine_ I know; and is itself _not a Latin word_, but of a later coinage. Notes and Queries, Number 208, October 22, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc
  • Hay is scarcely ever used in this part of the country, but, in place of it, the inhabitants feed their cattle with what they call fodder, the leaves of the Indian corn-plant. Travels in North America, From Modern Writers With Remarks and Observations; Exhibiting a Connected View of the Geography and Present State of that Quarter of the Globe
  • The muslin gowns had been very successful; the skirts fell in a straight line from the waistband high under their arms to their feet, one with a little edge of fine white embroidery, the other with a frill scarcely to be called a flounce round the foot. Kirsteen: The Story of a Scotch Family Seventy Years Ago
  • Overnight, soldiers who had scarcely been aware of each other's existence became part of an extended family. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'It is scarcely to be expected that one who tries his hand at so many kinds of pencraft should always excel; yet such is the force of DE The Uncollected Writings of Thomas de Quincey—Vol. 1 With a Preface and Annotations by James Hogg
  • For a lot of people, positing a deity is a pretty straightforward form of inference to the best explanation — and for a lot of our history, given the dizzying complexity of the natural world, it was scarcely an unreasonable hypothesis. When Faith Isn’t
  • On the present occasion I was delighted to find that, although people all "liquored" freely, there was scarcely any drunkenness; at all events, they had their little bit of fun, such as we see at fairs at home. Lands of the Slave and the Free Cuba, the United States, and Canada
  • Where the Mind is biggest, the Heart, the Senses, Magnanimity, Charity, Tolerance, Kindliness, and the rest of them scarcely have room to breathe. Virginia Woolf 
  • But they were scarcely more honest -- embezzlement of funds and bribery of officials continued to occur to an alarming extent. America Past and Present
  • We can scarcely think the scene real, so completely do those machicolated towers, the long line of battlements, the massive buttresses, the high-windowed walls, shape out our indistinct ideas of the antique time. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 10, No. 62, December, 1862
  • There is a species of huckleberry common to the piny lands from the commencement of the Columbian valley to the seacoast; it rises to the hight of 6 or 8 feet. is a simple branching some what defuse stem; the main body or trunk is cilindric and of a dark brown, while the colateral branches are green smooth, squar, and put forth a number of alternate branches of the same colour and form from the two horizontal sides only. the fruit is a small deep perple berry which the natives inform us is very good. the leaf is thin of a pale green and small being 3/4 of an inch in length and 3/8 in width; oval terminateing more accutely at the apex than near the insertion of the footstalk which is at the base; veined, nearly entire, serrate but so slightly so that it is scarcely perceptible; footstalk short and there position with rispect to each other is alternate and two ranked, proceeding from the horizontal sides of the bough only. The Journals of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1806
  • Its mycelian filaments, if one may so describe them, have been produced scarcely for twenty-four or forty-eight hours when they are seen to transform themselves, those especially which are in free contact with the air, into very refringent corpuscles, capable of gradually isolating themselves into true germs of slight organization. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • I scarcely registered the fact that he was there.
  • His plan was such a success that even his original critics could scarcely forbear from congratulating him.

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